- Preface to the First Edition
- Historical Background of the Ellen G. White Writings on Health
- The Primary E. G. White Articles on Health
- Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 1890
- Healthful Living, 1897
- The Ministry of Healing, 1905
- Counsels on Health, 1923
- Medical Ministry, 1932
- Counsels on Diet and Foods, 1938
- Temperance, 1949
- Welfare Ministry, 1952
- Counsels Vital for Today
- Objectives and Conditions of Prosperity Unchanged
- The Testimonies and the Meaning of Words
- Nature the Servant of God
- Christ the Life and Light
- Life by the Power of God
- Life of God in Nature
- God Feeding Earth's Millions
- Kept in Activity
- Through Natural Laws
- God in Nature
- Nature's Message
- The Message of Love
- Nature Is Not God
- The Source of Healing
- The Great Healer
- A Combined Work
- The Holy Spirit Renews the Body
- The Best Medicine
- What the Physician Attempts, Christ Accomplishes
- Education Better Than Miraculous Healing
- When Prayer for Healing Is Presumption
- Provision for Gospel Medical Missionary Work
- Miracles Not a Sure Evidence of God's Favor
- When Christ Refused to Work Miracles
- Reformation to Precede Miracle Working
- Prayer for the Sick
- For Further Study
- The Majesty of Heaven as a Medical Missionary
- Understood Through Practice
- The Purpose of Christ's Humility
- Disciples of Christ to Represent His Character
- The Source of Success
- Types of God's Saving Power
- The Highest Aim
- Memorials for God
- To Reform Medical Practices
- An Honor to God
- To Lift Up Christ
- Christ to Bring Relief and Healing
- To Awaken Faith in the Great Healer
- For Further Study
- Responsibility for Soul and Body
- Faithfulness and Perseverance
- Bringing the Lord's Work Into Disrepute
- Give Heed to Character Building
- The Physician's Influence
- A Pattern of Good Judgment
- Heavenly Assistants
- Give God the Glory
- God the Physician's Efficiency
- The Peril of Popularity
- The Physician's First Work
- To Prepare Souls for Death
- The Duty of Truthfulness
- Leading Souls to the Mighty Healer
- Evangelistic Duties
- A Deeper Yearning for Souls
- Take Time to Commune With God
- To a Young Physician Under Discouragement
- To a Physician in Perplexity
- Counsel with Your Brethren
- Shall Self Rule?
- A Plea for Brotherly Union
- A Student of Cause and Effect
- The Physician as a Sabbath Observer
- Rest for the Overweary
- Hiding Self in Christ
- For Further Study
- In the Providence of God
- A Place to Be Appreciated
- A Practical Training
- An Appeal in Behalf of Our Medical College
- To Provide What Is Essential
- The Wisest Talent Called For
- The Classes of Workers to Be Trained
- To Prepare for Many Lines of Work
- Women to Be Especially Trained
- No Compromise
- Christ's Part and Ours
- Genuine Missionaries as Pioneers
- The Medical Student
- Development of Experience
- Caution Needed in Encouraging Students
- A Call for the Best Talent
- The High Order of the Loma Linda School
- Who Should Apply
- Students Should Have Moral Strength
- Strength of Character Essential
- Amenable to Authority
- Mental and Physical Effort Proportionate
- Educate in the Simplicity of Christ
- Count the Cost
- Study Practical Matters
- Not Amusements, but Consecrated Work
- Missionary Labor
- Let Not Truth Be Supplanted
- Advice to Those Having Limited Powers of Endurance
- Our Relation to Legal Requirements
- For Further Study
- Building on the Rock
- Spurious Scientific Theories
- The True Higher Education
- Truth Strengthens the Understanding
- The Church is Christ's Fortress
- Exalting Nature Above Nature's God
- A Right Knowledge of God
- God Revealed in His Word and His Works
- Speculation Regarding God's Personality
- Subtle Theories Regarding God
- Restraint and Moral Control Destroyed
- Not a Thread of Pantheism
- The Issue Foreseen
- Speculation Regarding the Future Life
- Deception Regarding Spiritual Affinity
- A Counterfeit Heaven
- Neglecting Fundamental Truths for Idle Speculation
- Honoring Superstition and Falsehood
- For Further Study
- Happiness and Health
- Thousands Needlessly Sick
- Health Through Service for Others
- Drudgery Versus Healthful Activity
- Contentment and Cheerfulness
- Enlisting the Willpower
- The Holy Spirit as a Restorative
- Sanctified Mind Cure
- Indigestion Caused by Fear
- Inspire the Despondent
- Counterfeit Miracles
- Taking Hold of the Eternal
- Satan's Apparent Miracles
- Efforts of Satan to Confuse Minds
- A Dangerous System of Mind Cure
- Directing the Mind to Christ
- For Further Study
- Exorbitant Fees
- Represent Upright Principles
- The Percentage Plan a Snare
- Care in Expenditure
- The Policy Principle a Dishonor to God
- Promises for Self-Sacrificing Workers
- Prepare for Eternity
- Advice to a Young Physician
- As the Servants of Christ
- Heart-Searching Questions
- Two Classes of Servants
- A Commendation for Soul Winners
- Gain That Is Loss
- For Further Study
- Our Attitude Toward the Lord's Institutions
- Experience and Wisdom Needed
- The Minister and His Wife
- Maintaining a High Moral Standard
- Like Streams From a Pure Fountain
- An Appeal for More Sympathy
- Establishment of New Sanitariums
- In Wisdom and Equity
- Counting the Cost
- Sanitarium Work as a Speculation
- Move Carefully
- Honor Through Lowliness
- Disadvantages of Large Institutions
- Danger in Separation From the Gospel
- No Compromise
- For Further Study
- A Noble Work
- Essential Qualifications for Management
- Willing to Take Counsel
- Unnecessary Debts
- Not With Outward Show
- Simplicity in Furnishing
- The Ministry of Trials
- Men of Discernment Needed
- Moderation in Rates
- To an Inexperienced Manager
- Consideration for an Injured Worker
- Be Kind to the Lowly
- Sanctified Dignity to Be Preserved
- Experienced Workers Needed
- Wholly Devoted to God
- The Selection of Workers
- Sanitariums and Education
- Gentleness in Discipline
- In the Place of a Father
- For Further Study
- Restoration Through Reformation
- Opening Fast-Closed Doors
- With Tenderness and Wisdom
- Learning to Work as He Worked
- Give Heed to Soul-Winning Effort
- Daily Efforts in Soul Winning
- The Workers Needed
- Promptness in Meeting Appointments
- Promptness and Efficiency
- The Privilege of Ministry
- A Winning Influence
- Consecrated Nurses
- For Further Study
- Christians to Be Light Bearers
- To Send Forth Light and Knowledge
- Training for Various Lines of Work
- Put On Christ
- Regular Bible Instruction for Nurses
- Laying Our Burdens at His Feet
- In the Daily Round of Duties
- Imitate God's Perfect Ways
- A Sacred Responsibility
- Chosen for the Work
- Harmony Among Workers
- Qualifications of the Matron
- A Woman of Experience
- To Exalt the Word of God
- To Bring Comfort and Encouragement
- Consideration for the Thoughtless
- Dealing with the Unreasonable
- The Dull Student
- Attitude of the Instructor
- This World Not Heaven
- Cultivate an Atmosphere of Praise
- Neatness and Order
- Gossip
- Rejoice in the Lord
- The Observance of the Sabbath
- The Physician Not Exempt
- At the Peril of the Soul
- Sabbath Work
- The Tithe
- An Opportune Place for Backsliding
- Build Harmoniously
- Changed Into the Divine Likeness
- For Further Study
- Prevention of Disease
- Early Teaching of Physiology
- Educate the Sick
- The Law of Faith and Works
- Combat Disease by Simple Methods
- Hygienic Principles
- Seeds of Death
- Thousands Might Recover
- What We Can Do for Ourselves
- Instruction for Missionaries
- Sunlight, Ventilation, and Temperature
- Nature's Great Medicinal Resources
- Healing Power in Outdoor Life
- An Elixir of Life
- Awaken Faith in the Great Healer
- For Further Study
- A United Work
- To Open Doors
- An Effective Instrument
- Encourage the Workers
- The Worst Evil
- A Means of Entrance to Hearts
- Earnest Appeal to Physicians
- Many Saved From Degradation
- The Poor Not to Be Neglected
- Labor for the Wealthy
- The Value of Medical Work
- What the Missionary Nurse Can Do
- Efficiency and Power
- An Example of Healing and Soul-Winning Work
- A Blended Ministry
- Physicians as City Evangelists
- A Twofold Service
- Sent Forth Two and Two
- Cooperation
- Not by Proxy
- The Distinguishing Sign
- True Charity
- The Atmosphere of Love
- Sowing and Reaping
- As He Is Perfect
- Zeal and Perseverance in Medical Missionary Work
- In Excellent Company
- A Revival Will Come
- For Further Study
- The Gospel of Health
- The First Work
- Educate in the Laws of Life
- The Science of Self-Denial
- Counsel to a Sanitarium Physician
- How to Present the Principles of Healthful Diet
- Labor Lost Without Instruction
- Educate, Educate, Educate
- Deeds of Ministry
- Teach Self-Denial
- Hygienic Restaurants as Schools
- Instruction in Homes and in Schools
- Cooperation With Other Temperance Workers
- Educate the Poor
- Purpose of Health-Food Work
- Like the Manna
- The Lord Will Teach the Obedient
- Instruction in the Art of Cooking
- United Action Necessary
- Incentives to Activity
- Tolerance for Others’ Opinions
- Teaching Extreme Views
- Good Cooking a Science
- Many Will Be Rescued
- For Further Study
- Important Principles
- Sanctification and Self-Mastery
- Show the Value of Health Reform
- To the Glory of God
- Appeal to a Physician
- Appeal to a Minister
- An Appeal to Parents
- Making Dyspeptics
- Eating Too Frequently
- The Two-Meal Plan
- Perseverance in Overcoming
- Pray for Moral Courage
- Suggestions for Sanitarium Diet
- No Flesh-Meat on Sanitarium Tables
- Lectures to be Given
- To a Physician Dying from Overwork and a Meager Diet
- Light Given in Love and Pity
- For Further Study
- Christ's Labors in Cities and Towns
- Medical Evangelism for the Cities
- The Training of Workers
- Difficulties Will Increase
- No Time to Colonize
- A Mission in Every City
- A Mighty Movement
- Cooperation
- Move Forward
- A Parable of What Should Be
- Sanitariums and Hygienic Restaurants
- Danger of Missing the Mark
- A Sanitarium Near New York
- Redeeming the Time
- Seek Rural Homes
- Rural Location for Institutions
- Work for the Outcasts
- Safeguard the Youth
- Difficulties Overcome
- For Further Study
- Co-workers With Christ
- Truth to Be Presented in Many Ways
- How to Reveal Christ
- A New Element
- Opportunities for All
- Will Revive the Churches
- Be Practical Missionaries
- Work for Children and Youth
- In Time of Persecution
- The Appeal of Unpromising Fields
- Self-Supporting Effort
- Medical Missions in Every City
- Advantages of Small Schools
- Many Training Schools
- Sanitariums Connected With Schools
- Many Small Sanitariums
- Opportunities to Purchase Sanitarium Properties
- Not as a Business Speculation
- Move With Understanding
- Fulfilling God's Plans
- Securing Help From the Wealthy
- Our Needs to Be Presented
- Plants in Foreign Fields
- Health Institutions in Many Lands
- Go Forward
- For Further Study
For Further Study
Location of Sanitariums:
Counsels on Health, 265-270 (Testimonies for the Church 7:80-83; 85-89).
Economy in Buildings and Equipment:
Counsels on Health, 274-279 (Testimonies for the Church 7:90-94).
Counsels on Health, 280, 28
Testimonies for the Church 4:571-573);
Counsels on Health, 305, 319, 320.
General Counsel Regarding Institutional Work:
Testimonies for the Church 5:549-563.
Not for Pleasure Seekers:
Counsels on Health, 271-27
Testimonies for the Church 7:95-97).
Commercial Gain:
Testimonies for the Church 3:169.
Danger in Worldly Prosperity:
Counsels on Health, 290, 291.
Sanitariums as a Refuge for Workers:
Testimonies for the Church 7:292-294.
Special Workers for Spiritual Work in Sanitariums:
Counsels on Health, 312, 31 (Testimonies for the Church 8:143, 144);
Counsels on Health, 29 (Testimonies for the Church 7:75).
Duty to the Poor:
Counsels on Health, 228-230 (Testimonies for the Church 4:550-552).
Businessmen, Integrity and Ability of:
Testimonies for the Church 7:247-249.
Business and Religion:
Testimonies for the Church 5:422-429.
Fair Dealings With Workers:
Counsels on Health, 314, 315.
Amusements in Sanitariums:
Counsels on Health, 240, 24
Testimonies for the Church 4:577-579).