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    Youth (Part 1 of 3)


    Youth FE 547-9; MYP 21-5; 2SG 250-65; 1T 496-513; 2T 127-9; 3T 362-80TopIndex .Youth.2

    1. Aspirations ofTopIndex .Youth.3

    2. Associations ofTopIndex .Youth.4

    3. At schoolTopIndex .Youth.5

    4. Bible study byTopIndex .Youth.6

    5. Called to God’s serviceTopIndex .Youth.7

    6. Characteristics ofTopIndex .Youth.8

    7. Classes ofTopIndex .Youth.9

    8. Courtship problems ofTopIndex .Youth.10

    9. Dealing withTopIndex .Youth.11

    10. Dress and grooming ofTopIndex .Youth.12

    11. Duty(s) and responsibility(s) ofTopIndex .Youth.13

    12. Education ofTopIndex .Youth.14

    13. Examples forTopIndex .Youth.15

    14. God’s claims uponTopIndex .Youth.16

    15. Moral problems ofTopIndex .Youth.17

    16. Needs ofTopIndex .Youth.18

    17. Need(s) or ought toTopIndex .Youth.19

    18. Need(s) or ought to beTopIndex .Youth.20

    19. Ought not toTopIndex .Youth.21

    20. Physical well-being ofTopIndex .Youth.22

    21. Reading ofTopIndex .Youth.23

    22. Recreation and amusement(s) ofTopIndex .Youth.24

    23. Relation of, to money mattersTopIndex .Youth.25

    24. Relation of, to religious influence(s) and experienceTopIndex .Youth.26

    25. Talents and capabilities ofTopIndex .Youth.27

    26. Temptations and trials ofTopIndex .Youth.28

    27. Things that endangerTopIndex .Youth.29

    28. Training ofTopIndex .Youth.30

    29. Work activities and habits ofTopIndex .Youth.31

    30. MiscellaneousTopIndex .Youth.32

    SupplementTopIndex .Youth.33

    1. Aspirations of

    ambition allures, from path of holiness 5T 41-2TopIndex .Youth.35

    God does not bid, to be less aspiring MH 396; PP 602TopIndex .Youth.36

    God would have, reach highest round of ladder CG 167TopIndex .Youth.37

    heights may be reached by, that now seem impossible ML 268TopIndex .Youth.38

    high standard of attainments that may be reached by 3T 367TopIndex .Youth.39

    highest honor to which, can attain ML 73; SD 294TopIndex .Youth.40

    it is right for, to feel need of reaching highest development of mental powers 8T 311TopIndex .Youth.41

    to feel they must reach highest development of their natural powers FE 541TopIndex .Youth.42

    may acquire that which gold cannot buy SD 78TopIndex .Youth.43

    nothing wrong with great aspirations of MYP 36TopIndex .Youth.44

    seeking highest development of mental power by, is right MH 449TopIndex .Youth.45

    standard set before, should be high CT 354TopIndex .Youth.46

    See also AmbitionTopIndex .Youth.47

    2. Associations of

    associates frequently preferred by, at early age 1T 401TopIndex .Youth.49

    associates of SD 162TopIndex .Youth.50

    greater care needed in choosing MYP 85TopIndex .Youth.51

    influence of 4T 587-91TopIndex .Youth.52

    most salutary 4T 587TopIndex .Youth.53

    association with undisciplined young people demoralizes 4T 193TopIndex .Youth.54

    associations formed by: mold their whole life 4T 363TopIndex .Youth.55

    should be most favorable for spiritual growth 5T 545TopIndex .Youth.56

    See also AssociationTopIndex .Youth.57

    associations that should be shunned by 3T 126TopIndex .Youth.58

    companions of: great care needed in choosing FE 500TopIndex .Youth.59

    should be persons observing decorum in words and deportment MYP 267TopIndex .Youth.60

    warning against carelessness in choice of MYP 164TopIndex .Youth.61

    company kept by, affects their future usefulness 5T 545TopIndex .Youth.62

    parents should know 4T 651TopIndex .Youth.63

    corrupt companions of, baneful influence of 3T 125-6TopIndex .Youth.64

    corruption of: by evil associations 2T 324-5; 3T 123, 125-6; 4T 206-7, 436-7; 5T 543TopIndex .Youth.65

    by evil associations at school CT 220-6; MH 403; 3T 148; 4T 435-6, 649-50TopIndex .Youth.66

    in SDA institutions 4T 587-91TopIndex .Youth.67

    ensnared by friendship with ungodly associates 4T 207TopIndex .Youth.68

    exert powerful influence over one another 1T 388TopIndex .Youth.69

    frivolous and pleasure-seeking associates exert demoralizing influence on 4T 649TopIndex .Youth.70

    help, to be modest and dignified in all associations GW 126TopIndex .Youth.71

    hundreds of, of various dispositions and of different education are associated in school 4T 649TopIndex .Youth.72

    inclined to associate with persons inferior in mind and morals 4T 588TopIndex .Youth.73

    make earnest effort to keep, from choosing superficial, frivolous, pleasure-seeking associates 4T 649TopIndex .Youth.74

    mind and character of, influence of association upon MH 402TopIndex .Youth.75

    parents should know house where, spend their evenings 4T 651TopIndex .Youth.76

    worldly associates of, exert subtle and dangerous influence upon their minds 3T 42-3TopIndex .Youth.77

    pernicious influence of 2T 100-1; 5T 78TopIndex .Youth.78

    See also Associate; Association; CompanionTopIndex .Youth.79

    3. At school

    college professors’ influence on 4T 419TopIndex .Youth.81

    college teachers who try to turn, from ministry for God 5T 85TopIndex .Youth.82

    encourage, to attend SDA training schools 8T 230TopIndex .Youth.83

    few, in 1875 could do study needed to obtain common education 4T 96TopIndex .Youth.84

    first study of, is to know themselves and how to keep well 3T 142TopIndex .Youth.85

    fit all, for usefulness CG 332TopIndex .Youth.86

    fit many, as teachers 6T 207TopIndex .Youth.87

    how, can obtain education COL 334TopIndex .Youth.88

    influence that SDA college should exert upon 4T 422TopIndex .Youth.89

    may sow seeds in school life that will bear precious harvest FE 191TopIndex .Youth.90

    mind of, teachers should be careful to call out qualities of 3T 135TopIndex .Youth.91

    primary object of SDA college is to afford, opportunity to prepare for God’s work 5T 60TopIndex .Youth.92

    saving influences for, in SDA schools 4T 295TopIndex .Youth.93

    schools should interest, in foreign miss. work Ed 269TopIndex .Youth.94

    schools where character of, is misshaped MH 403TopIndex .Youth.95

    some professors repel, by their sourness FE 51TopIndex .Youth.96

    study of science by, that is dangerous Ed 227TopIndex .Youth.97

    superficial instruction should not be given to CSW 89TopIndex .Youth.98

    training schools for, larger SDA churches need GW 75TopIndex .Youth.99

    teacher’s responsibility for influence he exerts upon 5T 28TopIndex .Youth.100

    teacher’s responsibility to fit, as standard-bearers 5T 585TopIndex .Youth.101

    teachers are to stand as missionaries to 5T 91TopIndex .Youth.102

    teachers cannot reform, by impatience and harshness 5T 91TopIndex .Youth.103

    teachers should make religion attractive to 4T 419TopIndex .Youth.104

    teachers should remember that, are purchase of Christ’s blood 5T 34TopIndex .Youth.105

    teachers should set example for, in dress and deportment FE 191TopIndex .Youth.106

    teaching useful trades to CG 355-9TopIndex .Youth.107

    tedious instruction wearies 2T 420TopIndex .Youth.108

    young college teachers tend to neglect 5T 35TopIndex .Youth.109

    See also College; Education; School; TeacherTopIndex .Youth.110

    4. Bible study by

    all-important knowledge that should be given to, from Bible CT 429TopIndex .Youth.112

    attention of, must be called to Bible 5T 519TopIndex .Youth.113

    Bible study by ML 315TopIndex .Youth.114

    importance of CT 138-9TopIndex .Youth.115

    Bible truth should be made plain to 6T 105-6TopIndex .Youth.116

    class for, should be organized in Biblical institutes Ev 581TopIndex .Youth.117

    do not read God’s word enough to know its claims upon them 1T 498TopIndex .Youth.118

    do not study God’s word as they should 8T 319TopIndex .Youth.119

    erroneous idea of, re requirements of Bible 3T 374-5TopIndex .Youth.120

    knowledge of Bible helps, to resist temptation FE 92TopIndex .Youth.121

    led into temptation and sin easily because of neglect of Bible study CT 442; FE 132TopIndex .Youth.122

    love of Bible and its sacred truths does not come naturally to 5T 329TopIndex .Youth.123

    minds of, fail to reach noblest development when God’s word is neglected CT 139TopIndex .Youth.124

    must make God’s word their guide and man of their counsel 1T 497TopIndex .Youth.125

    neglect of Bible study by, results of 5T 26TopIndex .Youth.126

    safeguard for, study of God’s word is SD 211TopIndex .Youth.127

    unerring counselor and infallible guide for, found in God’s word FE 100TopIndex .Youth.128

    See also Scripture (22. Study of)TopIndex .Youth.129

    5. Called to God’s service

    appointed by God to: be His helping hand 7T 64TopIndex .Youth.131

    do work for Him 3T 370TopIndex .Youth.132

    are our hope for miss. labor FE 320TopIndex .Youth.133

    army of, rightly trained could soon proclaim message Ed 271; WM 109TopIndex .Youth.134

    SDA, should be properly directed and encouraged in miss. work ChS 30TopIndex .Youth.135

    called by God to do miss. work MYP 217TopIndex .Youth.136

    called to: be burden bearers CT 535-40TopIndex .Youth.137

    be laborers for God MYP 197-8TopIndex .Youth.138

    share with God in work of redemption MYP 47TopIndex .Youth.139

    can reach class of people whom minister cannot 1T 513TopIndex .Youth.140

    Christ will guide, to position where they can be most useful 5T 87TopIndex .Youth.141

    church members can do much to shape characters of, for service of God and man 7T 187TopIndex .Youth.142

    church should organize, to do welfare work AH 476TopIndex .Youth.143

    every, has work to do for honor of God and uplifting of humanity Ed 58TopIndex .Youth.144

    giant strokes may be made for God by SD 204TopIndex .Youth.145

    God calls for vigor, zeal, and courage of CT 535TopIndex .Youth.146

    God calls for, to enter His service 6T 471TopIndex .Youth.147

    to glorify Him and bless humanity MYP 21TopIndex .Youth.148

    God calls upon: to do house-to-house work 8T 229TopIndex .Youth.149

    to work as colporteurs CM 19; 8T 229TopIndex .Youth.150

    to work as evangelists 8T 229TopIndex .Youth.151

    God has made, depositaries of truth for world SD 273TopIndex .Youth.152

    God has work for, to do 1T 513TopIndex .Youth.153

    God will use, to take truth to foreign lands 1SM 319TopIndex .Youth.154

    God’s call to MYP 21-5TopIndex .Youth.155

    to engage in His work CM 19TopIndex .Youth.156

    God’s invitation to each MYP 408TopIndex .Youth.157

    God’s purposes for, in His service MYP 21TopIndex .Youth.158

    good can be done by, in laboring to save souls MYP 370TopIndex .Youth.159

    great blessing obtained by, in helping widows and the fatherless 1T 190TopIndex .Youth.160

    importance of qualifying, for God’s work 4T 434TopIndex .Youth.161

    invited by God to give their strength to Him CT 535TopIndex .Youth.162

    large company of, should be gathered from SDA homes for God’s service CT 131TopIndex .Youth.163

    let, share in labor and responsibility of church 6T 435TopIndex .Youth.164

    many: should be sent forth from colleges as miss. workers 5T 390TopIndex .Youth.165

    should be trained for miss. work 9T 119TopIndex .Youth.166

    may work for God by gathering others to SS ChS 130TopIndex .Youth.167

    ministers should set, in churches to work WM 124TopIndex .Youth.168

    miss. work by: methods of 7T 64-5TopIndex .Youth.169

    most important kind of SD 254TopIndex .Youth.170

    plans should be laid for ChS 34TopIndex .Youth.171

    miss. work should be planned for, to do 6T 435-6TopIndex .Youth.172

    much can be done by, for Christ MM 312TopIndex .Youth.173

    opportunity for, in many lines of Christian service Ed 269TopIndex .Youth.174

    prepare, as med. missionaries Ev 518TopIndex .Youth.175

    to meet skeptics and infidels MYP 85TopIndex .Youth.176

    privilege of, to be co-workers with angels Ed 271TopIndex .Youth.177

    pub. houses should teach, to do evangelistic work 8T 229TopIndex .Youth.178

    qualify, to be used by God as His instruments CT 99TopIndex .Youth.179

    royal line of, to which modern youth are called Ed 254-5TopIndex .Youth.180

    sanitariums should teach, to do evangelistic work 8T 229TopIndex .Youth.181

    set, in churches to work TM 415-6; WM 124TopIndex .Youth.182

    to task of solving mysteries CSW 77-8TopIndex .Youth.183

    SDA have army of, who can do much if properly directed and encouraged TM 32TopIndex .Youth.184

    SDA institutions should teach, to do evangelistic work 8T 229TopIndex .Youth.185

    SDA schools should prepare, to labor to advance truth 3T 407TopIndex .Youth.186

    SDA schools should teach, to do evangelistic work 8T 229TopIndex .Youth.187

    some, best fitted to do home miss. work 9T 78TopIndex .Youth.188

    soon must bear burdens borne by older workers CT 537TopIndex .Youth.189

    study best methods of fitting, to win souls 9T 76TopIndex .Youth.190

    wide field of usefulness for, distribution of SDA literature is 9T 78TopIndex .Youth.191

    wide sphere of usefulness for, but they see it not 1T 512TopIndex .Youth.192

    will be called to give God’s message WM 108-9TopIndex .Youth.193

    work for every, God has PP 574TopIndex .Youth.194

    6. Characteristics of

    affections in, are most ardent SD 78TopIndex .Youth.196

    affections of, are ardent 1T 498TopIndex .Youth.197

    are receptive, fresh, ardent, and hopeful 6T 471TopIndex .Youth.198

    bold in sin in this modern age MYP 85TopIndex .Youth.199

    faculty of imitation is most active in CG 215TopIndex .Youth.200

    feel more at liberty when older persons are absent 2SG 251; 1T 154-5TopIndex .Youth.201

    generally are: governed by impulse 3T 564TopIndex .Youth.202

    in terrible deception 1T 496TopIndex .Youth.203

    not educated to diligent habits FE 317TopIndex .Youth.204

    slaves to appetite 3T 564TopIndex .Youth.205

    generally do not: bear burdens for others 1T 485TopIndex .Youth.206

    think deeply or act wisely 4T 438TopIndex .Youth.207

    have inborn love for freedom Ed 291TopIndex .Youth.208

    hearts of: are full of high anticipation 4T 364TopIndex .Youth.209

    filled with love of self 1T 500TopIndex .Youth.210

    like impressible wax FE 51TopIndex .Youth.211

    ideas and opinions of, not stereotyped as in older persons 5T 33TopIndex .Youth.212

    imitate deportment of others 4T 621TopIndex .Youth.213

    impulse is strongest in Ed 228TopIndex .Youth.214

    inclination of, to excuse themselves from bearing responsibilities 3T 224TopIndex .Youth.215

    inclined to measure themselves by themselves 1T 154-5TopIndex .Youth.216

    is impressible CG 199; CH 113; 4T 575TopIndex .Youth.217

    know little of self-denial for Christ’s sake 1T 155TopIndex .Youth.218

    little realize value of their abounding energy Ed 195TopIndex .Youth.219

    live as if life were one grand holiday 1T 501TopIndex .Youth.220

    love continued round of excitement 1T 501TopIndex .Youth.221

    naturally desire activity FE 72TopIndex .Youth.222

    naturally enthusiastic and impressible Ed 212TopIndex .Youth.223

    majority of: become excited and angry on slightest occasion CG 440; CH 112TopIndex .Youth.224

    have little self-control CG 440; CH 112TopIndex .Youth.225

    lack moral courage to deny self CH 112TopIndex .Youth.226

    lack moral courage to respond to claims of duty CH 112TopIndex .Youth.227

    quick to respond to suggestion Ed 212TopIndex .Youth.228

    seem to have lost all sense of modesty and good manners 1T 395TopIndex .Youth.229

    self-esteem is very large in 2T 175TopIndex .Youth.230

    self is prominent with 2T 175TopIndex .Youth.231

    strong to retain impressions received 4T 142TopIndex .Youth.232

    talk of subjects on which their minds mostly run 2T 460TopIndex .Youth.233

    taste of, frivolous songs and popular sheet music seem congenial to 1T 497TopIndex .Youth.234

    trust too much to impulse FE 105; MYP 450TopIndex .Youth.235

    urge their: desires, likes, and dislikes CT 132TopIndex .Youth.236

    preferences and inclinations CT 132TopIndex .Youth.237

    want what they do not have 1T 504TopIndex .Youth.238

    will do something with their overflowing energies GW 211TopIndex .Youth.239

    worldly influences affect, more easily than they do older people 5T 543TopIndex .Youth.240

    7. Classes of

    absent from home at night should be called to account 4T 651TopIndex .Youth.242

    absorbed in dress to exclusion of mental improvement 4T 631TopIndex .Youth.243

    accustomed to reading novels and cheap storybooks 7T 64TopIndex .Youth.244

    acting from impulse are many MYP 453TopIndex .Youth.245

    adopting vile practices never obtain force to develop correctly 2T 351TopIndex .Youth.246

    all SDA, education and training needed by CT 43TopIndex .Youth.247

    should be educated in SDA schools CG 332TopIndex .Youth.248

    allowed to follow natural turn of their own minds, afterlife of CT 325-6TopIndex .Youth.249

    allowed to grow up ignorant of useful work CG 347TopIndex .Youth.250

    always busy but producing little results SD 117TopIndex .Youth.251

    apparently incorrigible, teachers’ duty to 4T 424TopIndex .Youth.252

    army of SDA, can do much if properly directed and encouraged TM 32TopIndex .Youth.253

    as faithful soldiers under banner of Christ MYP 138-9TopIndex .Youth.254

    as reed shaken by wind ML 73TopIndex .Youth.255

    attending SDA school away from home: corrupted by corrupt associates 4T 435-6TopIndex .Youth.256

    crisis met by FE 115TopIndex .Youth.257

    exposed to variety of temptations not met at home 3T 224TopIndex .Youth.258

    need to pray more to escape corruption 3T 224-5TopIndex .Youth.259

    questions asked of 3T 362-3TopIndex .Youth.260

    special interest that should be shown in FE 115TopIndex .Youth.261

    there will always be two classes of CT 221TopIndex .Youth.262

    who become skeptics 5T 186-7TopIndex .Youth.263

    who manifest spirit of lawlessness CT 221TopIndex .Youth.264

    attending theater habitually will be corrupted in principle 4T 652-3TopIndex .Youth.265

    Australian, more earnest spiritual labor needed for FE 320TopIndex .Youth.266

    stern work done in educating FE 538TopIndex .Youth.267

    away from home, duty of MYP 164TopIndex .Youth.268

    backslidden, fall into state of discouragement and distrust 5T 42TopIndex .Youth.269

    urge, to renew their consecration 5T 42TopIndex .Youth.270

    backward, what makes 1T 154TopIndex .Youth.271

    bewitched with mania for courtship and marriage 5T 60TopIndex .Youth.272

    blind to discern tendencies and results of course they pursue 4T 589TopIndex .Youth.273

    blindfolded on his way to destruction MYP 31-2TopIndex .Youth.274

    bold and forward, evil influence of association with 5T 111TopIndex .Youth.275

    bound in evil habits with fetters as firm as steel are many 5T 589TopIndex .Youth.276

    brilliant, do not always make greatest success FE 193TopIndex .Youth.277

    brought up as household pets 5T 88-9TopIndex .Youth.278

    burning midnight oil Ev 651TopIndex .Youth.279

    and lying in bed in morning SD 114TopIndex .Youth.280

    capable, who can do gospel work in cities are needed Ev 586TopIndex .Youth.281

    careless and reckless, appeal to MYP 22TopIndex .Youth.282

    characters of many, are imprinted on their countenances CSW 113TopIndex .Youth.283

    cheapening everything they undertake MYP 43TopIndex .Youth.284

    choosing path to destruction are many 6T 254TopIndex .Youth.285

    choosing pleasures of world before peace which Christ gives 3T 370TopIndex .Youth.286

    choosing to follow inclination are many 4T 649TopIndex .Youth.287

    Christian: may keep his tongue from speaking evil CT 238TopIndex .Youth.288

    preservation and perpetuity of God’s institutions depend largely on CT 99; 4T 434TopIndex .Youth.289

    select, to circulate SDA books CM 29TopIndex .Youth.290

    should be entrusted with responsibilities in SS CSW 62TopIndex .Youth.291

    terrible influence of worldly schools upon MH 403TopIndex .Youth.292

    coarse and uncourteous 4T 624TopIndex .Youth.293

    confined to close study in school cannot have sound health FE 146TopIndex .Youth.294

    connected with large sanitarium, perils of 8T 224-6TopIndex .Youth.295

    consecrated: can exercise greater influence than preachers over other youth 1T 511TopIndex .Youth.296

    could sway mighty influence 1T 511TopIndex .Youth.297

    God accepts CT 512TopIndex .Youth.298

    God’s cause needs CSW 67-8TopIndex .Youth.299

    Satan knows no other class can do as much good as 1T 511TopIndex .Youth.300

    sway mighty influence for good ML 122TopIndex .Youth.301

    considering: any discipline unreasonable restriction of liberty CG 335TopIndex .Youth.302

    it evidence of intellectual superiority to doubt truth 5T 186TopIndex .Youth.303

    conversation of, re opposite sex 2T 460TopIndex .Youth.304

    converted, should not be left in idleness CSW 82TopIndex .Youth.305

    converted and unconverted, should be gathered together for prayer CSW 69TopIndex .Youth.306

    corrupted: at early age are many MYP 369TopIndex .Youth.307

    by associations at school are many 3T 155TopIndex .Youth.308

    by corrupt and corrupting literature MH 443-7TopIndex .Youth.309

    cultivated, needed in SDA sanitariums, med. miss. work, pub. houses, and conferences CT 42TopIndex .Youth.310

    cultivating honest industry find position anywhere MYP 34TopIndex .Youth.311

    deciding to get education, questions that should be asked by FE 301TopIndex .Youth.312

    desiring to be loyal to God, Bible is standard for SD 108TopIndex .Youth.313

    determined to make life a success 4T 623TopIndex .Youth.314

    devoted, preachers cannot influence young people as can ML 122TopIndex .Youth.315

    devoted to amusements have aversion to religious exercises 2T 236TopIndex .Youth.316

    devoted to God, many souls might be saved by 1T 512TopIndex .Youth.317

    ministers cannot influence other youth as much as can 1T 511TopIndex .Youth.318

    diseased, in Christ’s time were many CD 118TopIndex .Youth.319

    disposition of many, to be impetuous and headstrong FE 100; MYP 443TopIndex .Youth.320

    disregarding parental advice and instructions will have no part in new earth 1T 497-8TopIndex .Youth.321

    disregarding warnings of God’s word, pub. house should dismiss 4T 209TopIndex .Youth.322

    do not bring SDA, into contact with pleasure-loving and irreligious worldlings 8T 224TopIndex .Youth.323

    doing gospel work in cities, consecrated leaders of experience should direct Ev 108TopIndex .Youth.324

    downfall of many promising, as result of unwholesome diet Ed 203TopIndex .Youth.325

    driven away from God by injudicious words and actions MM 180TopIndex .Youth.326

    dullest, follow rule of Luke 6:31 in dealing with Ed 292-3TopIndex .Youth.327

    teacher should not needlessly wound self-respect of 5T 30TopIndex .Youth.328

    dwarfing their intellect 3T 367TopIndex .Youth.329

    to cheap and vain things of life, sinfulness of 3T 370-1TopIndex .Youth.330

    eager for books are many CT 133; 2T 410TopIndex .Youth.331

    earnest and conscientious, angels look lovingly upon 4T 432TopIndex .Youth.332

    earnest and devoted, needed as nurses in God’s work CH 387TopIndex .Youth.333

    educated at home to be infidels are many COL 45-6TopIndex .Youth.334

    employed as pub.-house workers 1T 589-92TopIndex .Youth.335

    encourage SDA, to attend SDA schools FE 489TopIndex .Youth.336

    encouraging: doubt instead of removing it 4T 437; 5T 672TopIndex .Youth.337

    questionings instead of removing them 4T 437; 5T 672TopIndex .Youth.338

    endowed by God with superior capabilities are many 5T 518TopIndex .Youth.339

    enduring trial ML 315TopIndex .Youth.340

    entering on education with careless purposes CG 336TopIndex .Youth.341

    erring: God looks with pitying tenderness upon 6T 254-5TopIndex .Youth.342

    how to deal with MM 180TopIndex .Youth.343

    impulse to act rashly with MM 180TopIndex .Youth.344

    making unjust charges against MM 180TopIndex .Youth.345

    show interest and love re 4T 424TopIndex .Youth.346

    erring and disobedient, prodigal son’s experience as COL 198-211TopIndex .Youth.347

    erring and rebellious, follow rule of Luke 6:31 in dealing with Ed 292-3TopIndex .Youth.348

    excusing themselves because of other people’s faults feed on husks 1T 500TopIndex .Youth.349

    exerting demoralizing influence, college should not admit 4T 209TopIndex .Youth.350

    exposed to temptation, best shield for 3T 194TopIndex .Youth.351

    ministers should open their doors to GW 212TopIndex .Youth.352

    failing to grow in grace are many MYP 102TopIndex .Youth.353

    faithful, precious promise for 1T 498-9TopIndex .Youth.354

    will astonish people by their witness to truth in closing scenes of earth’s history CT 166-7TopIndex .Youth.355

    feeling fully competent to guide their own barks among the breakers 5T 86TopIndex .Youth.356

    feelings of, seek to enter into GW 209TopIndex .Youth.357

    few: appreciate value of their talents CSW 49TopIndex .Youth.358

    free from corrupt habits 2T 348TopIndex .Youth.359

    have any knowledge of mysteries of life CT 126; FE 159-60; 2T 536; 7T 65TopIndex .Youth.360

    understand truth by experience MYP 140TopIndex .Youth.361

    understand what it is to be Christians 1T 510TopIndex .Youth.362

    few SDA, earnestly and anxiously desire to know and do God’s will 2T 128TopIndex .Youth.363

    finding joy in reading God’s word and in prayer, God constantly refreshes SD 136; 4T 624TopIndex .Youth.364

    fitting themselves for God’s service SD 204TopIndex .Youth.365

    following: Christ, precious promises recorded for CT 330TopIndex .Youth.366

    impulse are constantly in danger 4T 651-2TopIndex .Youth.367

    impulse and inclination can have no real happiness CG 258-9TopIndex .Youth.368

    inclination are many 2BC 1024TopIndex .Youth.369

    inclination rather than duty 3T 199TopIndex .Youth.370

    inclination so long that duty becomes meaningless word to them 3T 373TopIndex .Youth.371

    forming characters in this degenerate age, EGW’s mourning for 2T 348TopIndex .Youth.372

    free from corrupt habits are very few 2T 348TopIndex .Youth.373

    friendless, your duty to ChS 217TopIndex .Youth.374

    frivolity of SDA, is alarming 1T 496TopIndex .Youth.375

    frivolous, are dangerous MYP 267TopIndex .Youth.376

    shun company of MYP 267TopIndex .Youth.377

    from 10 to 18 years old, parents’ duty re 1T 391TopIndex .Youth.378

    think there is no harm in worldly associations CT 327TopIndex .Youth.379

    full of buoyancy who spurn restraint brought to bear on them 5T 110TopIndex .Youth.380

    full of vigor and zeal and courage, God calls for CT 535TopIndex .Youth.381

    fully consecrated, service of Christ is not drudgery to 3T 374TopIndex .Youth.382

    gay and thoughtless, prodigal son’s experience as COL 203TopIndex .Youth.383

    genuineness of faith of SDA, will be proved CT 327TopIndex .Youth.384

    giddy, when Solomon became like 2T 306TopIndex .Youth.385

    given to: idle and spendthrift habits are many CG 441TopIndex .Youth.386

    lovesick sentimentalism, college should closely restrict 4T 209TopIndex .Youth.387

    seeking their own amusement are useless members of society 2T 235-6TopIndex .Youth.388

    sentimentalism, SDA institutions should dismiss CH 294TopIndex .Youth.389

    social gaiety and thoughtless mirth, loss sustained by 9T 90TopIndex .Youth.390

    giving minds to mere worldly and speculative study lose all that enriches life 8T 311TopIndex .Youth.391

    giving themselves to blind infatuation in courtship MYP 456TopIndex .Youth.392

    God accepts consecrated, with their talent and wealth of affection MYP 170TopIndex .Youth.393

    God calls for, who are modest, quiet, and sober-minded LS 275TopIndex .Youth.394

    God-fearing: promises for 8T 311TopIndex .Youth.395

    should strive to discharge duties with thoughtful consideration MYP 149TopIndex .Youth.396

    should wage war against intemperance Te 235TopIndex .Youth.397

    will astonish people by their witness to truth in closing scenes of earth’s history CT 166TopIndex .Youth.398

    God-fearing and God-loving, angels lovingly guard steps of SD 98TopIndex .Youth.399

    will be living channel of light SD 98TopIndex .Youth.400

    going away from home to school MYP 164TopIndex .Youth.401

    going out into world, allurements of sin for Ed 227TopIndex .Youth.402

    gospel work for SDA, as miss. work of highest kind GW 207TopIndex .Youth.403

    gospel-hardened, surround themselves with atmosphere of worldliness, irreverence, and infidelity 5T 186TopIndex .Youth.404

    governed too much, who despise thought of restraint at school 4T 649TopIndex .Youth.405

    graced with humility may manifest ardor and zeal 2T 134TopIndex .Youth.406

    great influence of devoted, upon youth ML 122TopIndex .Youth.407

    grounded in third angel’s message, SDA need Ev 586TopIndex .Youth.408

    growing up: established in faith CG 66TopIndex .Youth.409

    rude in words and manners CG 143TopIndex .Youth.410

    guilty of: neglect of Bible CT 138-9TopIndex .Youth.411

    robbing God in offerings 2T 128TopIndex .Youth.412

    happy, employment and diversion that make 1T 504TopIndex .Youth.413

    hardened in state of sin 4T 624TopIndex .Youth.414

    having: habit of turning night into day CG 112; Ev 651TopIndex .Youth.415

    little interest in spiritual things, earnest appeal to 2T 290TopIndex .Youth.416

    no time for idle daydreaming or repining AH 285TopIndex .Youth.417

    set will, what must be learned by 1T 152TopIndex .Youth.418

    headstrong, misery and death lie before 2T 562TopIndex .Youth.419

    headstrong and self-willed, perils of 4T 589TopIndex .Youth.420

    problem of dealing with 2T 460TopIndex .Youth.421

    heady and high-minded, evil influence of association with 5T 106-7TopIndex .Youth.422

    marriage of 5T 106TopIndex .Youth.423

    healed by prayer who later became dissolute 2T 149TopIndex .Youth.424

    Hebrew, instruction given under orthodox teachers to DA 84TopIndex .Youth.425

    were taught trade AA 346; FE 417TopIndex .Youth.426

    holding to firm and unwavering principles will be blessed with health of body, mind, soul ML 147TopIndex .Youth.427

    homeless, all about us are MH 354-5TopIndex .Youth.428

    invite, to your homes 6T 348TopIndex .Youth.429

    how millions of, are ruined for this world and the next MH 371TopIndex .Youth.430

    how popular churches lead many, to ruin CS 201TopIndex .Youth.431

    how some, do despite to Spirit 5T 186-7TopIndex .Youth.432

    trample upon blood of Christ 5T 186-7TopIndex .Youth.433

    hypocritical, youth who have not made profession of religion stumble over 2T 460TopIndex .Youth.434

    idle, are in peril CG 123TopIndex .Youth.435

    rushing into vice are many CG 441TopIndex .Youth.436

    idolizing books to neglect of other duties 3T 224TopIndex .Youth.437

    idolizing frivolous and popular music, darkness envelops them as holy angels leave 1T 506TopIndex .Youth.438

    ignorant: of his devices, Satan constantly seeks ruin of 4T 207TopIndex .Youth.439

    of knowledge needed for practical life 5T 523TopIndex .Youth.440

    of many dangers to which they are daily exposed 3T 373TopIndex .Youth.441

    of useful work are many CG 347TopIndex .Youth.442

    play themselves into Satan’s hands 4T 207TopIndex .Youth.443

    Satan uses, to lead souls to ruin 4T 207TopIndex .Youth.444

    impenitent, labor for conversion of 1SM 190TopIndex .Youth.445

    in churches: are choosing path to destruction MH 171TopIndex .Youth.446

    demoralized by the unruly and dissembling 4T 199TopIndex .Youth.447

    in harmony with Christ: choose companions who will help them in rightdoing CT 226TopIndex .Youth.448

    shun society that does not aid in development of right principles and noble purposes CT 226TopIndex .Youth.449

    in Jeremiah’s time, promises that made impressions on PK 427TopIndex .Youth.450

    in professedly Christian homes are choosing path to destruction MH 171TopIndex .Youth.451

    in religious institutions are choosing path to destruction MH 171TopIndex .Youth.452

    inclined to: be superficial in all they undertake 3T 367TopIndex .Youth.453

    confound economy with stinginess and narrowness 5T 400TopIndex .Youth.454

    consider God’s warnings as idle tales 5T 233TopIndex .Youth.455

    follow inclination rather than obey calls of duty 3T 379TopIndex .Youth.456

    turn from God’s warnings with jest 5T 233TopIndex .Youth.457

    indulged, petted, flattered, and praised until spoiled for practical life 3T 364TopIndex .Youth.458

    indulging in carelessness and levity fall under temptation instead of overcoming 3T 374TopIndex .Youth.459

    indulging lustful passions are crazed by devil 2T 482TopIndex .Youth.460

    industrious and economical, can save a little for God’s cause AH 382TopIndex .Youth.461

    inexperienced: angels take special charge of CSW 159TopIndex .Youth.462

    college teachers should not be impatient with errors of 5T 34TopIndex .Youth.463

    God bears long with 5T 34TopIndex .Youth.464

    hastened into marriage alliance 2T 252TopIndex .Youth.465

    influence of, attending SDA schools CT 221TopIndex .Youth.466

    influenced by youthful infidelity GC 600-1TopIndex .Youth.467

    innocent, associated with hardened criminals in worldly colleges 4T 426-7TopIndex .Youth.468

    instructed and disciplined properly will do service for Christ 4T 398TopIndex .Youth.469

    interested in art but ignoring God’s claims on their talents 1T 512-3TopIndex .Youth.470

    invalids among MM 106-7TopIndex .Youth.471

    irreligious, do not mingle too much in society of 3T 225TopIndex .Youth.472

    just commenced in earnest warfare against sin specially need parents’ counsel and watchcare CT 327TopIndex .Youth.473

    lacking: brain power because they do little useful labor 4T 96TopIndex .Youth.474

    education will be crippled and inefficient in any position 5T 521TopIndex .Youth.475

    firmness of principle should be trained in institution nearest their home 8T 224-5TopIndex .Youth.476

    fixed principle to serve God are many MYP 102; 1T 161TopIndex .Youth.477

    method in their work are many SD 117TopIndex .Youth.478

    muscle power because they do little useful labor 4T 96TopIndex .Youth.479

    necessary disciplinary training should not be sent to distant school 8T 224-5TopIndex .Youth.480

    power of endurance are many MYP 102; 2SG 261TopIndex .Youth.481

    respect for counsel of godly parents, sin of 5T 125TopIndex .Youth.482

    lax in morals, children should not associate with CT 120TopIndex .Youth.483

    learning to love amusement for its own sake open door to flood of temptation 9T 90TopIndex .Youth.484

    led astray by irreligious associates 5T 186TopIndex .Youth.485

    like empty bubble ML 71TopIndex .Youth.486

    like prodigal son are many MYP 408TopIndex .Youth.487

    living: as aimless lives as do butterflies 2T 236TopIndex .Youth.488

    careless, pleasure-loving, spendthrift life are many MYP 408TopIndex .Youth.489

    for their own gratification, sinfulness of 3T 370-1TopIndex .Youth.490

    in country, fewer temptations for LS 356TopIndex .Youth.491

    in this degenerate age, EGW mourned for 2T 348TopIndex .Youth.492

    lovely, Satan sometimes comes in form of MYP 59; 1T 296TopIndex .Youth.493

    loving and idolizing books, warning to 3T 224TopIndex .Youth.494

    loving approbation 3T 225TopIndex .Youth.495

    loving society of persons who love sin see nothing attractive in purity and holiness 4T 363TopIndex .Youth.496

    loving tainted atmosphere, devils gather about 2BC 1001TopIndex .Youth.497

    lying in bed some hours after daylight, counsels to Ev 651TopIndex .Youth.498

    making grievous blunders by failure to heed teachings of experience MYP 163TopIndex .Youth.499

    making mistakes, teacher should never forget to be compassionate and courteous toward CT 269TopIndex .Youth.500

    making no advancement in knowledge or spirituality are many MYP 65TopIndex .Youth.501

    many, in SDA institutions are unfitted to become members of God’s family 8T 28TopIndex .Youth.502

    though incorrigible are not so hard of heart as they appear Ed 294TopIndex .Youth.503

    many apparently hopeless, may be reclaimed by wise discipline Ed 294TopIndex .Youth.504

    melt under kindness Ed 294TopIndex .Youth.505

    many apparently unpromising, are richly endowed with talents Ed 232TopIndex .Youth.506

    many outwardly unattractive, may be precious material Ed 232TopIndex .Youth.507

    many SDA: do not intelligently understand reasons for SDA faith FE 162TopIndex .Youth.508

    will be brought into distressing perplexities CT 327TopIndex .Youth.509

    minds of SDA, filled with nonsense 1T 496TopIndex .Youth.510

    misjudged, may be best material for gospel workers GW 208TopIndex .Youth.511

    mistaking strong and uncontrolled passion for strength of character are many 4T 656TopIndex .Youth.512

    modern: are sure index to future of society CG 440; CH 112; Te 186TopIndex .Youth.513

    called to fidelity to principles of temperance PK 488TopIndex .Youth.514

    called to meet momentous issues Ed 225TopIndex .Youth.515

    Daniel and companions as examples for 4T 570; Te 272TopIndex .Youth.516

    educated to believe that money makes the man SD 236TopIndex .Youth.517

    fearful state of, one of strongest signs of last days 4T 199TopIndex .Youth.518

    feebleness and inefficiency of 5T 43TopIndex .Youth.519

    great need of reverence in CG 546TopIndex .Youth.520

    have no true sense of their great danger 5T 105TopIndex .Youth.521

    have same help from God as Daniel did PK 490TopIndex .Youth.522

    imagine that yielding to parental authority is evidence of weakness SD 143TopIndex .Youth.523

    lesson from Christ’s childhood and youth for SD 135TopIndex .Youth.524

    may be as precious in God’s sight as Samuel was PP 574TopIndex .Youth.525

    may be educated for fulfillment of high and holy purposes SD 78TopIndex .Youth.526

    may have spirit that possessed Daniel PK 489TopIndex .Youth.527

    mighty truths which God desires to reveal through PK 490TopIndex .Youth.528

    most of, will come short of everlasting life 2T 144TopIndex .Youth.529

    study inclination SD 143TopIndex .Youth.530

    why, are not religiously inclined 1T 546; 2T 701TopIndex .Youth.531

    why there is so little purity and moral worth among 2SM 435TopIndex .Youth.532

    most blundering, follow Luke 6:31 in dealing with Ed 292-3TopIndex .Youth.533

    teacher should not needlessly wound self-respect of 5T 30TopIndex .Youth.534

    most difficult, to control in schools CG 242TopIndex .Youth.535

    most promising SDA, have offered their best ability at shrine of idols FE 232TopIndex .Youth.536

    moving from impulse rather than judgment are many 7BC 915TopIndex .Youth.537

    naturally impatient of control GC 584TopIndex .Youth.538

    needing: correction should be led to seek better things Ed 296-7TopIndex .Youth.539

    hand stretched out in sympathy MH 354-5TopIndex .Youth.540

    neglected and much-to-be-pitied FE 53TopIndex .Youth.541

    neglecting Christian duties continually fall under temptation 3T 374TopIndex .Youth.542

    neglecting prayer and religious privileges sell their birthright for mess of pottage 3T 223TopIndex .Youth.543

    neglecting prayer for frivolous songs and popular music, Satan leads captive 1T 497TopIndex .Youth.544

    neglecting word of life will be found wanting in time of trouble 1T 508TopIndex .Youth.545

    never advancing beyond mere alphabet of Christian experience are many DA 640TopIndex .Youth.546

    not all feeble, are guilty of wrong habits CG 445TopIndex .Youth.547

    not exercising faith are many 2SG 261TopIndex .Youth.548

    not half of, professing religion are converted 2SG 256TopIndex .Youth.549

    not more than half of, professing religion have been truly converted 1T 158TopIndex .Youth.550

    not professing religion, door of SDA college will ever be open to 5T 112TopIndex .Youth.551

    not religiously inclined because of defective education 1T 546TopIndex .Youth.552

    not swayed by circumstances, God needs CT 537TopIndex .Youth.553

    nourished on flattery are many SD 73TopIndex .Youth.554

    of firm principle, Daniel and Joseph as 5T 321TopIndex .Youth.555

    of frivolous character, avoid MYP 267TopIndex .Youth.556

    of high intellectual culture, need of 6T 206TopIndex .Youth.557

    of marriageable age, warning to AH 44TopIndex .Youth.558

    of moral worth and integrity made by implanting in them temperance principles 3T 567TopIndex .Youth.559

    of ordinary ability may do a great work for God MYP 22TopIndex .Youth.560

    of world: chief desire of, to make sensation in society 5T 112TopIndex .Youth.561

    desire chiefly to be admired and flattered 5T 112TopIndex .Youth.562

    love of pleasure is absorbing passion among 5T 112TopIndex .Youth.563

    love of society is absorbing passion among 5T 112TopIndex .Youth.564

    unhappy when left in solitude 5T 112TopIndex .Youth.565

    when life seems unendurable to 5T 112TopIndex .Youth.566

    one earnest and conscientious, is inestimable treasure in school 4T 432TopIndex .Youth.567

    one rash, results of lawless deed of PP 204TopIndex .Youth.568

    one thing today and another tomorrow can never be trusted 5T 43-4TopIndex .Youth.569

    orphan, letter to 2T 307-14TopIndex .Youth.570

    overcome by temptation, do not deal harshly with GW 209TopIndex .Youth.571

    paying no heed to rules for rising and retiring at regular hours SD 114TopIndex .Youth.572

    permitting mind to run in wrong channel 2T 288, 564TopIndex .Youth.573

    perplexed re meaning of “a new heart” 4BC 1164TopIndex .Youth.574

    petted because he was cheerful, lively, and witty 3T 226TopIndex .Youth.575

    petted, courted, and flattered because he could make bright speeches 3T 226TopIndex .Youth.576

    pious hypocrites among, are many 2T 460TopIndex .Youth.577

    pleasure-loving, severely rebuked CW 174TopIndex .Youth.578

    poor, by industry and economy can save for God’s cause AH 382; CS 292TopIndex .Youth.579

    teach, useful trade or occupation 6T 278-9TopIndex .Youth.580

    possessing: health and strength should bring freewill offering to God 1T 238TopIndex .Youth.581

    little moral strength because of neglected education in childhood 5T 23-4TopIndex .Youth.582

    only common faculties, possibilities for MYP 31TopIndex .Youth.583

    physical strength AH 387TopIndex .Youth.584

    practicing self-abuse: cannot be Christians unless they cease it entirely 2T 410TopIndex .Youth.585

    cannot possess healthy tone of mind 2T 410TopIndex .Youth.586

    later life of 2T 350-1TopIndex .Youth.587

    reading matter desired by 2T 481TopIndex .Youth.588

    practicing self-pollution, desire for opposite sex by 2T 481TopIndex .Youth.589

    praying, guardian angel’s ministry to 3T 363-4TopIndex .Youth.590

    present generation of, weighty results depend on 5T 129TopIndex .Youth.591

    professing to be Christians without sufficiently trying their motives 1T 161-2TopIndex .Youth.592

    professing to believe truth, alarming frivolity of 1T 496TopIndex .Youth.593

    promising: church officers’ duty to 9T 77TopIndex .Youth.594

    could earn money for schooling by selling Christ’s Object Lessons 9T 78TopIndex .Youth.595

    entangled in web by Satan are many 5T 105TopIndex .Youth.596

    led astray by irreligious associates 5T 186TopIndex .Youth.597

    plunge into vortex of dissipation and crime CT 300TopIndex .Youth.598

    should be trained as nurses and physicians CH 506-7TopIndex .Youth.599

    proud of independence in cherishing infidelity 5T 186-7TopIndex .Youth.600

    pursuing life of vanity, levity, and pride 3T 363TopIndex .Youth.601

    qualified for gospel work should not be bound down to mechanical employment 8T 229-30TopIndex .Youth.602

    questioning and doubting Testimonies, warning to 5T 672TopIndex .Youth.603

    reaching manhood, great dangers of CH 363TopIndex .Youth.604

    reared in element of arbitrary restraint and harshness 5T 88TopIndex .Youth.605

    rebellious and disobedient, warnings to 1T 497-8TopIndex .Youth.606

    rebellious and ungrateful, new earth will have no place for 1T 497-8TopIndex .Youth.607

    reckless: anguish and tears caused parents by 1T 512TopIndex .Youth.608

    in conversation are many 1T 499TopIndex .Youth.609

    plant thorns in breasts of those who love them 1T 512TopIndex .Youth.610

    refreshed by hour of prayer 4T 624TopIndex .Youth.611

    refusing to listen to counsel re courtship and marriage MYP 456-7TopIndex .Youth.612

    regarding with levity or contempt their early vows of consecration to God, sin of 5T 40TopIndex .Youth.613

    rejecting light now shining on them, grievous sin of 3T 380TopIndex .Youth.614

    rejecting light of truth will be judged more severely than unenlightened heathen 3T 365-6TopIndex .Youth.615

    repining SD 336TopIndex .Youth.616

    resisting temptation, God promises strength of purpose and power to AH 464TopIndex .Youth.617

    respectful and polite, truth makes AH 422TopIndex .Youth.618

    restless because they do not seek only true source of happiness 1T 504TopIndex .Youth.619

    right, mighty influence could be swayed by 1T 511TopIndex .Youth.620

    rough and rebellious 4T 624TopIndex .Youth.621

    royal line of, who are world’s true nobility Ed 254-5TopIndex .Youth.622

    ruin of many, may be traced directly to wrong management of parents 4T 199TopIndex .Youth.623

    Sabbathkeeping 1T 154-64TopIndex .Youth.624

    given to pleasure-seeking 1T 496TopIndex .Youth.625

    yielding to world’s influence must be tested and proved CT 327TopIndex .Youth.626

    sadly deceived are many 1T 160TopIndex .Youth.627

    sailing in dangerous waters without pilot MYP 443TopIndex .Youth.628

    satisfied to feed on husks MYP 356TopIndex .Youth.629

    scarcely in teens, dating by 2T 460TopIndex .Youth.630

    scores of SDA, need advantages of training in SDA schools CT 68TopIndex .Youth.631

    seeing no danger in forbidden pleasures MYP 82TopIndex .Youth.632

    seeking: constantly to satisfy desire for amusement 1T 496TopIndex .Youth.633

    God’s approval will not meet life record with shame and dismay MYP 44TopIndex .Youth.634

    money for sinful indulgences fall into dishonest practices 6T 254TopIndex .Youth.635

    true happiness ML 156; 1T 503-4TopIndex .Youth.636

    select, should be connected with God’s work 4T 205TopIndex .Youth.637

    self-deceived 2T 288-91TopIndex .Youth.638

    self-deception is upon many 2T 289TopIndex .Youth.639

    self-important, SDA have too many LS 275TopIndex .Youth.640

    self-willed, grieve parents MYP 333TopIndex .Youth.641

    selling: life of bliss for few frivolous enjoyments 1T 499TopIndex .Youth.642

    their birthright for mess of pottage 3T 223TopIndex .Youth.643

    themselves into lifelong bondage MYP 389TopIndex .Youth.644

    serving God: cannot drink strong drink SD 174TopIndex .Youth.645

    cannot eat enervating luxuries SD 174TopIndex .Youth.646

    cannot engage in worldly merriment SD 174TopIndex .Youth.647

    SDA, generally are taught principles of Christianity CT 501TopIndex .Youth.648

    in general are allied to world 2T 128TopIndex .Youth.649

    shielded from worldly associations are endangered by working in large med. institutions 8T 223-4TopIndex .Youth.650

    showing no: respect for home rules CG 111-2TopIndex .Youth.651

    reverence for age or office LS 275TopIndex .Youth.652

    showing real sound judgment and good common sense are few 1T 394TopIndex .Youth.653

    silly, conversation of 1T 394-5TopIndex .Youth.654

    sleeping late in the morning Ev 651; ML 143TopIndex .Youth.655

    slighting Testimonies, pub. house should dismiss 4T 209TopIndex .Youth.656

    some promising, became skeptics at Battle Creek 5T 186TopIndex .Youth.657

    some SDA, have been miserable example to unbelievers CT 327TopIndex .Youth.658

    should be trained as evangelists CT 493TopIndex .Youth.659

    sorely tried, SDA schools should be asylum for CT 269TopIndex .Youth.660

    spending much time before mirror 2SG 262-3TopIndex .Youth.661

    spiritual weakness of many, is deplorable 3T 379TopIndex .Youth.662

    spoiled, blaming or scolding embarrasses and discourages MM 179TopIndex .Youth.663

    how to train MM 178-9TopIndex .Youth.664

    strayed from path of duty and obedience, appeal to MYP 443TopIndex .Youth.665

    straying, church members’ duty to CT 41-2TopIndex .Youth.666

    strength of, wasted by many in folly and dissipation MYP 22TopIndex .Youth.667

    strong, not worn down with cares and weight of years 1T 498TopIndex .Youth.668

    should put their powers to stretch in searching Bible CSW 63TopIndex .Youth.669

    strong and active in mind and body, God’s work needs CT 538TopIndex .Youth.670

    strong and brave, God calls for MYP 21TopIndex .Youth.671

    strong and devoted and self-sacrificing, SDA need SD 207TopIndex .Youth.672

    studying ennobling themes of salvation cause Christ to rejoice MYP 390TopIndex .Youth.673

    suffering shipwreck because they are self-confident and presumptuous are many 2BC 1024TopIndex .Youth.674

    taking offense when counseled or reproved LS 275TopIndex .Youth.675

    taught that to ignore rules and defy laws was to enjoy true freedom 4T 436-7TopIndex .Youth.676

    tempted, SDA homes should be refuge for MH 354TopIndex .Youth.677

    SDA school should be city of refuge for Ed 293TopIndex .Youth.678

    testing their plans and purposes by Bible will be led into safe paths FE 85TopIndex .Youth.679

    thoughtless and reckless, influence exerted on other youth by 4T 624TopIndex .Youth.680

    thousands of: made skeptical by philosophical speculations 8T 305TopIndex .Youth.681

    out of touch with life on graduation from school Ed 265TopIndex .Youth.682

    philosophical speculation and scientific research that makes skeptics of 8T 305TopIndex .Youth.683

    who would turn with contempt and loathing from low and selfish aims PP 601-2TopIndex .Youth.684

    trained, burdens of older gospel workers are to fall upon CT 536TopIndex .Youth.685

    true to their profession may exert strong influence for good over fellow youth 3T 199TopIndex .Youth.686

    trusting in Him, God will be guide of 2T 287TopIndex .Youth.687

    trying to live religious life, influence of parents’ guests upon 2BC 1001TopIndex .Youth.688

    unable to enjoy real pleasure SD 131TopIndex .Youth.689

    unconsecrated, flattering words are sweet to 5T 478TopIndex .Youth.690

    whose lives were proverbial 2T 175-6TopIndex .Youth.691

    unconverted: ministers should labor earnestly for CG 550TopIndex .Youth.692

    seeks change and excitement 4T 624-5TopIndex .Youth.693

    thirsts for pleasure in amusement and hilarity 4T 625TopIndex .Youth.694

    unconverted though baptized are many CT 353TopIndex .Youth.695

    undisciplined, church’s work is hindered by influence of 4T 193TopIndex .Youth.696

    who despise thought of restraint at school 4T 649TopIndex .Youth.697

    unruly and disobedient, grieve parents MYP 333TopIndex .Youth.698

    unsuspecting, public house with its brilliant lights attracts MH 338; Te 24-5TopIndex .Youth.699

    Satan tries his wiles on every 2T 409TopIndex .Youth.700

    untamed, petted children are FE 53TopIndex .Youth.701

    unwilling to submit to discipline of institution, parents’ duty re 7T 185-6TopIndex .Youth.702

    usefulness of many, ruined by unwise marriage AH 43TopIndex .Youth.703

    vacillating and varying with every change of circumstance and surroundings 5T 43TopIndex .Youth.704

    vain and superficial and skeptical, moral depravity and ruin caused by associating with 5T 111TopIndex .Youth.705

    vicious, danger in exposing youth to 3T 149TopIndex .Youth.706

    parents should guard children against exposure to 3T 149TopIndex .Youth.707

    Waldensian, training and experience of GC 67-71TopIndex .Youth.708

    wasting their powers in vanity and folly 4T 623TopIndex .Youth.709

    watchful and prayerful, God keeps consciences sensitive and perceptions clear for 3T 373TopIndex .Youth.710

    wayward, how to save MH 171-2TopIndex .Youth.711

    letter to 2T 307-14TopIndex .Youth.712

    wealthy, mistake made by parents of 3T 150TopIndex .Youth.713

    well-disciplined and cultivated, God’s work needs 6T 206TopIndex .Youth.714

    who have accepted Christ, duty of MYP 125TopIndex .Youth.715

    whom pub. house should dismiss 4T 205TopIndex .Youth.716

    why character of some, is deformed 5T 89TopIndex .Youth.717

    why many: are dwarfs in spiritual things 3T 379TopIndex .Youth.718

    are seen lounging about stores 3T 151TopIndex .Youth.719

    are vain, proud, and headstrong SD 129TopIndex .Youth.720

    become infidels 2BC 1009TopIndex .Youth.721

    do not improve their advantages SD 322TopIndex .Youth.722

    feel no need of divine hand to point out their course 5T 85TopIndex .Youth.723

    grow up with habits of selfishness and idleness SD 129TopIndex .Youth.724

    why some, manifest spirit of obstinacy and defiance 5T 88TopIndex .Youth.725

    wild and reckless character of many, is heartsickening CT 99TopIndex .Youth.726

    with Bible in hands may become stream of blessing to world Ed 192TopIndex .Youth.727

    with minds cast in inferior mold are in every place CT 226TopIndex .Youth.728

    with will undisciplined and passions uncontrolled, afterlife of 5T 38TopIndex .Youth.729

    without: good character cannot acceptably fill any position of trust CT 536TopIndex .Youth.730

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