Vol. V.—No. 9. Boston, Whole No. 105
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May 3, 1843
Vol. V.—No. 9. Boston, Whole No. 105
Terms,—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.HST May 3, 1843, page 65.1
J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors
“It is not for you to know,” etc
Reply to Bishop Hopkins
No theory can be true to which the proper meaning of the word of God stands opposed. Complex as the truths of Scripture appear, there must be some simple principles which harmonize them all.HST May 3, 1843, page 65.2
One principle, undoubtedly, is this: God has revealed truth under veils, which have been gradually removed as advancing time has called for fuller disclosures of truth. When the Savior was first foretold, it was under the emblem of the seed of the woman bruising the head of the serpent. This obscure intimation raised a hope in the human family, which was successively confirmed by clearer predictions. It is worthy of remark, however, that the second coming of Christ was the subject of the next prophecy of which we have any knowledge. “Enoch, also, the seventh from Adam, prophecied against these, when he said, Behold the Lord comes, with myriads of his holy ones, to execute judgment upon all.” [Doddridge’s Translation, Jude 14.]HST May 3, 1843, page 65.3
But there is, in the New Testament, a clearness on the subject of the resurrection and Christ’s coming, so much beyond anything in the Old, that it is said, “He hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.”HST May 3, 1843, page 65.4
Christ said, before he left his disciples, “I have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” They evidently needed to have their earthly hopes so completely dissipated by his ignominious death, and their hearts so humbled that they would receive the truth, concerning the kingdom of God, which they were to enter through much tribulation. When he was about to ascend from them, he said, “It is not [convenient] for you [now] to know those times and seasons, which the Father hath reserved in his own power.” [Doddridge’s Paraphrase, Acts 1:7.]HST May 3, 1843, page 65.5
For an explanation of this, let us turn back to Daniel 8:26, “Shut thou up the vision, for it shall be for many days;” said Gabriel, in the very chapter in which he had told him of the 2300 days. He afterwards gave him a prophecy, in which he describes a historic event which takes place “at the time of the end.” This we apply without difficulty to the events of 1798, in the career of Napoleon Bonaparte. The angel proceeds, in a continued discourse, in which a few verses onward, he says: “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book even to the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” We could scarcely be more clearly informed that the seal would be broken at the time of the end, including a short space in which knowledge should be increased. Surely no period of the world corresponds with this prediction so accurately as the last 45 years.HST May 3, 1843, page 65.6
But when Gabriel had thus closed his last recorded message to man, previous to his coming to announce the forerunner of Christ, that Glorious Person himself became the speaker, and said: “Go thy way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed till the time of the end. None of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.”HST May 3, 1843, page 65.7
Now the words of our ascending Lord to his apostles, must be interpreted according to these declarations to Daniel, from which we learn that there would be a time connected with the end, when the wise shall understand what had before been shut up. This view of the subject presents a perfect harmony and consistency throughout the Scriptures.HST May 3, 1843, page 65.8
“But do you pretend that we now know more than the apostles did?” says the objector, in amazement.HST May 3, 1843, page 65.9
Let us hear one of the apostles in a parallel case. We quote Doddridge’s paraphrase, in which his translation of Peter’s words is in italic, and his amplification of the subject in Roman. After referring to the various trials Christians were called to endure, Doddridge proceeds with Peter’s cheering reference to the unutterable and “glorified joy” which awaited them at the revelation of Jesus Christ, and says: (1 Peter 1:10.)HST May 3, 1843, page 65.10
“Concerning which salvation, the prophets, who predicted the grace of the gospel, [which was appointed] to you, sought and diligently inquired; Searching, with the deepest and most attentive reflection, to what period or to what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ which was in them did refer, when he testified long before they came to pass the various sufferings which were to come upon Christ, and the exalted and permanent glory which was to succeed them, and render him and his kingdom so perpetually illustrious, and his servants so completely happy. To the memorable testimony of these prophets it becomes us to pay a sincere and profound regard to whom such extraordinary discoveries were made, as no attentive reader can view without conviction and astonishment; and it was revealed 5To whom it was revealed, etc.] I think this text plainly proves that the prophets had some general intimation that their prophecies referred to the Messiah; but that they did not understand every clause of them in their full force, nor so well as we understand them, who are capable of comparing them with the event.—Doddr. to them among other things, that [it was] not to themselves, but to us that they ministered these things; they knew that we, when the events arose, should have a more complete understanding of these oracles, than any who declared them had.”HST May 3, 1843, page 65.11
Lecturers on science delight to tell their pupils that children can now understand truths which Newton did not know. The events of Providence are designed to throw light upon his word, and to these Christ refers when he says: “WHEN these things come to pass, KNOW that he is nigh, even at the doors.’ [Wakefield.]HST May 3, 1843, page 65.12
But did not Christ, in the same connection, say: “Ye know not when the time is?” He certainly did, but his words cannot contradict themselves. We are commanded to know when the time is near, even at the doors, but we are to watch for the precise time, because it may be at midnight, at the cock-crowing, or in the morning.HST May 3, 1843, page 65.13
Obj. But is it not perverting Christ’s words to apply them to so narrow a point?HST May 3, 1843, page 65.14
Ans. Surely this comes with an ill grace from those who narrow down the great prophecies which reach to the END—even to the LAST END of the indignation, when Daniel shall stand up in his lot—to the days of Antiochus.HST May 3, 1843, page 65.15
Christ gives us the best authority for understanding his words literally, when he says: “I tell you in that night, two shall be in one bed, one shall be taken and the other left.” This can apply to nothing else than a literal night of twelve hours. In his remarks, he refers to persons in the field as if it were mid-day—in the bed, as at night—at the mill, as in the morning and evening twilight, and says: “Watch, for ye know not when the time is,”—that is, the precise time, though you may know when it is very near.HST May 3, 1843, page 65.16
Doddridge collects the words of Christ as reported by all the evangelists, and enlarges upon them thus:HST May 3, 1843, page 65.17
“And therefore, that no calamities of life or solemnities of judgment may be dreadful to you, take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overloaded, and your rational powers depressed and stupified by gluttony and drunkenness, or distracted with worldly and secular cares; and by this means that awful and important day of which I have been speaking, should come unexpected upon you. For the character of the generality of mankind at that time will be such, that it shall come on the greatest part of all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth, 6It shall come upon all them that dwell, etc] The exortations that are connected with this clause limit the extent of the word all to a considerable number: for were it to be taken otherwise, there could have been no room to offer them—Doddridge. as a snare upon a thoughtless bird which, in the midst of its security, finds itself inextricably taken. (Compare Eccles. 9:12.) Let me therefore address this most serious exortation to you with an earnestness proportionable to its importance: Watch ye against every temptation to negligence and sin: take heed of every thing which might lull you into a dangerous security, and pray always, with the most fervent importunity, that through divine grace, you may be accounted worthy to escape all these calamitous and destructive things which shall assuredly come to pass just in the manner I have described them and may be happily enabled, even in the day of his universal judgment, to stand forth with courage and acceptance before the Son of Man: for you know not when the time of his appearance is, [or] at what hour your Lord does come to summon you before him.HST May 3, 1843, page 65.18
“But this you know, and would do well to consider it, that if the master of a house that has at any time been plundered by robbers, had known exactly in what watch of the night the thief would have come, he would undoubtedly have watched then, and taking care to be provided for him, would not have suffered his house to be broken open, or have left the thief to make his advantage by coming at an unexpected time. And therefore, as it is of so much greater consequence on this occasion that you should be prepared against an unseasonable surprise, be ye also ready, and learn, from such a common occurrence, to be upon your guard; for I tell you again; That at an hour when you think not of it, the Son of Man cometh; and multitudes of people will be as much surprised as if they had never heard in their whole lives that he would come at all. (Compare Luke 12:39, 40.)HST May 3, 1843, page 66.1
All this is perfectly consistent with the fact that the wise shall understand, and those who watch, and discern the signs of the; times, will know when his coming is even at the doors.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.2
Obj.—If the angel Gabriel came to make Daniel understand the vision, and that vision reaches to the end, how could Christ say, Of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels in heaven?HST May 3, 1843, page 66.3
To this we might reply, it is a difficulty of your own creating. Gabriel’s explanation does not refer to the day or hour.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.4
Obj—But you understand a day to represent a year, in Daniel, why not in the words of Christ?HST May 3, 1843, page 66.5
Ans.—Because the same rule (laid down by Prof. Stuart) which requires it in one place forbids it in the other. In Daniel, days are used as measures of long periods of time, which have been accurately fulfilled in years. In Christ’s words, day and hour refer to a point of time.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.6
Obj.—But I choose to apply day, in Daniel, and in Christ’s words, in the same way.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.7
Ans.—Even then, there is no difficulty. Christ speaks of angels in the plural number, and merely says that the day and hour was not known to the angels, but he does not deny that one angel had been sent to make Daniel understand the vision, reaching down to that day and hour.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.8
Obj.—I do not like that reply, I think Christ meant that no angel knew anything about it.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.9
Ans.—Our duty is to receive Christ’s words in their proper connection, as he said them, not as you think he meant. But the angels could be the messengers bearing information to future readers and hearers, which they did not fully comprehend, as well as the prophets. Indeed, Peter intimates as much when he says, in the same connection in which he spoke of the prophets’ ministering to others, and not to themselves:—“Which things the angels desire to look into.”HST May 3, 1843, page 66.10
Thus we see, that our opponents raise their objections upon inferences, and they are weak as well as baseless.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.11
The objections to which we have replied, form the substance of an article from Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont, just published in the Episcopal paper at Utica. One remark of the Bishop deserves notice. In reference to the time of the end, he applies it to the very end itself, which is to come unexpectedly to all, and adds:—“Assuredly, there is nothing forced or unreasonable” in this interpretation.”HST May 3, 1843, page 66.12
“When a man says there is nothing “forced or unreasonable” in his argument, he seems to feel that his assertion is needed to meet the objection which will naturally arise in the hearts of his readers. He argues on the ground that the prophecy reaches to Christ’s second coming. This obvious view shows the absurdity of applying it to the days of Antiochus Epiphanes. Our opponents thus demolish each other’s arguments completely. Leaving them to gather up the fragments, we prefer to stick to the words of the angel in Daniel 11:40. Surely this is the time when all should watch.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.13
Letter from Bro. A. Clapp
Brother Bliss.—The following is an extract of a letter which I received from a dear friend, who is a worthy member and a Deacon of a Baptist Church in this state; if you think it will do the second advent cause any good, and will be for the glory of God, you may insert it in the Signs of the Times. I think it speaks the feelings of thousands of Christians, and a large number of Ministers that have not yet come out and embraced the doctrine.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.14
Aaron Clapp.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.15
Hartford, April 3rd., 1843.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.16
My dear Brother Clapp.—I have for some days past thought I ought to write to you, stating the change that has been wrought in my feelings since I last saw you; and I want also to make an apology for my seeming indifference to the speedy coming of my blessed Lord. Oh my brother, lay not this sin to my charge; I trust God has forgiven me. Where to begin or what to say I hardly know, for I hope with trembling. But my conscience is convinced of the truth of the second advent, and the more I pray, read, meditate, converse and ask for the guide of the Holy Spirit, the more I am convinced that I have been wrong, very wrong. How could I be so unwilling to hear this blessed truth? I do now bless God that I ever heard, the Midnight Cry. I do want to see you, my brother, and then I could tell you my happy experience. I think, for the last ten days, I have enjoyed something of the love of God. But I find I have a wicked heart. I want to be cut loose from this world, and feel entirely willing to have my name cast out as evil. It would take sometime to tell how unwilling I was to yield the controversy. I could not give up worldliness, my pride, my standing among the great men and mighty men; I could not give up the new meeting house, the church, my family, etc. etc.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.17
The thought of our church was more than the thought of Christ’s Church. But, blessed be God, on Sunday night, the 19th. inst., I found myself sinking; and I must throw the church, the meeting house, my family and all overboard, and trust myself, my all, in the hands of Jesus; and Monday morning I was as it were in a new world. Oh the love of God! I could run and read; and since that time, I have tried to be one of those who expect soon to meet their blessed Jesus; but I have often many misgivings, my faith is weak; but I have of late often said, with the poet, as for such, let rocks and hills there lasting silence break. My wife says I am a believer in Millerism, but give me the love of God, a pure heart, a conscience void of offence, and they may call me what they please. I love my brethren, and am anxious that the veil may be taken from their minds; who, my brother, is loving his appearing, who is now looking for and hastening to that time? O I want to be ready, and to have my skirts clean from the blood of all men; let us then, my brother, watch and be sober.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.18
“As it was in Sodom.”
There is a fearful emphasis in these prophetic words of our Savior.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.19
The New York Evangelist, urging the importance of laws against seduction, gives the following view of the state of morals:HST May 3, 1843, page 66.20
“The fearful events which have transpired in Philadelphia and New York, of late, are enough to teach every mind that so long as the law will not avenge these irretrievable injuries, the relatives will take the weapons of vengeance in their own hands, and inflict severer evils than cool and judicious legislation would ever do. The expression is common in many circles, both in reference to the murder of the young man in Philadelphia, and also of Corlies, in this city, that they deserved it, and that nothing better could be expected while, the law remains deficient. False and dangerous as this reasoning is, the fact of its prevalence is in itself a powerful reason for immediate legislative action. There are many causes conspiring at the present time to give the subject a favorable aspect. The serious interest in eternal things which is so extensive; the hour of gloom and comparative uninvitingness which is shed over worldly fortunes in general, etc:HST May 3, 1843, page 66.21
The editor considers it notorious that “The earth is filled with violence,” and “men’s hearts are failing.”HST May 3, 1843, page 66.22
Murders and Suicides.—These have been unusually frequent within the last two months. We have not recorded all that have come under our notice, because the moral effect of the frequent presentation of crime, to allude to their unusual number, that the pious may be disposed to mourn over the guilt of the land, and to put forth every suitable effort to reform the principles of its inhabitants.—Baptist Advocate.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.23
While murder is thus perpetuating itself, the following is a specimen of what society is doing to perpetuate immorality.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.24
Horrible.—A widow has been deprived of the services of her son during five months. He was the main support of the family. Being needed as a witness, he was imprisoned among convicts and felons, and he comes from the Tombs rained in principle and character.HST May 3, 1843, page 66.25
The only compensation which the court allows for such irreparable injuries is $25:HST May 3, 1843, page 66.26
Hints from our Opposers.—A writer at Newton, Mass., in opposition to brother Miller, asks the following questions, which we earnestly commend to all our readers:HST May 3, 1843, page 66.27
“Are those who are so sanguine in the statement, making ready to meet their Lord and Master? Some of them say, ‘they shall rejoice to see the day, and hail the brightness of his coming;’ and some go so far as to represent the condition of themselves and others on that day. But how little do such reflect on the importance of such an event! Are such bringing themselves down in the vale of humility, or are they living on in the vain superfluities of a fashionable world? Let the observer answer. Meanwhile, such may reflect on the words of their Master, whom they expect to meet the second time, “without sin unto salvation:’ ‘He that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” “Let no man deceive himself.”HST May 3, 1843, page 66.28
Letter from T. Kellog
Unconverted Friend, is it not better to repent and be converted, and be ready for the Lord’s coming, than to deride this important subject, and continue in sin? Submission to God and faith in Christ, will secure the eternal safety and happiness of thy soul. I intreat of you, to turn not a deaf ear to this warning voice. Let this solemn momentous subject be an additional motive to awaken thy drowsy powers, and lead thee to timely repentance. I beseech you to cherish, with the greatest caution, diligence and promptitude, every means of grace with which God has favored you, for the preparation of thy soul for heaven. “Behold, now is the accepted time, Behold, now is the day of salvation.” What would a lost soul give for an hour, of thy “acceptable time!” “Behold!” The term implies that the present acceptable time of sinners to repent and turn to God, is amazingly important. The scenes which may transpire beyond to-day, may be laid in eternity. Couldst thou know this to be true, and that during this present and last day of thy time,thou couldst duly repent and have thy sins “blotted out,” and experience the comforting witness of the Spirit with thine, that thou were a child of God, how would this admonitory truth of God’s word thrill thy soul, and bestir all its energies, to secure the salvation which it implies; “Behold, now is the accepted time, Behold now is the day of salvation.”HST May 3, 1843, page 67.1
T. Kellog.
Westport, Mass., March 5th., 1843.
Letter from the South
Dear Brother Himes.—Since Mr. Miller’s doctrine has been heard of on the subject of the second advent of Christ in this country, it has occupied no small share of the minds of this community, and the interest of this theme is by no means growing less—but I think is increasing daily. There are some among us who say that Mr. Miller ought to be imprisoned or hung for inculcating such erroneous doctrines to an intelligent and enlightened community—but I think this arises from a want or lack of knowledge on the subject of this doctrine; and I therefore would like very much that you would send some able advocate of Mr. Miller’s doctrine into this section of Alabama. I think that he would meet with great success, and his labors be productive of much good, for the people are looking, and anticipating that some unusual circumstance will occur, such as never has been before; but what it is they know not; some say one thing, some another, and I therefore hope that we may have a zealous, good advocate sent into this country to awaken the people before they are destroyed by unbelief. I would just say, for the benefit of Mr Miller and his advocates, that I have read with much pleasure for sometime past the Signs of the Times, which embraces fully the doctrine of Mr. Miller, and I there find nothing inconsistent with divine Truth. You shall hear from me again soon. Yours very respectfully.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.2
James G. Russel.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.3
Carthage, Ala., March 27, 1843.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.4
How the Papists support their Missionaries.—The Society for Propagation of the Faith, established at Lyons, in France, which is the great missionary society of the papal church and secures contributions from nearly the whole papal community, in commending itself to patronage, says: “This institution has solely for its object to assist by prayers and alms the Catholic Missionaries who are charged to preach the gospel to foreign nations. The prayers are a Pater and Ave each day. It will suffice to say for this purpose, once for all, the Pater and Ave of our morning or evening prayer, and to add the following invocation, ‘Saint Francis Xavier, pray for us.’ The alms are only one half-penny per week.” Xavier is the patron or saint of the society.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.5
The recommendation goes on to say that the society has been warmly recommended by all the popes since it was formed in 1822, who have granted to all the members, that is, to all who contribute and pray as required; above, the following indulgences, applicable to the souls in purgatory.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.6
1st. ‘A plenary indulgence on the festival of the finding of the holy cross, the anniversary of the first establishment of the institution at Lyons in the year 1822; on the festival of Saint Francis Xavier, patron of the institution; and once a month, on any day, at the choice of each subscriber, provided he says, every day within the month, the appointed prayers. To gain this indulgence he must be truly sorry for his sins, go to confession, receive the holy communion, and visit devoutly the church.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.7
“2d. An indulgence of an hundred days each time that the prescribed prayers, with at least a contrite, heart will be repeated, or a donation made to the missions, or any other pious or charitable work performed.”HST May 3, 1843, page 67.8
Now in Tetzel’s time a ‘plenary indulgence,’ given at a specified time, was asserted to secure the pardon of all sins committed before that time. The indulgence was often made to cover the future, extending even till the moment of death and cancelling all pains and penalties due for sin in this life or the life to come. A “plenary indulgence” is supposed to mean the same thing now, that it did in the 16th century. Here, too, the pope arrogates the power, in the way of anticipation, to forgive the sins which the contributors to his missions may hereafter commit. If they will pay a half-penny a week, and daily repeat a prayer, he promises that, on fourteen days in a year, (and he is very accomodating as to when these occur,) he will cancel what ever sins they may choose to commit before those days.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.9
If the second indulgence named above really means what it seems to mean, why then, every time any one of the contributors to the pope’s missions performs any one of the good deeds there mentioned, his sins for a. hundred days are blotted out., Less than four such prayers, contributions, or “other charitable works” would cancel the sins of a whole year.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.10
Let the precise limits and conditions of these indulgences be what they may, it is plain that they promise the pardon of sin, that is, the remissions of the pains of purgatory, to some extent. Here then men are bribed, by the promise of their sins being pardoned, to repeat prayers which they do not understand, and to contribute money for the promotion of popish missions. That is, the head of the papal church tells men that they may sin as they please, if they will afterwards be sorry for it, say prayers, and give alms for their mission: and to cancel such sins the pope uses the surplus merits of Christ and the saints of their calendar! Strange barter! Can the cause of a holy God be advanced by such means? Will he accept prayers or gifts drawn forth by such bribes?HST May 3, 1843, page 67.11
[Day Spring.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.12
The Contrast.—Says our Savior, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man.” How was it then? a time of universal peace and purity? No, it was rather a time of general wickedness; so much so, that all the antediluvian race, with the exception of eight souls, were swept away by the waters of the flood. As it was then, so shall it be at the “coming of the Son of Man.”HST May 3, 1843, page 67.13
“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be when the Son of Man shall be revealed.”HST May 3, 1843, page 67.14
How was it then? a time of universal peace and prosperity? We answer, no, ten righteous persons could not then be found, else the cities of the plain might have been saved. It was a time of wickedness; the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah came up before God; and in his wrath he rained upon them fire and brimstone from heaven, which utterly destroyed them. “As it was in the days of Lot, so will it be when the Son of Man shall be revealed.”HST May 3, 1843, page 67.15
To make this point as distinct as possible, let us for a moment contrast the prevailing sentiment of the Church, with the spirit of prophecy.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.16
Church. In the Millenium, faith will universally abound!HST May 3, 1843, page 67.17
Christ. When the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?HST May 3, 1843, page 67.18
Church. When the Savior comes, “all shall know the Lord,” etc.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.19
Christ: As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.20
Church. When the Son of Man comes all the world shall have been converted to God.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.21
Christ. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot, even so shall it be when the Son of Man shall be revealed.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.22
Church. We are to have a thousand years of millenial glory before the end of the world, in which all shall be righteous.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.23
Christ. The harvest is the end of the world, let the tares and the wheat grow together, till the harvest—the tares are the children of the wicked one; and the wheat are the children of the kingdom.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.24
Church. For a thousand years we shall have no trials, temptations, or afflictions.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.25
Apostle. Through much tribulation, we are to enter into the kingdom.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.26
Church. For a thousand years prior to the end of the world, all will be of one heart and one mind—holiness shall dwell on every tongue.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.27
Apostle. There shall be scoffers in the last days; saying, where is the promise of his coming? Faithful Watchman.HST May 3, 1843, page 67.28
State of the Times. The St. Louis Gazette, of March 21, speak thus.—“Any one at all conversant with the spirit of the press, or with the public sentiment, of which it is but the echo, will have observed the uniformity and earnestness with which the evils of the times are depicted and enlarged upon. We do not wish to assert that the existence of complaint is novel,—we merely allude to its intensity and universality. “Hard times,” is an exclamation which may have been heard “many a time and oft” by the reader. But true it is, the voice of complaint is more earnest as well as louder now than usual. The times are sadly out of joint. To ‘hard times’ and ‘money scarce,’ may also be added ‘want of confidence between man and man.’ “HST May 3, 1843, page 67.29
“The Lord is at Hand.”
BOSTON, MAY 8, 1843.
Dangers which believers in the doctrine of the Second Advent should avoid.—So long as we are in this world, we are continually exposed to temptations on every hand; for our adversary the devil goeth about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He is peculiarly anxious to secure in his wiles, those who have escaped, or are endeavoring to escape from his grasp; and if any point is unguarded, that is sure to be the point of attack. Some individuals are the more liable to fall into one class of errors, and some into another, owing to their peculiar temperament, and the circumstances in which they are placed; and so it is with classes, and communities. Some dangers are peculiar to certain views; and, others are common to all. The dangers to which Second Advent believers are exposed, are by no means peculiar to them, but yet are not the less real.HST May 3, 1843, page 68.1
1. We should avoid a censorious spirit towards those who cannot see all things in the same light that we do. We should remember that once we were in the dark, but were none the less honest in our opinions then, than now. If others are honest in their views, and are candid, they are entitled to the utmost charity. Censoriousness belongs only to those who oppose the coming of Christ.HST May 3, 1843, page 68.2
2. Second Advent believers are from all religious denominations; and to act in unison, it is necessary to meet on common ground; to so meet it is necessary to lay aside all sectarian views. All true brethren should therefore guard against making their own private views or sectarian belief too prominent, or as a necessary belief for those whose views are different.HST May 3, 1843, page 68.3
3. We should avoid bringing in connection with the Second Advent, and a preparation therefore, any doctrines not necessarily connected therewith. They only serve to divert the mind from the true issue, and repel those who might otherwise embrace the doctrine of the Second Advent, Hebrews 13:9. “Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines: for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.”HST May 3, 1843, page 68.4
4. We should avoid all extravagant notions, and everything which may tend to fanaticism. God is not the author of confusion. “Let everything be done decently and in order,” says the Apostle. And “If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body” “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocricy; And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.” Anything which may cause an unbeliever to turn away in disgust, may prevent the salvation of that soul. All things that are lawful are not expedients. As our great aim should be the salvation of souls, we should strive to win all so that if by any means we may save some of them.HST May 3, 1843, page 68.5
5. We should avoid placing too much reliance upon impressions. “Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of God.” Impressions and visions, and dreams have thus far usually failed those Who have put their trust in them; which proves they were not of God; we therefore should use the utmost caution ere we trust to that which may “also in” the, end fail us, and prove not to be of God. We have for our guide the sure word of God; and those who will not believe Moses and the prophets, will not believe though one should rise from the dead. He that is of the faith of our father Abraham, will believe God upon, his simple word; and will need no other confirmation: but those who refuse to take the word of God without some other testimony, are dishonoring that word, and giving the pre-eminance to that which may be doubtful or spurious testimony. Jeremiah 23:28, 29. “The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord. Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?”HST May 3, 1843, page 68.6
6. Judge no man. James 4:11. “Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.HST May 3, 1843, page 68.7
7. We should avoid setting up one’s own experience as the standard by which to test the experience of others. Men’s experience will differ, as did those of the apostles. Had Paul required all to have the same experience that he had, the faith of many would have been staggered. The moment we set up our own attainments as a standard, we cease to point to Jesus, the only true pattern. We should look to him alone, and point others to him. 2 Corinthians 10:12. “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”HST May 3, 1843, page 68.8
8. “Let him that thinketh be standeth take heed lest he fall.” We are commanded to live with an eye single to the glory of God. Without holiness no man can see the Lord. We are to abstain from even the appearance of evil, and to depart from all iniquity, that the God of peace may sanctify us wholly unto himself, and preserve us blameless unto the coming of Christ. We should therefore avoid feeling that we have reached a point from which we cannot fall; for, our adversary is continually on the watch, that he may overcome us at our least guarded point. He likes to whisper in the ear of man that he has attained the victory, and become so holy, that do what he will, it is not sin. Many have thus stumbled, supposing their warfare was accomplished; and have thus ceased to press forward towards the mark, so that Satan has led them captive at his will. It will never answer to leave our watch, or lay down the weapons of defence; for while we are in probation our course is a continual warfare, a race a strife for the victory; and that victory can only be obtained in being faithful unto the end. There is no danger of being too holy: the danger lies in being satisfied with present attainments.HST May 3, 1843, page 68.9
9. We are commanded to occupy till Christ comes. We are to sow our seed, and gather our harvest, so long as God gives us seed time and harvest, If we improve the coming seed-time, and have no harvest, we shall have done our duty; and if a harvest should be granted as, we shall be prepared to reap. It is as much our duty now to be continually employed, either in providing for the wants of those dependent upon us, or in alleviating the distress of others, as it ever was. We are to do good as we have opportunity, and by no means spend our time in idleness, that will bring reproach on our Savior. Let us see to it that our hearts are right in the sight of God, and then, whether we wake or sleep, are laboring to save souls or are engaged in our daily avocations, we shall meet our Lord in peace. May the God of peace give all who profess to love his appearing that wisdom, that shall guide us aright, and lead us in the way of all truth, and redound the most to his honor and glory.HST May 3, 1843, page 68.10
on which the
I The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things, restored to its Eden state, as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection stateHST May 3, 1843, page 68.11
II. The only Millenium found in the word of God is the eternal state of the righteous in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.HST May 3, 1843, page 68.12
III The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the saints to the New Earth, when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him.HST May 3, 1843, page 68.13
IV. The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coming of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. AndHST May 3, 1843, page 68.14
V. There are none of the prophetic periods as we understand them that extend beyond the year 1843.HST May 3, 1843, page 68.15
The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore till our Lord come we shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy.HST May 3, 1843, page 68.16
How to convert the world. We learn from the Hartford Patriot that the neat and beautiful velvet cushioned pulpit, formerly in Dr. Bushnel’s church, Hartford, Ct. but which was exchanged the last season for one still more beautiful, has been given to the American Board of Foreign Missions, and is to be sent by them to the Sandwich Islands, to inspire the simple hearted natives with just conceptions of true christian taste and splendor. We are also informed by the same source that the desk of Dr. Baconis church, New Haven, has been given for a simple destinationHST May 3, 1843, page 68.17
Second Advent Publications.—About 5000 papers are issued weekly from the office of the “Signs of the Times,” Boston. About 10,000 of the “Midnight Cry” are published in N. York, 2000 of the “Faithful Watchman” are published in Sherbroke, Canada East; 2000 of the “Philadelphia Alarm,” and as many of the “Second Advent of Christ” are also weekly published The last is published by brother Fitch, at Cleaveland, Ohio. Will each of the above send us a complete file of back numbers?HST May 3, 1843, page 68.18
In addition to the above, the “Israelite,” published in Jeffersonville, Ia. by Dr. Field, is speaking with great effect; and the “Christian Palladium,” by J. Marsh, Union Mills, N. Y., though a denominational paper, is yet a valuable auxiliary to the cause.HST May 3, 1843, page 68.19
Brother Scott, of the Carthage Evangelist, is rendering efficient aid. Creifield of Cincinnati, is there publishing a paper exclusively devoted to this question.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.1
Within the last year we have circulated more than a million of publications in various parts of the world, and more than half a million within six months, from the N. York office alone.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.2
Beside this, the friends of the cause are continually sending light upon this subject in every direction.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.3
With such extended and successful efforts, Mr Dowling talks about neutralising the effect by publishing 10,000 copies of his work, which has been so essentially and conclusively refuted.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.4
Bishop Hopkins, vs. 1843.—Two discourses by Bishop Hopkins, on the Advent, have just come to hand. The principal arguments are, that “Of that day and hour knoweth no man,” “It is not for you to know the times and seasons,” we do not know when we are to die, we cannot understand prophecy until it is fulfilled, the Jews did not know the time of Christ’s first coming, “it is sealed up till the time of the end,” “ye know not when the time is.” Mr. Miller’s views are nothing but private interpretation, and not the voice of the Church; it will make infidels, “a little learning is a dangerous thing,” etc. etc. The above is the sum of his arguments, all of which have been repeatedly shown not to militate against the truths he opposes. We would inquire if this is the first production of the Bishop, since he wrote his famous tract against Temperance?HST May 3, 1843, page 69.5
Insanity.—The annual report for 1842 of the Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane, gives a list of the causes of the insanity of its inmates, with the numbers made insane by the different causes. The whole number of patients within the year, amount to 219. Of these, according to the report, there were insane from the following causes, viz, hereditary 26, puerperal 15, uterine disorders 5, succeeding fever and other diseases 10, congenital 3, isolation 1, masturbation 15, constitutional 12, intemperance 19, injury 1, cerebral disease 7, fatigue and exposure 1, domestic troubles 13, pecuniary embarrassments 8, religious excitement 14, disappointed affection 14, over exertion of mind 9, mortified pride 1, apprehension of want 4, fright 2, remorse 4, loss of friends 5’, political excitement 1, home sickness 1, irritability of temper 4, disappointed ambition 3, unknown 21.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.6
Thus of 219 patients only 14 are caused by religious excitement; and none are laid at the door of the Advent; that on the contrary seems wonderfully adapted to restore to sanity the monomania, etc, by its glorious promises and hopes.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.7
Brother Brown has written out his experience which will be out soon, when a more particular notice will be given of it.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.8
To Correspondents.—It is true that from a given point in the year B. C, 457, to the same point in A. D. 1843, would be but 2299 years. We therefore find that some date the decree of Artexerxes Longimanus B. C. 458, and which is undoubtedly correct. And if the 70 weeks terminated as all admit A. D. 33, then the 2300 days must terminate in 1810 years from that point, which would be in A. D. 1843.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.9
Opening of the Tabernacle.—The Lord permitting, the Tabernacle will be dedicated to the worship of God, on Thursday the 4th of May. The services will commence at 2 P. M. Brother Silas Hawley, it is expected, will preach a discourse on that occasion. We expect our friends from the country will be present. We expect to continue the meetings through the week, so that those who wish to give the subject a calm and dispassionate examination, may be enabled to hear from the word of God the reason of the hope that is in us.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.10
“Come now and let us reason together,” saith the Lord.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.11
Liar’s Department.—The Boston Recorder says that “Sunday last was one of the days fixed upon by the Millerites for the end of all sublunary things.”HST May 3, 1843, page 69.12
The 23rd is the day set by our opponents, and no second advent writer or lecturer has ever given that day as the time.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.13
To a Correspondent.—Our Savior was crucified on Friday, and arose on Sunday. He was not in the grave three whole days, only parts of three days. The Jewish Sabbath was on Saturday, and the crucifixion was the day before the Sabbath.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.14
We learn from a letter of brother Hayden, that President James Shannon is lecturing in Harrisburg, Ky., and vicinity with much success. We are rejoiced to learn that the good cause is progressing in the West.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.15
General Conferences
on the second advent
It is proposed by the friends of the Advent cause, (if time continue) to hold conferences in New York, Philadelphia and Boston, during the Anniversaries in May. We have large and convenient places secured in each of the above cities, for the meetings.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.16
The object of these conferences will be to give light on the great question of the Advent near, and the nature of the Kingdom of God. Brethren Miller, Litch, Whiting, Hale, and many of the lecturers on this subject, are expected to be present to illustrate and defend the doctrine of the Advent.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.17
Prayer and conference meetings will be held in connexion with the discussions, so that not only the mind may be enlightened, but the heart quickened.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.18
Let there be a general gathering. The first of the series will commence in New York city, May 7th, in the church corner of Catharine and Madison streets.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.19
Brother Southard, Jacobs, and others will make the arrangements. Brother Litch will make arrangements in Philidelphia.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.20
Conference at Hartford, Ct,
There will be a conference of the friends of the Second Advent at Hartford Ct., commencing on Tuesday evening, May 2nd, to continue through the week. The friends of the cause in that vicinity, it is hoped, will give a general attendance. Brothers Cook, Brown and other lecturers are expected to be present.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.21
Taken, by mistake from this office on Thursday last, a large new cotton Umbrella, and left in its place an old one. The brother who has thus exchanged, by this will know where the exchange was made.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.22
N. B. Will brother Skinner please inform us in what way he would prefer to have a remittance of the above amount? Notice. The subscriber will attend to calls for lectures on the Second Advent of Christ, which may be sent to him. Jacob Weston.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.23
New Ipswich, N. H. April 14, 1843.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.24
Will Br. Weston please come to Boston, and supply several calls in this vicinity first? Eds.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.25
Notice.—The subscriber is devoting all his time in giving the Midnight Cry, and intends to do so till the “Lord shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe,” He will attend to calls for lectures on this subject when directed to him.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.26
Jonathan Hazelton.
Derry, N. H. April 21st, 1843.
Camp Meetings
If time continues, we shall have camp-meetings this summer in different parts of the country. Notice will be given hereafter.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.27
The N. Y. Evangelist quotes from an Albany paper, that in the latter city are persons so weak and credulous as to prepare for the Judgment.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.28
This little book I’d rather own,
Than all the gold and gems
That e’er in monarch’s coffers shone—
Than all their diadems.
Nay, were the seas one chrysolite,
The earth a golden ball,
And diamonds all the stars of night,
This book were worth them all.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.29
How baleful to ambition’s eye
Hit blood-wrung spoils must gleam,
When death’s uplifted hand is high,
His life a varnished dream!
Then hear him with his gasping breath
For one poor moment crave!
Fool! would’st thou stay the arm of death?
Ask of the gold to save!HST May 3, 1843, page 69.30
No, no! the soul ne’er found relief
In glittering hoards of wealth;
Gems dazzle not the eye of grief;
Gold cannot purchase health;
But here a blessed balm appears,
To heal the deepest woe;
And he that seeks this book in tears,
His tears shall cease to flow.HST May 3, 1843, page 69.31
Here he who died on Calvary’s tree,
Hath made that promise blest;
“Ye heavy laden come to me,
And I will give you rest.
A bruised reed I will not break,
A contrite heart despise;
My burden’s light, and all who take
My yoke, shall win the skies!”HST May 3, 1843, page 69.32
Yes, yet, this little book it worth
All else to mortals given—
For what are all the joys of earth
Compared to joys of Heaven?
This is the guide our Father gave
To lead to realms of day—
A star whose lustre gilds the grave—
“The Light—the Life—the Way.”HST May 3, 1843, page 69.33
Letter from Western New York
Dear Brother:—Perhaps it may be interesting to some of your readers to learn something of what is doing and being said on the subject of the second advent of our Lord and Savior, in this portion of western N. Y. As we have not seen any communication in the Signs of the Times which hailed from this quarter; and as we are admonished to study brevity, let it suffice to say, the subject is up. Those who candidly examine, and compare the doctrine with Scripture, are compelled to admit a consistency in it; those who are ready, receive it with gladness. Those who are not, oppose it, directly or indirectly, although but few dare openly to oppose; yet when we see the doors of professed Christian churches closed against, the discussion of the second coming of Christ at hand—when we see the columns of a village; paper open to the promulgation of the vilest ridicule and attempts at refutation, while it is closed against the plainest proofs in favor of a doctrine which constituted a theme of the apostolic exhortations; then we may judge the feelings that prompt such actions. Yet there are honorable exceptions. And whenever the doors as well as the hearts of the people have been open to investigate the subject, spiritual revivals have followed; and where it is opposed, darkness and death are the consequences.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.1
Great fears of disturbing “existing organizations” are entertained by some who stand high in authority in, the church; hence a necessity of dictating what may or may not be said in class meeting or love-feast. Alas! for the poor Laodeceans. In this community there are many who have much goods laid up in store for many years; To such, the summons, “this year thy soul will be required of thee,” is very unwelcome, and of course unpopular, as well as to those who have splendid schemes reaching far into the future, for their accomplishment. But notwithstanding all the opposition from high places and low, the warning voice is sounding long and loud, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh.” Sinners are made to tremble; while they affect to ridicule; the nominal professor turns pale under the truth, while his unwillingness to acknowledge it bespeaks his unreadiness. But it is the joy of the young convert to contemplate and dwell upon this pleasing subject. It is the hope of the Christian, embracing, as it does, the great principles of the Christian faith as advocated by the apostles and holy men of all ages. And will as surely be opposed by anti-Christ, whether in the character of a nominal professor, a hireling priesthood, or a professed infidel. Neither is it strange, that sentiments requiring such self-denial, such entire consecration to God, such withdrawing of the affections from the world, should be fiercely opposed by this time-serving generation.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.2
But bless the Lord. The best of all is, the Lord is with his people. He has sanctified his truth, and caused it to shine in this region. Brother J. D. Johnson gave a course of lectures in this village during the early part of the winter. His arguments were clear and convincing to all whose hearts were open to receive the truth; and many are rejoicing in the hope of soon meeting their Savior in the middle air. As fruits of his labors, brother H. F. Hill, a prominent member in the M. E. church in this village, after weighing the matter, and comparing Scripture with Scripture, became convinced of the truth of the second advent doctrine, and, as all true qualified believers should do, commenced giving the “Midnight Cry,” and has been successfully lecturing in this, and some of the neighboring counties, far a few weeks past. A goodly number have embraced the sentiment in this village, and have established weekly meetings for prayer and conference, which are becoming increasingly interesting and profitable. Although some of our very prudent self-possessing neighbors admonish us of the impropriety of attending meetings on such exciting subjects, already discerning evident symptoms of insanity, in our every act and feature; still we hope they will not borrow trouble on our account, but strive to quiet their own fears, for we can assure them, that on “our account” we never have seen so little cause for excitement in all our lives. We bless God the hope of soon meeting him we most love, and being altogether like him, dispels those exciting fears, and leaves peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Glory to his holy name.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.3
We rejoice that God is calling to the work, men of giant minds, filling them with the Holy Ghost, thrusting them forth to proclaim his truth. Such striking evidences of the Divine approbation, in blessing the truth, ought of itself to convince the most sceptical. But there are those who seem disposed to reject every testimony, and endeavor to turn to ridicule the most solemn truths—scoffing at the idea of this world coming to an end, while we have such plain unequivocal declarations of the fact, in almost every page in the Bible. Lord, have mercy on the scoffers of the last days.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.4
Yours, in the hope of a part in the first resurrection.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.5
S. R. Lathrop.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.6
Genesee Liv. Co. N. Y. April 7th, 1843.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.7
Second Advent
Dear Brothers in Christ, a stranger but bondman with you in the gospel, solicits the privilege of transmiting through the columns of your paper, if you think this communication worthy a few thoughts on the second advent.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.8
Since I have been of age sufficient to think and act for myself, I have been of the opinion that we were living in “the last days;”—briefly from these considerations:HST May 3, 1843, page 70.9
1st. The dividing of time into sevens. The world was created in six days, and the seventh day God rested from his labors. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, but on the seventh, shalt thou do no labor, thou nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, etc. With the Jews, every seventh day was a day of rest, every seventh year a year of rest, or jubilee. Seven in Bible language seems a complete number; “In six troubles the Lord will be with thee and support thee, and in the seventh there shall no evil befall thee. This distinction we see carried out from the first chapter of Genesis to the last of the Revelation. Seven thousand years have therefore appeared to me as complete, and I expect, after the six thousand years of labor and toil, perplexity and suffering, the seven thousandth will usher in the glorious jubilee.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.10
2nd. It appears to me to that this event is near. I firmly believe that much of the phenomena exhibited to us in the heavens above, and the earth beneath, are of the number of those signs which our Savior declares shall be in the last days. Within the last one hundred years there have been a variety of new and surprising phenomena exhibited to us, which have caused much speculation and deep, vigilant research among the philosophers in various parts of the world, but which none have been able to explain or account for, in a manner satisfactory to themselves or others. Of this class, are the northern lights, which in an age but just passed away, caused so much alarm and excitement, and for which so many improbable and grossly absurd theories have been advanced and then rejected. Also, those appearances of blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke, that have several times within the last few years, overspread the sky, extending from the zenith to the horizou. The sun not giving her light, the sun and the moon assuming an aspect of blood, stars falling from heaven, etc.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.11
But it is not until quite lately that I have learned to look for the Savior as near, very near; I have been brought to this conclusion, by the remarkable coincidence of the signs of the times, and the concurrent testimony of the witnesses, (the prophets) which to my mind bear all upon this present time. I have read considerable extensively the writings of our second advent brethren, and have always considered their exposition of prophecy as being the best supported of any I have seen,—and the same of Mr. Miller’s chronology. But the signs of the times confirming the testimony of the witnesses, and pointing like an index to the present time, that it seems to me affords an almost incontestible evidence of the correctness of the “Miller doctrine,” as it is sometimes called. In addition to those already mentioned, is the great and unprecedented revival of the work of God now going oil throughout our land.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.12
Business having called me to travel rather extensively during the past winter, I think I am prepared to judge of this work with much greater accuracy than I could otherwise have done, and I think it very much exceeds any idea I could have gathered ed from the usual sources of information. It really appears to me that these are the times of the pouring out of the Spirit of God upon all flesh, that it is said shall precede the “last day.” “And it shall come to pass in the last days, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. And it shall come to pass in those days that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” I cannot but believe that the days of the fulfillment of this prophecy are now numbering. It really appears tome to be such a time as was never before known; and its characteristics are not less remarkable. All things are done decently and in order. We witness no ludicrous fanaticism, no boisterous excitement; but in professed Christians, an intense interest for sinners, and a strong agonizing faith and power with God in prayer, that prevails with Jehovah, and brings down the angel of the covenant; in the mourner, that deep and pungent sorrow for sin, that signalized the Publican when he cried “God be merciful to me a sinner;” while the convert rejoices with that fullness of joy which possessed the heart of the psalmist when he exclaimed “I will praise the Lord my God with all my heart, and will glorify his name for ever, for great is his mercy towards me, and he hath delivered my soul from the lowest hell.” Another characteristic of this work is its thorough cleansing and purifying of the heart, wherever it goes. Through its influence, the immoral man and the intemperate, the profane, the blasphemer, the scoffer and the vicious, are humanized and civilized, and rendered good citizens, and worthy members of society. Never have I witness, a work which seems to strike so deep, and so thoroughly renovate and renew the heart, purging out from the bottom its corruption and depravity, as does this. Nor is this work at all sectional. It is not confined to one town, or county, or state, or country, but according to our religious journals, it pervades all countries and all lands. It seems to be the doings of the spirit of God that searcbeth the heart and trieth the reins. I ask myself, therefore, what is the Lord preparing us for? evidently for some great event; evidently we are approaching some signal era in the history of our world,—a fearful era I expect it will be to those “who are not the Lord’s at his coming.” From the testimony of the prophets, the chronology of the age of the world, and especially the signs of the times, I think we have great reason to believe we are living in the last days, that we shall soon witness the coming of that day that shall burn as an oven, even the day of God, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God and obey not the gospel. When he shall come to be glorified in all his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.13
Of what importance, then, that we be thoroughly imbued with the spirit of our Master, and labor zealously for the advancement of his cause, that when our Lord cometh we may be found watching. And let me ask my brethren who do not believe the doctrine, that they be careful how they oppose it, lest haply they be found fighting against God. I know that you will say you believe the doctrine to be erroneous and will think so. You perhaps say that if it is not now refuted, it will result in much evil to the church and cause of God, in making sceptics, etc. and consequently it is your duty to expose it. I have feared such results myself, I now fear them no longer. In proportion as I become acquainted with the second advent doctrines and principles, I feel confident that no evil can possibly result from their promulgation in the world. Our second advent brethren do not, as some suppose, believe their computation of time infallible, and consequently, if 1843 pass away without the purifying of the sanctuary, it will only be said there has been made a mistake in the chronology. Instead of becoming sceptics, and disclaiming the Bible as false, we shall merely conclude we had mistaken the true chronology, and if the vision tarry we will wait for it. Will the Lord then assist us that in all diligence we may labor in love. O that when our Lord cometh, whether at eve, at midnight, at cock-crowing or dawn, we may be found watching. C.HST May 3, 1843, page 70.14
Do you love His Appearing
St. Paul says, 2 Timothy 4:7-8. “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” As much as if he had said none will receive that crown unless they love the appearing of Christ. The coming of Christ is such a joyful event, and so congenial to the Christian heart, and fraught with so many glorious consequences to the Christian, that I cannot conceive of the humble child of God who can reflect upon it without delight.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.1
I am aware that there are almost countless numbers who have made good professions, and who doubtless esteem themselves the true lovers of Jesus, who do but regard the appearing of Christ with horror and contempt, and who cannot for a moment endure to hear mention made of his glorious appearing quickly.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.2
Some professed ministers of the gospel, too, who ought, agreeable to Christ’s plain command, to be watching for his appearing in the clouds of heaven, alas evince to an ungodly world, that they neither love, nor are watching for his appearing. I am of an opinion that if such professors and ministers would examine their own hearts, they would find sufficient there to suspect they love not the Savior.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.3
It is lamentable indeed to witness the apathy that exists in the professedly religious community upon this subject. One would hardly credit it, did not melancholy experience make it too plain to be denied that the church which professes so much love for the Redeemer, and which expects a day of Judgment, should be so slothful and so indifferent to this most glorious of all subjects. But so it is. The Churches are asleep, having been so long lulled by the syren song of peace, peace, universal peace before Christ can come. Would to God that some mighty sound like a rushing wind would break this spell which binds the Church in the arms of repose, before Gabriel’s trump shall do it.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.4
I have thought, and do now, that the beautiful rule laid down in one of brother Miller’s books, is perfectly correct, viz “If a man love Christ he will love his appearing, if he hate him, he will hate to have him come.” I think with him that this is a rule that cannot be broken. I cannot lay down my pen without enquiring of my dear professing friend, whether he loves the appearing of Christ; do you my brother, love to meditate upon the prospect of his speedy coming? If Christ should come this moment, do you feel that you would be a fit subject to be arrayed in royal robes, and corronated with those glittering crowns that are laid up for all them that love his appearing. Can you, in the language of Paul say, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.” Can you, in a word, say that you are unblameable and holy, and are watching and loving the appearing of the Savior. If you can, you will most assuredly be among that blood washed throng, who shall encircle the throne, and spend a happy eternity in praising God.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.5
But my dear professing friend, let us for a moment contemplate the other side of the question. Suppose you are not loving the appearing of Christ, but are causing all the indignation and contempt upon the subject possible, and are buried up in the rubbish of this evil world, living at last, indulging in sensual pleasures, crying “peace and safety.” “My Lord delayeth his coming.” The pulling down your barns and building larger, and singing that old requiem which has been the means of the damnation of many souls, and doubtless will be of many more. “Soul, take thine ease, thou hast much goods laid up in store for many days; and taking a poor brother by the throat, saying, pay me that thou owest. Christ will come, friend, in an hour that you are not aware off, and appoint you your portion among vile hypocrites, where you must commence an eternity wo.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.6
To the incorrigible scoffer at Christ’s speedy coming, whose eyes may by chance meet these lines, I would say, go on if you will, laugh at forty three. You may cast off all restraint, and give loose reins to all your carnal appetites and lust, you may deny the truth of God’s eternal word, you may deny all future punishments, and live lives of wantonness and dissipation. But harken to the words of eternal truth. “For all these things will God bring you into Judgment.” Thomas F. Oakes.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.7
Liberty, Me. March 30th, 1843.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.8
An Omission
Brother Himes:—In the 6th No. of the Signs of the Times, I observe you have published my Review of Doctor Week’s Lectures on Mr. Miller’s Chronology. There is an omission of some importance, which through inadvertence, occurred when the article was published in the Midnight Cry. The second paragraph in the last column of the article, as published in your paper, p. 40, makes the following allusion—“See our remark above, on what Dr. Weeks calls mistake No. 1,” etc. The piece which the above expression refers to, is omitted, and is the following:HST May 3, 1843, page 71.9
In Dr. Week’s first article, in what he calls mistake No. 1. etc, says:HST May 3, 1843, page 71.10
“We know that Christ died on Friday of Passover week, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, at Jerusalem. And this they say was on Friday the 3rd day of April, O.S., (See Miller’s Views, p. 247.) which is the 15th day, New Style.”HST May 3, 1843, page 71.11
Now mark the Doctor’s ignorance. The difference between Old and New Style was occasioned by the fact that the year, as reckoned by Julius Casar, was eleven minutes too long, and the variation from the true time gradually increased, the addition of these 11 minutes yearly, till in 1752, it had amounted to 11 days, which were substituted from that year, and the new reckoning was called New Style. What school child cannot see that it shows great ignorance TO ADD ELEVEN DAYS TO A DATE 1700 YEARS BEFORE THAT CHANGE WAS MADE, AND WHEN THE OCCASION FOR IT HAD NOT BEGUN TO EXIST?HST May 3, 1843, page 71.12
What if we should retort upon Dr. Weeks, in his own style? After telling a long story about Maccabees, he says:HST May 3, 1843, page 71.13
“This is a small matter to take notice of; and if Mr. Miller’s uncommon knowledge was not trumpeted forth, and made the means of imposing upon the multitude, it might be passed over in silence. As the matter is, it seems important to show how utterly disqualified he is, by his ignorance, to be an expounder of prophecy.”HST May 3, 1843, page 71.14
Which is the worst mistake, gentle reader, one which has no connection with the time, or one which belong to time exclusively?HST May 3, 1843, page 71.15
The quotation Dr. Weeks makes from p. 247, is from Furgerson, not brother Miller, and the letters O. S. are an interpolation.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.16
If the Dr. had been contented with the date which Ferguson gave him, who says nothing about Old and New Style, be would not have made his pretensions to wonderful accuracy appear so ridiculous. Yours in the blessed hope.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.17
L. D. Fleming.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.18
Scoffers.—“I think the Lord must be coming soon,” said a brother who has heard many lectures without becoming strong in the faith. He had just been in Wall street and seen the horrible pictures, blood chilling blasphemies there displayed in the shape of caricatures, not merely of “Millerism,” but of the sacred words of that God who is “a consuming fire,” and before whose judgement seat we must soon stand. A brother in Massachusetts, said he could not refrain from shouting “Glory to, God,” when he saw one of these papers. It seemed so striking a sign that the wickedness of the wicked soon come to an end, and the Lord will reign in righteousness. “Amen,” said the venerable Apostle, whom the devouring “terrible beast” had banished to Patmos. “Even so, come quickly.”HST May 3, 1843, page 71.19
The scoffers and false accusers so abound, and their works are so notorious, that we have excused ourselves from the painful task of noticing them this week.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.20
Let us all possess our souls in patience, exersise steady faith in God’s word, and keep watchful, steadfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.21
Midnight Cry.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.22
The True Sun of last Tuesday speaks thus:HST May 3, 1843, page 71.23
“Scarcely a day passes in which we do not hear of some most awful outrage of, the Divine and human law. Seduction, murder, and other crimes stalk through our land, and each new tale seems more dreadful than the last.”HST May 3, 1843, page 71.24
“A few months since, a fiend in human form, and called a merchant, in Pearl street, became acquainted with a young lady of 18 years of age, in Brooklyn, and was afterwards received as her avowed suitor. She was an only child. Her mother dead. The villian ruined her; and when her father discovered her situation he went to the young man, and with tears besought him to make the only possible reparation—to marry the girl; offering him ten thousand dollars to put into his business. The young scoundrel refused to have anything more to do with his victim, and told the broken-hearted old man ‘that he was not to be hired to marry a prostiute.’ The old gentleman, being too feeble to obtain justice, or take revenge, the seducer escaped punishment, and still moves among men.The old gentleman is worth property to the amount of 50,000 dollars, and has left his home with his daughter, and gone, his friends know not whither.”HST May 3, 1843, page 71.25
Mistakes of Millerism
Br. Bliss:—Among the miserable subterfuges to which the opposers of the Second Advent have been driven, perhaps none can be found that will exceed the one resorted to by Dr. Weeks. As the subject now stands, the Dr’s course must be considered the climax. After he gets through with the chronology, he may take up other parts of the subject. If he should continue to search for mistakes, by the rule which he has adopted, I predict, he will find no end to the mistakes Mr. Miller has made. The following would be a fair specimen of his rule carried out:HST May 3, 1843, page 71.26
1. Mr Miller thinks that the 2300 days, in Daniel, are to be taken for so many years; but Prof. Chase thinks they are to be taken for 1150 common days. This is no small mistake surely.HST May 3, 1843, page 71.27
2. Mr. Miller takes the fourth kingdom, in Daniel 7, to be the Roman; but Prof. Chase takes it to be the Grecian, in its divided state.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.1
3. Another mistake Mr. Miller says that the 2300 days, are to be taken for years; but Prof. Stuart thinks they are to be taken for 2300 literal days. This is another great mistake.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.2
4. Another mistake. Mr. Miller says that Daniel’s vision extends to the time when, “the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the saints of the Most High;” but Prof. Chase thinks it ended when the Jews heard that Antiochus was dead. Some difference.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.3
5. Mr Miller supposes that the seventy weeks captained a period of time which reached to the crucifixion; but according to an article in the Christian Watchman, they had no reference to that event.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.4
6. Another mistake. Mr. Miller says, that the Pope had his dominion taken away in 1798; but Prof. Pond is not satisfied with that fact.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.5
7. Mr. Miller understands the little horn in Daniel 8. to represent the Roman kingdom; but John Dowling says it points out nothing more than Antiochus Epiphanes.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.6
8. Another mistake. Mr. Miller is satisfied that a correct chronology of the world can be made out mainly from the bible.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.7
This according to Dr. Weeks is quite a mistake; for the Dr. thinks we have no means of getting a correct chronology.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.8
The above is a fair representation of Dr. Week’s arguments, and yet there are those to be found who would have us think that he has entirely demolished all argument in favor of the Second Advent. Already men “are at their wits end; they reel to and fro, like a drunken man.” May the Lord have mercy on them, lest they fall to rise no more.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.9
Truly yours J. S. White.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.10
North Wrentham, April 19.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.11
We copy the following from the Christian Secretary. It is a severe and just rebuke to those religious papers that unite with secular ones in endeavoring to cast odium on those who are looking for the coming of Christ, by giving publicity to falsehoods, which, if they do not know them to be false, they know that they are unsupported by substantial truth.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.12
Millerism, Insanity, etc.—For several months past, notices have frequently appeared in the newspapers, detailing the most frightful cases of insanity, said to have occured in consequence of Millerism. How many of these stories are true, we are unable to say; but are inclined to think that, in many cases, they are mere fabrications got up for the express purpose of casting a stigma upon the Second Advent believers. We object entirely to this mode of checking what we conceive to be an error. The only proper way to meet it is by fair argument; if the doctrine cannot be overthrown in this way, then let it stand. The advocates of the Second Advent are, most of them, honest believers in the doctrine, and they are entitled to the privilege both of hold-and disseminating it: while, on the other hand, we think it would be well on the part of the secular, and more especially the religious press, to refrain from anything that looks like ridicule, for the purpose of checking its progress. From a pretty careful observation, we think that nothing but time will ever convince any of these men of their error, and we feel willing to wait for this sure remedy. The New York Tribune publishes the following candid paragraph, contradicting certain stories which had previously appeared in that paper. We wish all editors were as candid as he of the Tribune. The great cry about ascension robes, is probably just as true as the story about Mr. Shortridge.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.13
“We lately published a statement that a Mr. Shortridge, of New Hampshire, had run mad with Millerism, and attempted to ascend to heaven from an apple tree, but found the attraction of gravitation too strong for his celestial aspirations, and came to the ground with such momentum as to cause his death.—We have just seen two letters of late date, from different sources in Portsmouth, N. H., stating that letters had been received there from this same Mr. Shortbridge, making no mention of his ‘ground and lofty tumbling,’ or death circumstances, so remarkable that they could hardly have escaped his notice had they actually occurred. We have heard from another source that this same Mr. S. was crazy ten years ago. So in the case of the woman who poisoned her children, and attempted to commit suicide some few weeks since—her insanity was attributed to Millerism, but entirely without reason. Doubtless the like has been the case in many other instances. Those who know anything of insanity are aware that it very commonly takes its hue from the most exciting topic of the hour, so that hundreds of persons have been reported as victims of ‘religious mania,’ when, in fact, their insanity was caused by functional disorders, often having its seat in the digestive organs, and only by sympathy affecting the brain. Of those who are currently reported as rendered insane by “Revivals” or “Millerism,” a great portion would be found, on due inquiry, to have been constitutionally disposed to insanity, and often to have inherited the malady, In other cases, physical derangement consequent on personal excesses, such as Intemperance, gluttony, and other forms of sensuality, was the true cause. We cannot exclude from our columns accounts of remarkable casualties, but our readers will know how to make due allowances for the cause to which they are often mistakenly attributed.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.14
from post masters, to april 29, 1843
Waterbury, Ct; Shrewsbury, Ms; Westboro, Ms; Royalton, Vt; St Louis, Miss; Huntington, Ct; West Prospect, Me $1; Greenwich, N Y; Blacks, Me; Bangor, Me; Manchester, N H; No Danville, Vt; Saratoga Springs, N Y; Barnardston, Ms, money all right; Peterboro’ N H; Holmes Hole, Ms; Some set, N Y; Wellsboro’ Pa; Hillsboro Centre, N H; Hartford, Ct, $1; Alfred, Me, $1; Springfield, Vt; West Wrentham, Ms, 50 cts; Hyde Park, Vt; E Bethel, Vt, $1; Kensington, N H, $1; Brooklyn, Ct; Unity, N H; Derby Line, Vt; Montpelier, Vt, $5; Hyde Park, Vt; Strafford Corner, NH; Wellington, O, $1; Colchester, Ct $1; Union Mills, N Y; South Orrington, $1; Lancaster, Ms, $5; Burrillville, R I, 1$; Columbia, S C; Brownsville. Ia, $1; Stratford Corner, N H, $1; Savoy, Ms, $1; New Hampton, N H, $1; Bradford, N H, 1$; Marlboro’ Ms, $1; Pembroke, N H; Danville, Ky; West Braintree, Vt; West Need-ham, Ms, $1; Fitchburg, Ms; Hudson, N H, $1; Richmond, Vt $2; Peterboro’ N H, $2; Waterboro’ Ms, 50 cts; Portland, Ct, $1; Francestown, N H, $3; Powder Springs, Ga, Ware, Ms.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.15
J C Hutchins; D Burgess; S M Case; Ezra Shepherds; J S Wilcox; J H Hall; L B Colles; J W Spaulding; T Freeman, Jr, $1, Books sent; Jonas Woods, all right; J Hazelton; R Polly; P H Whitaker; C Fitch; J C Bywater; G W Thomas; J P Jewett; R W Pratt, $10; N B Perry, $1; N N Whiting; W K Perry; Emely Jones; G T Stacy; B F Carter; Betsy Jones; Ezra Shepherd; T M Hall; S J Eaton; J B Cook; J Bates, $4; N B Gilson, $3, tell us how to dispose of it; H H Springfield, Ms; Dr Martin; W D Tuller, chk, $25; A H W, $3; J Billings; J B Cook; J Litch.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.16
Bundles Sent
Jno Pearson, Portland, Me; J P Jewett, Salem Ms; W B Start; Camden, Me; P M Burrilville, R 1. 36 Park Row, N Y; box 36 Park Row N Y; J Marsh, Union Mills, N Y, via, Albany; D Houghton, Bradford, Vt.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.17
The following Works are printed in the following cheap periodical form, with paper covers, so that they can be sent to any part of the country, of to Europe, by mail.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.18
The following Nos. comprise the Library.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.19
1. Miller’s Life and Views.—37 1-2 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.20
2. Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.21
3. Exposition of 24th of Matt. and Hosea 6:1-3. 18 3-4 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.22
4. Spaulding’s Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ.—37 1-2 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.23
5. Litch’s Address to the clergy on the Second Advent.—18 1-4 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.24
6. Miller on the true inheritance of the saints, and the twelve hundred and sixty days of Daniel and John.—12 1-2 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.25
7. Fitch’s Letter, on the Advent in 1843.—12 1-2 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.26
8. The present Crisis, by Rev. John Hooper, of England—10 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.27
9. Miller on the cleansing of the sanctuary.—6 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.28
10. Letter to every body, by an English author, “Behold I come quickly.”—6 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.29
11. Refutation of “Dowling’s Reply to Miller,” by J. Litch.—15 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.30
2 The “Midnight Cry.” By L.D. Fleming. 12 1-2HST May 3, 1843, page 72.31
13. Miller’s review of Dimmick’s discourse, “The End not Yet.”—10 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.32
14. Miller on the Typical Sabbaths, and great Jubilee.—10 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.33
15. The glory of God in the Earth. By C. Fitch.—10 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.34
16. A Wonderful and Horrible Thing By Charles Fitch. 6 1-4 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.35
17. Cox’s Letters on the Second Coming of Christ. 18 3-4 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.36
18. The Appearing and Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. By J. Sabine. 12 1-2 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.37
19. Prophetic Expositions. By J. Litch. Vol. I. 31 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.38
20. ” ” ” ” Vol. II. 37 1-2 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.39
21. The Kingdom of God. By Wm. Miller. 6 1-4HST May 3, 1843, page 72.40
22. Miller’s Reply to Stuart. 12 1-2 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.41
23. Millennial Harp, or Second Advent Hymns. Price 121 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.42
24. Israel and the Holy Land.—The Promised Land. By H. D. Ward. Price 10 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.43
25. Inconsistencies of Colver’s ‘Literal Fulfilment of Daniel’s Prophecies shown by S. Bliss. 10 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.44
26. Bliss’ Exposition of Matthew 24th. 121 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.45
27. Synopsis of Miller’s Views. 61 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.46
28. Judaism Overthrown. By J. Litch. 10 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.47
29. Christ’s First and Second Advent, with Daniel’s Visions Harmonized and Explained. By N. Hervey. 18 3 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.48
30. New Heavens and Now Earth, with the Marriage Supper of the Lamp. By N. Hervey. 121 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.49
31. Starkweather’s Narrative. 10 cts.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.50
This Library will be enlarged from time to time, by the addition of new works.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.51
No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, up stairs.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.52
Address J. V. Himes.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.53
No. 36 Park Row, New York, up stairs, opposite the Park.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.54
Address J. V. Himes.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.55
No. 67 South Second Street, Philadelphia.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.56
Address Orrin Rogers.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.57
Signs of the Times
Is published weekly, at No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston, by JOSHUA V HIMES, to whom all letters and communications must be addressed.HST May 3, 1843, page 72.58
Terms,—One Dollar per Volume of 24 Nos. (6 months.)HST May 3, 1843, page 72.59