Truth, Truths (Part 1 of 4)
Truth, Truths
1. Classes ofTopIndex .Truth, Truths.3
2. Knowledge ofTopIndex .Truth, Truths.4
3. PresentTopIndex .Truth, Truths.5
4. MiscellaneousTopIndex .Truth, Truths.6
SupplementTopIndex .Truth, Truths.7
1. Classes of
additional, is not brought out in Testimonies 2T 605TopIndex .Truth, Truths.9
all-important, efforts of opposers to divert minds from EW 123-4TopIndex .Truth, Truths.10
already revealed, Testimonies are given to impress on heart 5T 665TopIndex .Truth, Truths.11
Testimonies simplify 5T 665TopIndex .Truth, Truths.12
as it is in Christ: can be experienced COL 129TopIndex .Truth, Truths.13
can never be explained COL 129TopIndex .Truth, Truths.14
as revealed in God’s word, only safety now is to search for 1T 300TopIndex .Truth, Truths.15
as sword cutting both ways 6T 62TopIndex .Truth, Truths.16
believers in important, held by SDA should act out their faith EW 111TopIndex .Truth, Truths.17
Bible: be prepared to withstand evil spirits with EW 262TopIndex .Truth, Truths.18
makes believers more intelligent 4T 545TopIndex .Truth, Truths.19
why multitudes do not want GC 595TopIndex .Truth, Truths.20
Bible’s ennobling, are most potent means of elevating man’s thoughts SC 90TopIndex .Truth, Truths.21
Bible’s great, man’s inability to comprehend fully SC 108TopIndex .Truth, Truths.22
bitterly opposed, will never lose its vitality MM 158TopIndex .Truth, Truths.23
certain, appeal much more strongly to some minds than to others CT 432TopIndex .Truth, Truths.24
chain of, united link by link by pioneer SDA 4T 445-6TopIndex .Truth, Truths.25
changeless, purity and exalted character of 2T 490TopIndex .Truth, Truths.26
Christ’s, is beautiful in its simplicity 4T 377TopIndex .Truth, Truths.27
Christ’s sacrifice as atonement for sin is great, around which all other truths cluster GW 315TopIndex .Truth, Truths.28
circulated by SDA publications will multiply CM 151TopIndex .Truth, Truths.29
clear and connected chain of, given to God’s people 3T 447TopIndex .Truth, Truths.30
connected chain of, many SDA have seen beauty in 1T 621TopIndex .Truth, Truths.31
covered up with superstitious forms and ceremonies 5T 710TopIndex .Truth, Truths.32
dwelling in heart leads to blessed and happy assimilation 5T 101TopIndex .Truth, Truths.33
easily understood, overpowering mysteries lie beneath SC 107TopIndex .Truth, Truths.34
essential to man’s salvation: are made clear as noonday ML 22; SC 89TopIndex .Truth, Truths.35
Christ withheld no MM 100TopIndex .Truth, Truths.36
is made very clear and positive in God’s word CW 49; 1SM 163TopIndex .Truth, Truths.37
overlooked by multitudes in search for revealed truth PP 55TopIndex .Truth, Truths.38
Satan diverts men’s attention from AA 219TopIndex .Truth, Truths.39
familiar, will present themselves to mind in new aspect MB 20TopIndex .Truth, Truths.40
golden chain of, may bind youth to God’s throne MYP 27TopIndex .Truth, Truths.41
grand and glorious, clear conceptions given to persons striving for CT 437TopIndex .Truth, Truths.42
grandest, gospel workers should charge simplest words with power of SD 266TopIndex .Truth, Truths.43
grandest and most important, ever given to world CW 29TopIndex .Truth, Truths.44
great, we are slow to learn and ready to forget DA 98TopIndex .Truth, Truths.45
great chain of, dug out by prayer and carefully searching Scriptures 3T 447TopIndex .Truth, Truths.46
great revealed, should be carefully studied 5T 273TopIndex .Truth, Truths.47
great testing, devoted gospel worker will proclaim GW 312-3TopIndex .Truth, Truths.48
hidden by human interpretation of Scriptures COL 105TopIndex .Truth, Truths.49
immortal, illustrated by Christ with things of nature DA 254TopIndex .Truth, Truths.50
in Bible, loss of confidence in Testimonies causes doubter to drift away from 5T 98TopIndex .Truth, Truths.51
in Christ and through Christ is measureless COL 128TopIndex .Truth, Truths.52
in heart is wellspring of life 5T 601TopIndex .Truth, Truths.53
in its original freshness and force, Christ gave back to world 5T 710TopIndex .Truth, Truths.54
inexhaustible wellspring of, Christ is 7T 276TopIndex .Truth, Truths.55
infinite, that finite minds cannot fail to understand FE 408TopIndex .Truth, Truths.56
inwrought in soul gives calm and noble self-possession 5T 401TopIndex .Truth, Truths.57
living, must be exemplified in character 7T 189TopIndex .Truth, Truths.58
lost gems of, now being restored to God’s children CSW 12TopIndex .Truth, Truths.59
many, are above finite comprehension 1SM 163TopIndex .Truth, Truths.60
mere surface, God’s people too easily satisfied with CS 244TopIndex .Truth, Truths.61
most important, effort to spiritualize and explain away GC 583TopIndex .Truth, Truths.62
most plainly revealed in Bible are involved in doubt and darkness by learned men GC 598-9TopIndex .Truth, Truths.63
most solemn given to mortals, SDA are to proclaim to world CS 38TopIndex .Truth, Truths.64
new: caution to persons seeking CW 49TopIndex .Truth, Truths.65
development of, in every age COL 127TopIndex .Truth, Truths.66
duty to be willing to accept GC 291-2TopIndex .Truth, Truths.67
erroneous doctrines will be presented as TM 229TopIndex .Truth, Truths.68
every, hatred and opposition met by GC 609TopIndex .Truth, Truths.69
is not independent of the old COL 127TopIndex .Truth, Truths.70
is unfolding of old truth COL 127TopIndex .Truth, Truths.71
will unfold continually for the redeemed throughout eternity GC 651TopIndex .Truth, Truths.72
See also Light (spiritual) (1. New)TopIndex .Truth, Truths.73
new and convincing, undermine and cut away error with 7T 156TopIndex .Truth, Truths.74
no, essential to man’s salvation is withheld DA 57TopIndex .Truth, Truths.75
not imparted loses its healing virtue AA 206; MH 149; 8T 47TopIndex .Truth, Truths.76
not lived loses its life-giving power AA 206; MH 149; 8T 47TopIndex .Truth, Truths.77
not practiced avails nothing 5T 345TopIndex .Truth, Truths.78
of Bible, many flippant talkers of 5T 166TopIndex .Truth, Truths.79
of God’s word: are shield against Satan’s deceptions GC 465TopIndex .Truth, Truths.80
need of understanding and evaluating aright the fundamental MM 102-3TopIndex .Truth, Truths.81
results of neglect of GC 465TopIndex .Truth, Truths.82
SDA are one in faith in fundamental CW 79TopIndex .Truth, Truths.83
spoke to leaden ears and unimpressible hearts 5T 318TopIndex .Truth, Truths.84
of Scriptures must be brought before great men of world AA 241TopIndex .Truth, Truths.85
oft-repeated, young ministers in danger of becoming weary of AA 580TopIndex .Truth, Truths.86
old: are all essential COL 127TopIndex .Truth, Truths.87
are ever new COL 127TopIndex .Truth, Truths.88
Christ rescued, from framework of error 5BC 1136TopIndex .Truth, Truths.89
in new framework 1SM 355-8TopIndex .Truth, Truths.90
men can comprehend new truth only as they understand COL 127TopIndex .Truth, Truths.91
new truth is not independent of COL 127TopIndex .Truth, Truths.92
will be recovered SD 259TopIndex .Truth, Truths.93
old and familiar, Christ did not disdain to repeat FE 237; 5T 710TopIndex .Truth, Truths.94
made by Christ to appear in its true force and beauty 5T 710TopIndex .Truth, Truths.95
old landmarks of, SDA have 6T 17; 8T 160TopIndex .Truth, Truths.96
OT and NT present, continually revealing new depth of meaning CT 463TopIndex .Truth, Truths.97
one, received into heart makes room for another 6T 449TopIndex .Truth, Truths.98
other, teaching people health reform opens door for 9T 113TopIndex .Truth, Truths.99
perfect chain of, SDA have 2T 651TopIndex .Truth, Truths.100
Spirit will move upon minds to search out 2T 692TopIndex .Truth, Truths.101
perfect standard of, Scriptures are Ed 17TopIndex .Truth, Truths.102
planted in heart reveals Christ’s love and its transforming power TM 156TopIndex .Truth, Truths.103
pointed, are cleaving out people from world for God 3T 52TopIndex .Truth, Truths.104
practical: instruct people in 4T 395TopIndex .Truth, Truths.105
no vital points of, clouded in mystery 2T 692TopIndex .Truth, Truths.106
teach great, that must be brought into life GW 147TopIndex .Truth, Truths.107
practice of already known, increased light follows FE 216TopIndex .Truth, Truths.108
practiced, prepares way for more advanced truth TM 378TopIndex .Truth, Truths.109
precious, long in obscurity are to be revealed CSW 25TopIndex .Truth, Truths.110
precious chain of, searched out link after link 2T 651TopIndex .Truth, Truths.111
press new and convincing, to undermine and cut away error 7T 156TopIndex .Truth, Truths.112
priceless gems of, placed in false settings in Christ’s time DA 287TopIndex .Truth, Truths.113
proclaimed with energy and assurance spread with irresistible power during Reformation GC 196TopIndex .Truth, Truths.114
proving overmatch for giant intellects are understood by babes in Christ 5T 388TopIndex .Truth, Truths.115
published, will stand EW 96TopIndex .Truth, Truths.116
pure, soothing power of MM 234TopIndex .Truth, Truths.117
received from Bible uplift mind and soul MH 459TopIndex .Truth, Truths.118
received into heart: must find expression in life ChS 94TopIndex .Truth, Truths.119
works renovation in soul TM 156TopIndex .Truth, Truths.120
revealed, failure of Christian world to advance in knowledge of GC 298TopIndex .Truth, Truths.121
need of systematic knowledge of principles of 5T 273TopIndex .Truth, Truths.122
revealed by light of God’s word CW 44TopIndex .Truth, Truths.123
rich fields of, earnest seekers after wisdom will be led into AA 283TopIndex .Truth, Truths.124
rich treasures of, person to whom Spirit opens COL 59TopIndex .Truth, Truths.125
rooted deeply in heart springs up and bears fruit to righteousness 3T 59TopIndex .Truth, Truths.126
sacred, people with sinful, health-destroying, brain-enervating habits cannot discern 3T 162TopIndex .Truth, Truths.127
sacred force of vital, carnal mind cannot comprehend 2T 694TopIndex .Truth, Truths.128
saving, is to test all people 6T 417TopIndex .Truth, Truths.129
revealed in God’s word LS 278TopIndex .Truth, Truths.130
set in framework of error diverts mind from subject needing most attention CW 153TopIndex .Truth, Truths.131
SDA have greatest, ever given to world ChS 226TopIndex .Truth, Truths.132
SDA present, that is as immovable as God’s throne 2SM 87TopIndex .Truth, Truths.133
simplest, invested with novelty and singularity that rob them of power to win souls SD 266TopIndex .Truth, Truths.134
simply stated, that must be accepted only because God has declared them SC 107TopIndex .Truth, Truths.135
simply stated in Bible are infinitely far-reaching in scope 5T 700TopIndex .Truth, Truths.136
smooth sermons do not cut men to heart by plain and sharp, of God’s word PK 140TopIndex .Truth, Truths.137
so elevated as to be admired by greatest minds 1T 338TopIndex .Truth, Truths.138
so simple that humblest and feeblest child of God can comprehend it 1T 338TopIndex .Truth, Truths.139
some: must be implicitly received as word of God CW 48TopIndex .Truth, Truths.140
that are not for us to explain 1SM 163TopIndex .Truth, Truths.141
that we cannot explain but are to be received CW 48TopIndex .Truth, Truths.142
soul-stirring, why some people listen with stoical indifference to PP 268-9TopIndex .Truth, Truths.143
special: adapted to conditions of generations as they have existed 2T 693TopIndex .Truth, Truths.144
are with people not too learned to be wise in God’s word COL 79TopIndex .Truth, Truths.145
for last generation living on earth 2T 693TopIndex .Truth, Truths.146
still greater, unfold for God’s people as end draws near MM 187TopIndex .Truth, Truths.147
surface, God’s people too easily satisfied with CS 244TopIndex .Truth, Truths.148
testing: much that is called, is twaddle 2SM 38TopIndex .Truth, Truths.149
must be brought to front 5T 453TopIndex .Truth, Truths.150
must become subject of examination and discussion 5T 453TopIndex .Truth, Truths.151
that we cannot know now we shall know hereafter CT 162TopIndex .Truth, Truths.152
three great and important, that need to be understood 1T 300TopIndex .Truth, Truths.153
that will be anchor in perilous times 1T 300TopIndex .Truth, Truths.154
unmixed with error is power mighty to save PK 505TopIndex .Truth, Truths.155
unpalatable, men whom God uses to speak GC 455-6TopIndex .Truth, Truths.156
unpopular: advocates of, should be most consistent in life 2T 377TopIndex .Truth, Truths.157
crosses men’s natural inclination and desires 2T 692TopIndex .Truth, Truths.158
erroneous idea that it is condescending to receive 2T 493TopIndex .Truth, Truths.159
God’s people must have appetite to feast upon 2T 105TopIndex .Truth, Truths.160
how to feel in representing 6T 120TopIndex .Truth, Truths.161
increased and greater facilities for spreading 4T 592TopIndex .Truth, Truths.162
many people refuse to investigate AA 232TopIndex .Truth, Truths.163
masses have no appetite to feast on 2T 105TopIndex .Truth, Truths.164
SDA advocated 2T 493TopIndex .Truth, Truths.165
since Satan first gave man disrelish for it DA 242TopIndex .Truth, Truths.166
world wonders at prosperity attending 4T 592TopIndex .Truth, Truths.167
vital: compared to fermenting wine DA 279TopIndex .Truth, Truths.168
impressed on mind by Spirit’s power COL 113TopIndex .Truth, Truths.169
sacred force of, carnal mind cannot comprehend 2T 694TopIndex .Truth, Truths.170
whole: do not think that God has revealed to us CSW 32-3TopIndex .Truth, Truths.171
is presented more clearly by several teachers than by one CT 432TopIndex .Truth, Truths.172
men may acknowledge, without experiencing it in daily life 2T 639TopIndex .Truth, Truths.173
wonderful, students may have opportunity to tell others 7T 276TopIndex .Truth, Truths.174
2. Knowledge of
advancement in, ceases as real spiritual life declines 5T 706TopIndex .Truth, Truths.176
God requires continual 1T 345TopIndex .Truth, Truths.177
advantages for obtaining, that prove of no benefit DA 455-6TopIndex .Truth, Truths.178
when man is benefited by DA 455-6TopIndex .Truth, Truths.179
angels work through men to communicate 8T 152TopIndex .Truth, Truths.180
books that give, duty of colporteur who sells 6T 314TopIndex .Truth, Truths.181
correct, alone will not meet God’s demands 4T 133TopIndex .Truth, Truths.182
depends more on pureness of purpose than strength of intellect COL 59TopIndex .Truth, Truths.183
growth in, by improving present opportunities with prompt and willing heart 5T 69TopIndex .Truth, Truths.184
how Satan uses books to prevent children and youth from receiving 8T 309TopIndex .Truth, Truths.185
increases as it is imparted COL 124TopIndex .Truth, Truths.186
intellectual, is not enough 5T 159TopIndex .Truth, Truths.187
means needed in order to communicate 8T 151-2TopIndex .Truth, Truths.188
mere, not enough COL 97TopIndex .Truth, Truths.189
mingled with love is precious endowment 6T 84TopIndex .Truth, Truths.190
obedient believers will bring, to all willing to be enlightened 2T 694TopIndex .Truth, Truths.191
result of failure to advance in GC 298TopIndex .Truth, Truths.192
salvation depends on, contained in Scriptures COL 111TopIndex .Truth, Truths.193
saving, persons trusting to guidance of human authority will not come to DA 141TopIndex .Truth, Truths.194
spread, where it is little known 6T 442TopIndex .Truth, Truths.195
superficial: believers content with GW 250TopIndex .Truth, Truths.196
minister needs more than 2T 650-1; 4T 415TopIndex .Truth, Truths.197
no soul should rest satisfied with FE 217TopIndex .Truth, Truths.198
teachers should not only have, but also practice it 6T 153TopIndex .Truth, Truths.199
theoretical, will not save you MM 217TopIndex .Truth, Truths.200
your first work upon receiving 1T 552TopIndex .Truth, Truths.201
3. Present
be careful not to introduce subjects of, everywhere 2T 78TopIndex .Truth, Truths.203
becomes dearer with passing of time GW 265TopIndex .Truth, Truths.204
books containing, colporteurs should sell 6T 315TopIndex .Truth, Truths.205
brought out link after link in connected chain 2T 671TopIndex .Truth, Truths.206
confidence in, will prove anchor to you 3T 226TopIndex .Truth, Truths.207
difficult points of, reached by earnest efforts of a few believers 2T 650TopIndex .Truth, Truths.208
do not let enemy divert us from presenting 1SM 169TopIndex .Truth, Truths.209
duty of believers who look elsewhere for 8T 192TopIndex .Truth, Truths.210
embraces whole gospel 6T 291TopIndex .Truth, Truths.211
God’s people will be obliged to maintain, from Scriptures EW 262TopIndex .Truth, Truths.212
has convincing arguments in its favor 3T 205TopIndex .Truth, Truths.213
honest souls will see straight chain of 1T 326TopIndex .Truth, Truths.214
important points of, danger of running off from EW 63TopIndex .Truth, Truths.215
is: clear and connected 3T 205TopIndex .Truth, Truths.216
genuine philosophy 8T 211TopIndex .Truth, Truths.217
test to people of this generation 2T 693TopIndex .Truth, Truths.218
what flock needs now EW 63TopIndex .Truth, Truths.219
what people need 5T 719TopIndex .Truth, Truths.220
light of, God’s messengers should speed their way to people who do not have EW 61TopIndex .Truth, Truths.221
many people professing to know, do not know what they believe 5T 707TopIndex .Truth, Truths.222
many professed believers of, will be found wanting 2T 634TopIndex .Truth, Truths.223
message of, must be proclaimed everywhere GW 27TopIndex .Truth, Truths.224
must be proclaimed in Spirit’s power GW 27TopIndex .Truth, Truths.225
misplaced into future by some people 2SM 102TopIndex .Truth, Truths.226
must be: carried into dark corners of earth 3T 381TopIndex .Truth, Truths.227
extended to all nations, tongues, and people 3T 388TopIndex .Truth, Truths.228
needed to prepare God’s people for kingdom of glory 2T 355TopIndex .Truth, Truths.229
new light will not contradict 1SM 161TopIndex .Truth, Truths.230
new points of importance re, experienced ministers should consult together before advocating EW 61TopIndex .Truth, Truths.231
no doubt that doctrines SDA hold are 2T 355TopIndex .Truth, Truths.232
not difficult to understand 1T 326TopIndex .Truth, Truths.233
opportunity to hear, many people have not had GC 605TopIndex .Truth, Truths.234
persons looking elsewhere for, need to be converted anew 8T 192TopIndex .Truth, Truths.235
preacher who bears, must represent it by life of practical godliness 4T 377TopIndex .Truth, Truths.236
proclamation of, in world-renowned health resorts and centers of tourist traffic 9T 122TopIndex .Truth, Truths.237
Satan seeks to divert minds of God’s people from 1SM 159, 163TopIndex .Truth, Truths.238
searched out link by link until united in perfect chain 2T 692TopIndex .Truth, Truths.239
special, many people have not had opportunity to hear GC 605TopIndex .Truth, Truths.240
teachers of, need deeper insight into lessons given by Christ 8T 308TopIndex .Truth, Truths.241
testing, is not fabrication of any human mind 8T 211TopIndex .Truth, Truths.242
thorough understanding of, God’s people need EW 262TopIndex .Truth, Truths.243
vital, sin of failing to communicate 8T 55TopIndex .Truth, Truths.244
was not test to past generations 2T 693TopIndex .Truth, Truths.245
world will be tested on 2T 692TopIndex .Truth, Truths.246
4. Miscellaneous
abandonment of, by large class of believers when crisis comes GC 608TopIndex .Truth, Truths.248
abiding principle of, is not merely for few hours on Sabbath 5T 547TopIndex .Truth, Truths.249
ability to hear, relationship of health habits to 2T 602-3TopIndex .Truth, Truths.250
acceptance and promulgation of, great obstacle to GC 460TopIndex .Truth, Truths.251
acceptance of, involves inconvenience and reproach GC 460TopIndex .Truth, Truths.252
adherence to strictest principles of: increases reward in future life 4T 337TopIndex .Truth, Truths.253
may involve temporal loss 4T 337TopIndex .Truth, Truths.254
often causes inconvenience 4T 337TopIndex .Truth, Truths.255
adorned by consistent Christian life 4T 575-6TopIndex .Truth, Truths.256
advocates of, calumny and opposition used by enemy to discourage 4T 593TopIndex .Truth, Truths.257
must go no faster than people can follow 3T 20TopIndex .Truth, Truths.258
age does not make error become CW 35; 6T 142TopIndex .Truth, Truths.259
all, at command of SDA educators 8T 306TopIndex .Truth, Truths.260
of God’s word came from Christ DA 287TopIndex .Truth, Truths.261
all bearings and positions of, should be searched with prayer and fasting 5T 708TopIndex .Truth, Truths.262
all who receive gospel have duty to impart, to world AA 109TopIndex .Truth, Truths.263
ambassadors of, why God has not made angels 4T 473TopIndex .Truth, Truths.264
any departure from straight line of, places man in Satan’s power PK 252TopIndex .Truth, Truths.265
apostates from, will join enemy in opposing it 5T 463TopIndex .Truth, Truths.266
appreciation of, depends less on mind than on heart DA 455TopIndex .Truth, Truths.267
armed with Spirit’s omnipotence conquers in battle with evil AA 21TopIndex .Truth, Truths.268
as one secret of life’s success Ed 253; GW 259TopIndex .Truth, Truths.269
asking and searching for, never cease MYP 260TopIndex .Truth, Truths.270
aspects of, still dimly seen FE 238TopIndex .Truth, Truths.271
backsliding from, as result of intemperate appetite 4T 31TopIndex .Truth, Truths.272
banner of: do not lower 8T 162TopIndex .Truth, Truths.273
must be uplifted in new fields 8T 48TopIndex .Truth, Truths.274
SDA educators who are ashamed to hold up 5T 501, 588TopIndex .Truth, Truths.275
bears within itself evidence of its heavenly origin 5T 648TopIndex .Truth, Truths.276
beauty and preciousness of, reveal to people 6T 54TopIndex .Truth, Truths.277
unfolds constantly to the faithful MB 27TopIndex .Truth, Truths.278
belief in, will have corresponding works 5T 547TopIndex .Truth, Truths.279
believer in, has responsibility involving eternal results 4T 614TopIndex .Truth, Truths.280
needs to be sanctified by it 1T 261-2TopIndex .Truth, Truths.281
best recommended by: faithful discharge of daily duties 3T 334TopIndex .Truth, Truths.282
living it daily 3T 334TopIndex .Truth, Truths.283
meekness of life 3T 334TopIndex .Truth, Truths.284
better never to have seen light of, than to profess it and not be sanctified through it 5T 620TopIndex .Truth, Truths.285
better to present, in easy style and back it up with a few strong proofs 3T 36TopIndex .Truth, Truths.286
Bible unfolds, with perfect adaptation to heart’s needs and longings SC 107; 5T 700TopIndex .Truth, Truths.287
with simplicity SC 107; 5T 700TopIndex .Truth, Truths.288
binds souls by golden links to God’s throne CS 56TopIndex .Truth, Truths.289
blessing of, retained only as it is imparted MH 149TopIndex .Truth, Truths.290
blessings and privileges of, be liberal in sharing with world 4T 59TopIndex .Truth, Truths.291
boastful believers in, precarious spiritual position of 2T 125TopIndex .Truth, Truths.292
body of God’s people have 3T 449TopIndex .Truth, Truths.293
book of, God’s word is 4T 336TopIndex .Truth, Truths.294
books containing, will be sought for and read 6T 314TopIndex .Truth, Truths.295
bring, to all people willing to be enlightened 2T 694TopIndex .Truth, Truths.296
broader views of, persons whom Christ can lead to CW 81TopIndex .Truth, Truths.297
brought out link after link till it forms clear and connected chain 3T 327TopIndex .Truth, Truths.298
can afford to be fair CW 35TopIndex .Truth, Truths.299
can cut to quick 6T 400TopIndex .Truth, Truths.300
can effect thorough reformation in hearts and lives 2T 639TopIndex .Truth, Truths.301
can never contradict itself MH 462; 8T 325TopIndex .Truth, Truths.302
carry, to places where it has not yet been proclaimed 8T 82TopIndex .Truth, Truths.303
carrying matters to extremes does harm to 2T 439TopIndex .Truth, Truths.304
cause of, persons have greatly injured 3T 315TopIndex .Truth, Truths.305
should not be hindered for want of means EW 96TopIndex .Truth, Truths.306
channel through which God manifests His Spirit and power is AA 520TopIndex .Truth, Truths.307
cherished opinions not in harmony with, what to do re COL 112TopIndex .Truth, Truths.308
Christ cast aside misinterpretations and false theories which robbed, of life and vital power 5T 710TopIndex .Truth, Truths.309
Christ expressed, in simplest language DA 254TopIndex .Truth, Truths.310
Christ seldom attempted to prove that, is truth Ev 171TopIndex .Truth, Truths.311
Christ spoke, always in love DA 353TopIndex .Truth, Truths.312
Christ was revealer of, to world AA 520TopIndex .Truth, Truths.313
Christ’s manner of presenting GW 48-9; 8T 201TopIndex .Truth, Truths.314
church rejecting message of, will be enshrouded in darkness GC 378-9TopIndex .Truth, Truths.315
clear and sharp perceptions of, will never be reward of indolence COL 111TopIndex .Truth, Truths.316
clearer views of, believers content with limited knowledge are disqualified to obtain GW 251TopIndex .Truth, Truths.317
cling to 2T 490TopIndex .Truth, Truths.318
Columba and colaborers scattered seeds of, in Scotland GC 249TopIndex .Truth, Truths.319
comes from God as source of truth 4T 273TopIndex .Truth, Truths.320
consistency of, commends it to judgment of unprejudiced hearts 3T 215TopIndex .Truth, Truths.321
constant effort needed to win others to 5T 272TopIndex .Truth, Truths.322
constant witness for, living example and dying testimony of martyrs were GC 42TopIndex .Truth, Truths.323
constantly enlarging comprehension of, privilege of having CH 594TopIndex .Truth, Truths.324
counterfeit closely resembling, Satan can present GC 528TopIndex .Truth, Truths.325
cross in accepting 2T 489-97TopIndex .Truth, Truths.326
damnable heresies received as 5T 140TopIndex .Truth, Truths.327
danger of planting seed of, too deep 3T 35TopIndex .Truth, Truths.328
decided stand for, man cannot be strong until he takes 1T 545TopIndex .Truth, Truths.329
defend, as it would be if Christ were on earth 8T 211TopIndex .Truth, Truths.330
defense of, by pioneer SDA 2T 650-1TopIndex .Truth, Truths.331
methods of Ev 173-4TopIndex .Truth, Truths.332
delighting to present, in private conversation 2T 276TopIndex .Truth, Truths.333
denied by believer assimilating himself to world 5T 278TopIndex .Truth, Truths.334
depositaries of, God has made SDA 8T 116, 141TopIndex .Truth, Truths.335
devils cannot at heart deny, of God’s word SC 63TopIndex .Truth, Truths.336
devotion to, by pioneer SDA 5T 534TopIndex .Truth, Truths.337
difficult points of, reached by fasting and prayer 2T 650TopIndex .Truth, Truths.338
dig deeper for TM 119, 176TopIndex .Truth, Truths.339
dig for 5T 704TopIndex .Truth, Truths.340
diligent and prayerful seeker for, will be rewarded GW 251TopIndex .Truth, Truths.341
do not accept everything claimed to be, without thoroughly examining it CW 35TopIndex .Truth, Truths.342
do not arouse opposition to, before people have opportunity to hear it 6T 36TopIndex .Truth, Truths.343
do not beg world’s pardon for venturing to believe ChS 226-7TopIndex .Truth, Truths.344
do not conclude that there is no more, to be revealed CSW 34TopIndex .Truth, Truths.345
do not cringe and beg world’s pardon for telling CW 95TopIndex .Truth, Truths.346
do not hesitate to present, because men oppose it GC 459-60TopIndex .Truth, Truths.347
do not make less prominent special, separating SDA from world TM 470TopIndex .Truth, Truths.348
do not make your opinions center around which, must revolve CT 463TopIndex .Truth, Truths.349
do not mar, by communicating it through defective utterance 6T 380TopIndex .Truth, Truths.350
do not measure, by what you were before you embraced it 1T 406TopIndex .Truth, Truths.351
do not misinterpret, to suit your own belief COL 112TopIndex .Truth, Truths.352
do not present, as cold and lifeless theory 5T 158TopIndex .Truth, Truths.353
do not proclaim, in tame and spiritless way TM 470TopIndex .Truth, Truths.354
do not think that we have all CW 33TopIndex .Truth, Truths.355
do not withhold, because of opposition GC 459-60TopIndex .Truth, Truths.356
does not lie right on surface 5T 704TopIndex .Truth, Truths.357
draw out students to state, in their own language 6T 154TopIndex .Truth, Truths.358
each discovery of, opens richer fields for investigation FE 126TopIndex .Truth, Truths.359
earnest seekers after, precious promise for AA 283TopIndex .Truth, Truths.360
effect(s) of, as abiding principle in life AA 520TopIndex .Truth, Truths.361
on receptive heart 4T 553; TM 121-2TopIndex .Truth, Truths.362
effects thorough reformation in persons sanctified by it 2T 639TopIndex .Truth, Truths.363
efforts to retard progress of, serve to extend it 5T 454TopIndex .Truth, Truths.364
efforts to turn people from, to fables 9T 242TopIndex .Truth, Truths.365
elevates and ennobles believer MYP 353; 1T 216, 415; 5T 593TopIndex .Truth, Truths.366
enemies of, God calls for men who will remain separate from CH 290-1; FE 501TopIndex .Truth, Truths.367
erroneous idea that there is no more, to be revealed CW 35TopIndex .Truth, Truths.368
error and, failure to discriminate clearly between 5T 707TopIndex .Truth, Truths.369
error mingles with, to gain acceptance Ed 231TopIndex .Truth, Truths.370
every act of resisting, makes it harder to yield TM 74-5TopIndex .Truth, Truths.371
every part of, has practical application to daily life 4T 59TopIndex .Truth, Truths.372
every phase of, no man understands 5T 533TopIndex .Truth, Truths.373
every point of, aim at nothing less than thorough knowledge of CSW 32TopIndex .Truth, Truths.374
every position of, held by SDA will be severely criticized 5T 717TopIndex .Truth, Truths.375
evidence for, weigh 2T 495TopIndex .Truth, Truths.376
evidence presented in favor of, study and weigh for yourself 2T 130TopIndex .Truth, Truths.377
evil spirits state some, to give their statements appearance of reliability GC 552TopIndex .Truth, Truths.378
exalt, before relatives 1T 182-3TopIndex .Truth, Truths.379
exposes fallacy of error DA 467TopIndex .Truth, Truths.380
failure to contend for, in right spirit 2T 87TopIndex .Truth, Truths.381
failure to practice, in home life 4T 612TopIndex .Truth, Truths.382
failure to receive and practice, in its simplicity 2T 493TopIndex .Truth, Truths.383
failure to represent, rightly in conversation 3T 331TopIndex .Truth, Truths.384
falsehood and, so mixed in world that one is not always clearly discerned from other 4T 213TopIndex .Truth, Truths.385
few conscientious persons are ready to decide for, from weight of evidence 1T 113TopIndex .Truth, Truths.386
few intellectual, folly of wading through works of pagans and infidels in search for 8T 306TopIndex .Truth, Truths.387
few persons professing to believe, will be saved 2T 445TopIndex .Truth, Truths.388
few youth understand, by experimental knowledge MYP 140TopIndex .Truth, Truths.389
first converts of, usually found among humbler classes LS 306TopIndex .Truth, Truths.390
first gleaming of, catch 5T 708TopIndex .Truth, Truths.391
fountain of, drink daily at 5T 515TopIndex .Truth, Truths.392
framework of, God desires truths to be presented anew in DA 287-8TopIndex .Truth, Truths.393
frank investigation of, liberty should be given for CSW 27TopIndex .Truth, Truths.394
garments of, stolen to hide features of heresy Ev 358TopIndex .Truth, Truths.395
gems of, dug out of rubbish of superstition and error 4T 445-6TopIndex .Truth, Truths.396
placed in new setting by Christ 5T 710TopIndex .Truth, Truths.397
given to God’s children who are being prepared for day of God EW 124TopIndex .Truth, Truths.398
given to world through patriarchs and prophets shone out in new beauty in Christ’s words DA 279TopIndex .Truth, Truths.399
God desires, to be removed from settings of error DA 287-8TopIndex .Truth, Truths.400
God has care for His 6T 314TopIndex .Truth, Truths.401
God has not passed by His people and chosen one solitary man here or there to be entrusted with 5T 291TopIndex .Truth, Truths.402
God Himself has taught His people what is CW 32TopIndex .Truth, Truths.403
God holds you as debtor to fellow men who do not have 4T 52TopIndex .Truth, Truths.404
God intends that, shall ever be unfolding to His people 5T 703TopIndex .Truth, Truths.405
God reveals, to people heeding all light they have received GC 316TopIndex .Truth, Truths.406
God will raise up workers to carry, to most unpromising places 7T 37TopIndex .Truth, Truths.407
God’s glory and, are inseparable GC 597TopIndex .Truth, Truths.408
God’s manner of imparting, illustrated AA 565; ML 109TopIndex .Truth, Truths.409
God’s people are only babes in understanding, in all its bearings CW 29TopIndex .Truth, Truths.410
God’s people do not have more power because they profess, but do not practice it 4T 613TopIndex .Truth, Truths.411
God’s people must be sanctified by 4T 125-6TopIndex .Truth, Truths.412
God’s people must know that they know what is TM 119TopIndex .Truth, Truths.413
God’s people must proclaim 8T 151, 211-2TopIndex .Truth, Truths.414
God’s people must stand for, against reckless and unbelieving generation 4T 596TopIndex .Truth, Truths.415
God’s people need to be sanctified by 8T 211TopIndex .Truth, Truths.416
God’s treasure of, men entrusted with 5T 568TopIndex .Truth, Truths.417
great facilities for spreading, SDA have 4T 391TopIndex .Truth, Truths.418
hardens when it does not save 5T 681TopIndex .Truth, Truths.419
has power that no outward appearance or display can give MM 161TopIndex .Truth, Truths.420
has power to: arouse soul’s dormant energies TM 145TopIndex .Truth, Truths.421
elevate receiver 4T 545TopIndex .Truth, Truths.422
transform character TM 185TopIndex .Truth, Truths.423
has sanctifying, softening, refining influence 2T 677TopIndex .Truth, Truths.424
having theory of, without feeling its power in soul 4T 614TopIndex .Truth, Truths.425
health reform is part of 1T 546TopIndex .Truth, Truths.426
highest display of CS 41TopIndex .Truth, Truths.427
hindrance to, tobacco-using believer as 2T 96-7TopIndex .Truth, Truths.428
history of, is record of struggle between right and wrong AA 85TopIndex .Truth, Truths.429
hold, in its purity CH 290-1; FE 501TopIndex .Truth, Truths.430
honest seeker after, essentials to salvation are not revealed in way to perplex and mislead GC 521TopIndex .Truth, Truths.431
how, makes men free DA 466TopIndex .Truth, Truths.432
will be brought into practical life 6T 401TopIndex .Truth, Truths.433
how giving up, by certain persons would be better for God’s cause 1T 413-4TopIndex .Truth, Truths.434
how God uses contempt for, to call attention to it 5T 453TopIndex .Truth, Truths.435
how to be sanctified through 4T 141TopIndex .Truth, Truths.436
how to present 9T 239-44TopIndex .Truth, Truths.437
from fullness of heart feeling its sanctifying power 5T 159TopIndex .Truth, Truths.438
how vitalizing power of, is lost in men TM 159TopIndex .Truth, Truths.439
humble seekers for, angels attend DA 141TopIndex .Truth, Truths.440
ideal of all, Christ as 8T 201TopIndex .Truth, Truths.441
if you ever know, it will be because you practice it CT 97TopIndex .Truth, Truths.442
if you go from, you will never know real happiness 2T 225TopIndex .Truth, Truths.443
ill-defined ideas of, believers should not rest in 5T 708TopIndex .Truth, Truths.444
importance of, ministers’ wives should feel 1T 138TopIndex .Truth, Truths.445
importance of proclaiming, by means of tracts and papers EW 96TopIndex .Truth, Truths.446
important points of, danger of dwelling on secondary subjects to neglect of EW 63TopIndex .Truth, Truths.447
impressions of, amusements and pleasure seeking devised to counteract PP 103TopIndex .Truth, Truths.448
in order to arrive at, men must be willing to obey it SC 111TopIndex .Truth, Truths.449
men must sincerely desire to know truth SC 111TopIndex .Truth, Truths.450
increases in brightness as men behold it SD 284TopIndex .Truth, Truths.451
injustice done to, by incorrect habits of speech 4T 404TopIndex .Truth, Truths.452
insincerity in, is fatal CH 35TopIndex .Truth, Truths.453
inspired and guarded by God AA 12; 2SM 108TopIndex .Truth, Truths.454
investigate for yourself before receiving or rejecting what is presented as 2T 130TopIndex .Truth, Truths.455
is: advancing truth CW 33; Ev 297TopIndex .Truth, Truths.456
anchor 2T 304TopIndex .Truth, Truths.457
bondage in sense that it binds willing souls in captivity to Christ CT 199; FE 271TopIndex .Truth, Truths.458
consistent with itself in all its manifestations PP 114TopIndex .Truth, Truths.459
designed to elevate receiver 1T 216TopIndex .Truth, Truths.460
eternal CW 44; TM 107TopIndex .Truth, Truths.461
found in God’s word 8T 192TopIndex .Truth, Truths.462
harmonious and shines with clearness and beauty 3T 215TopIndex .Truth, Truths.463
holy and powerful 2T 639TopIndex .Truth, Truths.464
infinite CSW 49TopIndex .Truth, Truths.465
infinite and capable of measureless expansion FE 196TopIndex .Truth, Truths.466
inspired and guarded by God 2SM 108TopIndex .Truth, Truths.467
living reality 5T 625TopIndex .Truth, Truths.468
mighty 3T 404TopIndex .Truth, Truths.469
of God MB 68; PK 252TopIndex .Truth, Truths.470
onward and upward SR 289TopIndex .Truth, Truths.471
perfectly clear and harmonious 4T 445TopIndex .Truth, Truths.472
plain, clear, and conclusive 3T 215TopIndex .Truth, Truths.473
power 5T 272TopIndex .Truth, Truths.474
progressive 2BC 1000; GC 297TopIndex .Truth, Truths.475
property of pure love 4T 138TopIndex .Truth, Truths.476
pure and uncorrupted CG 548TopIndex .Truth, Truths.477
so clear and plain that it cannot be resisted 1T 129TopIndex .Truth, Truths.478
so large, deep, and broad that self is lost sight of MH 466TopIndex .Truth, Truths.479
softening and refining in its influences AH 422TopIndex .Truth, Truths.480
straight, plain, and clear EW 96TopIndex .Truth, Truths.481
stronger than error 3BC 1138; PK 659; 3T 572TopIndex .Truth, Truths.482
stronger than man GC 90TopIndex .Truth, Truths.483
unit 8T 174TopIndex .Truth, Truths.484
unpopular 1T 113TopIndex .Truth, Truths.485
worth everything 2T 101TopIndex .Truth, Truths.486
is to develop fruit in man’s private and public life 5T 280TopIndex .Truth, Truths.487
it becomes God’s people to know what is 2SM 56TopIndex .Truth, Truths.488
it is as certain that SDA have, as God lives 4T 595TopIndex .Truth, Truths.489
jewel(s) of, dig for CSW 19TopIndex .Truth, Truths.490
lie scattered over field of revelation CT 437TopIndex .Truth, Truths.491
kept apart from life has no power to convict and to convert soul 5T 540TopIndex .Truth, Truths.492
know power of, upon your heart and life 5T 159TopIndex .Truth, Truths.493
knows no: compromise with sin 4T 81TopIndex .Truth, Truths.494
connection with artifice 4T 81TopIndex .Truth, Truths.495
union with transgression 4T 81TopIndex .Truth, Truths.496
lack of moral courage to step out on side of GC 597TopIndex .Truth, Truths.497
lamp of 5T 538TopIndex .Truth, Truths.498
Laodicean attitude toward, SDA ministers warned against 3T 210-1TopIndex .Truth, Truths.499
learn to speak and act the, at all times ML 219TopIndex .Truth, Truths.500
let, do cutting 9T 239TopIndex .Truth, Truths.501
shine forth to world GC 459TopIndex .Truth, Truths.502
let clear and connected, bear away victory 1T 129TopIndex .Truth, Truths.503
light of: accountability of persons receiving 2T 695-711TopIndex .Truth, Truths.504
church’s responsibility to give to world 5T 454-67TopIndex .Truth, Truths.505
is to work entire reformation in life and character 2T 60TopIndex .Truth, Truths.506
made to minister to error in Christ’s time DA 287TopIndex .Truth, Truths.507
must not be dimmed 8T 11TopIndex .Truth, Truths.508
responsibility of all who receive GC 459-60TopIndex .Truth, Truths.509
Satan’s efforts to prevent spread of 2T 105TopIndex .Truth, Truths.510
terrible darkness of France as result of rejecting GC 229TopIndex .Truth, Truths.511
link after link of chain of, has been searched out 2T 651TopIndex .Truth, Truths.512
links in chain of, now united in perfect whole 4T 445-6TopIndex .Truth, Truths.513
little of, different parties of professed Millerite Adventists each had a EW 124TopIndex .Truth, Truths.514
lives for it is immortal 2T 490TopIndex .Truth, Truths.515
love and, are prevailing power in God’s government DA 759TopIndex .Truth, Truths.516
love for, must be manifest in deeds 1T 690TopIndex .Truth, Truths.517
love of, must reign in soul 5T 43TopIndex .Truth, Truths.518
loved a little by many but they love world more 2T 656TopIndex .Truth, Truths.519
loveliness and beauty in 1T 115TopIndex .Truth, Truths.520
luster of, not dimmed by people who disobey it 2T 490TopIndex .Truth, Truths.521
made repulsive by carrying things to extremes 2T 439TopIndex .Truth, Truths.522
majority of Millerite Adventists rejected, re sanctuary and law of God GC 456TopIndex .Truth, Truths.523
majority reject, in all ages GC 144TopIndex .Truth, Truths.524
make decided efforts to proclaim, in large cities 7T 37TopIndex .Truth, Truths.525
makes men free 8T 152TopIndex .Truth, Truths.526
man cannot discern, while world has his affections 1T 530TopIndex .Truth, Truths.527
man steadfastly adhering to, will win confidence of all ML 330TopIndex .Truth, Truths.528
man who had theory of, but was not converted 2T 678TopIndex .Truth, Truths.529
man who used, as subject to quarrel over 2T 388TopIndex .Truth, Truths.530
man’s search for, no limit to SC 109TopIndex .Truth, Truths.531
men can do nothing against, but for it GC 101TopIndex .Truth, Truths.532
men hate, today PK 185TopIndex .Truth, Truths.533
men must have, in order to be sanctified through it 4T 80TopIndex .Truth, Truths.534
men of all ranks and capacities are to unite in bringing, to people 6T 17TopIndex .Truth, Truths.535
men reject, because it involves cross GC 523TopIndex .Truth, Truths.536
men rejecting, reject its Author GC 583TopIndex .Truth, Truths.537
manner of presenting, is vital matter 4T 404TopIndex .Truth, Truths.538
many believers love, a little but love world more 2T 656TopIndex .Truth, Truths.539
many people hear, but do not fully understand it 1T 406TopIndex .Truth, Truths.540
many people who profess, are not sanctified by it 2T 51TopIndex .Truth, Truths.541
many professors of, do not feel its sanctifying influence 4T 614TopIndex .Truth, Truths.542
many-sided themes of DA 139TopIndex .Truth, Truths.543
marred too often by channel through which it passes 6T 382TopIndex .Truth, Truths.544
mass of mankind despise, and prefer fables 1T 300TopIndex .Truth, Truths.545
masses of people turn away from hearing GC 594-5TopIndex .Truth, Truths.546
meaning of, flashed on minds as new revelation AA 520TopIndex .Truth, Truths.547
meet error with 8T 192TopIndex .Truth, Truths.548
meet falsehood with 7T 156TopIndex .Truth, Truths.549
mere argument of, will not move souls to take stand 1T 113TopIndex .Truth, Truths.550
mere belief in, is not enough TM 473TopIndex .Truth, Truths.551
mere preaching, is not enough 5T 576TopIndex .Truth, Truths.552
mere profession of, will not save you 2T 161TopIndex .Truth, Truths.553
mere theory of, it is impossible to move many people with 1T 113TopIndex .Truth, Truths.554
merely professing to believe, is not enough 3T 254TopIndex .Truth, Truths.555
message(s) of: borne by SDA is all-powerful GW 98TopIndex .Truth, Truths.556
results of rejecting GC 378-9TopIndex .Truth, Truths.557
satanic delusions await persons who deliberately reject AA 266TopIndex .Truth, Truths.558
messenger of, solemn duty of GC 459-60TopIndex .Truth, Truths.559
mines of, yet to be discovered by earnest seeker 5T 704TopIndex .Truth, Truths.560
minister should seek to handle, skillfully 2T 337TopIndex .Truth, Truths.561
minister venturing to teach, grieves Spirit when he has only smattering knowledge of God’s word GW 98TopIndex .Truth, Truths.562
ministers and people must practice GW 312TopIndex .Truth, Truths.563
ministers should present, in its simplicity CT 433TopIndex .Truth, Truths.564
misconception of, Jewish teachers have COL 111TopIndex .Truth, Truths.565
miserable representatives of, SDA who are 2T 109TopIndex .Truth, Truths.566
misinterpreted and misapplied in Daniel’s time PK 505TopIndex .Truth, Truths.567
mission of Christians is to carry, to earth’s inhabitants 4T 80TopIndex .Truth, Truths.568
mistake of trying to retain spirit of world while adopting 2T 493TopIndex .Truth, Truths.569
mixing defiling heresies with, condemnation of 5T 140TopIndex .Truth, Truths.570
more can be done in living, than in talking it to others 2T 78TopIndex .Truth, Truths.571
more perfect apprehension of, only way to gain DA 494TopIndex .Truth, Truths.572
more reverence must be shown for 7T 54TopIndex .Truth, Truths.573
more treasures of, person to whom will be revealed COL 125TopIndex .Truth, Truths.574
more you endeavor to explain, to others the plainer it will become to you 5T 121TopIndex .Truth, Truths.575
most essential points of, may be made indistinct by giving too much attention to every minute point 3T 35-6TopIndex .Truth, Truths.576
much, yet to be revealed to God’s people CSW 25TopIndex .Truth, Truths.577
multitudes estimate, by numbers who accept it DA 459TopIndex .Truth, Truths.578
must be: apprehended by intellect 5T 272TopIndex .Truth, Truths.579
carried out in life 5T 576TopIndex .Truth, Truths.580
carried to foreign lands TM 194TopIndex .Truth, Truths.581
defended 8T 211TopIndex .Truth, Truths.582
diffusive FE 112TopIndex .Truth, Truths.583
enshrined in heart ML 266TopIndex .Truth, Truths.584
enthroned in heart TM 81TopIndex .Truth, Truths.585
imparted to all freely and openly DA 355TopIndex .Truth, Truths.586
loved enough to take pains to secure privileges and blessings vouchsafed us of God 4T 107TopIndex .Truth, Truths.587
obeyed from heart TM 159TopIndex .Truth, Truths.588
our panoply 7T 189TopIndex .Truth, Truths.589
received into heart 5T 272TopIndex .Truth, Truths.590
received into soul DA 455TopIndex .Truth, Truths.591
received through work of grace in heart DA 455TopIndex .Truth, Truths.592
must bind God’s people together like strong cords TM 228TopIndex .Truth, Truths.593
must go EW 96TopIndex .Truth, Truths.594
must not be muffled now 9T 231TopIndex .Truth, Truths.595
must sanctify soul ML 261TopIndex .Truth, Truths.596
must shine amid darkness of error enshrouding world 8T 11TopIndex .Truth, Truths.597
must work with transforming power in man TM 159TopIndex .Truth, Truths.598
natural heart is ever averse to 2T 491TopIndex .Truth, Truths.599
needless appendix to health reform should not be regarded as 1T 546TopIndex .Truth, Truths.600
never be ashamed of 6T 81TopIndex .Truth, Truths.601
never bring, down to low level Ev 137TopIndex .Truth, Truths.602
never compromise ML 77TopIndex .Truth, Truths.603
never degrades receiver AH 422; ML 262; MYP 353; 2SM 30; 1T 275, 415; 5T 593TopIndex .Truth, Truths.604
never popular with world 2T 491TopIndex .Truth, Truths.605
no limitation to CSW 36TopIndex .Truth, Truths.606
no line of, that made SDA what they are is to be weakened 6T 17TopIndex .Truth, Truths.607
no man can stand who fails to exemplify, in character 7T 189TopIndex .Truth, Truths.608
no one should think that he possesses all CSW 28-30TopIndex .Truth, Truths.609
nominal acceptance of, is good as far as it goes 7BC 951TopIndex .Truth, Truths.610
not all who preach, are sanctified by it 2T 334TopIndex .Truth, Truths.611
not changed into lie when men deny it by unholy lives 2T 490TopIndex .Truth, Truths.612
not so hard now to see and accept 4T 593TopIndex .Truth, Truths.613
not to be submitted to reason alone DA 455TopIndex .Truth, Truths.614
not to be wrapped up in beautiful adornings 5BC 1147TopIndex .Truth, Truths.615
not with ecclesiastical authorities COL 79TopIndex .Truth, Truths.616
obedience to, importance of 1T 543-9TopIndex .Truth, Truths.617
persons watching for Lord purify their souls by DA 634TopIndex .Truth, Truths.618
obedient believers will be sanctified through 2T 694TopIndex .Truth, Truths.619
obscured by dwelling too much on minute points 3T 35TopIndex .Truth, Truths.620
obtained by diligently searching Bible FE 216TopIndex .Truth, Truths.621
one man’s questioning and unbelief does not make, of none effect 3T 439TopIndex .Truth, Truths.622
one principle of, must not be concealed in studies given to med. students 8T 156TopIndex .Truth, Truths.623
one word of, Christ did not suppress DA 353TopIndex .Truth, Truths.624
only argument against, that its advocates cannot refute GC 460TopIndex .Truth, Truths.625
only effectual teacher of, Spirit of truth is SC 91TopIndex .Truth, Truths.626
only God’s grace can keep you steadfast in 7T 189TopIndex .Truth, Truths.627
opportunities for learning, condemnation for neglecting DA 490TopIndex .Truth, Truths.628
opportunity of receiving, give to all 7T 35TopIndex .Truth, Truths.629
opposition to: by apostates during final crisis GC 608TopIndex .Truth, Truths.630
combative spirit stirs up 2T 436-9TopIndex .Truth, Truths.631
during final crisis GC 609-11TopIndex .Truth, Truths.632
pioneer SDA met 1T 419TopIndex .Truth, Truths.633
original significance and beauty of, lost to Pharisees DA 279TopIndex .Truth, Truths.634
our faith is in, and not in feeling 2SM 157TopIndex .Truth, Truths.635
passed out will multiply greatly ChS 154TopIndex .Truth, Truths.636
path of, error lies close to 8T 290; TM 229, 244TopIndex .Truth, Truths.637
mind enlightened by Spirit may discern 8T 290-1TopIndex .Truth, Truths.638
people hearing message of, questions asked by DA 459TopIndex .Truth, Truths.639
people professing to believe, need to practice it ML 261; 4T 613-4TopIndex .Truth, Truths.640
people turning from fables to, are despised, hated, and persecuted 2T 105TopIndex .Truth, Truths.641
people who claim to obey, are asleep 5T 457TopIndex .Truth, Truths.642
people who obey, world will never love and honor 2T 491TopIndex .Truth, Truths.643
people who profess, are backsliding 4T 400TopIndex .Truth, Truths.644
people who really want, need make no mistake CSW 23TopIndex .Truth, Truths.645
people who see force of, boldly and fearlessly defend it 5T 272TopIndex .Truth, Truths.646