Parent, Parents (Part 1 of 4)
Parent, Parents
1. AgedTopIndex .Parent, Parents.3
2. Authority ofTopIndex .Parent, Parents.4
3. Classes ofTopIndex .Parent, Parents.5
4. Duty(s) and responsibility(s) ofTopIndex .Parent, Parents.6
5. Failing or neglecting toTopIndex .Parent, Parents.7
6. NeedTopIndex .Parent, Parents.8
7. Need(s) or ought toTopIndex .Parent, Parents.9
8. Need(s) or ought to beTopIndex .Parent, Parents.10
9. Ought not toTopIndex .Parent, Parents.11
10. Ought not to beTopIndex .Parent, Parents.12
11. Work ofTopIndex .Parent, Parents.13
12. MiscellaneousTopIndex .Parent, Parents.14
1. Aged
abandoned or put to death in heathen lands PP 337TopIndex .Parent, Parents.16
child born to, disadvantages of MH 358TopIndex .Parent, Parents.17
children should aid and comfort ML 278; PP 308TopIndex .Parent, Parents.18
children’s duty to AH 360-4; ML 278; 1T 424; 3T 120TopIndex .Parent, Parents.19
entitled to more than food and shelter AH 360TopIndex .Parent, Parents.20
helpless, children’s privilege to care for AH 363-4TopIndex .Parent, Parents.21
sin of bringing grief to AH 360TopIndex .Parent, Parents.22
long for affection and sympathy AH 360TopIndex .Parent, Parents.23
retaliatory spirit not to be cherished against AH 362TopIndex .Parent, Parents.24
sick, child who hated AH 362TopIndex .Parent, Parents.25
young children of, training of CG 284TopIndex .Parent, Parents.26
2. Authority of
Aaron’s sons not disciplined to respect PP 360; 3T 294TopIndex .Parent, Parents.28
Abraham required his children to respect PP 176TopIndex .Parent, Parents.29
abuse of CG 262, 286TopIndex .Parent, Parents.30
affection should be blended with, in governing children AH 198; Ev 582TopIndex .Parent, Parents.31
allowing children to trample upon, evil of 5T 323TopIndex .Parent, Parents.32
boys’ duty to respect CG 241TopIndex .Parent, Parents.33
children anciently regarded 1T 216, 218TopIndex .Parent, Parents.34
children should yield to CG 491-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.35
children who do not respect, God’s curse is on 4T 205TopIndex .Parent, Parents.36
Christ as child was subject to DA 72; ML 299; SD 129TopIndex .Parent, Parents.37
contempt for, leads to contempt for God’s authority PP 337TopIndex .Parent, Parents.38
counteracted when children are surrounded by worldly influence 5T 78TopIndex .Parent, Parents.39
disregard for, as sign of last days 4T 206TopIndex .Parent, Parents.40
results of PP 576TopIndex .Parent, Parents.41
do not exercise, in selfish or arbitrary control PP 176TopIndex .Parent, Parents.42
exercise, judiciously CG 271TopIndex .Parent, Parents.43
exercise of: accountability for neglect re PP 578TopIndex .Parent, Parents.44
by father in ancient times PP 141TopIndex .Parent, Parents.45
by fathers AH 215TopIndex .Parent, Parents.46
Eli’s failure re PP 575-6TopIndex .Parent, Parents.47
father must not yield, on any point AH 212TopIndex .Parent, Parents.48
harsh measures not necessary to maintain CG 283; ML 164TopIndex .Parent, Parents.49
how, over children is weakened 4T 103TopIndex .Parent, Parents.50
how long children should be subject to 1T 217TopIndex .Parent, Parents.51
lack of, leads children to disrespect school authority CG 98TopIndex .Parent, Parents.52
let children see that, must be respected CG 271TopIndex .Parent, Parents.53
love should be combined with, in family government AH 308TopIndex .Parent, Parents.54
maintain, by firm severity PK 236; 5T 45TopIndex .Parent, Parents.55
modern children and youth regard submission to, as evidence of weakness SD 143TopIndex .Parent, Parents.56
neglect and indifference re, children should confess their SD 60TopIndex .Parent, Parents.57
obedience to: importance of PP 142-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.58
should be cultivated in youth CG 82TopIndex .Parent, Parents.59
should be inculcated in babyhood CG 82TopIndex .Parent, Parents.60
parental conduct that makes children despise 1T 217TopIndex .Parent, Parents.61
parental disposition that tends to break down 4T 203TopIndex .Parent, Parents.62
rebellion against: anciently punished with death PP 310TopIndex .Parent, Parents.63
examples of, ever before youth PP 169TopIndex .Parent, Parents.64
results of 2BC 1009TopIndex .Parent, Parents.65
sin of 2BC 1009TopIndex .Parent, Parents.66
when children are disposed to SD 132TopIndex .Parent, Parents.67
rejection of rightful, is rejection of God’s authority PP 308; 3T 232; 5T 305TopIndex .Parent, Parents.68
respect for, spirit that fails to inspire 2T 79TopIndex .Parent, Parents.69
should be absolute CG 262TopIndex .Parent, Parents.70
should not be selfish or arbitrary control PP 175-6TopIndex .Parent, Parents.71
teach and enforce, as first step in obedience to God PP 142-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.72
things that lead children to disregard or despise CG 280; 1T 217TopIndex .Parent, Parents.73
train children to respect CG 224TopIndex .Parent, Parents.74
where, is lightly regarded God’s authority is not respected 5T 305TopIndex .Parent, Parents.75
young man who despised 4T 208TopIndex .Parent, Parents.76
young man’s duty re 2T 308TopIndex .Parent, Parents.77
3. Classes of
acting as if bereft of reason are many CD 399; MM 280TopIndex .Parent, Parents.79
administering God’s law in home, blessings promised to SD 40TopIndex .Parent, Parents.80
administering severe punishment, children’s reaction to AH 308TopIndex .Parent, Parents.81
allowing (permitting) children to: be destructive, duty of CG 101-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.82
come and go as they please, rebuked 5T 305TopIndex .Parent, Parents.83
control home to great degree, duty of 5T 305TopIndex .Parent, Parents.84
do as they please practice veriest cruelty to them CG 326TopIndex .Parent, Parents.85
eat flesh foods and other harmful things, sow seeds producing disease and death 3T 136TopIndex .Parent, Parents.86
follow inclination 1T 393TopIndex .Parent, Parents.87
form wrong habits, reproved 5T 53TopIndex .Parent, Parents.88
go about streets on Sabbath for amusement, rebuked 5T 36-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.89
grow up in ignorance, reproof for 2T 94TopIndex .Parent, Parents.90
grow up in ignorance, sin of 1T 398-9TopIndex .Parent, Parents.91
grow up in indolence, reproof for 2T 348-9TopIndex .Parent, Parents.92
grow up in uselessness and indolence 4T 97-8TopIndex .Parent, Parents.93
have nothing to do, sin of COL 345TopIndex .Parent, Parents.94
indulge passion, do not give them true love 2T 701TopIndex .Parent, Parents.95
lie in bed late in morning, mistake of 3T 151-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.96
live to please, amuse, and glorify self CG 178TopIndex .Parent, Parents.97
visit alone with distant friends, mistake of 1T 401-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.98
allowing children to follow bent of their own minds 3T 26TopIndex .Parent, Parents.99
are their worst enemies FE 52-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.100
allowing disobedience to parental laws to go unpunished, sin of 1T 546-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.101
angry, arouses child’s worst passions CG 245TopIndex .Parent, Parents.102
appreciated by children when they are grown up CG 120-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.103
asleep re children 2T 481-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.104
asleep while Satan controls children 2T 361TopIndex .Parent, Parents.105
backslidden 4T 651TopIndex .Parent, Parents.106
who fail in duty to demoralized children 4T 650-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.107
becoming slaves to children CG 178TopIndex .Parent, Parents.108
believing: children who will bless and reverence 1T 403TopIndex .Parent, Parents.109
should press on with faith and earnest prayer in path of duty 1T 279TopIndex .Parent, Parents.110
warning for, re willing of property to unbelieving children 3T 119TopIndex .Parent, Parents.111
bequeathing property to children, mistakes of 4T 478-9, 484TopIndex .Parent, Parents.112
blaming and censuring, cause children to regard them as hypocrites 2T 86TopIndex .Parent, Parents.113
blind to children’s sex habits 5T 60TopIndex .Parent, Parents.114
blind to children’s tendencies are many 5T 60TopIndex .Parent, Parents.115
blinded by Satan, deal harshly with believing children GC 608TopIndex .Parent, Parents.116
blinded sometimes by unwise affection for children 5T 39TopIndex .Parent, Parents.117
boasting of having complete control of children’s minds and wills, mistake of 3T 133-4TopIndex .Parent, Parents.118
bringing unruly and undisciplined children into large church, mistake of 4T 193TopIndex .Parent, Parents.119
brokenhearted, children have caused MYP 332TopIndex .Parent, Parents.120
burdened, children should help CS 47; 2T 326TopIndex .Parent, Parents.121
capable of managing their own business should not give up control of property 1T 528TopIndex .Parent, Parents.122
carrying strict discipline too far, treatment of small offenses with too great severity by 2T 98TopIndex .Parent, Parents.123
censorious and harsh, affect children like desolating hail does tender plant 2T 57TopIndex .Parent, Parents.124
censuring and blaming children, warning to 1T 401TopIndex .Parent, Parents.125
censuring trifles that deserve no notice 2SM 434TopIndex .Parent, Parents.126
charged with disrespect toward teachers 5T 90TopIndex .Parent, Parents.127
chilling child’s qualities of mind and heart to death as wintry blast does tender plant CT 113; FE 68TopIndex .Parent, Parents.128
choosing city home for children, mistake of COL 54TopIndex .Parent, Parents.129
Christian, need thorough conversion on subject of child training FE 66TopIndex .Parent, Parents.130
true, are useful church members AH 317TopIndex .Parent, Parents.131
combining authority and love, can hold reins of family government firmly and kindly AH 308TopIndex .Parent, Parents.132
compelled by law in some countries to send children to school 6T 199TopIndex .Parent, Parents.133
connected with Christ will not rest till they see children safe in fold 7T 11TopIndex .Parent, Parents.134
continually borrowing trouble, how children are affected by FE 154-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.135
controlled by animal passions, sexual excesses of 2T 480TopIndex .Parent, Parents.136
converted, great need of CG 477-8TopIndex .Parent, Parents.137
correcting children in: passion fills them with anger AH 314-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.138
spirit of impatience and passion produce no good results 1T 398TopIndex .Parent, Parents.139
creating in children passion for amusement and pleasure AH 523-4TopIndex .Parent, Parents.140
creating more trouble in family than they cure 2T 366TopIndex .Parent, Parents.141
criticizing each other in children’s presence, mistake of 4T 240TopIndex .Parent, Parents.142
criticizing teacher for disciplining their children, mistake of 4T 203TopIndex .Parent, Parents.143
dealing with: child passionately only arouses his resentment Ed 292TopIndex .Parent, Parents.144
children who tell lies, mistake made by CG 195TopIndex .Parent, Parents.145
indolent and selfish children, mistake made by CG 195TopIndex .Parent, Parents.146
obstinate children, duty of CG 237-8TopIndex .Parent, Parents.147
rebellious children, duty of 4T 363TopIndex .Parent, Parents.148
deceived, who let children grow up in idleness 1T 393, 686TopIndex .Parent, Parents.149
who take sides with children against school FE 53TopIndex .Parent, Parents.150
deceived by: children practicing secret vice 2T 401, 471TopIndex .Parent, Parents.151
children’s falsehoods 4T 651TopIndex .Parent, Parents.152
deceived re daughters 1T 393, 686TopIndex .Parent, Parents.153
defrauding God by transferring their means to children 2T 655TopIndex .Parent, Parents.154
depraved by lust, offspring of 2T 475TopIndex .Parent, Parents.155
despising reproof, mismanagement of home by 5T 51-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.156
despotic, make terrible mistake CG 262TopIndex .Parent, Parents.157
dictatorial, family government by 2T 253TopIndex .Parent, Parents.158
dignified and cold and unsympathetic, children do not confide in CT 113TopIndex .Parent, Parents.159
duty of FE 68TopIndex .Parent, Parents.160
disagreed re discipline of children, duty of AH 314-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.161
sin committed by CG 239TopIndex .Parent, Parents.162
disciplining children should remember how wayward they were once CG 255TopIndex .Parent, Parents.163
disliking principles of God’s word are many CG 233TopIndex .Parent, Parents.164
disliking to give children religious instruction are many CT 109TopIndex .Parent, Parents.165
displeased with children’s characters often fail to see errors that made them so 4T 199TopIndex .Parent, Parents.166
disregarding God’s word in training of children, reproof for 5T 305TopIndex .Parent, Parents.167
domineering, duty of CG 286TopIndex .Parent, Parents.168
make religion unattractive and even repulsive CG 286TopIndex .Parent, Parents.169
dwelling on children’s faults in presence of others, mistake of 4T 240TopIndex .Parent, Parents.170
eager to see children’s mistakes while overlooking their own 4T 62TopIndex .Parent, Parents.171
easily irritated, children partake of spirit of 2T 79TopIndex .Parent, Parents.172
easily stirred to envy and jealousy CG 264TopIndex .Parent, Parents.173
eating poor quality of food do not have self-command 2T 365TopIndex .Parent, Parents.174
educating children among worldly people, mistake of 4T 113TopIndex .Parent, Parents.175
educating children properly, reward awaiting AH 533TopIndex .Parent, Parents.176
educating children to intemperance 3T 563TopIndex .Parent, Parents.177
wrong done by 3T 488-9TopIndex .Parent, Parents.178
encouraging children in dissipation CG 241-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.179
encouraging children in pride plant thorn in their own bosoms 1T 134TopIndex .Parent, Parents.180
entitled to degree of love and respect due to no other person PP 308TopIndex .Parent, Parents.181
entrusting means to reckless son, what may happen to 2T 661TopIndex .Parent, Parents.182
erring on side of indulgence are many CT 113TopIndex .Parent, Parents.183
estranged, duty of AH 16TopIndex .Parent, Parents.184
exacting 4T 428TopIndex .Parent, Parents.185
make their presence disagreeable and counsels hateful 4T 66TopIndex .Parent, Parents.186
exacting and impatient, children are discouraged by 4T 48TopIndex .Parent, Parents.187
children partake of spirit of 1T 384TopIndex .Parent, Parents.188
exacting and overbearing, fail to give children love and affection 2T 94-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.189
wean children’s affections from them 2T 94-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.190
exercising authority in cold and unsympathizing manner, cannot win children’s hearts 3T 134TopIndex .Parent, Parents.191
exercising dominating spirit drive children away from God CG 286TopIndex .Parent, Parents.192
expecting minister to counteract their neglect in training children, reproof for 5T 494-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.193
extremists in health reform, reproof for 2T 377-81TopIndex .Parent, Parents.194
failing in efforts to properly discipline, should try new methods CG 262-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.195
failing to control their animal passions, children are ill-affected by 2T 480-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.196
failing to control their own spirits, are not fit to govern others 4T 621TopIndex .Parent, Parents.197
failing to co-operate with teacher are many CT 153-4TopIndex .Parent, Parents.198
failing to discipline children, church and nation are ill-affected by 3T 294TopIndex .Parent, Parents.199
failing to restrain children, God’s frown is upon 1T 235TopIndex .Parent, Parents.200
make them corrupt and proverb of reproach 1T 235TopIndex .Parent, Parents.201
faithful: Abraham as example of AH 184; 5T 494, 547-8TopIndex .Parent, Parents.202
angels co-operate with CT 148-9; FE 420TopIndex .Parent, Parents.203
angels help CG 548; 2T 702TopIndex .Parent, Parents.204
blessings of children who have Ed 245TopIndex .Parent, Parents.205
children will bless, for their strict care and faithful watchfulness over them 1T 400TopIndex .Parent, Parents.206
divine aid promised to, in training children 2T 398-9TopIndex .Parent, Parents.207
duty of, re disobedient children CG 173-4TopIndex .Parent, Parents.208
God hears prayers of AH 536; CG 172-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.209
God helps, to train children aright 2T 398-9, 700TopIndex .Parent, Parents.210
God loves to answer prayers of CG 256-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.211
God promises to help, to be efficient teachers CG 34TopIndex .Parent, Parents.212
God’s promise to help CG 34, 172TopIndex .Parent, Parents.213
hope of, who lie down in last sleep Ed 306TopIndex .Parent, Parents.214
joy of, on seeing children in heaven CG 569TopIndex .Parent, Parents.215
means of, should not be entrusted to unbelieving children 2T 99TopIndex .Parent, Parents.216
rewards awaiting, here and hereafter AH 533; CG 567-8TopIndex .Parent, Parents.217
should ask God to do for children what they cannot do CG 256TopIndex .Parent, Parents.218
faultfinding, cause children to seek enjoyment away from home 1T 385TopIndex .Parent, Parents.219
fearful of displeasing children, are like Eli 5T 36-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.220
fearing that children may become needy 2T 657TopIndex .Parent, Parents.221
fearing to exercise wholesome authority over unruly sons CG 241TopIndex .Parent, Parents.222
feeling jealous for children, mistake of 2T 174TopIndex .Parent, Parents.223
few, begin early enough to teach children obedience CG 82; CT 111-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.224
flattering children with pride and folly, great guilt of 2T 180TopIndex .Parent, Parents.225
flesh-eating, God will not especially bless and work miracle to save from suffering 2T 45TopIndex .Parent, Parents.226
impatience of 2T 404-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.227
sinful intemperance of 2T 62TopIndex .Parent, Parents.228
flocking with families to city, great mistake of 5T 232-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.229
flying into passion do not set right example for children CG 248TopIndex .Parent, Parents.230
following impulse are many CG 237TopIndex .Parent, Parents.231
fond, disliking to deny children any indulgence 5T 41TopIndex .Parent, Parents.232
fond and indulgent, children lost as consequence of 4T 204TopIndex .Parent, Parents.233
fondling and petting children but not restraining them with firmness and decision 2T 471TopIndex .Parent, Parents.234
foolish re children’s dress CG 434TopIndex .Parent, Parents.235
fretful CG 246-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.236
poison whole family with dangerous irritability 1T 386TopIndex .Parent, Parents.237
fretful and impatient, detrimental child training by 2T 433TopIndex .Parent, Parents.238
fretful and peevish, how children are affected by 4T 621TopIndex .Parent, Parents.239
fretting and scolding and censuring wean children’s affections from them 2T 94-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.240
given to: gossip and dress, neglect of prayer and Bible study by 4T 198TopIndex .Parent, Parents.241
unpleasant words and fretfulness and strife, angels flee from house of 1T 307TopIndex .Parent, Parents.242
giving cattle better treatment than they give to children 2T 94TopIndex .Parent, Parents.243
giving children too much liberty, mistake of 1T 401TopIndex .Parent, Parents.244
giving commands constantly in authoritative tone, children’s reaction to AH 308TopIndex .Parent, Parents.245
giving domestic animals better care than they give children 2SM 426TopIndex .Parent, Parents.246
giving harsh rebuke, children’s reaction to AH 308TopIndex .Parent, Parents.247
giving way to anger are more at fault than child is CG 246TopIndex .Parent, Parents.248
glorifying God before His angels and men 5T 424TopIndex .Parent, Parents.249
God-fearing: Christian children esteem love and approbation of MYP 451TopIndex .Parent, Parents.250
Christian children prefer love and approbation of 1T 392TopIndex .Parent, Parents.251
how college teachers can encourage, to send children to SDA schools 4T 427TopIndex .Parent, Parents.252
should train children for life of usefulness 1T 686-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.253
godly: best education that can be given to children by FE 231TopIndex .Parent, Parents.254
children come to age should listen to 1T 217TopIndex .Parent, Parents.255
how children are affected by example of 3SG 291TopIndex .Parent, Parents.256
look upon children with indefinable feelings of hope and fear ML 21TopIndex .Parent, Parents.257
should work in harmony with godly teachers CG 319TopIndex .Parent, Parents.258
gone down brokenhearted to grave MYP 332TopIndex .Parent, Parents.259
gossiping, how children are ill-affected by 4T 195TopIndex .Parent, Parents.260
neglect of child training by 2T 466TopIndex .Parent, Parents.261
growing cold in spiritual life, warning to CG 471-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.262
habitually wearing solemn and reproving expression FE 68TopIndex .Parent, Parents.263
happy, whose lives are true reflection of the divine MH 375-6TopIndex .Parent, Parents.264
harsh and stern, unreasonable in demands 4T 136-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.265
harsh and unkind, children should forgive AH 362-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.266
harshness and severity not needed by, to secure obedience AH 308TopIndex .Parent, Parents.267
having begun child training wrong, duty of CG 69TopIndex .Parent, Parents.268
having erred in child training, encouragement for CG 173TopIndex .Parent, Parents.269
having habits contrary to physical law do great injury to future generations AH 172TopIndex .Parent, Parents.270
having hasty temper should seek God’s help to overcome it CG 267TopIndex .Parent, Parents.271
having little sense of their duties, God does not work miracle to convert children of 2T 698-9TopIndex .Parent, Parents.272
having made will are not prevented from giving means to God’s cause while alive 3T 121TopIndex .Parent, Parents.273
having no children but are ready and willing to instruct 2T 646-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.274
having no love or patience for children, should be pitied CSW 55TopIndex .Parent, Parents.275
having unsubdued tempers disgust children CG 280TopIndex .Parent, Parents.276
headstrong and defiant, children’s rebellion against authority of 4T 203TopIndex .Parent, Parents.277
Hebrew: commanded to teach children God’s requirements PP 592TopIndex .Parent, Parents.278
education of children by CG 304-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.279
God’s law was to be taught to children by Ed 40TopIndex .Parent, Parents.280
taught children to sing songs penned by Moses 6T 364-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.281
were to be instructors in secular and religious lines Ed 41TopIndex .Parent, Parents.282
were to repeat to children history of God’s gracious dealings with man PP 468TopIndex .Parent, Parents.283
hoarding means for children, warning to 3T 399TopIndex .Parent, Parents.284
honoring wicked children more than God PP 578TopIndex .Parent, Parents.285
ignorant, daring to assume parental responsibilities CH 39TopIndex .Parent, Parents.286
ignorant of Satan’s devices, should awake and instruct children in religious matters 1T 390TopIndex .Parent, Parents.287
ignorantly destroying lives of children 3T 136TopIndex .Parent, Parents.288
impatient: as result of improper diet 2T 365TopIndex .Parent, Parents.289
detrimental child training by 2T 94-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.290
from whose lips leaps more censure than praise and encouragement 2T 57TopIndex .Parent, Parents.291
inspire impatience in children CG 246TopIndex .Parent, Parents.292
quarrel between child and CT 117TopIndex .Parent, Parents.293
shakes two evil spirits into child while shaking one out 2T 365TopIndex .Parent, Parents.294
treating children as if they were machines 2T 94-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.295
who should remain silent Ed 292TopIndex .Parent, Parents.296
in danger of: commanding and dictating too much FE 58; 3T 134TopIndex .Parent, Parents.297
magnifying little matter into mountain Te 71TopIndex .Parent, Parents.298
in subjection to children 1T 216TopIndex .Parent, Parents.299
inclined to permit in their children what they condemn in others CG 236TopIndex .Parent, Parents.300
inconsistent in child management CG 248-9TopIndex .Parent, Parents.301
increasing size of family without realizing responsibility assumed 2SM 424-5; 2T 93-5, 380TopIndex .Parent, Parents.302
indignant because children are restrained at school, reproof for 2T 558-9TopIndex .Parent, Parents.303
indolent and dissipated, loss of children’s affections by 4T 137TopIndex .Parent, Parents.304
indulgent: allow children to follow inclination 5T 38-9TopIndex .Parent, Parents.305
cause children to lose all respect for them PP 579TopIndex .Parent, Parents.306
children who are mismatched pieces of humanity as result of FE 157TopIndex .Parent, Parents.307
do not teach children self-denial CG 460; 4T 140TopIndex .Parent, Parents.308
find ways for children to evade school rules 5T 89TopIndex .Parent, Parents.309
how society, school, and church are ill-affected by 4T 199TopIndex .Parent, Parents.310
leave to teacher unpleasant task of repairing their neglect Ed 284TopIndex .Parent, Parents.311
plant thorns for their own feet 1T 393, 685TopIndex .Parent, Parents.312
teach children lessons that will prove ruinous to them 1T 685TopIndex .Parent, Parents.313
who say their children “are too young to be punished” PP 578TopIndex .Parent, Parents.314
who think wild youth will come right when 16 or 18 years old 1T 403TopIndex .Parent, Parents.315
indulging and petting children, evils caused by 1T 546-8, 700TopIndex .Parent, Parents.316
indulging children, confirm them in desire to follow inclination PP 142TopIndex .Parent, Parents.317
indulging children, mistake of 4T 368TopIndex .Parent, Parents.318
indulging children in: evil practices bring reproach to truth PP 579TopIndex .Parent, Parents.319
formation of wrong habits, accountability of 4T 368TopIndex .Parent, Parents.320
indulging children’s appetite 3T 567-8TopIndex .Parent, Parents.321
wrong done by 3T 563-4TopIndex .Parent, Parents.322
indulging perverted appetite acquire condition of nervous excitability Te 71TopIndex .Parent, Parents.323
indulging their lustful appetites and passions, detrimental child training by 2T 95TopIndex .Parent, Parents.324
indulging wrong-minded children, to their hurt 5T 326-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.325
infirm and helpless, children should care for AH 363TopIndex .Parent, Parents.326
influenced by children, in disposing of means 3T 123TopIndex .Parent, Parents.327
to place property in their hands 3T 120TopIndex .Parent, Parents.328
injudicious: child resenting school discipline appeals to FE 65TopIndex .Parent, Parents.329
children sent to school too young by 3T 137TopIndex .Parent, Parents.330
children spoiled by FE 157TopIndex .Parent, Parents.331
many children are better off in boarding school than at home with FE 313TopIndex .Parent, Parents.332
pet and praise their children CG 178TopIndex .Parent, Parents.333
repaid by children’s pride, envy, willfulness, and disrespect FE 69TopIndex .Parent, Parents.334
intemperate: corrupt children of 2T 360-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.335
fail to reason from cause to effect 2T 365-6TopIndex .Parent, Parents.336
transmit their inclinations and evil tendencies to offspring Te 170TopIndex .Parent, Parents.337
intemperate and rough, create more trouble than they cure in the family 2T 365-6TopIndex .Parent, Parents.338
intemperate in eating, cannot be patient 2T 405TopIndex .Parent, Parents.339
fail to control children properly because of their own impatience 2T 365TopIndex .Parent, Parents.340
irreligious, children testify to neglect and unfaithfulness of 5T 423TopIndex .Parent, Parents.341
irritable and exacting, warnings to 1T 384-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.342
irritable and faultfinding: children partake of spirit of CH 100; FE 154-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.343
how children are affected by FE 154-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.344
make home most miserable place in world CH 100TopIndex .Parent, Parents.345
irritable and peevish, duty of 2T 230TopIndex .Parent, Parents.346
killing babies by tobacco poison 2SM 467TopIndex .Parent, Parents.347
lacking self-control: cannot properly educate children 3T 131TopIndex .Parent, Parents.348
child training by, that is detrimental 2T 433TopIndex .Parent, Parents.349
fail to hold children with firm and steady hand 2T 433TopIndex .Parent, Parents.350
storms raised by 1T 384-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.351
who are spasmodic workers for Satan 4T 203TopIndex .Parent, Parents.352
lax in family government bring disgrace on Christ’s cause PP 579TopIndex .Parent, Parents.353
leaving child to its own will, evil caused by CT 112TopIndex .Parent, Parents.354
leaving child to pick up religious knowledge in SS that should be given at home CT 109TopIndex .Parent, Parents.355
leaving children to take their own course and always choose for themselves 1T 391TopIndex .Parent, Parents.356
leaving property to children, mistake of 3T 399TopIndex .Parent, Parents.357
leaving saving of children to the minister or SS teacher are many COL 195TopIndex .Parent, Parents.358
letting children follow inclination, evils caused by 1T 685-6TopIndex .Parent, Parents.359
letting children grow up in idleness, sin of 2T 371TopIndex .Parent, Parents.360
letting children violate Sabbath are guilty also CG 533TopIndex .Parent, Parents.361
letting Satan outgeneral them through their children 2T 658TopIndex .Parent, Parents.362
letting their feelings be stirred by children’s exaggerated reports 2T 559TopIndex .Parent, Parents.363
letting their minds dwell continually on low scenes CG 116TopIndex .Parent, Parents.364
living in cities, duty of CD 400TopIndex .Parent, Parents.365
warning cry to MM 310TopIndex .Parent, Parents.366
longing to labor in foreign mission fields, duty of COL 195TopIndex .Parent, Parents.367
long-suffering, interpretation of God’s love and justice and long-suffering by Ed 245TopIndex .Parent, Parents.368
losing self-control sin against God 1T 398TopIndex .Parent, Parents.369
loving, trust God as MB 101TopIndex .Parent, Parents.370
loving ease too well, defective child education by 2T 701TopIndex .Parent, Parents.371
making children their equals 2T 621TopIndex .Parent, Parents.372
making children’s worldly prosperity their first object, mistake of COL 53TopIndex .Parent, Parents.373
making home in large city, mistake of COL 53-4TopIndex .Parent, Parents.374
making mistakes, duty of CG 75TopIndex .Parent, Parents.375
manifesting cold and unpitying spirit, never lead the erring to repentance CG 260TopIndex .Parent, Parents.376
misapplying love for children, displease God 2T 647TopIndex .Parent, Parents.377
mistaken, wrong lessons taught to children by 1T 685TopIndex .Parent, Parents.378
mistakenly thinking themselves affectionate CG 326TopIndex .Parent, Parents.379
mistaking their duty in handing out money to children AH 387TopIndex .Parent, Parents.380
more anxious to shield their reputation than to glorify God PP 578TopIndex .Parent, Parents.381
more interested in dress than in children’s salvation, reproof for 4T 643-4TopIndex .Parent, Parents.382
moving from impulse, defective child discipline by 2T 433TopIndex .Parent, Parents.383
moving like wild men, roughness and violence in family government by 2T 366TopIndex .Parent, Parents.384
murderers of their own child 2SM 428TopIndex .Parent, Parents.385
neglectful, must meet their neglect in judgment 4T 424TopIndex .Parent, Parents.386
neglecting children for indulgence of inclination, are unprofitable servants 3T 147TopIndex .Parent, Parents.387
neglecting home duties, will be left outside of City of God with children CG 13TopIndex .Parent, Parents.388
negligent: church should discipline 5T 327TopIndex .Parent, Parents.389
fate of CG 13TopIndex .Parent, Parents.390
should confess their sins before God CG 557TopIndex .Parent, Parents.391
will be weighed in balances and found wanting CSW 45TopIndex .Parent, Parents.392
nervous 1T 385-6; 4T 240-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.393
easily excited and irritated 4T 240-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.394
intemperance in eating and in work makes 2SM 433TopIndex .Parent, Parents.395
nervous and excited, detrimental training of children by 2T 433TopIndex .Parent, Parents.396
not likely to be found criticizing teacher Ed 283TopIndex .Parent, Parents.397
not safe guardians for children are many WM 232TopIndex .Parent, Parents.398
not united in home government AH 310, 314-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.399
not united to Christ, terrible neglect of duty by 5T 52TopIndex .Parent, Parents.400
of children practicing self-abuse, are not clear before God 2T 392TopIndex .Parent, Parents.401
blindness of 2T 361TopIndex .Parent, Parents.402
duty of 2T 402-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.403
effects of intemperance by 2T 360-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.404
Satan’s work re 2T 480-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.405
of demoralized youth, who are burden to church 4T 193TopIndex .Parent, Parents.406
offended when told of children’s sins CG 273TopIndex .Parent, Parents.407
old-fashioned, God’s people need Ev 179-80TopIndex .Parent, Parents.408
overfond: allow children to follow their own inclinations CT 264; 5T 89TopIndex .Parent, Parents.409
excuse every defect in children 5T 89TopIndex .Parent, Parents.410
make pets of children CT 264TopIndex .Parent, Parents.411
overindulgent, tactics of children who have CG 284TopIndex .Parent, Parents.412
overlooking and excusing sin in children become accessory to their wrongs CG 276TopIndex .Parent, Parents.413
overworked, children should lighten cares of 2T 325TopIndex .Parent, Parents.414
loss of self-control by 5T 52TopIndex .Parent, Parents.415
palsied by: debasing passion CD 399TopIndex .Parent, Parents.416
perverted appetite CD 399TopIndex .Parent, Parents.417
pampering children, great mistake of 4T 201TopIndex .Parent, Parents.418
passionate in home government, duty of CG 275TopIndex .Parent, Parents.419
permitting wickedness in children is guilty before God CG 276TopIndex .Parent, Parents.420
petted and favored from childhood, defects of 2T 230TopIndex .Parent, Parents.421
petting and indulging children 3T 367TopIndex .Parent, Parents.422
and then fretting and scolding at them 2T 433TopIndex .Parent, Parents.423
blind and foolish fondness of 4T 382-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.424
evils caused by 1T 219TopIndex .Parent, Parents.425
fail to restrain and control them as they should 5T 319TopIndex .Parent, Parents.426
make them lifelong curse to themselves and others 5T 319TopIndex .Parent, Parents.427
petting and waiting on children, evils caused by 1T 392-3, 685TopIndex .Parent, Parents.428
placing children in worldly schools, displease God 5T 505-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.429
placing property in hands of children, great mistake of 3T 122TopIndex .Parent, Parents.430
planning for children, mistake made by COL 53TopIndex .Parent, Parents.431
poor CS 251TopIndex .Parent, Parents.432
Christ was son of DA 50, 72; CS 160TopIndex .Parent, Parents.433
should train children to deny self CS 251-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.434
poorly qualified to instruct, training of children by 2T 646TopIndex .Parent, Parents.435
possessing means but having no genuine faith in God 2T 567TopIndex .Parent, Parents.436
possessing piece of land and comfortable home, are kings and queens FE 327TopIndex .Parent, Parents.437
praying for their children, assurances given to ML 21TopIndex .Parent, Parents.438
professing to be Christians but are not converted are many CG 280TopIndex .Parent, Parents.439
providing children feverish diet, increase their animal passions 2T 365TopIndex .Parent, Parents.440
providing children flesh meat and other harmful foods, encourage intemperance 4T 140-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.441
providing children unbecoming clothes, injure their self-respect 4T 142TopIndex .Parent, Parents.442
providing family intemperate diet, sin lies at door of 2T 62TopIndex .Parent, Parents.443
provoked to impatience, duty of CG 267TopIndex .Parent, Parents.444
quarreling, children imitate AH 16TopIndex .Parent, Parents.445
ready to be led by children SD 129TopIndex .Parent, Parents.446
regretting transfer of their property to children 3T 122TopIndex .Parent, Parents.447
reproving child for every little error hardens him by continual faultfinding 4T 61TopIndex .Parent, Parents.448
reproving children for trivial matters, mistake made by 3T 531; 4T 61TopIndex .Parent, Parents.449
resenting counsel, duty of CG 75TopIndex .Parent, Parents.450
rough and imperious, whipping and slapping of children by 2T 259TopIndex .Parent, Parents.451
rough and severe, arouse obstinacy in children CG 280TopIndex .Parent, Parents.452
ruled by petted and indulged children 4T 192-3, 383TopIndex .Parent, Parents.453
ruling children in anger, are most unreasonable CT 154TopIndex .Parent, Parents.454
ruling children with rod of iron, do not follow Bible directions 4T 368-9TopIndex .Parent, Parents.455
rebuke for CT 113; 2T 259TopIndex .Parent, Parents.456
Sabbathkeeping, sin of parental neglect marked against many 4T 194TopIndex .Parent, Parents.457
saying, “My children are no worse than others” 4T 651TopIndex .Parent, Parents.458
saying that: they love child too much to punish it CG 186TopIndex .Parent, Parents.459
they talk to children and punish them but it does no good CG 262-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.460
scolding, create spirit of “I don’t care” in children 1T 384-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.461
destroy children’s cheerfulness and ambition 1T 384-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.462
seeing children saved, unutterable joy of ML 21TopIndex .Parent, Parents.463
seeking to correct one evil while creating two 1T 398TopIndex .Parent, Parents.464
seeking to promote children’s happiness by gratifying their love of amusements, mistake of COL 54TopIndex .Parent, Parents.465
seeming to forget that they were once children CG 147; CT 113; FE 68TopIndex .Parent, Parents.466
selfish and exacting, who talk of children’s small errors 4T 255TopIndex .Parent, Parents.467
sending demoralized children to school, duty of CG 335TopIndex .Parent, Parents.468
sensitive, who feels much injured when her will is crossed 4T 61-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.469
sensual, animal passions largely in ascendency in children of 2T 480TopIndex .Parent, Parents.470
transmit their stamp of character to children 2T 480-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.471
serving flesh foods to children, wrong done by 3T 563TopIndex .Parent, Parents.472
setting bad example for children CG 116TopIndex .Parent, Parents.473
stand directly in their way 2T 95TopIndex .Parent, Parents.474
severe and exacting, great mistakes of 3T 532TopIndex .Parent, Parents.475
severe and exacting in discipline, duty of CG 282TopIndex .Parent, Parents.476
shaking naughty child only makes it worse 2T 365TopIndex .Parent, Parents.477
shunning responsibility and caretaking, duty of 2T 230TopIndex .Parent, Parents.478
sick, children’s obligations to 3T 230-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.479
siding with children against teachers CG 326TopIndex .Parent, Parents.480
soothing their consciences by saying: “My children are no worse than others” 4T 650-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.481
speaking and acting impatiently, sin against God 1T 398TopIndex .Parent, Parents.482
speaking fretfully and impatiently to children when interrupted 2T 433TopIndex .Parent, Parents.483
speaking irritably, children partake of spirit of 1T 384TopIndex .Parent, Parents.484
speaking pleasant and cheerful words, angels smile upon and help 1T 386TopIndex .Parent, Parents.485
spending earnings in self-indulgence rob their children Te 272TopIndex .Parent, Parents.486
spoiling children CG 126TopIndex .Parent, Parents.487
stepfather as, children’s duty to respect 2T 422-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.488
stepmother as, who was cold and unsympathizing toward husband’s children 3T 531-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.489
stern and exacting, children fear but do not love CT 113TopIndex .Parent, Parents.490
stimulating young minds by flattery or fear, mistake of FE 60TopIndex .Parent, Parents.491
strict, child discipline carried too far by 2T 98TopIndex .Parent, Parents.492
stupefied by Satan’s paralyzing influence and yet think they are right 2T 480TopIndex .Parent, Parents.493
suffering, children’s duty to 3T 232TopIndex .Parent, Parents.494
sunshiny, need of more AH 37TopIndex .Parent, Parents.495
swayed by children’s desires and claims, rebuke for 2T 297TopIndex .Parent, Parents.496
sympathizing with reproved children, great guilt of 2T 180TopIndex .Parent, Parents.497
sympathizing with unruly children disciplined at school, duty of 5T 51-2TopIndex .Parent, Parents.498
talking disrespectfully of the other, leads children to despise restraint 4T 500TopIndex .Parent, Parents.499
teaching children re evil of following fashions of world, have hard battle 1T 278TopIndex .Parent, Parents.500
teaching truths of salvation to children, angels attend DA 517TopIndex .Parent, Parents.501
tempted to: place children in schools giving what world regards as most essential education FE 544TopIndex .Parent, Parents.502
speak cross words should pray for grace CG 551TopIndex .Parent, Parents.503
thinking that: it makes no difference whether children attend church school or public school AH 406TopIndex .Parent, Parents.504
they cannot subscribe to SDA periodicals AH 415TopIndex .Parent, Parents.505
throwing their responsibilities of child training upon church, reproof for 4T 198-9, 204TopIndex .Parent, Parents.506
tired, in danger of not manifesting calm spirit CG 246TopIndex .Parent, Parents.507
too anxious to help children financially in order not to offend them 2T 647-8TopIndex .Parent, Parents.508
too fond of ease and pleasure CG 94TopIndex .Parent, Parents.509
too indulgent toward children, great mistake of 4T 97-8TopIndex .Parent, Parents.510
too lax with children, warnings to CG 277TopIndex .Parent, Parents.511
too stern and exacting, discipline of children by 4T 140TopIndex .Parent, Parents.512
training children, need double patience and perseverance and love AH 173-4TopIndex .Parent, Parents.513
training children aright for God, happiness of MH 375-6TopIndex .Parent, Parents.514
training children for God, are missionaries in highest sense 2T 466TopIndex .Parent, Parents.515
training children to exercise self-control, is most useful and permanently successful Ed 289TopIndex .Parent, Parents.516
transferring means to unfaithful children, mistake of 2T 652TopIndex .Parent, Parents.517
transferring property to unbelieving children, mistake of 1T 528-9; 3T 399TopIndex .Parent, Parents.518
transferring worldly treasures to children, great mistake of 2T 652TopIndex .Parent, Parents.519
treating children as if they were machines, reproof for 2T 94-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.520
treating children as pets, mistake of CT 264TopIndex .Parent, Parents.521
treating children roughly, must account to God for it 2T 259TopIndex .Parent, Parents.522
treating children severely, chill them as wintry blast chills tender plant CT 113TopIndex .Parent, Parents.523
treating trifling misdemeanors as grave sins CG 147; CT 113TopIndex .Parent, Parents.524
unable to: control themselves, cannot control their children 4T 203TopIndex .Parent, Parents.525
keep children at home AH 529TopIndex .Parent, Parents.526
reason from cause to effect 2T 365-6TopIndex .Parent, Parents.527
wisely manage children are not qualified to serve as church officers 2T 568TopIndex .Parent, Parents.528
unbelieving, children’s duty to AH 293TopIndex .Parent, Parents.529
unbelieving and disagreeable, child’s duty to AH 361TopIndex .Parent, Parents.530
undermining work of teachers 5T 90TopIndex .Parent, Parents.531
understanding their God-given duty, would be wise counselors in SDA schools and education CG 321TopIndex .Parent, Parents.532
unfaithful, curse of God will surely rest upon 1T 219TopIndex .Parent, Parents.533
fate that awaits CG 568-9; 1T 219TopIndex .Parent, Parents.534
who say: “My children are no worse than they” 2T 398TopIndex .Parent, Parents.535
unhappy, of ungodly youth from 18 to 30 years of age 4T 292TopIndex .Parent, Parents.536
united in discipline, children’s reaction to AH 315TopIndex .Parent, Parents.537
unreasonable, teach children to be unreasonable CG 240TopIndex .Parent, Parents.538
unwise, who have proved themselves to be children’s worst enemy FE 52-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.539
unwise affection of, that fails to give children proper restraint 5T 39TopIndex .Parent, Parents.540
unwise and unfaithful, Eli’s example as 4aSG 103-4TopIndex .Parent, Parents.541
using coaxing or bribes to secure child’s compliance, mistake of Ed 290TopIndex .Parent, Parents.542
using tobacco set bad example for youth MH 329TopIndex .Parent, Parents.543
using unbecoming language are more worthy of blame than children CG 288TopIndex .Parent, Parents.544
very deficient in business tact should not have children AH 165TopIndex .Parent, Parents.545
wealthy (rich) 3T 116-30TopIndex .Parent, Parents.546
education of children by 3T 150TopIndex .Parent, Parents.547
transfer of property to children by 3T 129-30TopIndex .Parent, Parents.548
who are unfaithful stewards 3T 122-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.549
wearing solemn and reproving expression, duty of FE 68TopIndex .Parent, Parents.550
who overeat, lack self-command 2T 365TopIndex .Parent, Parents.551
who should forbear reprimanding and censuring 4T 62-3TopIndex .Parent, Parents.552
why children of religious, are often headstrong, defiant, and rebellious AH 310TopIndex .Parent, Parents.553
willingly ignorant, miracle that God will not work for 2SM 469TopIndex .Parent, Parents.554
willingly ignorant of their own structure, lead children into path of self-indulgence and suffering 6T 370TopIndex .Parent, Parents.555
winking at sin CG 88TopIndex .Parent, Parents.556
wise: never select companions for children without respect to their wishes 5T 108-9TopIndex .Parent, Parents.557
work of, will be rewarded before men and angels AH 536TopIndex .Parent, Parents.558
world will never appreciate work of AH 536TopIndex .Parent, Parents.559
working against each other in home management AH 312TopIndex .Parent, Parents.560
worshiping mammon, bad example of 2T 237TopIndex .Parent, Parents.561
wrapped up in self, how children are affected by 4T 136-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.562
yielding home authority to children, great mistake of 4T 201TopIndex .Parent, Parents.563
yielding to impatience cause others to suffer CG 246TopIndex .Parent, Parents.564
4. Duty(s) and responsibility(s) of FE 139-44; 1T 118-20; 5T 319-23
as: character builders CT 131TopIndex .Parent, Parents.566
companions of children Ed 251TopIndex .Parent, Parents.567
educators in home CT 160TopIndex .Parent, Parents.568
first teachers of children CG 21-5; Ed 251TopIndex .Parent, Parents.569
representatives of God Ed 244TopIndex .Parent, Parents.570
united rulers in home kingdom CT 128TopIndex .Parent, Parents.571
as teachers in home CG 27TopIndex .Parent, Parents.572
angels aid AH 323TopIndex .Parent, Parents.573
as teachers of home school CG 19; CT 107-18TopIndex .Parent, Parents.574
before bringing children into world 2T 380TopIndex .Parent, Parents.575
can never be set aside AH 360-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.576
cannot be shifted to: another person FE 69; 2T 398; 4T 137TopIndex .Parent, Parents.577
SS workers CSW 44-5TopIndex .Parent, Parents.578
defined plainly by Christ in instruction to Israel CSW 45-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.579
fearful, before God 3T 568TopIndex .Parent, Parents.580
first, is to establish good home government CG 85TopIndex .Parent, Parents.581
to God 1T 221TopIndex .Parent, Parents.582
for: child’s earlier as well as later training Ed 276TopIndex .Parent, Parents.583
children’s health AH 187TopIndex .Parent, Parents.584
children’s morals CD 241TopIndex .Parent, Parents.585
children’s stamp of character CD 29; MYP 242TopIndex .Parent, Parents.586
infant mortality 2SM 465TopIndex .Parent, Parents.587
modern youth’s wild and reckless character 4T 435TopIndex .Parent, Parents.588
qualities developed in children CT 195TopIndex .Parent, Parents.589
strength of children’s character Te 156TopIndex .Parent, Parents.590
thousands of babies born deaf, blind, diseased, or idiotic PP 561TopIndex .Parent, Parents.591
training children to be good CG 21TopIndex .Parent, Parents.592
traits in children MH 44TopIndex .Parent, Parents.593
waywardness of students 5T 29TopIndex .Parent, Parents.594
great: for child entrusted to their care Ed 280-1TopIndex .Parent, Parents.595
for children’s perverted appetites PP 561TopIndex .Parent, Parents.596
for children’s souls 4T 313TopIndex .Parent, Parents.597
for children’s violent passions PP 561TopIndex .Parent, Parents.598
for mold given to children’s character 5T 319TopIndex .Parent, Parents.599
in bringing up children 2T 359TopIndex .Parent, Parents.600
in formative period of child’s life COL 53TopIndex .Parent, Parents.601
increases with each child added to family CG 205TopIndex .Parent, Parents.602
is more than to feed and clothe children CG 38TopIndex .Parent, Parents.603
joint, in training of children Ed 283TopIndex .Parent, Parents.604
living in countries requiring children to attend school 6T 199TopIndex .Parent, Parents.605
make plain MH 131TopIndex .Parent, Parents.606
most important, are those of training children for God AH 247TopIndex .Parent, Parents.607
must not be delegated to another PP 592TopIndex .Parent, Parents.608
neglect of, makes children what they are 4T 424TopIndex .Parent, Parents.609
prisons and gallows publish AH 138TopIndex .Parent, Parents.610
of teaching children God’s requirements is not to be delegated to another PP 592TopIndex .Parent, Parents.611
persons unwilling to inform themselves should not take, upon themselves 5T 324TopIndex .Parent, Parents.612
re: amusements of children AH 468-9TopIndex .Parent, Parents.613
books for children 8T 308-9TopIndex .Parent, Parents.614
boy threatening to run away from home CG 241TopIndex .Parent, Parents.615
character building CG 169-74TopIndex .Parent, Parents.616
child’s early years CG 193-8TopIndex .Parent, Parents.617
children practicing secret vice 2T 391, 401-3, 471TopIndex .Parent, Parents.618
children practicing self-abuse 2T 349TopIndex .Parent, Parents.619
children unwilling to submit to discipline of institutions 7T 185TopIndex .Parent, Parents.620
children who have no love for home AH 529TopIndex .Parent, Parents.621
children’s amusements and sports 3T 155TopIndex .Parent, Parents.622
children’s associates AH 468; CT 120; 5T 545TopIndex .Parent, Parents.623
children’s bad habits 4T 97TopIndex .Parent, Parents.624
children’s birthdays AH 473-4TopIndex .Parent, Parents.625
children’s diet 2T 61-2; 3T 488TopIndex .Parent, Parents.626
children’s dress at school 5T 89TopIndex .Parent, Parents.627
children’s education 1T 399-400; 5T 505TopIndex .Parent, Parents.628
children’s higher education 3T 149TopIndex .Parent, Parents.629
children’s monetary allowances 6T 214TopIndex .Parent, Parents.630
children’s religious education AH 319-21TopIndex .Parent, Parents.631
dangers besetting youth CG 471TopIndex .Parent, Parents.632
discipline of children in school 4T 428TopIndex .Parent, Parents.633
erring son CG 266-7TopIndex .Parent, Parents.634
family worship See Family worshipTopIndex .Parent, Parents.635
giving reproof to children FE 67-8TopIndex .Parent, Parents.636
health of little children FE 145TopIndex .Parent, Parents.637