- Preface to the First Edition
- Historical Background of the Ellen G. White Writings on Health
- The Primary E. G. White Articles on Health
- Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 1890
- Healthful Living, 1897
- The Ministry of Healing, 1905
- Counsels on Health, 1923
- Medical Ministry, 1932
- Counsels on Diet and Foods, 1938
- Temperance, 1949
- Welfare Ministry, 1952
- Counsels Vital for Today
- Objectives and Conditions of Prosperity Unchanged
- The Testimonies and the Meaning of Words
- Nature the Servant of God
- Christ the Life and Light
- Life by the Power of God
- Life of God in Nature
- God Feeding Earth's Millions
- Kept in Activity
- Through Natural Laws
- God in Nature
- Nature's Message
- The Message of Love
- Nature Is Not God
- The Source of Healing
- The Great Healer
- A Combined Work
- The Holy Spirit Renews the Body
- The Best Medicine
- What the Physician Attempts, Christ Accomplishes
- Education Better Than Miraculous Healing
- When Prayer for Healing Is Presumption
- Provision for Gospel Medical Missionary Work
- Miracles Not a Sure Evidence of God's Favor
- When Christ Refused to Work Miracles
- Reformation to Precede Miracle Working
- Prayer for the Sick
- For Further Study
- The Majesty of Heaven as a Medical Missionary
- Understood Through Practice
- The Purpose of Christ's Humility
- Disciples of Christ to Represent His Character
- The Source of Success
- Types of God's Saving Power
- The Highest Aim
- Memorials for God
- To Reform Medical Practices
- An Honor to God
- To Lift Up Christ
- Christ to Bring Relief and Healing
- To Awaken Faith in the Great Healer
- For Further Study
- Responsibility for Soul and Body
- Faithfulness and Perseverance
- Bringing the Lord's Work Into Disrepute
- Give Heed to Character Building
- The Physician's Influence
- A Pattern of Good Judgment
- Heavenly Assistants
- Give God the Glory
- God the Physician's Efficiency
- The Peril of Popularity
- The Physician's First Work
- To Prepare Souls for Death
- The Duty of Truthfulness
- Leading Souls to the Mighty Healer
- Evangelistic Duties
- A Deeper Yearning for Souls
- Take Time to Commune With God
- To a Young Physician Under Discouragement
- To a Physician in Perplexity
- Counsel with Your Brethren
- Shall Self Rule?
- A Plea for Brotherly Union
- A Student of Cause and Effect
- The Physician as a Sabbath Observer
- Rest for the Overweary
- Hiding Self in Christ
- For Further Study
- In the Providence of God
- A Place to Be Appreciated
- A Practical Training
- An Appeal in Behalf of Our Medical College
- To Provide What Is Essential
- The Wisest Talent Called For
- The Classes of Workers to Be Trained
- To Prepare for Many Lines of Work
- Women to Be Especially Trained
- No Compromise
- Christ's Part and Ours
- Genuine Missionaries as Pioneers
- The Medical Student
- Development of Experience
- Caution Needed in Encouraging Students
- A Call for the Best Talent
- The High Order of the Loma Linda School
- Who Should Apply
- Students Should Have Moral Strength
- Strength of Character Essential
- Amenable to Authority
- Mental and Physical Effort Proportionate
- Educate in the Simplicity of Christ
- Count the Cost
- Study Practical Matters
- Not Amusements, but Consecrated Work
- Missionary Labor
- Let Not Truth Be Supplanted
- Advice to Those Having Limited Powers of Endurance
- Our Relation to Legal Requirements
- For Further Study
- Building on the Rock
- Spurious Scientific Theories
- The True Higher Education
- Truth Strengthens the Understanding
- The Church is Christ's Fortress
- Exalting Nature Above Nature's God
- A Right Knowledge of God
- God Revealed in His Word and His Works
- Speculation Regarding God's Personality
- Subtle Theories Regarding God
- Restraint and Moral Control Destroyed
- Not a Thread of Pantheism
- The Issue Foreseen
- Speculation Regarding the Future Life
- Deception Regarding Spiritual Affinity
- A Counterfeit Heaven
- Neglecting Fundamental Truths for Idle Speculation
- Honoring Superstition and Falsehood
- For Further Study
- Happiness and Health
- Thousands Needlessly Sick
- Health Through Service for Others
- Drudgery Versus Healthful Activity
- Contentment and Cheerfulness
- Enlisting the Willpower
- The Holy Spirit as a Restorative
- Sanctified Mind Cure
- Indigestion Caused by Fear
- Inspire the Despondent
- Counterfeit Miracles
- Taking Hold of the Eternal
- Satan's Apparent Miracles
- Efforts of Satan to Confuse Minds
- A Dangerous System of Mind Cure
- Directing the Mind to Christ
- For Further Study
- Exorbitant Fees
- Represent Upright Principles
- The Percentage Plan a Snare
- Care in Expenditure
- The Policy Principle a Dishonor to God
- Promises for Self-Sacrificing Workers
- Prepare for Eternity
- Advice to a Young Physician
- As the Servants of Christ
- Heart-Searching Questions
- Two Classes of Servants
- A Commendation for Soul Winners
- Gain That Is Loss
- For Further Study
- Our Attitude Toward the Lord's Institutions
- Experience and Wisdom Needed
- The Minister and His Wife
- Maintaining a High Moral Standard
- Like Streams From a Pure Fountain
- An Appeal for More Sympathy
- Establishment of New Sanitariums
- In Wisdom and Equity
- Counting the Cost
- Sanitarium Work as a Speculation
- Move Carefully
- Honor Through Lowliness
- Disadvantages of Large Institutions
- Danger in Separation From the Gospel
- No Compromise
- For Further Study
- A Noble Work
- Essential Qualifications for Management
- Willing to Take Counsel
- Unnecessary Debts
- Not With Outward Show
- Simplicity in Furnishing
- The Ministry of Trials
- Men of Discernment Needed
- Moderation in Rates
- To an Inexperienced Manager
- Consideration for an Injured Worker
- Be Kind to the Lowly
- Sanctified Dignity to Be Preserved
- Experienced Workers Needed
- Wholly Devoted to God
- The Selection of Workers
- Sanitariums and Education
- Gentleness in Discipline
- In the Place of a Father
- For Further Study
- Restoration Through Reformation
- Opening Fast-Closed Doors
- With Tenderness and Wisdom
- Learning to Work as He Worked
- Give Heed to Soul-Winning Effort
- Daily Efforts in Soul Winning
- The Workers Needed
- Promptness in Meeting Appointments
- Promptness and Efficiency
- The Privilege of Ministry
- A Winning Influence
- Consecrated Nurses
- For Further Study
- Christians to Be Light Bearers
- To Send Forth Light and Knowledge
- Training for Various Lines of Work
- Put On Christ
- Regular Bible Instruction for Nurses
- Laying Our Burdens at His Feet
- In the Daily Round of Duties
- Imitate God's Perfect Ways
- A Sacred Responsibility
- Chosen for the Work
- Harmony Among Workers
- Qualifications of the Matron
- A Woman of Experience
- To Exalt the Word of God
- To Bring Comfort and Encouragement
- Consideration for the Thoughtless
- Dealing with the Unreasonable
- The Dull Student
- Attitude of the Instructor
- This World Not Heaven
- Cultivate an Atmosphere of Praise
- Neatness and Order
- Gossip
- Rejoice in the Lord
- The Observance of the Sabbath
- The Physician Not Exempt
- At the Peril of the Soul
- Sabbath Work
- The Tithe
- An Opportune Place for Backsliding
- Build Harmoniously
- Changed Into the Divine Likeness
- For Further Study
- Prevention of Disease
- Early Teaching of Physiology
- Educate the Sick
- The Law of Faith and Works
- Combat Disease by Simple Methods
- Hygienic Principles
- Seeds of Death
- Thousands Might Recover
- What We Can Do for Ourselves
- Instruction for Missionaries
- Sunlight, Ventilation, and Temperature
- Nature's Great Medicinal Resources
- Healing Power in Outdoor Life
- An Elixir of Life
- Awaken Faith in the Great Healer
- For Further Study
- A United Work
- To Open Doors
- An Effective Instrument
- Encourage the Workers
- The Worst Evil
- A Means of Entrance to Hearts
- Earnest Appeal to Physicians
- Many Saved From Degradation
- The Poor Not to Be Neglected
- Labor for the Wealthy
- The Value of Medical Work
- What the Missionary Nurse Can Do
- Efficiency and Power
- An Example of Healing and Soul-Winning Work
- A Blended Ministry
- Physicians as City Evangelists
- A Twofold Service
- Sent Forth Two and Two
- Cooperation
- Not by Proxy
- The Distinguishing Sign
- True Charity
- The Atmosphere of Love
- Sowing and Reaping
- As He Is Perfect
- Zeal and Perseverance in Medical Missionary Work
- In Excellent Company
- A Revival Will Come
- For Further Study
- The Gospel of Health
- The First Work
- Educate in the Laws of Life
- The Science of Self-Denial
- Counsel to a Sanitarium Physician
- How to Present the Principles of Healthful Diet
- Labor Lost Without Instruction
- Educate, Educate, Educate
- Deeds of Ministry
- Teach Self-Denial
- Hygienic Restaurants as Schools
- Instruction in Homes and in Schools
- Cooperation With Other Temperance Workers
- Educate the Poor
- Purpose of Health-Food Work
- Like the Manna
- The Lord Will Teach the Obedient
- Instruction in the Art of Cooking
- United Action Necessary
- Incentives to Activity
- Tolerance for Others’ Opinions
- Teaching Extreme Views
- Good Cooking a Science
- Many Will Be Rescued
- For Further Study
- Important Principles
- Sanctification and Self-Mastery
- Show the Value of Health Reform
- To the Glory of God
- Appeal to a Physician
- Appeal to a Minister
- An Appeal to Parents
- Making Dyspeptics
- Eating Too Frequently
- The Two-Meal Plan
- Perseverance in Overcoming
- Pray for Moral Courage
- Suggestions for Sanitarium Diet
- No Flesh-Meat on Sanitarium Tables
- Lectures to be Given
- To a Physician Dying from Overwork and a Meager Diet
- Light Given in Love and Pity
- For Further Study
- Christ's Labors in Cities and Towns
- Medical Evangelism for the Cities
- The Training of Workers
- Difficulties Will Increase
- No Time to Colonize
- A Mission in Every City
- A Mighty Movement
- Cooperation
- Move Forward
- A Parable of What Should Be
- Sanitariums and Hygienic Restaurants
- Danger of Missing the Mark
- A Sanitarium Near New York
- Redeeming the Time
- Seek Rural Homes
- Rural Location for Institutions
- Work for the Outcasts
- Safeguard the Youth
- Difficulties Overcome
- For Further Study
- Co-workers With Christ
- Truth to Be Presented in Many Ways
- How to Reveal Christ
- A New Element
- Opportunities for All
- Will Revive the Churches
- Be Practical Missionaries
- Work for Children and Youth
- In Time of Persecution
- The Appeal of Unpromising Fields
- Self-Supporting Effort
- Medical Missions in Every City
- Advantages of Small Schools
- Many Training Schools
- Sanitariums Connected With Schools
- Many Small Sanitariums
- Opportunities to Purchase Sanitarium Properties
- Not as a Business Speculation
- Move With Understanding
- Fulfilling God's Plans
- Securing Help From the Wealthy
- Our Needs to Be Presented
- Plants in Foreign Fields
- Health Institutions in Many Lands
- Go Forward
- For Further Study
Attitude of the Instructor
While the students must be ready to begin with lesser responsibilities and give evidence that they can be trusted, he [the instructor] should feel for them the tenderest affection. He should not become discouraged at their ignorance, but should give them credit for all the good qualities he sees in them. In educating himself in this direction, he is obtaining a valuable experience—an experience which he needs in order to be a practical Christian.MM 211.2
If the students make mistakes, let him not think them unworthy to be placed on trial again, as though they had committed sins that cannot be forgiven. He should kindly point out their errors, and they, in turn, should be grateful for a friend so faithful as to tell them their faults and how to correct them. To cast off the erring, or to treat them coldly, would not be doing as Christ has done for him. We are all fallible, and need the pity and consideration and forgiveness of one another. He cannot find perfection anywhere, and should not expect it, but he must bear with the perversity of men, and try to teach them.—Letter 1, 1885.MM 211.3