Teacher, Teachers (Part 2 of 3)
allow children to have their individuality 5T 653TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.646
apply themselves to study in order to teach others 4T 406TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.647
appreciate more fully their God-given responsibility and honor Ed 244TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.648
arouse hope and aspiration in youth CT 498TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.649
ask God to give them words to speak that all can understand CT 254TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.650
avoid all narrowness CT 502; FE 116TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.651
awake to their responsibilities and privileges CT 167TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.652
awaken inquiry on part of students 6T 154TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.653
bear: in mind his own deficiencies FE 525TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.654
patiently with dull pupil Ed 292-3TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.655
with perversity of students and try to teach them MM 211TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.656
become acquainted with: laws governing human organism FE 59TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.657
physical organism in order to treat children rightly 3T 136TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.658
become master of every subject he seeks to teach CT 199TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.659
begin at: bottom of ladder CT 210TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.660
lower rounds of ladder of progress CT 213TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.661
beware: lest they echo Satan’s falsehoods CT 390TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.662
of indulging morose or gloomy disposition CT 233TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.663
of making child stubborn by speaking harshly to him CT 212TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.664
bind students to their hearts by cords of love, kindness, and strict discipline CT 265TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.665
blend mercy and compassion with justice Ed 294TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.666
bow in prayer with their students 8T 61TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.667
bring: Christ’s righteousness and peace into daily experience CT 151TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.668
into his difficult task Christ’s patience, forbearance, and gentleness CT 236TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.669
peace and love and cheerfulness into his work CT 212TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.670
teachings of truth into life practice CT 235TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.671
their talents into work of church CT 534TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.672
true self-respect into all that he does CT 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.673
call for self-denial and cross bearing CT 183TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.674
care for happiness and health of students 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.675
carry: burden for souls CT 151TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.676
Christ as companion into schoolroom 5T 653TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.677
his pupils on his heart Ed 281TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.678
minds of students higher than now thought possible CT 13TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.679
cease to extol professedly wise men CT 23TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.680
cherish: love, sympathy, tenderness, and unity 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.681
reassuring conviction that Christ is close beside them 7T 274TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.682
choose snow of Lebanon rather than murky waters of valley CT 358TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.683
combine: high literary acquirements with uprightness of character CT 199TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.684
true dignity with enthusiasm Ed 279TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.685
come: as close as possible to students CT 253TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.686
down from stilts to humbleness of child 5T 654TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.687
right to the point in teaching CT 253TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.688
consecrate soul, body, and spirit to God FE 227TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.689
consider contagion of their own example 1SM 133TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.690
consider that they: are not dealing with angels FE 277TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.691
deal with children and not adults FE 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.692
contend with their own natural weakness of character FE 249TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.693
control himself if he would control his students FE 59TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.694
co-operate with parents FE 417TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.695
in educating child CT 146TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.696
co-operate with Spirit’s working CT 369-70TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.697
copy example of Great Teacher PP 599TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.698
correct: disobedience in children CT 155TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.699
student in way not to humiliate him CT 212TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.700
cultivate: cheerfulness and courtesy especially Ed 240TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.701
spirit of Christian courtesy 5T 31TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.702
tender sympathy and love 5T 590TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.703
deal: patiently and wisely with follies of youth Ed 293TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.704
tenderly and kindly with sensitive and nervous student Ed 292; 4T 420TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.705
with youth as Christ deals with him 4T 420TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.706
devote more time to personal labor for youth needing help than to long addresses 5T 589TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.707
discipline themselves to clear and distinct articulation 4T 405TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.708
do: more than impart knowledge of books CT 65TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.709
their utmost to improve their own capabilities CT 184TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.710
draw from Christ in earnest prayer 6T 165TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.711
drink: of pure streams of river of water of life 7T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.712
snow waters of Lebanon instead of turbid streams of valley CT 373TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.713
drop: all plans that will weaken his spiritual life CT 419; FE 525TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.714
from their work all that is unessential for life eternal FE 525TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.715
educate: children in Scriptures as well as sciences CT 168TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.716
himself in moral excellence FE 525TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.717
in spiritual things FE 221TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.718
themselves to breathe properly FE 147-8TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.719
youth to form characters God will approve FE 397TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.720
encourage sale of Christ’s Object Lessons 9T 86TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.721
encourage students to: sell SDA books 9T 78TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.722
study Christ’s Object Lessons 9T 77TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.723
study Ministry of Healing 9T 77TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.724
entreat students to seek Christ and His righteousness CT 400TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.725
exercise: gentleness of Christ toward students FE 262TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.726
grace of patience and Christlike forbearance CT 191; FE 267TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.727
great patience with slow student CT 177TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.728
tact and skill in dealing with students’ faults and errors Ed 279-80TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.729
expel from SDA schools books teaching unsound sentiments FE 517TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.730
fasten: attention of students on Christ CT 400TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.731
truth in minds of youth COL 41-2TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.732
feel: deep interest in students’ success and prosperity 5T 31TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.733
his need of perpetual diligence in acquiring knowledge FE 119TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.734
responsibility of his work FE 58TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.735
sacredness of his calling CT 229, 263TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.736
tenderest affection for students MM 211TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.737
fill their office to best of their ability 2SM 188TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.738
find exercise in useful and practical work CT 281TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.739
first control himself if he would control his students Ed 292TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.740
fit students for places of responsibility in both private and public life 6T 207TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.741
follow: Christ’s methods in dealing with students’ mistakes CT 266TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.742
every correction with drops of oil of kindness CT 212TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.743
forget self 5T 31TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.744
gain: co-operation of students Ed 285TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.745
youths’ confidence in order to lead and train them FE 116TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.746
give: exact and impartial justice to all students 4T 420TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.747
far more attention to physical, mental, and moral influences in schools 5T 523TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.748
full sound to every word spoken 4T 405TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.749
heavenly mold to characters of youth CT 57TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.750
himself to his work with zeal and devotion CT 229TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.751
students clear and accurate ideas of truth to present to others 6T 159TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.752
give attention to: laws of health FE 147TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.753
students’ health CG 103TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.754
give special attention to cultivation of: voice CT 239TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.755
weaker faculties of students 3T 132TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.756
give students: bread of life to eat FE 471TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.757
credit for all good qualities he sees in them MM 211TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.758
lessons in meekness, order, and thoroughness CT 211TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.759
making mistakes another trial MM 211TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.760
go out with students and: be at hand to repress disorder or wrong 5T 653TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.761
teach them how to amuse themselves 5T 653TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.762
go to bottom of every subject he seeks to teach CSW 31TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.763
guard against: accepting other responsibilities that would hinder his work as teacher Ed 278TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.764
attempting too much in line of duty Ed 278TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.765
conformity to world strictly FE 436TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.766
engaging in amusements and social pleasures that are exhausting rather than recuperative Ed 278TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.767
overtaxing students with studies and examinations CT 270TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.768
overwork Ed 278TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.769
guard his appetite CD 107TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.770
help students: as if at home 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.771
over rough places CT 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.772
to realize possibilities lying before them CT 498TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.773
help teach God’s people how to give message to friends and neighbors CT 529-30TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.774
honor educational standards established by Christ MM 79TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.775
illustrate spiritual things by things of nature CT 261TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.776
impart: higher wisdom of God’s word to students 6T 159TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.777
light from God’s throne in all their instruction 6T 154TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.778
improve every opportunity to do good to students 6T 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.779
increase in knowledge while imparting instruction CT 160-1TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.780
insist that students speak distinctly CT 216TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.781
instruct: and benefit children by both precept and example 5T 653-4TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.782
church members in med. miss. work WM 123TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.783
interest: himself in home education Ed 284-5TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.784
students in beautifying school grounds and schoolroom Ed 212TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.785
investigate truth for themselves CSW 33TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.786
join in amusements of children 5T 653TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.787
keep: Bible standard always before him FE 527TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.788
his heart pure, sweet, trustful, and sympathetic Ed 277TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.789
in view purpose of his work Ed 281TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.790
mind open to instruction from Christ CT 213TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.791
self in subjection CT 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.792
their lamps trimmed and burning CT 68TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.793
their own spirit under discipline to Christ CT 195TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.794
their souls in love and fear of God FE 221TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.795
their temper and feelings under control CT 191; FE 267TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.796
unholy passion under control of sanctified reason CT 257TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.797
keep back pettish word CT 195; FE 263TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.798
kneel in public prayer 3BC 1130-1TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.799
know himself FE 525-7TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.800
know how to: direct developing intellects 3T 131TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.801
make God his strength and efficiency CT 230TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.802
labor as if inspired from above 5T 33TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.803
labor for: salvation of students FE 246; 6T 158TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.804
time and eternity CT 208TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.805
lay aside their cast-iron rules 5T 654TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.806
lead life of piety, purity, and painstaking effort CT 503; FE 117TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.807
lead students to: feet of Christ CT 263TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.808
think for themselves CT 434; 6T 154TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.809
understand truth for themselves 6T 154TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.810
learn: A B C of true education CT 230TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.811
as they teach CT 211TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.812
humility of Christ FE 511TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.813
in school of Christ how to teach 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.814
meaning of simplicity of true education CT 210TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.815
of Great Teacher 6T 153TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.816
learn daily in school of Christ CT 191, 282; FE 223, 278, 397, 430, 525; GW 178TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.817
His lessons FE 223TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.818
learn from Book of all books 1SM 245TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.819
learn to: control himself CT 211TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.820
keep their temper and feelings under control FE 267TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.821
make truth plain to youthful minds CT 183TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.822
preserve their health FE 321TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.823
read and speak correctly FE 147-8TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.824
use gospel net CT 253; 7T 267TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.825
learn to be: patient, humble, generous, and noble CT 266TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.826
self-possessed FE 267TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.827
let: love of Christ pervade their souls 5T 590TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.828
self be merged in Christ 6T 153TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.829
Spirit mold and fashion their speech CT 254TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.830
sunshine from loving and grateful heart light up his countenance CG 148TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.831
truth cleanse his heart and mold his life CT 67TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.832
lift up their hearts to God in sincere prayer FE 268TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.833
link love and Christlike sympathy with discipline 6T 169TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.834
look: after youth with tender and loving solicitude CT 503TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.835
to God for strength every hour CT 151TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.836
with pity on students badly trained in childhood 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.837
love and cherish sound principles and doctrines 6T 127TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.838
love his students if he would gain their love FE 59TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.839
magnify and follow Christ’s method CT 58TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.840
maintain school discipline CG 324TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.841
make: Bible the foundation of their study CT 252TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.842
diligent work for eternity 6T 148TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.843
earnest effort for self-improvement Ed 281TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.844
every explanation clear CT 254; Ed 233TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.845
friends of students CT 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.846
full consecration of themselves to God 6T 159TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.847
God’s word foundation of education CT 293TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.848
obedience to his requirements as easy as possible Ed 288TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.849
painstaking effort to impress vital truths on students’ minds 6T 154TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.850
prominent those truths that make SDA a peculiar people CT 250TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.851
rules to guide conduct of students CT 153TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.852
special and determined effort to win students to Christ CT 503TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.853
their explanations clear CT 254TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.854
their illustrations self-evident CT 253TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.855
make God’s word their: lesson book 6T 159TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.856
meditation CT 172TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.857
manifest (show): ardent and active piety 6T 175TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.858
Christlike love, forbearance, and wisdom CT 498TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.859
continuous interest and sympathy for those who are not believers CSW 85TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.860
interest in sports of students FE 58TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.861
love of Christ in dealing with students CT 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.862
right temper 6T 134TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.863
special care for salvation of students 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.864
sympathetic and progressive spirit Ed 279TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.865
sympathy, affection, and love to youth FE 116TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.866
sympathy and tenderness in dealing with students CT 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.867
tender and loving solicitude to youth FE 116TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.868
mingle with students and become one with them in their joys and sorrows 6T 169TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.869
mold aright character of students CT 65TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.870
observe scrupulously principles of health Ed 278TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.871
obtain: experience Christian needs to enter higher grade FE 459TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.872
fitness for speaking by earnest prayer and diligent effort CT 254TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.873
open their hearts to indwelling of Spirit FE 526TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.874
overcome their selfishness and harshness 4T 420TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.875
pity poorly trained students 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.876
place: students on their honor FE 249TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.877
themselves in sympathy with children 5T 653-4TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.878
pour living stream of redeeming love into students’ hearts CT 400TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.879
practice: Christlike meekness FE 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.880
principles of health reform CT 293TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.881
true Christian courtesy CT 65TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.882
pray: in faith 7T 274TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.883
much more 1SM 133TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.884
often 5T 590TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.885
with youth 5T 589TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.886
prepare: missionaries to go forth for God 6T 158TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.887
people to stand in trying crisis before us FE 221TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.888
students for what is coming on world FE 526-7TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.889
students to be successful light bearers in world CT 498TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.890
youth for higher school FE 397TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.891
present students to God in prayer every morning CT 151TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.892
preserve: his health CT 301; FE 147TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.893
music of voice CT 239-40TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.894
strength of brain and nerve Ed 277TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.895
their mental and physical powers LS 354TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.896
prize more and more the truth presented in Daniel and the Revelation 6T 131TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.897
purify their thoughts by obeying God’s laws FE 227TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.898
pursue course that commands respect of students CT 498TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.899
push sale of Christ’s Object Lessons for benefit of educational work FE 520-4TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.900
put aside all plans that weaken spiritual life CT 419; FE 525TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.901
put away: every false idea 6T 142TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.902
from SDA schools books teaching sentiments not in accord with God’s word CT 389; FE 517TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.903
questionings, doubts, and unbelief 5T 590TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.904
their evil and childish tempers 6T 134TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.905
put off all manifestations of self-importance 6T 159TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.906
put whole mind to task of learning to do efficient service CT 151TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.907
raise standard high CSW 89TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.908
reach: high standard of consecration MYP 319TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.909
holier standard 8T 317TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.910
realize: most essential wants of mind 3T 131TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.911
need of prayer CT 231TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.912
sacredness of his responsibility Ed 281TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.913
they are preparing for higher school above CT 58TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.914
receive and impart all-round education FE 525TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.915
receive truth in love of it CT 67TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.916
receive truth in love of its sacred principles FE 526TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.917
refuse to be provoked to anger CT 214TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.918
rely upon God in prayer COL 131TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.919
remain silent when impatient Ed 292TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.920
remember that: disagreeable temperament needs most love, compassion, and help CT 267TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.921
God holds them accountable for their work 2SM 188TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.922
God is their strength CT 254TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.923
he gives people message involving eternal interest COL 336TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.924
he himself often errs and needs mercy and forbearance Ed 292TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.925
he is himself erring and makes many failures 4T 420TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.926
he is not yet a perfect overcomer 4T 420TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.927
over him is divine Teacher CT 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.928
SDA school is to be asylum for sorely tried youth CT 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.929
they are building for eternity CT 63TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.930
they must meet their students before judgment seat of Christ 4T 420TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.931
they themselves were once children 5T 653TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.932
remember that children differ widely in: disposition and training CT 181TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.933
habits of thought CT 181TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.934
remember that they deal with: children who have everything to learn CT 192TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.935
human beings with like passions as they themselves have FE 277TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.936
remember their own faults and mistakes CT 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.937
render efficient service as fishers of men FE 487TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.938
represent: Christ and not self before students CT 282TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.939
Christ by precept and example 4T 421TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.940
Christ in teaching and training youth FE 272; 4T 421TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.941
Christ’s character to students FE 268TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.942
Christ’s character to world 6T 156TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.943
God’s love to fallen world 6T 120TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.944
resist tendency to depression, coldness, or irritability Ed 277TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.945
search Scriptures for themselves CT 391; 6T 155TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.946
see: in every student a candidate for immortal honor CT 229TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.947
in every student God’s handiwork CT 229TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.948
that his work tends to definite results Ed 233TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.949
seek: by personal effort to lead students’ feet into safe paths 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.950
constantly for improved methods of teaching CT 181; Ed 186TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.951
constantly higher attainments and better methods Ed 278TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.952
salvation of students 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.953
wisdom of Christ for training children 6T 204TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.954
seek to: fasten students’ attention on Christ FE 526TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.955
impart life from God’s word FE 516TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.956
remedy defects of students 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.957
set right example for others FE 191TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.958
in dress and deportment FE 191TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.959
shield children from temptation FE 63TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.960
show importance of obedience to God’s word FE 516TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.961
shun study of infidel authors 6T 165TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.962
smile CG 148TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.963
sow: beside all waters CSW 55TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.964
seeds in young hearts that they can ask God to water FE 264TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.965
spare no pains to reach highest standard of excellence Ed 281TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.966
speak: distinctly, solemnly, and with earnestness COL 336TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.967
kind and encouraging words CT 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.968
slowly COL 336; CT 254TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.969
speak and act like a Christian FE 526TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.970
speak with: force and enthusiasm of things he deals with Ed 233TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.971
slow, distinct, and clear utterance CT 239TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.972
stand firmly and fearlessly as witnesses for God 5T 27TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.973
stand firmly on Bible ground re health reform 9T 158TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.974
strive patiently and tenderly to win students to Christ CT 270TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.975
strive to: be what he desires his students to become CT 269; Ed 281TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.976
bring church to higher standard CT 534TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.977
increase their knowledge of truth 6T 153TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.978
study: carefully the disposition and character of pupils CT 231TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.979
Christ’s lessons and character of His teaching 6T 160TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.980
Christ’s words, life, and methods Ed 282TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.981
critically from cause to effect FE 266TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.982
God’s truth with lively interest CSW 36TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.983
God’s works in nature 3BC 1143; CT 453TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.984
in school of Christ FE 116TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.985
John 6 carefully CW 120TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.986
lesson of co-operation taught in Scriptures Ed 286TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.987
simplicity of Scriptures CT 183TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.988
to improve daily their powers and capabilities 6T 153TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.989
what is essential to work in God’s lines 6T 161TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.990
take: Christ as companion into schoolroom 5T 653TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.991
God’s word as lesson book CT 372TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.992
physical exercise LS 354TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.993
special care to study, reverence, and obey God’s will as revealed to man 5T 26TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.994
students with them into gardens and fields FE 325TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.995
their position as true educators CT 400TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.996
time for recreation FE 147TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.997
teach: by illustration largely CT 254; Ed 233TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.998
children self-control 3T 132TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.999
correct habits in everything 6T 153TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1000
health reform 6T 377TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1001
science of salvation CT 23TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1002
simple principles of God’s word CT 252TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1003
simplicity in everything 6T 153TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1004
teach students: how to work for Christ CT 203TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1005
how to work soil in best manner FE 325TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1006
spiritual lessons from nature 6T 185TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1007
teach youth: God’s will and ways FE 513TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1008
good manners 4T 406TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1009
that God has claims upon them 5T 589TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1010
teach youth to: do evangelistic work CT 494TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1011
keep themselves in health CT 293TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1012
speak without wearing vocal organs 4T 406TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1013
use abdominal muscles in speaking and breathing CT 216TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1014
tell students that Christ has made every provision for them to go forward and conquer FE 436-7TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1015
train himself never to speak hasty word CT 233TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1016
train students: for Christ’s service CT 498TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1017
in voice culture Ev 668-9TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1018
to be clean and orderly 6T 170TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1019
treat: children as God’s property FE 261TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1020
students as Christ’s children CT 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1021
trust in God and go forward FE 436TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1022
try: always to lead children but never to drive them 5T 653TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1023
by precept and example to win souls to Christ CT 67TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1024
turn minds of students to cross of Christ CT 23-4TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1025
unbend from: his dignity and join youth in exercises and amusements CT 502; FE 116TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1026
their iron dignity and adapt themselves to children’s needs CG 148TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1027
understand: aright relations that should exist between teacher and student CT 257TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1028
cross of Christ as it was understood by Paul CT 23TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1029
importance of physical, mental, and moral training FE 58-9TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1030
physiology 3T 141TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1031
Scriptures for themselves 6T 155TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1032
that self must be kept in subjection CT 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1033
“the way” child should go in order to train it 3T 131TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1034
what it means to glory in Christ’s cross CT 23-4TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1035
what lessons to impart 6T 160TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1036
uplift only true God CT 459; 6T 166TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1037
urge students to surrender to God CT 254; 7T 268TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1038
use illustrations from nature PP 599TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1039
utter every syllable clearly and place force and emphasis where it belongs CT 254TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1040
visit homes of his students Ed 284TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1041
walk: in light God has sent them FE 527TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1042
very near to God CT 549TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1043
with God 5T 583TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1044
watch their hereditary and cultivated traits of character FE 265TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1045
welcome and encourage Spirit’s presence FE 436TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1046
welcome Spirit’s working in SDA schools CT 373; 8T 62TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1047
win students’ affection in order to impress religious truth on their hearts CG 148TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1048
work (labor): circumspectly FE 430TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1049
for saving our youth from ruin FE 117TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1050
in harmony with Christ’s prayer in John 17 FE 431TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1051
to prepare students for higher school above CT 208TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1052
unitedly with brethren of experience TM 502TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1053
with students in gardens and fields FE 325TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1054
work and pray with students CT 520TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1055
work out constantly his own salvation FE 525TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1056
work with: diligence and patience CT 208TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1057
patience and love for youth exposed to temptation 5T 589TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1058
students in some line of manual training CT 211TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1059
zeal and devotion CT 229TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1060
9. Need (ought) to be
able to: arouse energy Ed 279TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1062
deal wisely with different phases of character CT 180TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1063
educate in sciences and Scriptures CT 168TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1064
impart courage and life CT 180; Ed 279TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1065
inspire thought CT 180; Ed 279TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1066
quicken energy CT 180TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1067
speak and read distinctly and forcibly CT 216TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1068
acquainted with: God by experimental knowledge CT 248TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1069
human organism FE 59, 145TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1070
affectionate, tender, pitiful, courteous, winning, and companionable FE 456-7TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1071
apt to teach CT 160, 180; Ed 279TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1072
baptized with Spirit 6T 153TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1073
careful 6T 159TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1074
in all their habits CT 65TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1075
not to heedlessly wound self-respect of others 5T 30TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1076
to call out qualities of mind of students 3T 135TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1077
careful re: spirit they cherish FE 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1078
words they utter FE 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1079
cheerful 5T 590TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1080
Christian gentlemen 5T 583TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1081
companions of students in work and play 3T 134TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1082
consecrated servant of Christ CT 160TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1083
constant learners FE 517; 6T 154TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1084
constrained by love of God 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1085
cultured in mind CT 497TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1086
devoted 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1087
diligent students of Scriptures 6T 165TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1088
doers of God’s word 6T 153TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1089
earnest Bible students 6T 161TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1090
efficient workers for God 6T 423TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1091
energetic FE 436TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1092
ever digging for hidden treasures FE 120TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1093
example(s) in: diet and dress Ed 278TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1094
health reform CT 294TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1095
labor and recreation Ed 278TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1096
truthfulness CG 150-1TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1097
examples of Christian integrity FE 504-11TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1098
faithful 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1099
in their work 6T 134TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1100
filled with true miss. spirit CT 151TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1101
firm and calm and cheerful always Ed 277TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1102
firm and decided Ed 280TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1103
firm and unwavering in testimony for God FE 329TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1104
firm, broad, Christlike, pitiful, and courteous 5T 590TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1105
free from deceitful practices CG 150TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1106
guarded against customs and fashions of worldly schools CT 532TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1107
guides of youth 8T 62TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1108
in subjection to Spirit CT 191TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1109
intelligent re disease and its causes WM 130TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1110
laborers together with God FE 262, 397, 527TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1111
in promoting and carrying forward Christ’s work 6T 156TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1112
learners CT 151, 199; Ev 107; 1SM 411; TM 23TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1113
constant CT 211; 6T 154TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1114
daily in school of Christ CT 211-2, 502; FE 267, 430, 525TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1115
humble 4T 527TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1116
of way of obedience CT 183TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1117
light of world 6T 156TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1118
living channel through which wisdom and life may flow CT 31TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1119
living embodiment of truth CT 31TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1120
men and women of faith, wisdom, and prayer 6T 169TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1121
men of strict temperance Te 268-9TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1122
minutemen ever on guard over self CT 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1123
missionaries CT 168TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1124
more evenly balanced with sound judgment 2SM 361TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1125
more explicit on subject of physical health CG 107TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1126
moved by divine agencies 6T 167TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1127
neat in dress CT 65TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1128
of good courage in their work 7T 267TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1129
often on knees in prayer CT 183TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1130
one with children in exercises and amusements FE 116TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1131
painstaking in discharge of every duty FE 117TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1132
patient with youth who are vicious example of neglected parental discipline FE 117TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1133
patterns of piety, meekness, and humility EW 103TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1134
person who fears God FE 58TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1135
prayerful 6T 159TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1136
prepared: for many lines of work MM 59TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1137
to serve on church committees ChS 25TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1138
pure in heart CT 103TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1139
purified by Christ’s grace CT 497TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1140
quick to discern and improve opportunity for doing good CT 180; Ed 279TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1141
refined in manners CT 65, 497TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1142
sanctified through truth FE 436TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1143
self-cultured and self-controlled CT 191; FE 267TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1144
self-possessed CT 191TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1145
serious 6T 159TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1146
so closely connected with God they can be channels of light 5T 583TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1147
softened and subdued by thought of his own shortcomings CT 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1148
sound in the faith 5T 583TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1149
sparing of censure CT 155TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1150
susceptible to influences of Spirit FE 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1151
temperate in all things Ed 278TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1152
trained: for miss. work 6T 136TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1153
to act well their part in educating SDA children CT 168TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1154
transformed by God’s grace 6T 154-5TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1155
true educators 6T 158TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1156
true to principle and yet wise and tender 6T 169TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1157
under: discipline to Christ CT 191-200TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1158
full control of Spirit CT 67TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1159
unselfish 6T 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1160
what they wish their students to become CT 65; FE 58TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1161
in words and character CT 47; FE 90TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1162
whole-souled and largehearted Ed 276TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1163
willing to: be counseled FE 107TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1164
work and watch and wait Ed 292TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1165
wise and pitiful in treatment of youth CT 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1166
wise, careful, and gentle MH 494TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1167
wise to discern that: faithfulness and kindness win souls 6T 134TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1168
harshness never wins souls 6T 134TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1169
with pupils during hours of recreation Ed 212TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1170
10. Of home church school CT 158-62
choice of, parents’ duty re CT 160-1TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1172
definite work should be done in miss. service by CT 161TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1173
parents’ duty to co-operate with CT 161TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1174
11. Ought not to
accept other responsibilities that would unfit him for his work Ed 278TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1176
advise students to take wrong courses of study FE 334TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1177
allow himself to: be quick-tempered CT 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1178
become angry and impatient CT 212TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1179
become angry or provoked CT 212TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1180
become: discouraged at ignorance of students MM 211TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1181
interested in study of political questions FE 484TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1182
bring objectionable books into SDA schools FE 490TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1183
censure: ignorance of dull student Ed 292-3TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1184
too severely 5T 590TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1185
choose easiest place CT 183TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1186
close gates to hearts of youth 6T 161TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1187
compromise with stubborn self-will that: defies authority Ed 290TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1188
resorts to subterfuge or evasion to escape obedience Ed 290TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1189
depress and quench faith of students FE 334TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1190
destroy child’s individuality by discipline FE 57TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1191
dishonor God by irreverence and pomposity 3BC 1130-1; 2SM 314TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1192
divorce himself from church work CT 534TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1193
engage in exhausting amusements and social pleasures Ed 278TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1194
enter: his work without careful and thorough preparation CT 229TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1195
schoolroom with provoked and irritated spirit FE 266TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1196
exaggerate in giving reproof Ed 294TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1197
exhibit impatience and harshness FE 263TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1198
expect to find perfection in his students MM 211TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1199
follow students in their amusements with stern and unbending severity 5T 653TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1200
forget: that divine Teacher is over him CT 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1201
that he himself was once a child Ed 292TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1202
to be compassionate and courteous to students who make mistakes CT 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1203
give reproof to student in presence of others Ed 293TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1204
give way to their natural feelings and impulses FE 264TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1205
go round and round in stately dignity as though uniformed soldier on guard over students FE 116TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1206
grasp for higher rounds of ladder before they have climbed the lower CT 210TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1207
harshly punish children in need of reform CT 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1208
have favorites among students CT 318TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1209
interpose between God and souls needing light CT 373TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1210
labor to dwarf and taint minds of their associates FE 388TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1211
let: God’s work be placed in background from cowardice or worldly policy 5T 27TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1212
harshness come into his teaching 5T 590TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1213
religious earnestness and zeal retrograde 6T 157TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1214
lose self-control CT 197, 233; FE 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1215
make: apparent their prejudices for or against political men or measures FE 475; GW 391TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1216
one law from which there can be no appeal 5T 653TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1217
one passionate gesture CT 170TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1218
public student’s faults or errors Ed 293TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1219
manifest (show): impatience or harshness CT 195, 197; FE 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1220
lack of sympathy and love FE 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1221
overbearing spirit CT 214TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1222
mingle the common with the sacred 6T 159TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1223
neglect: everyday duties around them CT 234-5TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1224
one branch of study for another CT 232TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1225
place crib so high that students cannot reach food CT 435-6TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1226
punish: harshly students who need reform CT 152TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1227
student in presence of others Ed 293TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1228
require study of textbooks expressing pagan or infidel sentiments FE 168TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1229
scold 5T 590TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1230
seek to: display ability and proficiency of scholars CSW 46TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1231
exalt self FE 527TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1232
show his superiority CT 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1233
understand only what is pleasing in God’s word CT 183TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1234
show partiality: toward students FE 270TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1235
under any circumstances Ed 280TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1236
speak: sharp words when students misbehave CSW 171TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1237
sharply to student who does wrong CT 266TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1238
stand aloof from students and treat them indifferently 4T 420TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1239
take up duties that conflict with their God-given work 2SM 188TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1240
take worldly ideas as their criterion 7T 267TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1241
talk unbelief 7T 273TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1242
think: all his time is to be spent in study of books CT 234TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1243
it sufficient to make casual reference to Christ now and then FE 526TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1244
use books by infidel authors CT 401-2TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1245
utter one passionate word CT 170TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1246
watch children continually with suspicion Ed 289-90TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1247
12. Ought not to be
accepted until they have passed critical examination CT 539; 4T 406TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1249
censorious Ed 280TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1250
condemnatory CT 214TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1251
content to dwell on lowlands of Christian experience CT 230TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1252
content (satisfied) with: indolent mind CT 199TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1253
loose memory CT 199TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1254
product of researches of other minds CSW 33TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1255
critical 5T 30-1TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1256
deficient in knowledge of sciences FE 119TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1257
discouraged by ignorance of students MM 211TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1258
exacting or dictatorial Ed 280TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1259
harsh CT 214; Ed 280TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1260
heedless of feelings of others 5T 30TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1261
ironhearted FE 456-7TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1262
like uniformed soldier on guard over students FE 116TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1263
lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God FE 220TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1264
oppressive and discourage youth FE 269TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1265
overbearing 5T 30-1TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1266
severe 5T 30TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1267
too exacting 5T 590TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1268
13. Religious
before Christ’s time, pointed to Source of truth Ed 74TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1270
Christ would have made Israel’s, His ambassadors if they had yielded to His transforming grace MB 2TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1271
disputed over technicalities in Christ’s time CT 438-9TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1272
fanatical course that is unbecoming to 2T 547TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1273
God called Abraham to be, of His word Ed 187TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1274
in churches should lead way in working among people MH 149TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1275
in order to be, of others we must first be learners of Christ TM 346TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1276
Jewish See Israelite; Jewish teacherTopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1277
many, in Israel supported themselves by manual labor PP 593TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1278
much ministerial force spent teaching believers who should be 7T 24TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1279
offering some other means of redemption than Christ, every heathen nation has had its great DA 478TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1280
ought to: be learner TM 23TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1281
give more attention to Bible history PP 504TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1282
see evidences of advancing truth of God TM 23TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1283
teach science of salvation MH 424TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1284
parental unfaithfulness in families of PP 579TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1285
Paul as, became learner Ed 65TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1286
perverted truth and purity in Christ’s time FE 397-8TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1287
should speak truth: slowly, distinctly, and solemnly COL 336TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1288
so it will appeal to understanding and impress hearts COL 336TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1289