Vol. V.—No. 14. Boston, Whole No. 110
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June 7, 1843
Vol. V.—No. 14. Boston, Whole No. 110
Terms,—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office. No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.1
J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors
At Rochester. N. Y. June 23.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.2
A campmeeting will be commenced at Rochester, N. Y. on June 23, 1843, (if time continue). Brn. Charles Fitch, T. F. Barry, and others are expected to be present, and give lectures on the coming of Christ this year.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.3
The citizens of Rochester, and people generally in that vicinity, are respectfully invited to attend.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.4
J. V. HIMES.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.5
Boston, June 3, 1843.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.6
Advent Depot at Rochester, N. Y
Will be opened about the 20th of June, where Books on the Advent in 1843 may be obtained, written by Messrs. Miller, Litch, Fitch, Storrs, and others, together with Hymn Books, Papers, Tracts, Charts, etc. All letters, or orders, should be directed (post paid) to J. V. HIMES, Rochester, N. Y.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.7
A paper by the above name, will be commenced in the city of Rochester, N. Y. about the 20th of June, 1843. Thirteen weekly numbers will be published (if time continue) for fifty cents.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.8
It will be sent by mail to any part of the country desired.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.9
Seven copies to one address for $3, thirteen copies for $5. J. V. HIMES, Editor and Publisher,HST June 7, 1843, page 105.10
Boston, June 3, 1843.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.11
Cincinnati.—Bro. Litch expects to go to Cincinnati without delay. The way does not seem to be open for him to go to England as yet, as was proposed. The money, therefore, which was raised for him in view of that mission, will be used for the mission to the west, unless the donors direct otherwise. He will need much more than he has received, for his western mission. Any money for that purpose, sent to this office, will be forwarded to him.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.12
Bro. Storrs thinks to attend the Advent Campmeeting in Chelsea, Vt. on the 14th inst. We hope he may be able to, as he will be of essential service in giving the “Cry” in that section.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.13
A Brother will be there with Advent publications that those who wish may furnish themselves with right on the subject.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.14
A letter received from Philadelphia, dated May 29, says:HST June 7, 1843, page 105.15
“Our Second Advent Conference closed yesterday, after two weeks of the most interesting, and delightful meetings I have ever enjoyed.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.16
The order of the Conference was—Lectures on the Second Advent of Christ this year; Prayer, Experience and Conference meetings. Brethren Himes, Brown, Litch, Storrs, Hervey, Cook, Plumb, Barry, and others, were present.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.17
The meetings were fully attended, and the interest considerable.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.18
During the last week of the Conference, brother Storrs delivered a coursse of lectures, which he commenced on Friday evening of last week, and closed last Wednesday evening.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.19
Yesterday, brother Hervey lectured in the morning, brother Brown in the afternoon; and in the evening brother Storrs lectured on the 2nd chapter 2nd Thess. to a very large congregation.”HST June 7, 1843, page 105.20
Conference at Hartford, etc
Dear Brother Himes.—The Conference of Advent believers which commenced in this city on Tuesday, closed Thursday evening. Present, brethren Cook, Batchelder, Barry and Brown.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.21
Our meetings were held in the City Hall until yesterday, when we occupied the house of the First Baptist Church. The attendance on these meetings has been very good, and so far as we may judge from outward appearances, those who have been present have listened with much candor and seriousness. At the close of the services yesterday morning, brother Cook baptized twelve willing converts, all of whom are looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ. The brethren in the faith have been greatly refreshed and encouraged by what they have heard and experienced. I find their number larger than I had supposed—the aged, the middle-aged, and the young, make up the blessed band. They are what might be termed a good class of Advent believers, that is, they are intelligent and pious. It has been said that none but the weak-minded embrace our views. This I deny. However, it is ordinarily the common people that receive the truths of the gospel, and I am willing to be ranked among them. God has made religious truth for this class, and not for philosophers exclusively. Had he deposited truth where the learned and the scientific alone could have discovered it, how few could have ever become acquainted with the way of life and salvation. How surprised I am, that we have all along been soaring so high after truth, just as tho’ we were so many astronomers, seeking for some new world in the far-off heavens, a discovery of which is essential to a perfect knowledge of the material universe. Why truth, and all the truth necessary for our good here, may be found by any mind that will stoop low enough to pick it up. Cold reason will never find out God unto perfection—philosophy, unaided, could never trace the path to heaven for a single soul; and if the philosopher would enter there himself, he has got to come down from his giddy height, and enter thither by the same narrow, humble way, with the most untutored mind. The Christian scheme abases the pride of the wise. How common it is for us, when endeavoring to instruct such in regard to the plan of salvation, to present before their minds the simplicity of the gospel plan; and on the other hand, how natural is it for them to stumble at it, because they can discover none of man’s wisdom in it. “The Jews required a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom,” etc. Now, if these first, and, to the carnal heart, most humbling principles of our religion, are recognised and enforced by us in the great work of regeneration, they ought to be kept in view in the investigation of all truths that effect our state after conversion. How much are any of us in advance of the Corinthian Christians, to whom Paul said, I have fed you with milk, and not with meat, etc.HST June 7, 1843, page 105.22
I do not despise learning, nor do I pretend to more than ordinary ability in discovering the truth of God’s word. I think I have sought to let the Bible speak in its own simple tongue. Still, I now see that I have sometimes erred in daring to try its doctrines by my own poor reason alone. Now, the Bible talks to me in the simplest strains, as though it took for granted that I am just what I confess myself to be—a poor, ignorant sinner. I still aver that I read in it the doctrine of the glorious advent of my Savior at hand—and I solemnly maintain before High Heaven, that by the united agency of the Word and the Spirit, I have been taught this precious and sublime truth. God has seemed, too, to show me all the other great truths that cluster around it: he has shown me just the condition of the world, the church, and the ministry, until my soul could no longer bear the sight. He has given me a view of his holy law, with bold and impious man for 6000 years trampling it under his feet—and shown me, as never before, the blood of his Son spurned and rejected, until Justice and Love have seemed to rend the heavens in their cry for the immediate and sudden destruction of a guilty world. Never before have I had fellowship with Christ in his sufferings—never have I felt before as though I could weep my soul away at the feet of Jesus, as I have seen the indignity heaped upon him while he was on his mission of mercy to earth, and the manner in which his offers of love have been treated while he has been seated on the meditorial throne. Oh, how can my soul any longer submit to his suffering further indignities from graceless, wicked man! And here I might ask, why is it that God has given us, and that without any effort on our part, just such views of his law, of the love of Christ—in a word, such views of all truth, as reasoning before hand, it would appear that we ought to have, in order to qualify us to sound the Midnight Cry. Why has he been so particular as to make his Word blaze with instruction, not upon one point only, the doctrine of the Second Advent, but on all those points that are remotely connected with it?HST June 7, 1843, page 105.23
Much is said about having charity for those who do not think with us; and certainly we ought to exercise it towards all who are humble seekers after the truth, but to none who are wilfully ignorant of it. We ought to have just such charity for them as we do for impenitent sinners, of whom there are two classes—one that seems half disposed to be Christians, and the other determined not to be Christians at all. I believe that to be a Second Advent believer, it is just as necessary that the aid of the sovereign and gracious power of God should be called in, as in the act of conversion. The cases are very analogous. Why, says the sinner, I do not see proofs of the inspiration of the Scriptures. Another says, I do not see conversion and future punishmen taught there; and another, I do not understand what you mean by experiencing religion. But soon, perhaps, God’s spirit begins to move, conscience is alarmed, the sinner is converted—he is in a new world. He says, I have awoke from a dream: why did you not arouse me, and cry in my ear—destruction?HST June 7, 1843, page 105.24
Just so as to this doctrine. I know not why I was opposed to it, nor why I did not see the proofs or it before. I am glad that I am converted; and it would be as difficult to convince me that it is not of God, as to convince a young convert by argument, that all that he professed to experience when first converted, is not of God. As I have said once, so I say again, it may be God’s purpose to select only a portion of his servants to give the cry, while he keeps it a secret to others. Hence our opponents ought to have charity for us, for we may be doing God’s will:—for one I am solemnly persuaded that I am.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.1
As to an “abusive spirit,” I candidly think that the other side need to be cautioned a little more than ourselves. I will not be abusive—it has never been my disposition to be; but can I do otherwise than to speak of things just as God, without any effort or desire of mine, has shown them to me? Ought not our brethren to allow that God may have shown us the conviction of the world and the church in a light in which they themselves do not see it? I am no man’s echo. God seems to have been my sole Teacher of late, and I speak just as he teaches. I implore my dear brethren not to abuse us, either in private or in public, and not to treat us as though we were Mormons. A little time will correct our error, if indeed it be an error. Really, they ought to be grateful to God that there are so many in all our churches throughout the earth, that adhere so rigidly to the word of God as our guide—that love the appearing of the Savior, and are ready, even at a “false alarm,” to arise and trim their lamps, and make preparation for the reception of the Bridegroom. F. G. Brown.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.2
Millerism Exploded
Substance of the arguments used in refuting the doctrine of the Advent in 1843, by Rev. J. Bennett, of Woburn, delivered in Cambridge-port, May 21. Text,—Peter. “Seeing all these things shall be dissolved, etc.”—He stated there is no evidence from scripture that the event spoken of in the text will take place this year. It cannot for the following reasons.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.3
Because the Savior says no man knoweth the time. “Mahometanism must come to an end before this event, this cannot be done without a miracle—the age of miracles is past, therefore the end cannot come this year.”HST June 7, 1843, page 106.4
The Bible says Popery must come to an end before that event—this cannot be done without a miracle, the age of miracles is past—therefore the end cannot come this year.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.5
The devil is to be bound a thousand years—Satan, he says, “is not bound now, if it were so, we should not see people as we do now, acting like all possessed.” (I quote his words.)HST June 7, 1843, page 106.6
The gospel must be preached in all the world. This cannot be done this year, therefore the end cannot come in 1843.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.7
“The Bible says the Jews must be converted and return to ancient Palestine before the end; this cannot be this year—therefore the end cannot come this year. The Savior says, “when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? implying positively there will be no faith at all on the earth when he comes. He believed there was some true faith on earth now, even among the Millerites there might be some. Therefore the end cannot come this year.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.8
The Bible says, “they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks—before that day. Now if you should collect all these implements of war and lay them at the door of every blacksmith shop in the land—and let every blacksmith and blacksmith’s apprentice go to work on them till the end of 1843, it would not be done this year. He brought up the case of a man in the country, who pretended to have had a vision, and it was told him he would die some day last December. So he accordingly dug his grave and got into it—hundreds assembled to see him die, but although he tried as hard as he could for an hour or two to die, he could not begin to—he finally got off by saying he knew he did have a vision, but must have been mistaken about the day. He brought forward the case of a Mrs. Stone, who went to the Littleton Campmeeting, (referred to by Mr. C.,) was made crazy and died in consequence. She was a member of his Church. Another man, a member of his Church—a Mr. Skilton, 10 years ago, studied into the prophecies so much that he became crazy and died. This man thought the sanctuary would be cleansed this year—but did not agree with Mr. Miller what the cleansing would be. These cases were aduced to show the general effects of Millerism as I understood him. He might mention, he said, other things. The thousands of bushels of potatoes frozen in the ground last fall, in Vermont,—left by those who believed this doctrine, and others idling away their time—neglecting their business—all go to show the effects of this belief and to prove the absurdity of it. He then exhorted his hearers to be ready for this event, in view of the uncertainty when it might come. Cambridgeport.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.9
Letter from L. Kimball
Dear Brother Himes:—Since I saw you at the campmeeting in Claremont last September, where I embraced the Second Advent doctrine, my whole time has been devoted to the cause. I have been travelling from place to place, over the hills and through the vales of Vermont and New-Hampshire, to give the midnight cry, and warn my fellowmen to flee the wrath to come. And, blessed be God, I have not run in vain. I have seen hundreds of backsliders come back to their Father’s house, and hundreds of sinners converted to God. Such manifestations of the divine power I never before witnessed. The wild cries of the maniac were not heard, nor the passionate cry of fright and terror; but the powerful operations of the Spirit of God, setting the truth home upon the heart, enlightening the understanding, arousing conscience, and awakening the sensibilities of the soul to attend to her immortal interests.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.10
Never before, have I seen the work of sanctification go on with such mighty power among Christians, as I have witnessed it during the past winter. When I received the evidence of the Second Advent of our Lord in 1843, by a cordial faith, and confessed with my mouth what I believed in my heart, I experienced that, that I never felt before. But little did I think that such was the effect of the Second Advent doctrine upon the heart; but I find it is the experience of every whole-souled Second Advent believer. I do not know of a single instance, where the evidence has gone down into the soul, and they have come out and confessed with their mouths what they believed in their hearts, but that they received the blessing of “perfect love.” Neither do I know of an instance, where individuals have had the evidence clearly before the mind, and from pride, or fear of losing their good name, or some other cause, have refused to come out and confess their faith, that they have obtained the blessing; but soon a cloud comes over the mind, the light that is in them becomes darkness, and they turn back to the world; and in many instances, become opposers to the doctrine.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.11
Here then we have additional evidence of the truth of the Second Advent doctrine. The Spirit and the word agree. The blessed doctrine of holiness goes with it. It leads the Christian to make an entire consecration of himself and his all upon God’s alter, and render obedience to all his holy requisitions.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.12
It takes the Infidel, the sceptic, the Universalist, and the worldling, strips them of their all, and lays them right down at the feet of bleeding mercy. This, surely, must be the work of God. A doctrine may be known by its effects. Truth leads to God, duty and holiness; error, from God and duty into sin. I might relate many instances illustrating the effect of this doctrine upon individuals of all classes, but I cannot put it upon paper.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.13
The revivals that I have witnessed during the past winter, have been the most free from passionate excitement, of any I ever before witnessed. They were like the sweet refreshing breezes of a summer evening. Not a single instance of insanity have I seen. In my preaching, I have aimed to convince the judgment and enlighten the understanding, by a clear presentation of bible evidence, and historical facts; and the result has been, deep conviction, heartfelt decision, and consequent action. “Glory be to Jesus.” I am your unworthy brother and fellow-laborer in the cause of Jesus, daily looking for, and expecting, the coming of our Savior. E.Bethel, Vt. May 23.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.14
Papists in China.—The Roman Catholic journals of London and Paris announce, exultingly, that the Emperor of the Celestial Empire has given permission to the missionaries to pass freely over his dominions without being interrupted; and that he has also requested that new and more numerous missionaries be sent over. The same letters of the Chinese missionaries, say those journals, confirm the glorious miracle of the apparition of our Lord in presence of a multitude of the faithful and of infidels. The Gazette du Simplon is confident that all China, with its three hundred millions, will be speedily converted to Papacy! What pretensions! What pious frauds! What energy and perseverance in the service of the prince of darkness! Evangelican Christians of America, what are you doing to secure the conversion of China’s millions, to a pure and saving Christianity? Are any motives so impulsive, as those which should influence you? What is a civil and spiritual dominion in this world, to the salvation of countless and undying souls in the “world without end!”HST June 7, 1843, page 106.15
Brother Preble has just returned from a long tour in Maine. He has been laboring amid opposition with more success than he could reasonably expect. Many glorious reformations have followed his labors, God has blessed his truth, and many souls have been converted to God. There are also a goodly number living in constant expectation of Christ’s glorious appearing. Brother Preble is now in Lowell, and will attend to calls for lectures on the Second Advent.HST June 7, 1843, page 106.16
“The Lord is at Hand.”
BOSTON, JUNE 7, 1843.
Boston Advent Conference
Commencing May 29, 1843.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.1
Interesting meetings for prayer, reports, addresses, etc. were held each morning and afternoon, at Chardon St.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.2
On Monday morning, brother Apollos Hale was chosen Chairman, and N. Southard, Secretary.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.3
A Committee of five was then chosen, to prepare a brief statement of our views, to be published, consisting of brother N. N. Whiting, S. Bliss, T. F. Barry, J. Litch, and C. Fitch.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.4
Afternoon. A cheering informal meeting, for prayer and remarks.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.5
Tuesday. Afternoon.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.6
Brother C. Fitch gave a very pleasing and instructive account of his labors in Ohio. He did not know that there had been but one lecturer on the subject in Ohio, before he went into the state. He has visited twenty-two places, in many of which revivals have followed. In Cleaveland, about two hundred were converted in the revival following his lectures. In Fainsville, about one hundred, and in Dover, Redville, Norwalk, Olmstead, Cayuhoga Falls, Hudson, Brooklyn, and other places, there were powerful awakenings.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.7
He related several facts illustrating the influence of the doctrine. One prominent member of the Presbyterian church, who was living in conformity with the world, remarked, that he had been much troubled, when he first heard the doctrine, but his minister had quieted his fears. He felt no more alarm now than he did about his goods when under insurance. This was the way in which a worldly professor spoke of that coming for which John prayed, “even so,” come quickly. The coming of Christ at hand stirs up the Christian to self-examination.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.8
One man, who was converted by the doctrine, having several cows himself, heard of a poor neighbor who had lost his last cow, and immediately gave him one.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.9
Another, who had been noted for his strong desire for money and his habits of accumulation, was converted by the doctrine, and immediately sent for one hundred dollars’ worth of books, which he scattered through that region.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.10
One young man in Cleaveland, who had been closely confined in business, had made arrangements to enjoy himself during the winter. He bought a horse and buggy, and was ready to travel wherever inclination might prompt him. But just at this time he heard the lectures, and the Lord converted his soul. He was then ready to carry brother Fitch to his lectures, in all weathers, and was a useful fellow-laborer. He often remarked, that he had laid his plans to enjoy himself, but he had no expectation of enjoying himself half so well.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.11
The books sent out, and the papers distributed, have done good, the amount of which can be fully known only in eternity.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.12
Soon after brother Fitch began to lecture in Cleaveland, brother Smead, a printer, wished to do what he could in the cause. He commenced publishing a paper, four thousand copies for forty dollars per week, which was but little more than enough to pay expenses. Most of them were scattered gratuitously, but the means have been furnished to meet all the bills. A collection was taken up, amounting to about seventy dollars, for carrying on the work in Cleaveland.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.13
A brother from Vermont, stated that the doctrine had been a great blessing in that state. In South Woodstock, it was publicly stated that there was not a praying family in a large section of the town. The people were mostly Universalists. Now almost every house is a house of prayer.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.14
Brother S. Bliss, in behalf of the committee, then read the following statement of our views and position, which was unanimously adopted.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.15
Declaration of Principles
By the Adventists assembled in Boston Anniversary Week, May, 1843.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.16
To the Public,—HST June 7, 1843, page 107.17
As the principles and views of the Adventists are so little understood, and have been so often assailed and misrepresented, we deem it proper to present a brief statement of them to the world, together with the position we occupy.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.18
We rely on the Bible alone as our rule of faith and practice; and will intentionally believe none other things than what Moses and the prophets have said shall come. We believe that “all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” We believe it is the duty of all men to search the Scriptures,—that they are a sure word of prophecy, unto which we do well that we take heed, as unto a light shining in a dark place; and that the things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.19
We believe that the Scriptures teach the personal coming of Christ again in the fulness of times to this earth in the glory of his Father, to judge the quick and the dead, and reward every man according to his works.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.20
We believe that the prophecies, the events of which were to precede the final consummation of all things, have been all literally fulfilled, and that the closing scenes of this world’s history are the only remaining portions of unfulfilled prophecy; and that the advent of our Savior is the next expected event.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.21
We believe that when he is revealed, he will raise all the righteous dead, change the righteous living in the twinkling of an eye, and gather them to himself, destroy the wicked out of the earth, cause the elements of our heaven and earth to melt with fervent heat, and burn up all the works that are therein. Nevertheless, according to his promise, we look for a new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.22
We believe that the earth thus renewed will be the eternal abode of the righteous, where the saints of the Most High will possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever; and that Christ will then sit on the throne of his father David, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. The kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven will then be his.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.23
We believe that none can enter that abode of righteousness without repentance and faith in Christ, nor unless they possess that holiness without which no man can see the Lord and which manifests itself in purity of heart and life, and the fruits of which are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goadness, faith, meekness and temperance.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.24
We believe that in the restitution of all things spoken of by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began, the wilderness will become again like Eden, and the desert like the garden of the Lord; that the tabernacle of God will be with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things will have passed away.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.25
We believe those portions of the word of God which are adduced in support of the theory of a temporal millennium and the return of the carnal Jews to Palestine, are glorious predictions relating to the renovated earth, and the restoration of the righteous, the true Israel of God, in their resurrection bodies to the new earth; and seeing we look for such things, what manner of persons ought we to be, in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of God, lest we also be led away with the error of the wicked, and fall from our own steadfastness.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.26
We also believe the signs foretold, which were to precede and indicate when the coming of Christ was nigh at the door, have been seen, and that the prophetic periods all terminate in the present Jewish year, commencing in 1843. A mere point of time, however, is not an essential part of our belief. Our faith rests on the fact that the fulfillment of prophecy indicates that the Judge is nigh, even at the door; and the coming of Christ will be our constant expectation from this hour, till the parting skies shall reveal him. We believe the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak and not lie; if it appear to tarry, we shall wait it, because, at the time appointed it will surely come, it will not tarry. And, till he come, we expect the way of life will be the same narrow path that few will find; that the Man of Sin will continue to make war with the saints and prevail against them—the tares and wheat grow together, and Christians continue to live as pilgrims and strangers on the earth, and that men will speak ill of them—the friendship of the world being enmity with God.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.27
We have no confidence whatever in any visions, dreams, or private revelations. “What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord.” We repudiate all fanaticism, and everything which may tend to extravagance, excess, and immorality, that shall cause our good to be evil spoken of.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.28
Our sole object in this enterprise, is to spread abroad a knowledge of the truth that the kingdom of God will shortly come, when his will will be done on earth as it is in heaven; and to endeavor, by the blessing of God, to arouse the church and the world to a sense of the nearness of that event, that those who wish for salvation may possess the faith of our father Abraham, who believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness; and who staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God, and fully persuaded that what he had promised, he was also able to perform. To effect this we claim the freedom of thought, of speech, and of the press- the privilege of uttering and writing what we consider to be clearly revealed in the word of God, and of the deepest interest to every son and daughter of Adam. We are ready at all times to give to every man that asketh us a reason, from the word of God, of the hope that is in us; and we expect to be answered only by arguments drawn from the same source. Sneers, ridicule, abuse, misrepresentations, or mere assertions, are not arguments, and cannot affect the evidences upon which our belief is established. Neither is a “thus saith the Lord” to give place to “the oppositions of science, falsely so called,” or, to the theories of men, founded not in true wisdom, but in false philosophy and vain deceit after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.HST June 7, 1843, page 107.29
While we preach the gospel of the kingdom of God in accordance with the teachings of our Savior, and saying “the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye, and believe the gospel;” we expect it will call down upon us the anathemas of those, and those only, whose faith and practice are not in accordance with the gospel of the kingdom, and who are neither looking for or loving the appearing of our blessed Savior.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.1
As Adventists, we meet on common ground, and accord to all what we claim for ourselves, the right of individual opinion on all questions of denominational interest, and freely act in harmony with all, of whatever name or denomination, who live righteously, soberly, and godly, loving the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. We ask none to lay aside their own views on doctrinal points, nor wish to give prominence to the sectarian belief of any. We leave those questions for each one to settle with his own conscience, in the fear of God, with the light of his word, and in view of eternity. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. We do not wish to interfere with the ecclesiastical relations of any. That is a question which each must decide for himself.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.2
This is the position we occupy. These are the truths we expect will shortly be realized by mankind. When we are shown by sound argument and the sure word of God, that our views are erroneous, we are ready to forsake them; but not till then. They have not been hastily embraced. They have never been disproved. We have examined these momentous truths in all candor and soberness. It was the faith of the primitive church: it is ours. We have weighed well the consequences; and the sacrifice of all earthly considerations has alone brought us to our present position. We are full in the faith that the end of all things is at hand, that the Judge standeth at the door, that soon He that cometh will come, and will not tarry; and that it becomes us and all men to live with our loins girded about, and our lights burning like unto men that wait for their Lord.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.3
We have done what we could to bring men to a knowledge of the truth, and intend to so do, till our Lord come, that the blood of souls may not be found in our skirts. The result we leave with God. We commit ourselves and our interests into the hands of the Judge of all the earth.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.4
It was then moved that the subject of supplying the various fields with laborers, should be taken up to-morrow morning, and a committe was appointed to make inquiries and report facts on the subject.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.5
Wednesday. The action on this subject cannot be reported at length. A large number of brethren were found ready to enter the fields in Nova Scotia, the West and South, which are calling for light.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.6
The importance of a mission to England was suggested, and brother J. Litch said he was willing to go. The following brethren were appointed a committee to receive subscriptions for that object. S. Bliss, Boston—N. Southard, New York—Drake, Philadelphia—Timothy Cole, Lowell—Capt. Joseph Bates, Fairhaven—Burnop, Albany.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.7
On motion of brother Fitch, it was resolved to take up a collection for a laborer to go among our colored brethren.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.8
A committee of arrangements for a mission to Nova Scotia, was appointed, consisting of brethren Cole, Oakes, and. Tompkins.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.9
The afternoon was occupied in considering the eighth and ninth chapters of Daniel.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.10
Thursday morning a collection amounting to more than thirty dollars, was taken up for brother John W. Lewis, a highly esteemed colored preacher, who is ready to spend his whole time and strength in laboring among that much neglected class of our brethren, with whom he is most closely connected.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.11
A similar collection was also taken for the brethren going to Nova Scotia.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.12
Brother J. V. Himes then read an extract from a letter, in which the common slang about making money was repeated. He said he was ready for the most thorough examination. Considerable time was then spent by different brethren in giving an account of the labors and sacrifices of brother Himes in the cause.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.13
On motion of brother T. Cole, a committee was appointed to investigate and report respecting the publications, and finances, as far as the cause is concerned. Brethren Haskins of Boston, Sanger of New York, Drake of Philadelphia, Irish of New Bedford, and E. Hale, Jr. of Haverhill, were accordingly appointed. These are all business men, worthy of entire confidence. They are expected to report as soon as possible.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.14
The remainder of the Conference was principally occupied in meetings of prayer and social interchange of thoughts. Those who have stood shoulder to shoulder during the heat and burden of the day with all who are regarded as the true friends of the cause, were never more firm in the faith, or encouraged to persevere as one man, united in the Master’s service till He come. May this Conference prove a blessing to the souls of all who have participated in its duties.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.15
N. Southard, Sec’y.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.16
Anniversary Week
The Advent meetings the past week have been very interesting. Conference, prayer and business meetings were held each morning and afternoon at the Chardon street Chapel. A report of the doings of those meetings will be found under its appropriate head.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.17
Lectures were given each evening, to large and attentive audiences at the Tabernacle. On Monday evening Professor Whiting took up the character of the objections urged against the doctrine of the advent. He showed their weakness, their fallacy, and sophistry by which the anti-adventists, the day & half day schemers have attempted to operate against the cause. His reasoning was clear and triumphant. On Tuesday evening brother Litch gave “the history of the Advent cause.” He showed that previous to the time of the end, beginning in 1798, no record or trace of any man exists, who ever arrived at the conclusion that the Advent would be in 1843. No one previous to that ever saw the connection between the 8th and 9th chapters of Daniel. But since 98 there have been a multitude of individuals in different parts of the world who have seen this connection, and brought down the time to 1843. The vision was to be sealed till the time of the end, and it would seem that the seal consisted in the obscurity respecting the connection of the seventy weeks and 2300 days which continued till the time when it was to be unsealed. Brother Litch gave the history of brother Miller’s labors, in connection with this doctrine—his trials, his discouragements, and his triumphant success. One year ago and it was doubtful whether there were laborers enough in the field to carry on a campmeeting successfully; but now we have hundreds of efficient laborers in all parts of the northern and western states, while a multitude of devoted Adventists are waiting for the coming of the Lord.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.18
On Wednesday evening Prof. Whiting lectured on the influence of Neology, on the faith of the church. He showed how when the church became popular, worldly minded men became connected with it—that in Europe most of the countries connect the religion of the country with the government of the state, and as the preachers are dependant on the state, their teachings must be popular with the state; and that as popular men have thus attained the ascendency, the opinions of the church have been gradually moulded in conformity with the opinions of the world, until in Germany,for instance, evangelical religion has given place to rationalism, socinianism, transcendentalism and neology. The inspiration of Isaiah is placed on the same level with the inspiration of Homer or Milton, and of course is of no more authority. The miracles of our Savior and his apostles are accounted for by them on natural principles. And he, in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the God-head bodily, is by them considered only a very good man, who could not compare in wisdom with many who have succeeded him. They do not give to Daniel the merit of possessing even poetic inspiration; and the glorious descriptions of the judgment and resurrection, they reduce down to a prediction of the death of Antiochus Epiphanes. Those glorious prophecies which have been considered by all commentators as reaching down through all time, are made, by their principles of interpretation, to have referance only to events of the most insignificant importance, and fulfilled in a few days. This principle of interpretation changes the gold of divine truth to lead and dross.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.19
He then showed how the German literature had become popular in this country, and German opinions had followed in the wake of German literature until those who wished to disprove the Advent in 1843, have resorted to the very arguments and modes of reasoning, that originated in Germany. He read an extract from Professor Stuart’s letters to Channing, published in 1819, in which Professor Stuart predicts that Mr. Channing’s opinions would lead precisely where Professor Stuart’s “Hints” show that he himself has now gone.HST June 7, 1843, page 108.20
Thursday afternoon was principally spent in prayer, addresses and communications from the brethren relative to the progress of the work in their respective places. Brother Start, who was a student at Bangor under very flattering circumstances, has left his theological studies and been instrumental of great good. His account of his labors were very interesting, the time was very profitably spent.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.1
Thursday evening was occupied by brother Litch, who lectured on the tendencies of the Second Advent doctrine. He showed that the doctrine of the advent embraces the whole plan of redemption. It begins with the fall of man and brings to view the promise of the Messiah, his death, atonement, his glorious resurrection and ascension to heaven, from whence we are looking for him to come to judge the world and restore this earth to its Eden state.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.2
The second coming of the Lord and resurrection of the saints, was a common theme in the primitive church. Now we are pointed often enough to death, but the glorious resurrection is lost sight of. They no longer tell us that Christ arose from the dead, and because he lives we shall live also. A tree is known by its fruits. The tendencies of the advent doctrine have, thus far, been to arrest the attention of the whole community, and turn their minds to an examination of the word of God. The Infidel has been alarmed and the Universalist made to tremble, conviction has been carried to many hearts, and multitudes have been converted to God. Probably more Infidels and Universalists have been converted by this doctrine than by all other causes for the last seven years, while thousands on thousands of sinners have been converted from sin to holiness.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.3
It has had a salutary effect on backsliders and worldly-minded professors, and shows them that they cannot go to heaven with this world in their grasp. It leads Christians to a full and entire consecration of themselves and all to God. It produces a degree of love to God, such as is presented by no other system. It makes us feel that Christ is our elder brother, and that because he lives we shall live also. It produces a rapid growth in grace. It presents a test of Christian character. It at once calls forth the love or the hatred of the heart to the coming of Christ. It causes those who are not ready, to shrink back from his appearing. It has developed the character of the Christian ministry and shown that a large class of them have denied with impunity many of the most vital gospel truths. It has struck a death-blow to Judaism and has shown the fallacy of a temporal millennium. On the contrary, opposition to this doctrine puts the world to sleep and lulls them in carnal security,HST June 7, 1843, page 109.4
On Friday evening brother Storrs lectured on the Man of Sin, of 2 Thessalonians 2. He also gave an account of his mission to Norfolk, Va. where, before he was permitted to have a hearing, the mobocracy of the place were stirred up by William A. Smith, a professed preacher of the gospel. The consequence was, that brother Storrs shook off the dust of his feet as a testimony against them, and returned to the north without lecturing in that city. This he gave as an evidence that this Horn is not confined to the mother of harlots, but that the same spirit is found in some of her daughters—the children of the Man of Sin.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.5
The meetings through the week have been exceedingly interesting, and we trust, highly profitable. Our brethren were of one heart and bound together in the same spirit, determined to unite their efforts in the advancement of the cause till the Lord come, and for which they are continually praying. They were also strong in the faith. May the Lord bless them all in their labors till he shall receive us to himself.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.6
President Mahan.—Brother Fitch’s last paper, published in Cleaveland, contains an article signed A. Mahan, with request that the Signs of the Times and Midnight Cry copy. If we could find anything in the article that would interest, or be profitable to our readers, or even if it contained a single new idea, we would publish it with the greatest pleasure.Here in the east every sophism that the President has advanced, has been too often presented, and signally used up to be of any farther interest to our readers.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.7
Furthermore, the article is nothing more or less, than the view which the President presented to us, as referred to in our last, and it strikes us now with no more force then it did then. There is however one point which we will notice, for the sake of giving the reply to it by a correspondent found in the same paper. The President takes the position that the horn in the 8th of Daniel that waxed exceeding great, was Antiochus Epiphanes. Then as if conscious that such an exegesis could not stand, he adds “Mohamedanism also fulfills the predictions in almost all important particulars.” In reply to that point his reviewer says: “If Antiochus and Mohamedanism are like the little horn, we cannot perceive how they look alike themselves. On the other hand, as dissimilar as a Shetland pony and an Elephant. The President seems to have yoked them together, and himself astride of both, we cannot restrain a smile at the grotesque appearance, as we think whither his chosen steeds will conduct him, and where they will land him.”HST June 7, 1843, page 109.8
The whole article is most ably and conclusively reviewed by brother E. Wade, and we should judge to the President’s full satisfaction.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.9
Mr. Miller continues in the same feeble state. His son writes that his health is no better, and he is confined to the bed most of the time. He is very anxious to know how the dear brethren are prospered in the Advent cause, and reads the papers with intense interest. But on account of his weakness they are often obliged to deprive him of that privilege. He often talks of his friends down east. His faith is firm, but it is feared his labors are almost over. They have still to keep all company from him. He sends his love to all the brethren.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.10
A Correction.—A letter appeared in the last Midnight Cry from Albany, attributing to Mr. Colver some remarks which we are informed he did not make, as he did not speak at all in the meeting. The writer was mistaken in the name of the speaker.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.11
Wyoming.—Bro. Weston writes us from the valley of the Wyoming, New York, that he is there sounding the Midnight Cry. He says that but little has been done for the cause in that region. Yet there are some who have heard, believed, and are waiting for the consolation of Israel. Opposition is also rife in those parts. The ministers there are discouraging the people from searching the prophecies, and denying that they are a sure word of prophecy, unto which we do well that we take heed as uuto a light that shineth in a dark place.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.12
As an example of the fruits of “Millerism,” he writes that one man was so sane that he would not trust a poor man to the amount of a bundle of straw to keep his cow from starving: but on being converted to the Advent doctrine, he became so insane as to open his heart and hands and administer to the wants of the poor throughout his neighborhood.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.13
Revival in Hartford. In the N. York Evangelist, Mr. Sprague, of Hartford, gives an account of an interesting revival which that city enjoyed the past autumn and winter. Truth requires us to state that it was caused by the light which has been thrown upon the Advent by the labors of Mr. Miller and others. And yet no allusion whatever is made in the Evangelist to that fact. How strange that ministers of the gospel should be so unwilling to admit that the coming of the Lord of Glory can be a motive for the conversion of souls!HST June 7, 1843, page 109.14
Letter from brother Asahel Chapin
Pastor of the Baptist Church in Jamestown, Chaut. Co. N. Y.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.15
Dear Brother Himes:—Permit me to address you in behalf of a number of brethren in this vicinity, who fully believe that Christ’s Second Coming is near, even at the doors. Our object is to promote, if possible, the interests of the cause in this part of the country. The glorious subject has, to me, become one of the most thrilling interest. I have abandoned my long and dearly cherished belief of the spiritual reign, and the universal triumph of the Gospel, previous to the personal coming of Christ, and am now in the full belief that this event is the next to be expected, and that my Savior will soon appear to close the present state of things, and set up his everlasting kingdom, when he will bring to his people, the consummation of all their hopes.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.16
We are situated in the midst of a most interesting community. This people are intelligent and enterprising. Here also are many Christians, whose piety would not suffer, probably, in comparison with that found among some of the most highly favored portions of New England. And we have not a few brethren, who are daily looking and waiting for the coming of their Lord. It is now more than a year since we have been in the habit of holding, most of the time weekly, second Advent meetings, for the purpose of prayer, and the study of the Bible, relative to this subject. The cause has gradually gained ground. Many, having given the subject a candid and prayerful investigation, have embraced the faith. But a great portion of the people reject it, probably from a lack of information. It is thought by many of us, that could a course of lectures be given here by some one well qualified for the work, great good might be done. We have heard, that some arrangements are being made by some brethren from the East, to visit western New York. Our urgent request is, that Chautauque County, and especially Jamestown, may not be overlooked, in these arrangements. We wish, should time continue, that you would use your influence to induce an efficient Lecturer to visit us, and that as soon as possibly convenient. Could not brother J. B. Cook take Jamestown on his way to Cincinnati; or brother N. Hervey come as a messenger to Western New York. I name these brethren not to the exexclusion of any others, but because they are old and highly esteemed personal acquaintances and friends.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.17
We have understood that there are a number of the same faith with us, and those favorably inclined towards the doctrine, with inquiring minds, in different parts of our county, and in the neighboring portion of Pennsylvania. We have therefore invited a Conference to be held in this place, God willing, on Wednesday the 7th of June next, at 10 o’clock, A. M. Could we have some brethren from the East with us, to advocate the cause on the occasion, it would be highly gratifying. We believe there is a wide and an effectual door open in all this region of county. Will you my dear brother do what you can to help us? Yours in the blessed hope. Asahel Chapin.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.18
Jamestown, Chaut. Co. N. Y. May 23d, 1843.HST June 7, 1843, page 109.19
The Doctrine of the Second Advent sustained by the Voice of the Church
Extract of a Sermon preached at the Dedication of the Tabernacle, May 4th, 1843, by Rev. S. Hawley.HST June 7, 1843, page 110.1
All are ready to admit, that if we are correct in our view of the field of prophecy, and the points and lengths of the prophetic numbers, there can be no mistake as to the legitimacy and correctness of our conclusions. But in all that is essential in our view, we have with us the highest and most respected authorities of the whole church. In fact, in almost every point raised by our opponents, we have been supported by the expositors. In the very few instances in which we have not their direct support, we have their general views and reasonings to sustain us, and the direct testimony of some of the first and most judicious of their number. This I will proceed to show.HST June 7, 1843, page 110.2
Seven points of doubt or dissent have been raised, in reference to the Advent, by our opponents. These points I will specify. 1. The fourth kingdom of Daniel 2. The little horn of the seventh chapter. 3. The little horn of the eighth. 4. The length of the prophetic periods. 5. The commencement of the seventy weeks. 6. The connection between the seventy weeks and 2300 days. 7. The rise of the little horn of the seventh. These, so far as I know, are the only points of doubt or dissent involved in the system we advocate. If we are sustained in these by the best and highest authorities of the religious world, all must see that the system does not rest on slight or insufficient grounds. And, as it respects the first five points, it can hardly be questioned that we have nearly the whole Protestant world with us. An admission of Prof. Stuart implies as much as this. He admits that the custom of reckoning days as the representatives of years, among the interpreters of the Old and New world, is almost universal. (Hints, p. 74.) This concession is valuable for more than one purpose. It may involve more than appears at first view. If the interpreters of the Protestant world are with us, as to the method of computing prophetic time, they are as to the, leading features of the prophecy. This will follow as a matter of necessity. The question of the length of the prophetic numbers, must depend in a great measure on the extent of the prophetic field, or the character and importance of prophetic events. If, for instance, the little horn of the seventh of Daniel be intended to represent Papacy, and not Antiochus, the time, times, and the dividing of time, or 1260 days, the period during which the saints were to be in his hands, cannot mean so many literal days, but so many years. This all will admit. So of the little horn of the eighth. If Rome in its compound pagan and papal form, be meant, and not Antiochus, the 2300 days, all will admit, must mean so many years. So the question as to the length of the prophetic numbers, is one of fundamental importance in the system of interpretation. It has a vast bearing upon the character, and import, and importance of prophecy. The literal system of interpreting these numbers, or the system that teaches that a day in prophecy means but a day, changes the whole character of prophecy, and diminishes it in importance, value, dignity, and extent of scope, just as much as the difference between 2300 literal days and the same number of years! To shorten the prophetic number, the prophecy needs to be correspondingly cut down! The field is reduced, to answer to the chain that is to measure it! This is the alarming result of the new system of interpretation. The whole is a paring, frittering, reducing process. It strips the prophecy of its dignity, solemnity, importance, and glory. It leaves it valueless—as empty as a sound. These day expositors can see nothing beyond a day—the events they interpret are all of a day! The measure of the importance of prophecy is the measure of a man, that is, of Antiochus! The question, then, respecting the length of prophetic time, is one of great moment. Much hangs upon its decision. And yet a decision of this question must involve a decision as to the extent of the field covered by the prophecy. They are of necessity dependent on each other. And, of consequence, those who are with us as to the length of prophetic time, are with us as to the general field embraced in the prophecy. It is true, that, among such, there is a difference as to the application of some particular parts of the prophecy, but not as to the extent of field it covers. Some of the old writers applied the prophecy relating to the little horn of the seventh and eighth of Daniel, to Antiochus, but only in the sense of a type of the Antichrist to come. This, though a mistaken application, did not affect their views as to the field embraced in the prophecy, or the length of the prophetic numbers.HST June 7, 1843, page 110.3
Now, as we have, according to the concession of Prof. Stuart, the Protestant church with us as to the method of computing prophetic time, they must be equally with us as it respects the meaning and general scope of the prophecy. And this is not left to an inference from an admission. The testimony of the highest authorities of the religious world, will show how fully we are sustained in the points specified.HST June 7, 1843, page 110.4
1. The fourth kingdom of Daniel. This we claim to be the Roman. In this view we have the support of the ablest and most judicious expositors of every age. William Cunninghame, Esq., of England, an eminent expositor, in speaking of the four parts of the great image of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, says, that they “are respectively applied by Daniel himself to four kingdoms, which have, by the unanimous voice of the Jewish and Christian churches, for more than eighteen centuries, been identified with the empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.” Should this be questioned, the witnesses are abundant. In the Jewish Church, we have the Targum of Jonathan Ben Uzziel, Josephus, and the whole modern synagogue, including the names of Abarbanal, Kimchi, David Levi, and others. In the Christian Church, such as Barnabas, Irenaeus, Chrysostom, Cyril of Jerusalem in his catechism, Jerome, and according to him, all ecclesiastical writers, Hyppolitus and Lactantius, in the early ages; since the Reformation, Luther, Calvin, Mede, T. H. Horne, 12See Introduction, vol. 1, p. 333; vol. 4, pp. 189, 191. Sir Isaac Newton, Bishop Newton, Dr. Hales, Scott, Clarke, Brown, 13See Harmony of Scripture. Watson, 14Theol. Dic., p. 228. Bishop Lloyd, Daubuz, Brightman, Faber, Noel, Dr. Hopkins, and we might add, almost every biblical expositor of any note in the Protestant church, if we except a few who have written in our own country within a year or two. And it is quite needless to add, that those who make this application of the four parts of the image, have no difficulty in making a like application of the four beasts of Daniel seventh. The remarkable similarity of the two visions requires this.HST June 7, 1843, page 110.5
2. The little horn of the seventh. This we hold to be Papacy. This is no novel view of that symbol, being, as it is, the view of the whole Protestant world. See Dr. Clarke’s Notes on 2 Thessalonians 2. chap., Croly on the Apoc., pp. 113—117, Horne’s Int., vol. 4., p. 191, Watson’s Theol. Dic., p. 62, G. T. Noel, Prospects of the Church of Christ, p. 100, William Cunninghame, Esq., Political Dest. of the Earth, p. 28, Mede, Newton, Scott, Daubuz, Hurd, Jurieu, Vitringa, Fleming, Lowman, and numerous others of our best standard expositors.HST June 7, 1843, page 110.6
3. The little horn of the eighth chapter, that became exceeding great. This we believe to be Rome. Such was also the opinion of Home. 15We here give a remark of this standard author: “Sir Isaac Newton, Bishop Newton, and Dr. Hales, have clearly shown that the Roman power, and no other, is intended for, although some of the particulars may agree very well with that king, (Antiochus,) yet others can by no means be reconciled to him; while all of them agree and correspond exactly with the Romans; and with no other power.” Vol. 4, p. 191. Sir Isaac Newton Bishop Newton, Dr. Hales, Martin Luther, Dr. Prideaux, Dr. Clarke, Dr. Hopkins, Wm. Cunninghame, and others. In addition to these, almost all the old writers, who applied it to Antiochus Epiphanes, did so only as the type of Rome, where they looked for the Antichrist. St. Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, in the fourth century, said, “This, the predicted Antichrist, will come when the times of the (Pagan) Roman empire shall be fulfilled, and the consummation of the world approach. Ten kings of the Romans shall rise together, in different places indeed, but they shall reign at the same time. Among these, the 11th is Antichrist, who, by magical and wicked artifices, shall seize the Roman power.”HST June 7, 1843, page 110.7
4. The length of the prophetic numbers. On this, little proof need be offered, as there is probably no point on which Protestant commentators have been so well agreed, as that the days in Daniel and John are representatives of so many years. Faber, Prideaux, Mede, Clarke, Scott, the two Newtons, Wesley, and almost every expositor of note, have considered this a settled question. Indeed, so universal has been this interpretation of these periods, that Professor Stuart says, in his Hints, p. 74, “It is a singular fact that the great mass of interpreters in the English and American world, have, for many years, been wont to understand the days designated in Daniel and the Apocalypse, as the representatives or symbols of years. I have found it difficult to trace the origin of this general, I might say almost universal custom.”HST June 7, 1843, page 110.8
5. The commencement of the seventy weeks. These we believe commenced with the decree of Artaxerxes Longimanus, to restore and build Jerusalem, according to Ezra seventh, B. C. 457. This has, also, long been considered by commentators to be a settled point; and it probably would not now be disputed, were it not for a desire to avoid the conclusion to which it brings us, on the supposition that it is the beginning of the 2300 days. On so settled a point as this, we need only mention such names as Horne, (see Int., vol. 1, p. 336, vol. 4, p. 191,) Prideaux, (see Connection, pp. 227—256,) Clarke, (see Notes on ninth Daniel,) Watson, (Theol. Dic., p. 96,) William Howel, LL. D., (Int. of Gen. His., vol. 1, p. 209,) Scott, and Cunninghame.HST June 7, 1843, page 111.1
The two remaining points are those, which, among that class of our opponents who in the main agree with us in the preceding, are the most seriously questioned, and respecting which less light is afforded by biblical expositors. And yet in our views of these we are sustained by the general views and reasonings of many expositors, and by the direct testimony of the most able writers.HST June 7, 1843, page 111.2
6. The connection between the 2300 days and the seventy weeks. This connection we think plain, and in proving it we are much aided by the learned world. This aid is furnished both directly and indirectly—a few plainly testifying to the fact of the connection—the many affording us one of the most decisive arguments proving it. The argument is based upon the literal meaning of the Hebrew word, which, in our version of Daniel 9:24, is rendered “determined.” That the word means literally, cut off, or cut out, we have the highest authority. This fact, viewed in the light of the circumstances in which Gabriel appeared to Daniel, as stated in the ninth chapter, and the instruction given, must be decisive proof of the connection between the two periods. Daniel had had a vision before this time, reaching to the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary. This he was told would be at the end of 2300 days. At the time Gabriel appeared to him, he was earnestly praying for the restoration of his people, and the cleansing of the sanctuary, having previously ascertained from books that the seventy years of captivity had expired. The angel, having received orders to fly swiftly, appeared to Daniel, and stopped him in the midst of his prayer, and gave him further instruction. He directed him to “understand the matter, and consider the vision.” A reference to that would teach him that the object of his prayer could not then be granted, the end of the 2300 days being far in the future. The angel then assured him that seventy weeks were cut off for his people and city, during which time Jerusalem should be rebuilt, with the walls, and at the end of which an atonement should be made for sin by the death of Messiah; and after that the city and sanctuary should be destroyed, and remain desolate until the consummation or completion of the time, and that which was determined should be poured upon the desolate. Now, as this was evidently an explanation of the vision of the 2300 days, and as the seventy weeks were cut off from, or out of, it; and as the instruction of Gabriel reached beyond the termination of those weeks, to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, and onward, during a long period of desolation, to the consummation or completion; the inference seems irresistible that the seventy weeks are not only a part of the 2300 days, but the first part of them. This being so, the commencement of the two periods must be the same. But I will here allude to authorities for thus rendering the word. It will not be too much for me to say, that this is nearly or quite a settled point among the best scholars. In an old work, entitled, “A six-fold commentary on Daniel,” published in London, A. D. 1608, I observe it is rendered cut out.HST June 7, 1843, page 111.3
Dr. Gill, a distinguished divine and scholar, thus renders the word, and quotes many of the first critics, who agree with him.HST June 7, 1843, page 111.4
Hengstenberg, who, enters into a critical examination of the original text, says,—“But the very use of the word, which does not elsewhere occur, while others, much more frequently used, were at hand, if Daniel had wished to express the idea of determination and of which he has elsewhere, and even in this portion, availed himself; seems to argue, that the word stands, from regard to its original meaning, and represents the seventy weeks in contrast with a determination of time (en platei) as a period cut off from subsequent duration, and accurately limited.” Christology of the Old Test., vol. 2, p. 301 Washington, 1839.HST June 7, 1843, page 111.5
Gesenius, in his Hebrew Lexicon, gives cut off as the definition of the word; and many others of the first standing, as to learning and research. And, besides, several versions have thus rendered the word. 16A Hebrew scholar, of high reputation, makes the following remarks upon the word which is translated “determined,” in our version.—The verb chathak (in the Niphal form, passive nechtak) is found only in Daniel 9:24. Not another instance of its use can be traced in the entire Hebrew Testament. As Chaldaic and Rabbinical usage must give us the true sense of the word; if we are guided by these, it has the single signification of cutting, or cutting off. In the Chaldeo-Rabbinic Dictionary of Stockius, the word “chathak” is thus defined:
“Scidit, abscidit, conscidit, inscidit, excidit”—To cut, to cut away, to cut in pieces, to cut or engrave, to cut off.
Mercerus, in his “Thesaurus,” furnishes a specimen of Rabbinical usage in the phrase chathikah shelbasar—“a piece of flesh,” or “a cut of flesh.” He translates the word as it occurs in Daniel 9:24, by “pracisa est”—was cut off.
In the literal version of Arias Montanus, it is translated “decisa est,”—was cut off; in the marginal reading, which is grammatically correct, it is rendered by the plural “decisae sunt”—were cut off.
In the Latin version of Junius and Tremellius, nechtak is rendered “decisae sunt”—were cut off.
Again, in Theodotion’s Greek version of Daniel, (which is the version used in the Vatican copy of the Septuagint as being the most faithful,) it is rendered by συνετμήθησαν “were cut off,” and in the Venetian copy by τετμήνται “have been cut.” The idea of cutting off is pursued in the Vulgate; where the phrase is “abbreviatae sunt,” have been shortened.
Thus Chaldaic and Rabbinical authority,and that of the earliest version, the Septuagint and Vulgate, give the single signification of cutting off to this verb.” And we might add, that this is admitted to be the true rendering of the word, by our best Hebrew contemporaries, such as Bush and Seixas, though opposed to our views.HST June 7, 1843, page 111.6
We also have the direct testimony of Prof. Bush, the learned Joseph Wolfe, and others of our day, that the seventy weeks are a part, and the first part, of the two thousand three hundred days. Dr. Wilson of Cincinnati, who is the highest authority in the Presbyterian church, in a recent discourse “On cleansing the Sanctuary,” says,—“I undertake to show—that Daniel’s ‘seventy weeks’ is the beginning, or first part of the ‘two thousand three hundred days,’ allotted for the cleansing of the sanctuary: that Daniel’s ‘time, times, and a half’ is the last or concluding part of the two thousand three hundred days.” This may be deemed sufficient on this point.HST June 7, 1843, page 111.7
7. The rise of the little horn of Daniel seventh. We believe that Papacy, symbolized by the little horn, rose by virtue of the decree of Justinian, and not that of Phocas, or any other ruler, or power. This decree, though issued A. D. 533, did not, as we conceive, go into full effect until 538, when the enemies of the Catholics in Rome were subjugated by Belisarius, a general of Justinian. In this view, as to the rise of Papacy, we are sustained; by Croly, (see his work on Apoc., pp. 113—117;) G. T. Noel, (see Prospects of Ch., p. 100;) Wm. Cunninghame, Esq. (Pol. Destiny of the Earth, p. 28;) Keith, Vol 1, p. 93; Encyclopedia of Rel. Knowl., art Antichrist; Edward King, Esq., and others.HST June 7, 1843, page 111.8
It is thus we are sustained, in the views we cherish, by the plain teaching of the prophetic pages, and by the highest authorities of the religious world. In all the points that are disputed, we have the sure word of prophecy to guide us, and the best of human authority to sustain us. This fact will put to blush the accuser, who charges us with holding novel, fanatical, and heretical views. Let him thus charge the high authorities quoted above—men of the most distinguished talent and extensive learning, the brightest ornaments of the church, and the best standard expositors. With them, in the path of truth, we feel we shall not suffer.HST June 7, 1843, page 111.9
In the light of what has been shown, to what conclusion are we necessarily brought? If we are right in the points considered, the conclusion is not to be resisted that the end is at hand. If we are not mistaken as to the extent of the prophetic field, the length of prophetic time, and the dates from which to reckon such time, all must concede that the present period is that which is to witness the grand termination of all earthly things. And the Christian world assure us, that, in the main points, we cannot be mistaken. As to particular dates, we have such high authority, such light from the prophetic pages, such confirmation from the events of Providence and the characteristics of the present times, as to give foundation and strength to our faith. We must, in all honesty, believe, in view of the accumulating evidences around us, and the prophetic declarations before us, that the reign of Christ, long looked for and desired, is near at hand.HST June 7, 1843, page 111.10
Letter from Brother T. Cole
Dear Brother:—As we are often asked by the unbelievers in the Advent this year, what we shall do if our Lord does not come in 1843, I wish to write a few thoughts of my own (and I think they are facts) in answer to this question, which implies a number more. 1. Shall we burn our bibles? No. Why, we believe all that part of the bible that our opponents do, and this heart cheering truth which we now think the bible teaches, of our Lord’s return this year, in addition to what they believe; so that if he should not come as we expect, we shall have as much faith in the word of the Lord as they now have. Why therefore burn our bibles? According to their own arguments they should burn theirs now, especially those who say we should destroy them after 1843. 2. Shall we turn Infidels? No. We know that the words of the holy Prophets, the Savior and his Apostles, have been literally fulfilled, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred; and if we should happen to be mistaken in the one hundreth, we have no idea of rejecting their testimony in the ninety-nine, We have only to acknowledge our mistake in one point.HST June 7, 1843, page 112.1
3. Will you not give up the Advent? No. We shall do just as a good mariner would in making a voyage across the Atlantic. He very carfully keeps his reckoning untill he thinks he is within twenty-five leagues of the American coast, and thus informs his crew; but having sailed twenty-five leagues, he does not discover land; what will he do? His reckoning is out, and no sounding, nor land yet: will he put back for Europe, and say that America is sunk, or that there is no such land as America? or will he keep a continual lookout for land, expecting every moment to hear the watch cry, land ho! land ho! He of course steers for the American coast, continually looking for land. So every consistent believer in the coming of the Lord this year, if when his reckoning is out (as it will be when the Jewish year is past) and he does not see the promised land, he will be looking every day expecting his Lord; he will have no idea of putting back for a spiritual millennium, or the carnal Jews’ return. He knows they have no foundation in the word of God. We shall look till he comes. 4. Will you not have to make a humble confession for the injury done the public? We have yet to learn that the preaching of it has been an injury to its believers in any one case. We can point you to thousands on thousands, who have been awakened by it, and are now rejoicing in the Lord, in the blessed hope of soon seeing him. But if the opponents of the Advent have injured themselves by the course they have taken, they must see to that, and not lay it to our charge. For one, my brethren, I fully believe that my Lord is at the door; and in believing this with other glorious truths, I have peace like a river, continually flowing into my soul; and my peaceful soul says, come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Even so. Amen.HST June 7, 1843, page 112.2
Lowell, May 23, 1843.HST June 7, 1843, page 112.3
Letter from the South
Dear Brother Himes:—Something upwards of four years I have been endeavoring to preach the Lord Jesus to perishing sinners in connection with the Baptist church of Christ in Charlotte, and must confess that I was, through the influence of modern expositors, in many things led into error, though on the one hand delivered from many. Some years ago I read the revelation of St. John, with the comments of Dr. Gill, and was convinced that it was not so dark and mysterious a thing as was generally thought. I was also led to believe in the premillennial coming of Christ, and hoped to live to witness the joyful sight; but my mind was dark concerning some of the important events connected with the same. Since I have had the pleasure of reading your paper, with some few lectures of brother Miller, I am. astonished at my ignorance of the word of God, and the darkness of mind of the would be great men; truly, my brother, the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God; and how easily does his truth, when understood, bring into contempt their fine spun yarns, and unscriptural dogmas, that they have been palming upon the church and world. Had they appropriated the vast amount of funds that have been expended, in the dissemination of truth, what a blessing might have been received by the church. I feel chagrined when I think of the views that I have taught, and the applications that I have made of many texts altogether foreign from their true meaning; and of this I have been convinced by the “Signs of the Times.” I bless God that I live to counteract, by my present preaching, the influence that my errors may have had, and am determined by the help of God to declare the truth as it is in Jesus, concerning his second coming. I can scarcely get hold of a text of scripture that I cannot see in it something relating to the subject; but I regret that I am not more alive to the subject. I perceive in one of the April numbers of the Times, 1842, an answer to a request of brother James Thomas for a lecturer in the south. My brother, I renew it; why cannot some warm hearted brethren come to us with the word of life? Are we to be left in the midst of darkness to perish? Is the south to be neglected? are the hundreds of our population to die in ignorance, while the north is supplied? I was going to say, to overflowing? Is there not benevolence enough in the hearts of God’s children at the north to come over and help us? The people are ignorant on the subject, but let me assure you that there has not been one person with whom I have had serious conversation on the subject; but what are more or less convinced of its truth, and are anxious to hear. There are but very few that take your paper; most all are opposed, but there are a few names yet that love the truth. Brethren, come to us; our doors, our hands, our hearts are all open to receive, and I trust that God will bless you. Many brethren are laying aside their opposition, and are investigating the subject; and I find in every community where I preach Christ’s speedy coming, there are some willing to receive the truth. But we want some able lecturers on the subject, to give the doctrine a candid hearing. Books are sought after, but the few that are willing are not able to furnish them. I regret much to hear of the illness of our venerable brother Miller; may the Lord preserve him from death, and give him abundant entrance into the kingdom of God. Believe me to be yours, in hopes of the speedy coming of our Lord.HST June 7, 1843, page 112.4
J. Pritchard.
Charlotte, N. C. Mecklenburg Co. May 16th. 1843.
June 14, 1843.HST June 7, 1843, page 112.5
The friends of the good cause in this vicinity have decided to hold a Second Advent Campmeeting (if time continues) on the West Hill, in Chelsea, Orange co. Vt. in a beautiful grove near the Union Meeting House, to commence on Wednesday, June 14th, at 10 o’clock A M. We hope our Second Advent friends, all through the region, will come up to the solemn feast, with their tents prepared to stay 8 or 10 days, as Providence may direct. Let there be a general rallying. L. KIMBALL,HST June 7, 1843, page 112.6
In behalf of the Committee.HST June 7, 1843, page 112.7
Providence permitting, will commence at West Boylston, near Beman’s Bridge, 7 miles north of Worcester, on Saturday, June 17th, to continue several days. In behalf of the committee,HST June 7, 1843, page 112.8
Died at Townsend, Vt. on Monday, Feb.27, Peter Allen, aged 59, after an illness of 18 days. He had been long afflicted with a disease of the lungs and throat. Sometime ago his attention was directed to the great subject of the immediate coming of our Lord and Savior, and he became impressed with the truth of the doctrine of the Second Advent nigh. Br. Allen was one of whom it might be emphatically said, ‘I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. From his youth he had been set as a mark for the arrow. Although his cup was mingled with the draughts of severe affliction, yet he was distinguished by rich expressions of divine deliverance and favor. When asked if he was afraid to die, he said, ‘O no—no more than I am to go to sleep. I put my trust in God. I am filled with God—though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.’ With a benignant smile, and with that peace which passeth all understanding, he fell asleep, and one more was added to that great multitude which no man could number, who had come out of great tribulation, and had washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.HST June 7, 1843, page 112.9
from post-masters, to June 3rd, 1843
Louisville, S C $1; Portsmouth N H, Hartford N Y $1; Three Rivers Mass; Brewer Me $1; Falmouth Mass $1 for Mid. Cry; Hillsboro’ N H $1 N Bedford Mass; E Sheldon Vt; Racine WT; Michigan City Ind $1; Concord N H; Compton C East, paper stopped, 18 3-4 cts postage; Northfield Ct; Plymouth Me; Feltonville Ms $1; Ashfield Mass; Mechanicsville NY; Groton NH; Littleton Mass; Stafford Springs Ct; Three Rivers Mass; Hartford Ct; Woodbury Ct; Lincolnville Me; S Bradford N H $1; Ware Ms $1; E Washington NH $1, 5 cops. now to be paid for; Fishkill N Y; Charlotte N C; Strafford Cor. NR; Colchester Ct $2; E Harwich Ms; Deerfield, NH $1; Jamaica Vt $1; Calais Vt $1; Brooklyn Ct; Cambridge Me $2; Derby Vt; Corners Vt $1; Providence R I; Fairhaven, Mass; Oakland Ct 50 cts; Dixfield Me; Utica N Y; Sharon Vt $1; M Haddam Ct $2; Sharon Vt; No. Scituate Ms; Comn. Burrillville R I; S Windham Ct $1; Brocket’s Briah; Claremont N H; Hopkinton, N H; Derby Line Vt; Weybridge Vt; Albany N Y; Prospect Ct; N Vassalboro’ Ms $1; New Market N H; Benson Vt; So. N Durham, N H $1; Ashburnham Ms; Burrillville R I $1; Salom Ct $1; Sq Pond Ct $1; N Y Mills, N Y $2; New Castle Me; Cornishville Me.HST June 7, 1843, page 112.10
J W Mardin; G N Gale $2, one dollar now due for vol 5; W B Start $25; W S Miller $2; S Law; D W Gould; C Green $25, $64 7th April, $37 20 now due; Rev. J A Begg, Scotland; E Batchelder $1; J Bates bundle; Polly Allen; D H Hamilton, T L Tullock; W S Miller; S Foster jr.; F B Evans; Martha Bachellor; A C White $4,37; T L Tullock; T Cole; L D Fleming; Wm Ludlow; Moses Polly; T Huntington, money rec’d, all right; L Kimball; J Pierson, papers always sent regularly; S R Sowden 25 cts postage to stop her paper; G S Miles $10; S W Rhodes, $1 for E Waters; A M Freeman; Mary Dutton 2 dols; J Marsh; S C Chandler; E Hutchins; J P Jewett 1 dol; V H Randall; P H Pritchard, J Weston, S Hawley Jr, A Chapin, W P Stratton, $1, T Allen, J M Phillips $4, J Parker, $1, B Irish, A Clapp $5, books sent, R T Hancock $1, A Chapin, N Herney, J P Jowett, H C, Charlemont Ms, J March, W Mason, T L Tullock, W H Peyton, L Tripp, W S Miller $2 and 2 previous, L M Brown, 1, J G Russell 1, C Boardman, R T Hancock 1.HST June 7, 1843, page 112.11
Bundles Sent
S M McCorless, Springfield Miss; 36 Park Row NY; D H Hamilton, Wales, Me; W B Start, Camden Me; A C White, Yarmouth N S—Philo Hawks, Chicopee, Ms—M Kimball, E Bethel, Vt—3 Boxes H B Pratt, Cincinnati, Ohio.HST June 7, 1843, page 112.12
36 Park Row, N Y; Box H B Davis, N Bedford Ms; Lewis Boutell, Groton, Ms; A C Clapp, Hartford Ct; J Goff, Three Rivers, Ms; E L H Chamberlain, Middletown Ct; 36 Park Row, N Y; T Alen, 40 Arcade, Phila.HST June 7, 1843, page 112.13