Christ (Part 14 of 18)
ennobles souls UL 371:5TopIndex .Christ.9832
when He is in our heart TDG 261:3TopIndex .Christ.9833
when united to Him OHC 306:4TopIndex .Christ.9834
presented amid works of His creation TMK 144:2TopIndex .Christ.9835
show relative importance of heaven and earth OHC 285:2TopIndex .Christ.9836
(simple), to be repeated UL 86:5TopIndex .Christ.9837
study and model presentation of VSS 111TopIndex .Christ.9838
teach; tell His story; work for souls VSS 312:1TopIndex .Christ.9839
transmitted by disciples to the people VSS 235:3TopIndex .Christ.9840
treasure up, when clouds sweep over the soul TMK 257:2TopIndex .Christ.9841
understood by learned and unlearned VSS 84:1TopIndex .Christ.9842
lessons taught as did, by natural objects VSS 224:3TopIndex .Christ.9843
liberal mercies of, would have been faulted by some today TDG 249:4TopIndex .Christ.9844
lifeTopIndex .Christ.9845
by union with OHC 145:3TopIndex .Christ.9846
drawn from,TopIndex .Christ.9847
as branches receive from the vine UL 182:4TopIndex .Christ.9848
by faith LHU 40:3TopIndex .Christ.9849
everlasting placed within reach by HP 355:6TopIndex .Christ.9850
given by, through His Word LHU 261:3TopIndex .Christ.9851
has purpose when abiding in TMK 85:2TopIndex .Christ.9852
in and through, desired in sincere prayer TDG 315:2TopIndex .Christ.9853
interwoven with, importance of TMK 90:4TopIndex .Christ.9854
must have graces of, to be admitted to heaven TDG 73:2TopIndex .Christ.9855
of faith in, for a clearer conception of God TMK 9:2TopIndex .Christ.9856
refined, elevated and ennobled by OHC 335:2TopIndex .Christ.9857
(spiritual) through Holy Spirit given by OHC 152:4TopIndex .Christ.9858
to be under power of RC 159:5TopIndex .Christ.9859
to honor AG 65:3TopIndex .Christ.9860
to show appreciation and honor for UL 47:6TopIndex .Christ.9861
with, testify to the success of UL 314:6TopIndex .Christ.9862
life and character of,TopIndex .Christ.9863
faultless TDG 166:2TopIndex .Christ.9864
revealed by those connected to Him OHC 145:5TopIndex .Christ.9865
life and death of,TopIndex .Christ.9866
all blessings come through TMK 59:3TopIndex .Christ.9867
convert sees, was for him TMK 216:3TopIndex .Christ.9868
Jewish economy given significance by TMK 197:4TopIndex .Christ.9869
to restore sinner but Satan claims law changed RC 53:4TopIndex .Christ.9870
restored sinners to God’s favor FW 118:1TopIndex .Christ.9871
life and power from, for the branch attached to Him RC 355:2TopIndex .Christ.9872
life and teaching of, clarified the violated law TDG 246:5TopIndex .Christ.9873
life and works of,TopIndex .Christ.9874
assimilated by searching Word RC 138:2TopIndex .Christ.9875
based on sound principles RC 130:5TopIndex .Christ.9876
life of,TopIndex .Christ.9877
adapted for universal imitation RC 35:5; TMK 134:4TopIndex .Christ.9878
afflictions in, listed HP 44:2TopIndex .Christ.9879
amiability of character to be copied from TDG 268:5TopIndex .Christ.9880
animated and regulated by Spirit of His Father 3SM 134:1TopIndex .Christ.9881
argument in the judgment, for God’s law HP 38:3TopIndex .Christ.9882
as every human may live who receives His gift UL 196:4TopIndex .Christ.9883
as poor man’s son UL 92:4TopIndex .Christ.9884
beauty of, may be ours HP 31:6TopIndex .Christ.9885
beholding, to be like Him TMK 178:5TopIndex .Christ.9886
character of God revealed by AG 322:3; HP 18:2TopIndex .Christ.9887
character transformed by purity seen in LHU 297:5TopIndex .Christ.9888
characterized by love to God and fellow humans TMK 288:2TopIndex .Christ.9889
cheerful (fragrant); He brought sunshine TDG 275:2TopIndex .Christ.9890
children taught to love and copy TDG 307:5TopIndex .Christ.9891
conformed to character of God HP 214:5TopIndex .Christ.9892
contrasts with false science and theories, etc. TDG 324:3TopIndex .Christ.9893
copy TMK 334:4TopIndex .Christ.9894
courtesy illustrated by HP 181:2TopIndex .Christ.9895
courtesy shed softness and beauty over OHC 236:5TopIndex .Christ.9896
daily fulfilled God’s purposes toward humanity FLB 114:3TopIndex .Christ.9897
depended on God HP 83:3TopIndex .Christ.9898
desire to live, is to fill our hearts TDG 96:5TopIndex .Christ.9899
devoted to good of others TDG 159:2TopIndex .Christ.9900
different; it had love and holiness 1MCP 182:3TopIndex .Christ.9901
disciples to remember beauty and majesty of AG 49:4TopIndex .Christ.9902
dwelling on, increases faith TMK 161:3TopIndex .Christ.9903
(early), simple UL 57:2TopIndex .Christ.9904
Ellen White,TopIndex .Christ.9905
asked for ability to communicate light on 3SM 115:3TopIndex .Christ.9906
began writing on (1892) 3SM 115:1TopIndex .Christ.9907
writing and speaking of, all on (1895) 3SM 118:2TopIndex .Christ.9908
encouragement from, for overcoming; path to Calvary TMK 256:2TopIndex .Christ.9909
entered; appreciating His sacrifice; appropriating truth OHC 208:3TopIndex .Christ.9910
example,TopIndex .Christ.9911
of gentleness, etc. as well as in purity 3SM 237:2TopIndex .Christ.9912
of how to labor UL 305:2TopIndex .Christ.9913
of purity and perfect holiness TDG 192:6TopIndex .Christ.9914
of relating to others TDG 121:7TopIndex .Christ.9915
of what our lives may be TDG 268:6TopIndex .Christ.9916
to be followed UL 67:5TopIndex .Christ.9917
examples in, that we are to copy HP 54:3TopIndex .Christ.9918
exemplifies self-denial and self-sacrifice UL 139:4TopIndex .Christ.9919
filled with 3SM 202:1TopIndex .Christ.9920
free from selfishness as example for us TDG 373:3TopIndex .Christ.9921
gentleness in example of VSS 67:1TopIndex .Christ.9922
given,TopIndex .Christ.9923
although He knew not the taint of sin TMK 311:3TopIndex .Christ.9924
for God’s little ones HP 100:3TopIndex .Christ.9925
for our probation HP 346:2TopIndex .Christ.9926
for us; He took result of transgression 3SM 128:2TopIndex .Christ.9927
to provide a perfect example UL 92:3TopIndex .Christ.9928
to uplift fallen and sinful humans TDG 168:4TopIndex .Christ.9929
glorifies the Father HP 77:2TopIndex .Christ.9930
God planned, although dangerous UL 48:4TopIndex .Christ.9931
God’sTopIndex .Christ.9932
ability to take humans from Satan shown by TMK 26:2TopIndex .Christ.9933
actions toward His children seen in FLB 114:4TopIndex .Christ.9934
character and law shown by 3SM 132:4TopIndex .Christ.9935
good works in, our duty to copy RC 41:3TopIndex .Christ.9936
gospel and doctrine in TMK 97:3TopIndex .Christ.9937
grafted into TSB 135:1TopIndex .Christ.9938
His footsteps in bearing the cross are traced in RY 156:0TopIndex .Christ.9939
humble and free from affectation FLB 263:5TopIndex .Christ.9940
humble person’s life expresses FLB 138:4TopIndex .Christ.9941
illustrates self-denial TDG 155:4TopIndex .Christ.9942
imitation of, OHC 59:5TopIndex .Christ.9943
in blessing and enlightening others TMK 235:5TopIndex .Christ.9944
to overcome TMK 304:3TopIndex .Christ.9945
in conflict with Satan established God’s government RC 60TopIndex .Christ.9946
in dependence upon and communion with God RC 228:5TopIndex .Christ.9947
in His Word HP 134:4TopIndex .Christ.9948
in human nature, devoted to the good of others HP 57:2TopIndex .Christ.9949
in one who dies in Him Mar 302:3TopIndex .Christ.9950
in the soul is as a well of water PM 303:1TopIndex .Christ.9951
in us is the union of divine and human Mar 302:6TopIndex .Christ.9952
included prayer, etc. to help us with temptation TDG 285:3TopIndex .Christ.9953
influence of record of TMK 189:4TopIndex .Christ.9954
interest to be developed in SW 68:3TopIndex .Christ.9955
is lesson book UL 363:7TopIndex .Christ.9956
John learned constantly to copy TMK 177:4TopIndex .Christ.9957
kept before the youth FLB 114:4TopIndex .Christ.9958
kindness and compassion in TMK 100:3TopIndex .Christ.9959
knowledge of, needed to meet divine standard TMK 77:2TopIndex .Christ.9960
laborers inspired by HP 214:2TopIndex .Christ.9961
law vindicated by death and, showed immutability TDG 246:4TopIndex .Christ.9962
law’s spiritual nature revealed in 2MCP 564:3TopIndex .Christ.9963
learn lessons from; gather love for workers 2MCP 576:3TopIndex .Christ.9964
learning from, is highest education UL 305:4TopIndex .Christ.9965
letter excerpts used in writing of 3SM 117:1TopIndex .Christ.9966
light to shine from works following example of TDG 327:3TopIndex .Christ.9967
living,TopIndex .Christ.9968
as is required of all His children TMK 363:3TopIndex .Christ.9969
brings hope, peace and joy to others TMK 235:5TopIndex .Christ.9970
cause of joy and pledge of glory RC 128:8TopIndex .Christ.9971
here prepares for eternity with Him OHC 342:7TopIndex .Christ.9972
makes us more than conquerors RC 37:6TopIndex .Christ.9973
through His power and instruction RC 16:5TopIndex .Christ.9974
loveTopIndex .Christ.9975
felt from, to be shown to the world OHC 246:2TopIndex .Christ.9976
of 1 Cor. 13 perfectly expressed in HP 234:2TopIndex .Christ.9977
of God in, which He wished to impart OHC 366:4TopIndex .Christ.9978
lowliness and humility in, from beginning to end RC 228:3TopIndex .Christ.9979
manuscript on, considered almost ready (1896) 3SM 119:1TopIndex .Christ.9980
must circulate through us as blood through veins TMK 236:2TopIndex .Christ.9981
our life in human nature so we might be like Him TDG 32:2TopIndex .Christ.9982
patient although He was King of glory TMK 100:3TopIndex .Christ.9983
peace for children and youth by imitating LHU 91:6TopIndex .Christ.9984
peaceful though lived in the midst of conflict HP 249:3TopIndex .Christ.9985
perfect,TopIndex .Christ.9986
at each stage of development TMK 27:2TopIndex .Christ.9987
giving evidence of His love TDG 268:6TopIndex .Christ.9988
meek, lowly, pure, trusting OHC 327:2TopIndex .Christ.9989
perfect model UL 127:5TopIndex .Christ.9990
perfection marked UL 132:6TopIndex .Christ.9991
possible to practice TDG 204:5TopIndex .Christ.9992
practical life sanctified by HP 214:5TopIndex .Christ.9993
principles in, practiced TDG 372:5TopIndex .Christ.9994
purity of,TopIndex .Christ.9995
and nobility RC 37:4TopIndex .Christ.9996
showing that Satan had lied 3SM 127:2TopIndex .Christ.9997
through Word of God is more powerful TSB 108:2TopIndex .Christ.9998
records of, vary but blend in harmony 2MCP 424:2TopIndex .Christ.9999
relating to other people learned from TDG 225:2TopIndex .Christ.10000
revealed continual humility and condescension TMK 56:2TopIndex .Christ.10001
revealed to the world through us HP 187:2TopIndex .Christ.10002
salvation issues in, not studied by pleasure lovers Con 66:1TopIndex .Christ.10003
scenes of, pass before Jewish rulers at His return Mar 293TopIndex .Christ.10004
secluded in childhood LHU 32, 33:1TopIndex .Christ.10005
self not pleased in TMK 306:3TopIndex .Christ.10006
self-denial in,TopIndex .Christ.10007
and nobility of purpose TDG 68:2TopIndex .Christ.10008
and self-sacrifice TMK 288:3TopIndex .Christ.10009
in, true follower will exemplify TMK 120:6TopIndex .Christ.10010
selfishness not in HP 166:3; OHC 342:5TopIndex .Christ.10011
self-sacrifice characterized UL 330:2TopIndex .Christ.10012
self-sacrificing, many receiving light turn from TDG 311:2TopIndex .Christ.10013
showed,TopIndex .Christ.10014
how to overcome AG 164:6TopIndex .Christ.10015
principles given from the cloud TMK 9:3TopIndex .Christ.10016
that He did all things well TMK 156:3TopIndex .Christ.10017
that humans can live with God’s approval HP 166:6TopIndex .Christ.10018
what fallen humans may be like FLB 219:3TopIndex .Christ.10019
sin found no place in any phase of RC 37:3TopIndex .Christ.10020
society leavened by HP 181:2TopIndex .Christ.10021
(spiritual) revealed only by accepting His word TDG 112:6TopIndex .Christ.10022
standard of character TDG 48:2TopIndex .Christ.10023
study UL 132:6TopIndex .Christ.10024
study of,TopIndex .Christ.10025
and cherish His spirit TMK 121:2TopIndex .Christ.10026
and imitate it RC 22:4TopIndex .Christ.10027
and practice heavenly qualities in home TDG 288:5TopIndex .Christ.10028
and practice it LHU 167:4TopIndex .Christ.10029
by one accepting truth LHU 273:2TopIndex .Christ.10030
by those doing missionary work RC 202:4TopIndex .Christ.10031
helps us become Christlike TMK 118:5TopIndex .Christ.10032
in preparation for usefulness LYL 77:0TopIndex .Christ.10033
perfection in smallest duties TSB 52:1TopIndex .Christ.10034
to conform to it OHC 279:6TopIndex .Christ.10035
to find reason why He had to come as man RC 132:7TopIndex .Christ.10036
with contrite heart TMK 94:3TopIndex .Christ.10037
taught and exemplified higher education TDG 168:3TopIndex .Christ.10038
taught His precepts TMK 98:4TopIndex .Christ.10039
toil from earliest years TMK 30:2TopIndex .Christ.10040
truth shared by telling story of VSS 312:1TopIndex .Christ.10041
warfare against satanic agencies AG 162:6TopIndex .Christ.10042
writing daily on (New Zealand, 1893) 3SM 116:1TopIndex .Christ.10043
youthTopIndex .Christ.10044
to consider, and copy the Pattern TMK 158:5TopIndex .Christ.10045
to study, and make it their criterion TMK 325:5TopIndex .Christ.10046
lifeblood of the soul OHC 209:8TopIndex .Christ.10047
lifework of,TopIndex .Christ.10048
complete; truths He taught were impressive TDG 283:2TopIndex .Christ.10049
practical activity in 1MCP 115:1TopIndex .Christ.10050
lift eyes to, looking at the bright side TDG 122:2TopIndex .Christ.10051
lifted the erring from the depths of woe HP 234:2TopIndex .Christ.10052
lifting up, LHU 15:6; UL 37:6TopIndex .Christ.10053
and dwelling on His character until changed HP 248:2TopIndex .Christ.10054
as Lamb of God LHU 36:5TopIndex .Christ.10055
before the people RC 119:3TopIndex .Christ.10056
before world is blessed work UL 264:3TopIndex .Christ.10057
higher UL 58:5TopIndex .Christ.10058
in discourses; worldly wisdom unable to describe VSS 311:1TopIndex .Christ.10059
lightTopIndex .Christ.10060
also life, holiness, sanctification of all believers AG 124:5TopIndex .Christ.10061
also life, peace and assurance forever TMK 190:2TopIndex .Christ.10062
in following, instead of thinking ill of brethren OHC 239:6TopIndex .Christ.10063
of heaven HP 201:5TopIndex .Christ.10064
(only); only way to heaven UL 233:5TopIndex .Christ.10065
precious HP 273:2TopIndex .Christ.10066
reflected when looking to HP 281:5TopIndex .Christ.10067
shown through, when answering parents in temple TMK 28:5TopIndex .Christ.10068
(soft) of the glory of God enshrouded HP 250:3TopIndex .Christ.10069
to shine in moral darkness at first advent of TDG 31:4TopIndex .Christ.10070
light and power for His church HP 315:5TopIndex .Christ.10071
light around, at baptism LHU 78:6TopIndex .Christ.10072
light from,TopIndex .Christ.10073
as much of, as we can bear (from His face) RC 277:5TopIndex .Christ.10074
(beams), transmitted by true believers TDG 327:5TopIndex .Christ.10075
brighter than from teachers of His day TMK 97:3TopIndex .Christ.10076
Christians living in, diffuse it to others OHC 216:4TopIndex .Christ.10077
eclipsed in times of trouble 2MCP 811:1TopIndex .Christ.10078
given to be reflected, not absorbed RC 303:2TopIndex .Christ.10079
heart and mind to receive TDG 305TopIndex .Christ.10080
heaven invites us to receive TDG 75:3TopIndex .Christ.10081
illuminates prophecy at end of time 3SM 390:4TopIndex .Christ.10082
life and freedom from sin brought by TMK 54:5TopIndex .Christ.10083
mind illuminated with, not looking to physical 2MCP 409:1TopIndex .Christ.10084
permitted to shine TDG 327:3TopIndex .Christ.10085
reflect to world because iniquity abounds OHC 330:3TopIndex .Christ.10086
reflected by self-denial RC 235:2TopIndex .Christ.10087
shed by believers in Him TMK 316:4TopIndex .Christ.10088
shinesTopIndex .Christ.10089
amid moral darkness; commit souls to Him TDG 44:5TopIndex .Christ.10090
beyond Satan’s shadow TDG 364:2TopIndex .Christ.10091
in the soul in goodness and peace TMK 190:3TopIndex .Christ.10092
in variety of ways TMK 87:2TopIndex .Christ.10093
walking in, to avoid being ensnared by Satan OHC 330:4TopIndex .Christ.10094
was not hidden UL 313:3TopIndex .Christ.10095
likeness of sinful flesh taken by, to condemn sin RC 214:5TopIndex .Christ.10096
lily represents, on earth TMK 36:5TopIndex .Christ.10097
link let down from heaven to earth HP 11:5TopIndex .Christ.10098
lips of, quiver when speaking of persistent rejecters UL 301:4TopIndex .Christ.10099
listeningTopIndex .Christ.10100
alone to the voice of OHC 116:5TopIndex .Christ.10101
required by; His words are light and life LHU 253:3TopIndex .Christ.10102
to whisper of 3SM 355:1TopIndex .Christ.10103
listening to,TopIndex .Christ.10104
disciples gave evidence of FW 65:0TopIndex .Christ.10105
time for, lost by Martha OHC 281TopIndex .Christ.10106
lives (noun)TopIndex .Christ.10107
broken, brought to UL 162:5TopIndex .Christ.10108
embrace; ministers to dwell on Him 3SM 187:1TopIndex .Christ.10109
lives (verb)TopIndex .Christ.10110
and will receive you with your burdens OHC 312:4TopIndex .Christ.10111
so we shall live also HP 352:2TopIndex .Christ.10112
through humans by inspiration of His Spirit TMK 78:4TopIndex .Christ.10113
to make intercession for us HP 284:4TopIndex .Christ.10114
living (adjective)TopIndex .Christ.10115
evidence of, in Luke 24:36 HP 353:2TopIndex .Christ.10116
not in Joseph’s new tomb RC 76:3TopIndex .Christ.10117
livingTopIndex .Christ.10118
as TDG 207:3TopIndex .Christ.10119
as, free from any taint of sin HP 183:3TopIndex .Christ.10120
close to, by workers LHU 263:2TopIndex .Christ.10121
close to; He will hold you OHC 101:7TopIndex .Christ.10122
for, in home, world, and church RC 185:3TopIndex .Christ.10123
for, talents seen in the light of Calvary by HP 60:5TopIndex .Christ.10124
in, as He is the center of our affections OHC 61:3TopIndex .Christ.10125
in connection with HP 54:4TopIndex .Christ.10126
in, drawing nourishment from Him; unity with Him TMK 318:4TopIndex .Christ.10127
in us when shut in with God RC 350:5TopIndex .Christ.10128
like, points the world to Him HP 233:2TopIndex .Christ.10129
today and interceding for us FW 76:1TopIndex .Christ.10130
today; He has risen; load need not be carried 3SM 326:3TopIndex .Christ.10131
longing for, of disciples in storm on lake TDG 110:5TopIndex .Christ.10132
lookingTopIndex .Christ.10133
to self instead of; trusting own righteousness 3SM 150:2TopIndex .Christ.10134
to virtues of, creates abhorrence for sin OHC 58:2TopIndex .Christ.10135
looking to / looking on / beholding / seeing; OHC 99TopIndex .Christ.10136
advancement in knowledge by RC 159:4TopIndex .Christ.10137
all equally favored in, after His ascension RC 22:2TopIndex .Christ.10138
and believing saves from perishing FW 105:1TopIndex .Christ.10139
and His matchless charms TDG 86:4TopIndex .Christ.10140
and live FW 69:5TopIndex .Christ.10141
approval of self decreased by TMK 175:3TopIndex .Christ.10142
as a child looks to his mother UL 30:5TopIndex .Christ.10143
as John the Baptist invited LHU 331:3TopIndex .Christ.10144
as only a man TMK 111:2TopIndex .Christ.10145
as our personal Saviour UL 37:5TopIndex .Christ.10146
as our sin bearer TMK 201:2TopIndex .Christ.10147
as personal Saviour, we grow up in Him 3SM 204:4TopIndex .Christ.10148
as sin-pardoning Saviour when you pray OHC 30:4TopIndex .Christ.10149
as the perfect pattern OHC 29:4TopIndex .Christ.10150
away from self, 3SM 145:1TopIndex .Christ.10151
and sin 2MCP 452:2TopIndex .Christ.10152
making Him our Guide TDG 373:4TopIndex .Christ.10153
bearing our sins on the cross HP 222:2TopIndex .Christ.10154
because He reveals God’s character HP 16:2TopIndex .Christ.10155
by contemplating the Word of God SW 47:2TopIndex .Christ.10156
by faith, grasping the great gift TDG 373:4TopIndex .Christ.10157
changes us into His image FW 108:1; OHC 334:5; RC 290:2, 318:2; TDG 89:3TopIndex .Christ.10158
character defects shown by TDG 89:3TopIndex .Christ.10159
Christians need to ask if they are UL 283:2TopIndex .Christ.10160
constantly HP 176:3TopIndex .Christ.10161
soul made alive unto God by HP 60:4TopIndex .Christ.10162
the charms of OHC 216:6TopIndex .Christ.10163
until charmed with His graces LHU 239:5TopIndex .Christ.10164
desire to be like Him awakened by RC 304:5TopIndex .Christ.10165
dying in agony TMK 65:2TopIndex .Christ.10166
elevated to His throne by TMK 96:4TopIndex .Christ.10167
encourage our souls for TMK 182:5TopIndex .Christ.10168
ever; road to heaven is narrow TDG 122:5TopIndex .Christ.10169
evil surmising stops UL 121:3TopIndex .Christ.10170
exercising His character UL 257:2TopIndex .Christ.10171
fills lives with light; reflected to others RC 273:4TopIndex .Christ.10172
for goodness and heavenly-mindedness TDG 87:5TopIndex .Christ.10173
for grace and power to overcome every fault TDG 372:4TopIndex .Christ.10174
for strength TMK 185:5TopIndex .Christ.10175
and transformation TDG 245:5TopIndex .Christ.10176
brings certain victory RC 295:3TopIndex .Christ.10177
for the divine nature FLB 55:6TopIndex .Christ.10178
forever blessed by Mar 106:5TopIndex .Christ.10179
gathering weak and weary UL 26:3TopIndex .Christ.10180
grace and, desired by Paul LHU 40:3TopIndex .Christ.10181
grieved with your sins OHC 30:4TopIndex .Christ.10182
in faith, taking hold of His strength OHC 120:2TopIndex .Christ.10183
in glimpses is not enough LHU 238:5TopIndex .Christ.10184
in the kingdom of God HP 280:6TopIndex .Christ.10185
inquiring for the way of the Lord TDG 284:2TopIndex .Christ.10186
instead ofTopIndex .Christ.10187
others in the race RC 277TopIndex .Christ.10188
to faults of others TMK 268:2TopIndex .Christ.10189
to people UL 149:6TopIndex .Christ.10190
light of HP 275:6TopIndex .Christ.10191
makesTopIndex .Christ.10192
changed ones want to look again TMK 61:2TopIndex .Christ.10193
us want to do His work UL 344:3TopIndex .Christ.10194
mighty moral results of UL 268:5TopIndex .Christ.10195
not others’ imperfections TMK 94:3TopIndex .Christ.10196
only LHU 110; UL 28:3TopIndex .Christ.10197
own righteousness is repudiated FW 107:4TopIndex .Christ.10198
own will is never plead for when TMK 190:4TopIndex .Christ.10199
peace found by RC 76:6TopIndex .Christ.10200
perfection desired by AG 257:5TopIndex .Christ.10201
preparesTopIndex .Christ.10202
for receiving His blessings AG 259:2TopIndex .Christ.10203
for society of angels HP 142:5TopIndex .Christ.10204
sin is abhorrent with increased 3SM 169:2TopIndex .Christ.10205
steadfastly to catch His spirit TMK 218:2TopIndex .Christ.10206
study His words, pray for His Spirit OHC 362:4TopIndex .Christ.10207
suffering as transgressor OHC 361:2TopIndex .Christ.10208
thank God for the privilege of OHC 248:4TopIndex .Christ.10209
throne high and lifted up 2MCP 680:3TopIndex .Christ.10210
to see His goodness HP 111:5TopIndex .Christ.10211
transformation by HP 370:4; RC 304:5TopIndex .Christ.10212
turning from sad things; avoid multiplying gloom TDG 233:3TopIndex .Christ.10213
until you reflect His image UL 159:5TopIndex .Christ.10214
welcome Him; your mind may be renewed 1MCP 68:2TopIndex .Christ.10215
who is complete in perfection HP 166:5TopIndex .Christ.10216
with censer containing His merits TMK 77:2TopIndex .Christ.10217
Lord’s Supper shows that we have accepted FLB 302:3TopIndex .Christ.10218
lordship of, (King) recognized for Him to be Saviour FW 16:2TopIndex .Christ.10219
lost after Passover feast when He was twelve years old TMK 28:2TopIndex .Christ.10220
lost sight of by many; they do not know God 2MCP 561:0TopIndex .Christ.10221
loveTopIndex .Christ.10222
for God and for one another unites to TMK 9:4TopIndex .Christ.10223
for souls shown by, revealed by His true children 1MCP 241:2TopIndex .Christ.10224
God’s revealed through LHU 248:6TopIndex .Christ.10225
revealed by, already in the heart of God TMK 83:4TopIndex .Christ.10226
to counter Satan’s work given by OHC 185:2TopIndex .Christ.10227
love for,TopIndex .Christ.10228
absent without love for others HP 325:3TopIndex .Christ.10229
affections, illicit, not desired when one has TSB 191:3TopIndex .Christ.10230
all absorbing TMK 275:2TopIndex .Christ.10231
all to see, and trust Him; guard your words 2MCP 435:3TopIndex .Christ.10232
and obedience shows in faces UL 28:5TopIndex .Christ.10233
and praise depending on grace TDG 135:6TopIndex .Christ.10234
and serve Him UL 143:6TopIndex .Christ.10235
because He gave Himself to redeem us TMK 225:3TopIndex .Christ.10236
becoming pure, harmless, undefiled by TDG 141:2TopIndex .Christ.10237
behavior and words of those with OHC 295:6TopIndex .Christ.10238
blessings from God for, as He blesses Jesus TDG 44:6TopIndex .Christ.10239
bound together by VSS 347:2TopIndex .Christ.10240
brings the Father’s love HP 254:5TopIndex .Christ.10241
brings wisdom, eloquence, hope, joy, boldness TMK 167:3TopIndex .Christ.10242
confidence in Him to take burdens shows LHU 277:2TopIndex .Christ.10243
connection with heaven needed for light of TDG 98:3TopIndex .Christ.10244
disappearance of, and for others OHC 354:2TopIndex .Christ.10245
duty; He has a right to command it but He invites LHU 98:4TopIndex .Christ.10246
effects of, in transforming lives, listed RC 183:8TopIndex .Christ.10247
Ellen White expressed TDG 101:4TopIndex .Christ.10248
and desire to express truth TDG 346:2TopIndex .Christ.10249
evidence for, requested in obedience TDG 346:6TopIndex .Christ.10250
fall in love with Him HP 354:3TopIndex .Christ.10251
full of freedom, light and joy HP 142:2TopIndex .Christ.10252
Holy Spirit was sent to those with TDG 341:3TopIndex .Christ.10253
impossible while copying fashions and society 2MCP 558:1TopIndex .Christ.10254
increasesTopIndex .Christ.10255
by contemplating and talking of it TMK 277:2TopIndex .Christ.10256
by noticing others less TMK 136:2TopIndex .Christ.10257
John had, in his heart, especially for brethren VSS 364:4TopIndex .Christ.10258
John the Baptist was stirred with LHU 33:6TopIndex .Christ.10259
judged by God FLB 207:6TopIndex .Christ.10260
kept alive by daily trust, in non-SDA colleges 3SM 233:1TopIndex .Christ.10261
knowing our sin caused His death TMK 205:5TopIndex .Christ.10262
light from TDG 357:5TopIndex .Christ.10263
loving those He died for depends on HP 173:4; LHU 209:4; TMK 180:6; UL 36:3TopIndex .Christ.10264
makes yoke easy UL 85:4TopIndex .Christ.10265
meansTopIndex .Christ.10266
following His example TDG 299:4TopIndex .Christ.10267
loving all God’s children OHC 183:3TopIndex .Christ.10268
motivates UL 98:4TopIndex .Christ.10269
necessary for keeping the commandments TDG 142:3TopIndex .Christ.10270
obligates us to avoid disease TDG 206:4TopIndex .Christ.10271
persecution has never separated those who have TMK 275:2TopIndex .Christ.10272
personal comfort and opportunity 2MCP 676:3TopIndex .Christ.10273
powerTopIndex .Christ.10274
from, seen and felt TMK 167:3TopIndex .Christ.10275
seen in changed life RC 368:4TopIndex .Christ.10276
proportional to conviction of sin FW 96:1TopIndex .Christ.10277
realizing we are His blood-bought heritage TDG 159:5TopIndex .Christ.10278
removes cloud from between soul and God RC 164:6TopIndex .Christ.10279
shownTopIndex .Christ.10280
by giving attention to His words OHC 281:3TopIndex .Christ.10281
by love for others TDG 287:2TopIndex .Christ.10282
by our abiding in Him and He in us TDG 299:4TopIndex .Christ.10283
by willingness to do His work UL 113:7TopIndex .Christ.10284
suffering sweet through HP 271:7TopIndex .Christ.10285
to continually increase OHC 338:4TopIndex .Christ.10286
unites LHU 292:3TopIndex .Christ.10287
working to overcome selfishness and bless others 1MCP 175:3TopIndex .Christ.10288
love of,TopIndex .Christ.10289
abiding in, requires obedience and faith RC 124:4TopIndex .Christ.10290
abundant in heart where He abides TDG 157:3TopIndex .Christ.10291
accomplished by becoming flesh of our flesh RC 17:3TopIndex .Christ.10292
aged sister needs only to rest in 2MCP 491:3; TDG 313:3TopIndex .Christ.10293
amusement keeps minds from enjoying fullness of 1MCP 315:1TopIndex .Christ.10294
and His purity will be our deepest thoughts HP 163:5TopIndex .Christ.10295
animated by OHC 147:5TopIndex .Christ.10296
apostles inspired by; John cannot find words 1MCP 249:5TopIndex .Christ.10297
assurance,TopIndex .Christ.10298
in, despite difficulties TDG 372:3TopIndex .Christ.10299
of, by bearing persecution TMK 275:3TopIndex .Christ.10300
attracts humans TDG 124:2TopIndex .Christ.10301
banishes barriers, harshness, selfishness OHC 183:3TopIndex .Christ.10302
beautified His actions and we are to follow Him TMK 187:4TopIndex .Christ.10303
believable through acts of kindness CME 29TopIndex .Christ.10304
believer in prison ravished with TMK 275:3TopIndex .Christ.10305
broadTopIndex .Christ.10306
and deep OHC 163:3TopIndex .Christ.10307
deep and full, not fitful TMK 298:3TopIndex .Christ.10308
glorious, and beyond comparison OHC 366:4TopIndex .Christ.10309
burdensTopIndex .Christ.10310
lightened by showing OHC 181:4TopIndex .Christ.10311
of others lightened by showing TMK 187:3TopIndex .Christ.10312
burned in His heart UL 229:3TopIndex .Christ.10313
burning of, in hearts of God’s people TDG 176:5TopIndex .Christ.10314
channels of, OHC 182:4TopIndex .Christ.10315
to those needing help HP 287:5TopIndex .Christ.10316
character imbued with TMK 117:2TopIndex .Christ.10317
charmed with riches of OHC 340:3TopIndex .Christ.10318
cherished UL 20:6TopIndex .Christ.10319
church to reciprocate OHC 185:2TopIndex .Christ.10320
coming to a fallen world TDG 360:4TopIndex .Christ.10321
connecting humanity with God, like rain OHC 314:3TopIndex .Christ.10322
constrained disciples; they shared RY 100:3TopIndex .Christ.10323
constraining power in TMK 214:3; UL 370:4TopIndex .Christ.10324
contemplating / dwelling onTopIndex .Christ.10325
evil thoughts are expelled by 2MCP 480:1TopIndex .Christ.10326
He feels sorrow of those in His service TDG 191:3TopIndex .Christ.10327
instead of darkness and unbelief HP 273:4TopIndex .Christ.10328
it makes our heaven LHU 248:5TopIndex .Christ.10329
rather than defects of others TDG 300:3TopIndex .Christ.10330
death showed; He forsakes only those who refuse HP 119:3TopIndex .Christ.10331
depths of, no line can measure RC 17:5TopIndex .Christ.10332
desired more after tasting OHC 366:3TopIndex .Christ.10333
doubters cannot expect to glow with 2MCP 673:4TopIndex .Christ.10334
doubtingTopIndex .Christ.10335
in spite of His sacrifice TMK 225:3TopIndex .Christ.10336
trust by living faith TSB 48:2TopIndex .Christ.10337
draws us to follow UL 370:6TopIndex .Christ.10338
dutyTopIndex .Christ.10339
of showing, to the world OHC 246:2TopIndex .Christ.10340
to communicate, sensed by those who have it RC 304:2TopIndex .Christ.10341
elicits uplifting words HP 363:3TopIndex .Christ.10342
Ellen WhiteTopIndex .Christ.10343
loved to meditate on HP 121:2TopIndex .Christ.10344
refused to talk on, to replace reproof 3SM 64:1TopIndex .Christ.10345
encircles and draws us back HP 76:5TopIndex .Christ.10346
encourage gratitude for RC 119:6TopIndex .Christ.10347
enemy driven out of soul by TDG 104:6TopIndex .Christ.10348
erring children of His assured of 3SM 195:4TopIndex .Christ.10349
expression of,TopIndex .Christ.10350
considered impossible by disciples 1MCP 249:4TopIndex .Christ.10351
even when discouraged OHC 312:3TopIndex .Christ.10352
in actions HP 173:4TopIndex .Christ.10353
in earnest work for sinners TDG 297:5TopIndex .Christ.10354
in His miracles of healing TMK 48:4TopIndex .Christ.10355
instead of cheap talk TDG 22:6TopIndex .Christ.10356
faith demonstrated by resting in TDG 63:4TopIndex .Christ.10357
felt; no earthly relationship is as strong RC 208:6TopIndex .Christ.10358
few in churches show SW 11:0TopIndex .Christ.10359
filled with, by looking upon His sufferings TMK 283:2TopIndex .Christ.10360
flows into heart and out to others by unity TDG 272:5; TMK 9:4TopIndex .Christ.10361
followersTopIndex .Christ.10362
are to show RC 124:8TopIndex .Christ.10363
walk as He walked 1MCP 245:1TopIndex .Christ.10364
must experience, before telling others TDG 64:5TopIndex .Christ.10365
food you eat is an expression of FW 66:1TopIndex .Christ.10366
for everyone who desires to follow Him HP 185:5TopIndex .Christ.10367
for humanity expressed; example for us RY 100:1TopIndex .Christ.10368
for those purchased by His blood TMK 160:4TopIndex .Christ.10369
for us though we err TMK 285:4TopIndex .Christ.10370
fountain of, inexhaustible TMK 107:5TopIndex .Christ.10371
fruit of a subdued will grows from TMK 226:5TopIndex .Christ.10372
fruits of Spirit all possessed by those who have HP 244:2TopIndex .Christ.10373
genius, talent, and money not needed to show OHC 260:4TopIndex .Christ.10374
good news for one in despair TDG 38:2TopIndex .Christ.10375
grace to save the perishing by confiding in RC 235:5TopIndex .Christ.10376
gratitude forTopIndex .Christ.10377
expressed, not repining 1MCP 68:2TopIndex .Christ.10378
joy in hope of His coming LHU 238:6TopIndex .Christ.10379
greater realization of, prayed for by Ellen White TDG 238:6TopIndex .Christ.10380
heartsTopIndex .Christ.10381
entered by, with redeeming power TDG 186:4TopIndex .Christ.10382
glow with, abiding in Him OHC 216:6TopIndex .Christ.10383
guided by the Holy Spirit show 2MCP 504:1TopIndex .Christ.10384
kept open to; world is nothing TDG 189:6TopIndex .Christ.10385
pervaded by TMK 114:6TopIndex .Christ.10386
quickened with TDG 142:6TopIndex .Christ.10387
subdued/melted/mellowed by HP 176:2; 3SM 238:4; UL 362:7TopIndex .Christ.10388
and self-esteem relinquished FW 60:2TopIndex .Christ.10389
His only obligation to the plan of salvation HP 43:3TopIndex .Christ.10390
humanity has been shown valuable because of TMK 132:4TopIndex .Christ.10391
humility and obedience in the life result from TDG 299:2TopIndex .Christ.10392
impartial for those who love Him SW 12:0TopIndex .Christ.10393
importance to Him of our salvation shows 1MCP 245:3TopIndex .Christ.10394
in His sacrifice to be realized by disciples UL 104:3TopIndex .Christ.10395
in our sin HP 234:2TopIndex .Christ.10396
in us although we cannot explain it OHC 365:3TopIndex .Christ.10397
influence of the Spirit to awaken when hearing of FW 73:2TopIndex .Christ.10398
keep, in you thoughts OHC 174:4TopIndex .Christ.10399
kept from flowing into hearts OHC 63:3TopIndex .Christ.10400
kindness makes belief in, easier RC 254:6TopIndex .Christ.10401
lack of, results in absence of His Spirit TDG 157:2TopIndex .Christ.10402
learning with, seeing Satan’s devices TDG 141:3TopIndex .Christ.10403
led Him to endure shame and abuse TMK 56:3TopIndex .Christ.10404
lessons to learn from OHC 176:5TopIndex .Christ.10405
liberality for soul saving inspired by Mar 183:5TopIndex .Christ.10406
lifeTopIndex .Christ.10407
to be be softened by TMK 180:5TopIndex .Christ.10408
to be characterized by OHC 198:6TopIndex .Christ.10409
to show, as an abiding motive RC 368:3TopIndex .Christ.10410
like fragrance, cannot be hidden HP 244:5TopIndex .Christ.10411
live in atmosphere of OHC 175:4TopIndex .Christ.10412
lives to be pervaded by HP 177:5TopIndex .Christ.10413
longing for a deeper sense of OHC 338:5TopIndex .Christ.10414
losing, from our hearts RC 77:2TopIndex .Christ.10415
lost sight of, dwelling on struggles and darkness 2MCP 812:1TopIndex .Christ.10416
marvel to one touched by His Spirit RC 63:5TopIndex .Christ.10417
measureless ocean 1MCP 251:2TopIndex .Christ.10418
meditate on UL 104:5TopIndex .Christ.10419
millions have never heard of HP 225:5TopIndex .Christ.10420
minds busy with frivolity do not feel TMK 142:3TopIndex .Christ.10421
miracle of, in the heart UL 233:2TopIndex .Christ.10422
motive for religion to be seen as TMK 167:2TopIndex .Christ.10423
need to have; also patience and unselfishness TMK 9:5TopIndex .Christ.10424
needed, for sincere interest in others OHC 259:2TopIndex .Christ.10425
in our experience UL 142:8TopIndex .Christ.10426
that burned in His heart 3SM 150:2TopIndex .Christ.10427
to reach others RC 77:3TopIndex .Christ.10428
neglected obligations awakened by TMK 208:2TopIndex .Christ.10429
never leads to malice and envy OHC 234:5TopIndex .Christ.10430
new life in believer from TDG 88:3TopIndex .Christ.10431
ocean without bottom or shore LHU 248:5; 1MCP 251:2TopIndex .Christ.10432
opened to us TMK 45:4TopIndex .Christ.10433
parallel for, does not exist TDG 290:7TopIndex .Christ.10434
parental love faintly mirrors RC 190:7TopIndex .Christ.10435
partakers of, sacrifice to give the message TDG 272:4TopIndex .Christ.10436
patience of, taught Peter patience to erring TMK 180:3TopIndex .Christ.10437
Paul’s theme and power CC 352:2TopIndex .Christ.10438
persecution never separates from TMK 275:2TopIndex .Christ.10439
personal knowledge of, recommended TDG 37:5TopIndex .Christ.10440
pervades life when truth is cherished RC 113:6TopIndex .Christ.10441
praise to God when theme of contemplation is HP 177:2TopIndex .Christ.10442
preach; hearts will be melted and subdued 1MCP 40:3TopIndex .Christ.10443
preferred to human love when truth is in heart HP 140:6TopIndex .Christ.10444
prescription of, for one feeling injured TDG 121:4TopIndex .Christ.10445
pride and envy in soul show absence of TDG 118:4TopIndex .Christ.10446
privilege of sharing HP 62:3TopIndex .Christ.10447
privileges of Ellen White in, day and night TDG 17:3TopIndex .Christ.10448
proclaimed by those weighted with truth TMK 129:4TopIndex .Christ.10449
receiving more, by imparting it to others OHC 366:3TopIndex .Christ.10450
redeeming fallen humanity Con 18:1TopIndex .Christ.10451
reflect to the world in our character RC 290:6TopIndex .Christ.10452
reformed, refined and purified by TMK 157:3TopIndex .Christ.10453
rescues us from hopeless despair TMK 59:5TopIndex .Christ.10454
response to, shown by denying self for others 1MCP 319:1TopIndex .Christ.10455
resting in HP 186:3TopIndex .Christ.10456
revealed in compassion for souls TDG 327:4TopIndex .Christ.10457
revealed to others and to strengthen us RC 178:2TopIndex .Christ.10458
saves from falling to Satan UL 295:7TopIndex .Christ.10459
seeing, causes us to count all else as loss TMK 175:4TopIndex .Christ.10460
seek more of, to win others to His goodness TDG 153:4TopIndex .Christ.10461
seenTopIndex .Christ.10462
in Calvary HP 270:3TopIndex .Christ.10463
when we look to the cross TDG 104:4, 261:3TopIndex .Christ.10464
self-denial showed UL 120:3TopIndex .Christ.10465
self-denying RC 295:4TopIndex .Christ.10466
sense of, when rising, going out, and coming in TMK 183:4TopIndex .Christ.10467
sharing, as you would want to hear it the first time HP 225:5TopIndex .Christ.10468
sharing humanity’s experience reveals TMK 47:3TopIndex .Christ.10469
shining with, putting away cold dignity TDG 266:4TopIndex .Christ.10470
showing,TopIndex .Christ.10471
by giving His life to clothe us HP 110:2TopIndex .Christ.10472
by His life and death HP 17:3TopIndex .Christ.10473
for a lost world TMK 288TopIndex .Christ.10474
on Calvary makes hearts tender TMK 132:4TopIndex .Christ.10475
witnesses to His power TMK 306:2TopIndex .Christ.10476
silence on the topic of (in 1889) 3SM 184:3TopIndex .Christ.10477
soulsTopIndex .Christ.10478
filled with, welcomed into heaven RC 124:7TopIndex .Christ.10479
perishing are given, by Christianity LHU 134:2TopIndex .Christ.10480
taught to have RC 290:6TopIndex .Christ.10481
that cherish, full of freedom, light, joy RC 114:4TopIndex .Christ.10482
speaker’s heart to be subdued by 3SM 184:2TopIndex .Christ.10483
special for those with greater burdens SW 12:0TopIndex .Christ.10484
spiritual midnight without TMK 59:5TopIndex .Christ.10485
spreads to others and binds hearts together RC 103:3TopIndex .Christ.10486
strengthened by one filled with OHC 175:3TopIndex .Christ.10487
strong and tender HP 269:3; UL 180:4TopIndex .Christ.10488
suffering was essential to reveal TMK 67:5TopIndex .Christ.10489
surrender of Himself in, for us TDG 159:4TopIndex .Christ.10490
sympathyTopIndex .Christ.10491
in faces of those with TDG 266:4TopIndex .Christ.10492
sought from humans in spite of LHU 93:5TopIndex .Christ.10493
talking about UL 377:5TopIndex .Christ.10494
as we would praise queen TMK 274:2TopIndex .Christ.10495
teaching about sacrifice and Mar 177:4TopIndex .Christ.10496
tenderness of, greater than a mother’s UL 180:4TopIndex .Christ.10497
theme of every tongue when churches repent TDG 88:2TopIndex .Christ.10498
though we err UL 212:4TopIndex .Christ.10499
truer than that of a mother HP 269:3TopIndex .Christ.10500
trusting, brings deepest joy TDG 230:5TopIndex .Christ.10501
unchanging; ever touched with human woe HP 284:3TopIndex .Christ.10502
understanding of, impossibleTopIndex .Christ.10503
greater than a mother’s RC 295:4TopIndex .Christ.10504
to Satan Con 30:1TopIndex .Christ.10505
veiled by perversity of followers TMK 345:4TopIndex .Christ.10506
when marriage fails TSB 57:3TopIndex .Christ.10507
willingness to help others after witnessing TDG 182:4TopIndex .Christ.10508
without parallel AG 164:3TopIndex .Christ.10509
witness of Father and Son by one with LHU 36:6TopIndex .Christ.10510
workTopIndex .Christ.10511
is to show VSS 314:0TopIndex .Christ.10512
of those constrained by, described HP 234:3TopIndex .Christ.10513
workers for God must have, or many will be lost TDG 239:5TopIndex .Christ.10514
youth need OHC 14:2TopIndex .Christ.10515
loveliness of, See Christ, attractiveness ofTopIndex .Christ.10516
loving things He loves; abiding in Him OHC 145:3TopIndex .Christ.10517
loyalty/allegiance/faithfulness toTopIndex .Christ.10518
and open avowal of Him TMK 296:5TopIndex .Christ.10519
brings greater love for Him HP 142:4TopIndex .Christ.10520
essence of all righteousness TMK 118:4TopIndex .Christ.10521
means wearing His yoke HP 201:4TopIndex .Christ.10522
though wealth, honor, power may be lost OHC 193:6TopIndex .Christ.10523
loyalty/allegiance to God restored through FLB 104:9; TMK 96:2TopIndex .Christ.10524
majesty of, child of God is terror-stricken when he sees TMK 360:4TopIndex .Christ.10525
man, perfect TMK 111:2TopIndex .Christ.10526
manners of,TopIndex .Christ.10527
corresponded with the truths He proclaimed RC 101:5TopIndex .Christ.10528
gentle and unassuming; we are to be like Him TDG 143:5TopIndex .Christ.10529
many would follow, if He appeared as they desire OHC 288:3TopIndex .Christ.10530
marksTopIndex .Christ.10531
born by, throughout eternity; nailprints HP 299:4TopIndex .Christ.10532
of crucifixion declared by, for the believer TMK 61:4TopIndex .Christ.10533
of humiliation ever borne by Con 93:0TopIndex .Christ.10534
on body of, to eternally show seriousness of sin TMK 255:3TopIndex .Christ.10535
marriage feast participants approved by TMK 39:2TopIndex .Christ.10536
marriage supper of, those not prepared to enter into Mar 54:4TopIndex .Christ.10537
Mary asked, to help when wine was needed at Cana TDG 366:2TopIndex .Christ.10538
matchless charms of, Bible shows HP 354:3TopIndex .Christ.10539
Matthew prepared feast for CC 284:3TopIndex .Christ.10540
meaning of,TopIndex .Christ.10541
clearer if He is in our hearts; (personal) TMK 178:5TopIndex .Christ.10542
realization of, brings praise; (personal) FW 76:3TopIndex .Christ.10543
seen clearly OHC 20:3TopIndex .Christ.10544
shared; (personal) 3SM 187:3TopIndex .Christ.10545
mediation of, See Christ, intercessionTopIndex .Christ.10546
Mediator to restore to favor with GodTopIndex .Christ.10547
through grace FW 119:0TopIndex .Christ.10548
medical missionary will choose RC 230:7TopIndex .Christ.10549
meditation on aspects of OHC 113:5TopIndex .Christ.10550
meditation on, to abhor evil and desire righteousness HP 111:4TopIndex .Christ.10551
meekness of,TopIndex .Christ.10552
and loveliness exceed earthly treasure OHC 271:4TopIndex .Christ.10553
breathed in spirit TDG 39:4TopIndex .Christ.10554
dove symbolized LHU 78:5TopIndex .Christ.10555
few represent HP 363:3TopIndex .Christ.10556
haughty hearts need to learn TMK 339:4TopIndex .Christ.10557
in every act shows true sanctification FW 53:1TopIndex .Christ.10558
in your life; act with integrity as He would TDG 343:3TopIndex .Christ.10559
leaders are to have PM 72:3TopIndex .Christ.10560
learning,TopIndex .Christ.10561
by walking in His footsteps OHC 114:4TopIndex .Christ.10562
by wearing His yoke HP 162:3, 236:1TopIndex .Christ.10563
puts an end to self-exaltation UL 271:6TopIndex .Christ.10564
protects against irritation UL 34:4TopIndex .Christ.10565
subjection to God possible through OHC 274:4TopIndex .Christ.10566
temptation to vent feelings calls for HP 270:2TopIndex .Christ.10567
words spoken in TDG 75:5TopIndex .Christ.10568
meeting, in peace at His coming HP 357:2TopIndex .Christ.10569
memory’s hall to be hung with pictures of HP 123:3TopIndex .Christ.10570
mercy of,TopIndex .Christ.10571
and love call for serious reflection OHC 113:5TopIndex .Christ.10572
and power without bounds TDG 28:7TopIndex .Christ.10573
and truth as well as righteousness and peace TMK 117:5TopIndex .Christ.10574
delights to appear for suffering humanity 3SM 296:2TopIndex .Christ.10575
gives man all he has UL 322:4TopIndex .Christ.10576
love and, call for serious reflection 2MCP 406:1TopIndex .Christ.10577
presumed upon; His grace refused Mar 55:4TopIndex .Christ.10578
merit and power given by, when accepted as Saviour TMK 288:4TopIndex .Christ.10579
merits of,TopIndex .Christ.10580
accepted by faith for everlasting life HP 19:4TopIndex .Christ.10581
access to God through HP 18:4; OHC 366:2TopIndex .Christ.10582
access to the Father through AG 83:3TopIndex .Christ.10583
(and power) provide victory HP 252:4TopIndex .Christ.10584
appropriating,TopIndex .Christ.10585
as if you were the only sinner TMK 280:3TopIndex .Christ.10586
to own soul for justification 3SM 191:4TopIndex .Christ.10587