Vol. V.—No. 21. Boston, Whole No. 117
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July 26, 1843
Vol. V.—No. 21. Boston, Whole No. 117
Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.HST July 26, 1843, page 161.1
J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors
I. The word of God teaches that this earth is to be regenerated, in the restitution of all things, restored to its Eden state as it came from the hand of its Maker before the fall, and is to be the eternal abode of the righteous in their resurrection state.HST July 26, 1843, page 161.2
II The only Millenium found in the word of God is the eternal state of the righteous in the New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.HST July 26, 1843, page 161.3
III. The only restoration of Israel yet future, is the restoration of the saints to the New Earth, when the Lord my God shall come, and all his saints with him.HST July 26, 1843, page 161.4
IV. The signs which were to precede the coming of our Savior, have all been given; and the prophecies, have all been fulfilled but those which relate to the coming of Christ, the end of this world, and the restitution of all things. AndHST July 26, 1843, page 161.5
V. There are none of the prophetic periods, as we understand them, that extend beyond the year 1843.HST July 26, 1843, page 161.6
The above we shall ever maintain as the immutable truths of the word of God, and therefore till our Lord come we shall ever look for his return as the next event in historical prophecy.HST July 26, 1843, page 161.7
The Celestial Railroad
The following interesting article first appeared in the Democratic Review. We publish it on account of the rich stores of instruction it contains, and the moral it teaches. It admirably illustrates the progress made in popular religion since the days of John Bunyan, and shows the improvements made by the Transcendentalists and Neologists, to be found in our modern popular churches. We commend it to those among the sects who are the most bitter against the coming of Christ, as a looking glass in which themselves are strikingly reflected. It is just such an article as John Bunyan would write were he now alive.HST July 26, 1843, page 161.8
Not a great while ago, passing through the gate of dreams, I visited that region of the earth in which lies the famous city of Destruction. It interested me much to learn that, by the public spirit of some of the inhabitants, a railroad has recently been established between this populous and flourishing town and the Celestial City. Having a little time upon my hands, I resolved to gratify a liberal curiosity by making a trip thither. Accordingly, one fine morning, after paying my bill at the hotel, and directing the porter to stow my luggage behind a coach, I took my seat in the vehicle and set out for the station house. It was my good fortune to enjoy the company of a gentleman—one Mr. Smooth-it-away—who, though he had never actually visited the Celestial City, yet seemed as well acquainted with its laws, customs, policy, and statistics, as with those of the City of Destruction, of which he was a native townsman. Being, moreover, a director of the railroad corporation, and one of its largest stockholders, he had it in his power to give me all desirable information respecting that praiseworthy enterprise.HST July 26, 1843, page 161.9
Our coach rattled out of the city, and at a short distance from its outskirts passed over a bridge of elegant construction, but somewhat too slight, as I imagined, to sustain any considerable weight. On both sides lay an extensive quagmire, which could not have been more disagreeable, either to sight or smell, had all the kennels of the earth emptied their pollution there.HST July 26, 1843, page 161.10
“This” remarked Mr. Smoot-it-away, “is the famous Slough of Despond—a disgrace to all the neighborhood; and the greater that it might so easily be converted into firm ground.”HST July 26, 1843, page 161.11
“I have understood,” said I, “that efforts have been made for that purpose from time immemorial.”HST July 26, 1843, page 161.12
“Very probably—and what effect could be anticipated from such unsubstantial stuff?” cried Mr. Smooth-it-away. “You observe this convenient bridge. We obtained a sufficient foundation for it by throwing into the Slough some editions of books of morality, volumes of French philosophy and German rationalism, tracts, sermons, and essays of modern clergymen, extracts from Plato, Confucius, and various Hindoo sages, together with a few ingenious commentaries upon texts of Scripture; all of which, by some scientific: process, have been converted into a mass like granite. The whole bog might be filled up with similar matter.”HST July 26, 1843, page 161.13
It really seemed to me, however, that the bridge vibrated and heaved up and down in a very formidable manner; and spite of Mr. Smooth-it-away’s testimony to the solidity of its foundation, I should be loth to cross it in a crowded omnibus, especially if each passenger were incumbered with as heavy luggage as that gentleman and myself. Nevertheless, we got over without accident, and soon found ourselves at the Station house. This very neat and spacious edifice is erected on the site of the little Wicket gate, which formerly, as all old pilgrims will recollect, stood directly across the highway, and by its inconvenient narrowness, was a great obstruction to the traveller of liberal mind and expansive stomach.HST July 26, 1843, page 161.14
A large number of passengers were already at the Station house, awaiting the departure of; the cars. By the aspect and demeanor of the persons, it was easy to judge that the feelings of the community had undergone a very favorable change, in reference to the celestial pilgrimage. It would have done Bunyan’s heart good to see it. Instead of a lonely and ragged man with a huge burthen on his back, plodding along sorrowfully on foot while the whole city hooted after him, here were parties of the first gentry and most respectable people in the neighborhood setting forth toward the Celestial City as cheerfully as if the pilgrimage were merely a summer tour. Among the gentlemen were characters of deserved eminence, magistrates, politicians, and men of wealth, by whose example religion could not but be greatly recommended to their meaner brethren. In the ladies’ apartment, too, I rejoiced to distinguish some of those flowers of fashionable society, who are so well fitted to adorn the most elevated circles of the Celestial City. There was much pleasant conversation about the news of the day, topics of business, politics, or the lighter matters of amusement; while religion, though indubitably the main thing at heart, was thrown tastefully into the back-ground. Even an infidel would have heard little or nothing to shock his sensibility.HST July 26, 1843, page 161.15
One great convenience of the new method of going on pilgrimage I must not forget to mention. Our enormous burthens, instead of being carried on our shoulders as had been the custom of old, were all snugly deposited in the baggage car, and as I was assured, would be delivered to their respective owners at the journey’s end. Another thing, likewise, the benevolent reader will be delighted to understand. It may be remembered that there was an ancient feud between Prince Beelzebub and the keeper of the Wicket Gate, and that the adherents of the former distinguished personage were accustomed to shoot deadly arrows at honest pilgrims while knocking at the door.—This dispute, much to the credit, as well of the illustrious potentate above mentioned, as of the worthy and enlightened directors of the railroad, has been pacifically arranged on the principle of mutual compromise. The Prince’s subjects are now pretty numerously employed about the Station house, some in taking care of the baggage, others in collecting fuel, feeding the engines, and such congenial occupations; and I can conscientiously affirm that persons more attentive to their business, more willing to accommodate, or more generally agreeable to the passengers, are not to be found on any railroad. Every good heart must surely exult at so satisfactory an arrangement of an immemorial difficulty.HST July 26, 1843, page 161.16
“Where is Mr. Great-heart?” inquired I.—“Beyond a doubt the directors have engaged that famous old champion to be chief conductor on the rail-road?”HST July 26, 1843, page 161.17
“Why, no;” said Mr Smooth-it-away, with a dry cough. He was offered the situation of brakeman; but to tell you the truth, our friend Great-heart has grown preposterously stiff and narrow in his old age. He has so often guided pilgrims over the road on foot that he considers it a sin to travel in any other fashion. Besides, the old fellow had entered so heartily into the ancient feud with Prince Beelzebub that he would have been perpetually at blows, or ill language with some of the Prince’s subjects, and thus have embroiled us anew. So, on the whole, we were not sorry when honest Great-heart went off to the Celestial City in a huff, and left us at liberty to choose a more suitable and accommodating man. Yonder comes the conductor of the train. You will probably recognize him at once.”HST July 26, 1843, page 161.18
The engine at this moment took its station in advance of the cars, looking, I must confess, much more like a sort of mechanical demon, that would hurry us to the infernal regions, than a laudable contrivance for smoothing our way to the Celestial City. On its top sat a personage almost enveloped in smoke and flame, which—(not to startle the reader)—appeared to gush from his own mouth and stomach as well as from the engine’s brazen abdomen.HST July 26, 1843, page 162.1
“Do my eyes deceive me?” cried I. “What on earth is this? A living creature? If so, he is own brother to the engine he rides upon,“HST July 26, 1843, page 162.2
“Poh, poh, you are obtuse,” said Mr. Smooth-it-away, with a hearty laugh. “Don’t you know Apollyon, Christian’s old enemy, with whom he fought so fierce a battle in the Valley of Humiliation? He was the very fellow to manage the engine, and so we have reconciled him to the custom of going on pilgrimage, and engaged him as chief conductor.”HST July 26, 1843, page 162.3
“Bravo—bravo!” exclaimed I, with irrepressible enthusiasm. “This shows the liberality of the age. This proves, if any thing can, that all musty prejudices are in a fair way to be obliterated. And how will Christian rejoice to hear of this happy transformation of his old antagonist. I promise myself great pleasure in informing him of it when we reach the Celestial City.”HST July 26, 1843, page 162.4
The passengers being all comfortably seated, we now rattled away merrily, accomplishing a greater distance in ten minutes than Christian probably trudged over in a day. It was laughable while we glanced along, as it were, at the tail of a thunderbolt, to observe two dusty foot-travellers in the old pilgrim guise, with cockle shell and staff, and their mystic rolls of parchment in their hands, and their intolerable burthens on their backs. The preposterous obstinancy of these honest people in persisting to groan and stumble along the difficult pathway, rather than take advantage of modern improvements, excited great mirth among our wiser brotherhood. We greeted the two pilgrims with many pleasant gibes and a roar of laughter; whereupon they gazed at us with such woful and absurdly compassionate visages, that our merriment grew ten-fold more obstreperous. Apollyon, also, entered heartily into the fun, and contrived to flirt the smoke and flame of the engine, or of his own breath, into their faces, and envelope them in an atmosphere of scalding steam. These little practical jokes amused us mightily, and doubtless afforded the pilgrims the gratification of considering themselves martyrs.HST July 26, 1843, page 162.5
At some distance from the railroad, Mr. Smooth-it-away pointed to a large, antique edifice, which he observed was a tavern of long standing, and had formerly been a noted stopping place for pilgrims. In Bunyan’s road-book it is mentioned as the Interpreter’s House.HST July 26, 1843, page 162.6
“I have long had a curiosity to visit that old mansion,” remarked I.HST July 26, 1843, page 162.7
“It is not one of our stations, as you perceive,” said my companion, “The keeper was violently opposed to the railroad; and well he might be, as the track left his house of entertainment on one side, and thus was pretty certain to deprive him of all his reputable customers. But the foot-path still passes his door, and the old gentleman now and then receives a call from some simple traveller, and entertains him with fare as old fashioned as himself.”HST July 26, 1843, page 162.8
Before our talk on this subject came to a conclusion, we were rushing by the place where Christian’s burthen fell from his shoulders, at the sight of the cross. This served as a theme for Mr. Smooth-it-away, Mr. Live-for-the-world, Mr. Hide-sin-in-the-heart, and Mr, Scaly-conscience, and a knot of gentlemen from the town of Shun-repentance, to descant upon the inestimable advantages resulting from the safety of our baggage. Myself, and all the passengers indeed, joined with great unanimity in this view of the matter; for our burthens were rich in many things esteemed precious throughout the world; and especially, we each of us possessed a great variety of favorite habits, which we trusted would not be out of fashion, even in the polite circles of the Celestial City. It would have been a sad spectacle to see such an assortment of valuable articles tumbling into the sepulchre. Thus pleasantly conversing on the favorable circumstances of our position as compared with those of past pilgrims, and of narrow-minded ones at the present day, we soon found ourselves at the foot of the Hill Difficulty. Through the very heart of this rocky mountain a tunnel has been constructed of most admirable architecture, with a lofty arch and a spacious double track; so that unless the earth and rocks should chance to crumble down, it will remain an eternal monument of the builder’s skill and enterprise. It is a great though incidental advantage that the materials from the heart of Hill Difficulty have been employed in filliing up the Valley of Humilation; thus obviating the necessity of descending into that disagreeable and unwholesome hollow.HST July 26, 1843, page 162.9
“This is a wonderful improvement, indeed,” said I. “Yet I should have been glad of an opportunity to visit the Palace Beautiful, and be introduced to the charming young ladies—Miss Prudence, Miss Piety, Miss Charity, and the rest—who have had the kindness to entertain pilgrims there.”HST July 26, 1843, page 162.10
“Young Ladies,” cried Mr. Smooth-it-away, as soon as he could speak for laughing. “And charming young ladies! Why my dear fellow, they are old maids, every soul of them—prim, starched, dry and angular—and not one of them, I will venture to say, has altered so much as the fashion of her gown, since the days of Christian’s pilgrimage.”HST July 26, 1843, page 162.11
“Ah, well,” said I, much comforted, “then I can very well dispense with their acquaintance.”HST July 26, 1843, page 162.12
The respectable Apollyon was now putting on the steam at a prodigious rate, anxious perhaps to get rid of the unpleasant reminiscences connected with the spot where he had so disastrously encountered Christian. Consulting Mr. Bunyan’s road-book, I perceived that we must now be within a few miles of the Valley of the Shadow of Death, into which doleful region, at our present speed, we should plunge much sooner than seemed at all desirable. In truth, I expected nothing better than to find myself in the ditch on one side, or the quag on the other. But, on communicating my apprehensions to Mr. Smooth-it-away, he assured me that the difficulties of this passage, even in its worst condition, had been vastly exaggerated, and that, in its present state of improvement, I might consider myself as safe as on any railroad in Christendom.HST July 26, 1843, page 162.13
Even while we were speaking, the train shot into the entrance of this dreaded valley.—Though I plead guilty to some foolish palpitations of the heart during our headlong rush over the causeway here constructed, yet it were unjust to withhold the highest encomiums on the boldness of its original conception, and the ingenuity of those who executed it. It was gratifying, likewise, to observe how much care had been taken to dispel the everlasting gloom and supply the defect of cheerful sunshine, not a ray of which has ever penetrated these awful shadows. For this purpose, the inflammable gas, which exudes plentifully from the soil, is collected by means of pipes, and thence communicated to a quadruple row of lamps along the whole extent of the passage. Thus a radiance has been created, even out of the fiery and sulphurous curse that rests forever upon the valley; a radiance hurtful, however, to the eyes, and somewhat bewildering, as I discovered by the changes which it wrought in the visages of my companions. In this respect, as compared with natural daylight, there is the same difference as between truth and falsehood; but if the reader has ever travelled through the dark valley, he will have learned to be thankful for any light that he could get; if not from the sky above, then from the blasted soil beneath. Such was the red brilliancy of these lamps that they appeared to build walls of fire on both sides of the track, between which we held our course at lightning speed, while a reverberating thunder filled the valley with its echoes. Had the engine run off the track, (a catastrophe, it is whispered, by no means unprecedented,) the bottomless pit, if there be any such place, would undonbtedly have received us. Just as some dismal fooleries of this kind had made my heart quake, there came a tremendous shriek careering along the valley, as if a thousand devils had burst their lungs to utter it, but which proved to be merely the whistle of the engine on arriving at a stopping place.HST July 26, 1843, page 162.14
The spot where we had now paused is the same that our friend Bunyan—a truthful man, but infected with many fantastic notions—has designated, in terms plainer than I like to repeat, as the mouth of the infernal region. This, however, must be a mistake, inasmuch as Mr. Smooth-it-away, while we remained in the smoky and lurid cavern, took occasion to prove that Tophet has not even a metaphorical existence. The place, he assued us, is no other than the crater of a half extinct volcano, in which the directors had caused forges to be set up for the manufacture of railroad iron. Hence also is obtained a plentiful supply of fuel for the use of the engines. Whoever had gazed into the dismal obscurity of the broad cavern mouth, whence, ever and anon, darted huge tongues of dusky flame, and had seen the strange, half shaped monsters, and visions of faces horribly grotesque into which the smoke seemed to wreath itself, and had heard the awful murmers, and shrieks, and deep shuddering whispers of the blast, sometimes forming itself into words almost articulate—would have seized upon Mr. Smooth-it-away’s comfortable explanation as greedily as we did. The inhabitants of the cavern,, moreover, were unlovely personages, dark, smoke-be-grimed, generally deformed, with mis-shapen feet, and a glow of dusky redness in their eyes, as if their hearts had caught fire, and were blazing out of the upper windows. It struck me as a peculiarity that the laborers at the forge and those who brought fuel to the engine, when they began to draw short breath, positively emitted smoke from their mouth and nostrils.HST July 26, 1843, page 162.15
Among the idlers about the train, most of whom were puffing cigars which they had lighted at the flame of the crater, I was perplexed to notice several who, to my certain knowledge, had heretofore set forth by railroad for the Celestial City. They looked dark, wild, and smoky, with a singular resemblance, indeed, to the native inhabitants, like whom, also, they had a disagreeable propensity to ill-natured gibes and sneers, the habit of which had wrought a settled contortion on their visages. Having been on speaking terms with one of them—an indolent, good-for-nothing fellow, who went by the name of Take-it-easy—I called to him, and inquired what was his business there.HST July 26, 1843, page 163.1
“Did you not start,” said I, “for the Celestial City?”HST July 26, 1843, page 163.2
“That’s a fact,” said Mr. Take-it-easy, carelessly puffing some smoke into my eyes.—“But I heard such bad accounts that I never took pains to climb the hill on which the city stands. No business doing, no fun going on, nothing to drink and no smoking allowed, and a thrumming of church music from morning till night. I would not stay in such a place, if they offered me house-room and living free,“HST July 26, 1843, page 163.3
“But, my good Mr. Take-it-easy,” cried I, “why take up your residence here, of all places in the world?”HST July 26, 1843, page 163.4
“Oh,” said the loafer with a grin, “it is very warm hereabouts, and I meet with plenty of old acquaintances, and altogether the place suits me. I hope to see you back again, some day soon. A pleasant journey to you.”HST July 26, 1843, page 163.5
While he was speaking, the bell of the engine rang, and we dashed away after dropping a few passengers, but receiving no new ones. Rattling onward through the valley, we were dazzled with the fiercely gleaming gas lamps, as before; but sometimes, in the dark, of intense brightness, grim faces, that bore the aspect and expression of individual sins or evil passions, seemed to thrust themselves through the veil of light, glaring upon us, and stretching forth a great dusky hand, as if to impede our progress. I almost thought that they were my own sins that appalled me there. These were freaks of imagination—nothing more,—mere delusions, which I ought to be heartily ashamed of; but all through the dark Valley, I was tormented, and pestered, and dolefully bewildered with the same kind of waking dreams. The mephitic gases of that region intoxicate the brain. As the light of the natural day however began to struggle with the glow of the lanterns, these vain imaginations lost their vividness, and finally vanished with the first ray of sunshine that greeted our escape from the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Ere we had gone a mile beyond it, I could well nigh have taken my oath that this whole gloomy passage was a dream.HST July 26, 1843, page 163.6
At the end of the valley, as John Bunyan mentions, is a cavern, where, in his days, dwelt two cruel giants, Pope and Pagan, who had strewn the ground about their residence with the bones of slaughtered pilgrims. These vile old trogolytes are no longer there; but into their deserted cave another terrible giant has thrust himself, and makes it his business to seize upon honest travellers, and fat them for his table with plentiful meals of smoke, mist, moonshine, raw potatoes, and saw-dust. He is a German by birth, and is called Giant Transcendentalist; but as to his form, his features, his substance, and his nature generally, it is the chief peculiarity of this huge miscreant, that neither he for himself, nor anybody for him, has ever been able to describe them. As we rushed by the cavern’s mouth, we caught a hasty glimpse of him, loooking somewhat like an ill-proprotioned figure, but considerably more like a heap of fog and duskiness. He shouted after us, but in so strange a phraseology, that we knew not what he meant, nor whether to be encouraged or affrighted.HST July 26, 1843, page 163.7
It was late in the day, when the train thundered into the ancient city of Vanity, where Vanity Fair is still at the height of prosperity, and exhibits an epitome of whatever is brilliant, gay, and fascinating, beneath the sun. As I purposed to make a considerable stay here, it gratified me to learn that there is no longer the want of harmony between the townspeople and pilgrims, which impelled the former to such lamentable mistaken measures as the persecution of Christian, and the fiery martyrdom of Faithful. On the contrary, as the new railroad brings with it great trade and a constant influx of strangers, the lord of Vanity Fair is its chief patron, and the captalists of the city are among the largest stockholders. Many passengers stop to take their pleasure or make their profit in the Fair, instead of going onward to the Celestial City. Indeed, such are the charms of the place, that the people often affirm it to be the true and only heaven; stoutly contending that there is no other, that those who seek further are mere dreamers, and that, if the fabled brightness of the Celestial City lay but a bare mile beyond the gates of Vanity, they would not be fools enough to go thither. Without subscribing to these, perhaps, exaggerated encomiums, I can truly say, that my abode in the city was mainly agreeable, and my intercourse with the inhabitants productive of much amusement and instruction.HST July 26, 1843, page 163.8
Being naturally of a serious turn, my attention was directed to the solid advantages derivable from a residence here, rather than to the effervescent pleasures, which are the grand object with too many visitants. The Christian reader, if he have had no accounts of the city later than Bunyan’s time, will be surprised to hear that almost every street has its church and that the reverend clergy are nowhere held in higher respect than at Vanity Fair. And well do they deserve such honorable estimation; for the maxims of wisdom and virtue which fall from their lips, come from as deep a spiritual source, and tend to as lofty a religious aim, as those of the sagest philosophers of old. In justification of this high praise, I need only mention the names of the Rev. Mr. Shallow-deep; the Rev. Mr. Stumble-at-Truth; that fine old clerical character, the Rev. Mr. This-to-day, who expects shortly to resign his pulpit to the Rev Mr. That-to-morrow; together with the Rev. Mr. Bewilderment, the Rev. Mr. Clog-the-spirit; and, last and greatest, the Rev. Dr. Wind-of-doctrme. The labors of these eminent divines are aided by those of innumerable lecturers, who diffuse such a various profundity, in all subjects of human nature or celestial science, that any man may acquire an omnigenious erudition, without the trouble of even learning to read. Thus literature is etherealized by assuming for its medium the human voice; and knowledge depositing all its heavier particles—except, doubtless, its gold—becomes exhaled into a sound, which forthwith steals into the everopen ear of the community. These ingenious methods constitute a sort of machinery, by which thought and study are done to every person’s hand, without his putting himself to the slightest inconvenience in the matter. There is another species of machine for the wholesale manufacture of individual morality. This excellent result is effected by societies for all manner of virtuous purposes: with which a man has merely to connect himself, throwing, as it were, his quota of virtue into the common stock; and the president and directors will take care that the aggregate amount be well applied. All these, and other wonderful improvements in ethics, religion, and literature, being made to my comprehension by the ingenious Mr. Smooth-it-away, inspired me with a vast admiration of Vanity Fair.HST July 26, 1843, page 163.9
It would fill a volume, in an age of pamphlets, were I to record all my observations in this great capital of human business and pleasure. There was an unlimited range of society—the powerful, the wise, the witty, and the famous in every walk of life—princes, presidents, poets, generals, artists, actors, and philanthropists, all making their own market at the Fair, and deeming no price too exhorbitant for such commodities as hit their fancy. It is well worth one’s while, even if he had no idea of buying or selling, to loiter through the Bazaars, and observe the various sorts of traffic that were going forward.HST July 26, 1843, page 163.10
Some of the purchasers, I thought, make very foolish bargains. For instance, a young man, having inherited a splendid fortune, laid out a considerable portion of it in the purchase of diseases, and finally spent all the rest for a heavy lot of repentance and a suit of rags.—There was a sort of stock or scrip, called Conscience, which seemed to be in great demand, and would purchase almost any thing. Indeed few rich commodities were to be obtained without paying a heavy sum in this particular stock, as a man’s business was seldom very lucrative, unless he knew precisely when and how to throw his hoard of Conscience into the market. Yet, as this stock was the only thing of permanent value, whoever parted with it was sure to find himself a loser in the long run.—Thousands sold their happiness for a whim.HST July 26, 1843, page 163.11
Gilded chains were in great demand, and purchased with almost any sacrifice. In truth, those who desired, according to the old adage, to sell anything valuable for a song, might find customers all over the Fair; and there were innumerable messes of pottage, piping hot, for such as chose to buy them with their birthrights. A few articles, however, could not be found genuine at Vanity Fair. If a customer wished to renew his stock of youth, the dealers offered him a set of false teeth and an auburn wig; if he demanded peace of mind, they recommended opium, or a brandy-bottle.HST July 26, 1843, page 163.12
Tracts of land and golden mansions, situate in the Celestial City, were often exchanged, at very disadvantageous rates, for a few years lease of small, dismal, inconvenient tenements in Vanity Fair.HST July 26, 1843, page 163.13
Day after day, as I walked the streets of Vanity, my manners and deportment became more and more like those of the inhabitants.- The place began to seem like home; the idea of pursuing my travels to the Celestial City was almost obliterated from my mind. I was reminded of it, however, by the sight of the same pair of simple pilgrims at whom we had laughed so heartily, when Apollyon puffed smoke and steam into their faces, at the commencement of our journey. There they stood amid the densest bustle of Vanity—the dealers offering them their purple, and fine linen, and jewels; the men of wit and humor gibeing at them; a pair of buxom ladies ogling them askance; while the benevolent Mr. Smooth-it-away whispered some of his wisdom at their elbows, and pointed to a newly-erected temple,—but there were these worthy simpletons, making the scene look wild and monstrous, merely by their sturdy repudiation of all part in its business or pleasures.HST July 26, 1843, page 163.14
One of them—his name was Stick-to-the-right—perceived in my face, I suppose, a species of sympathy and almost admiration, which to my own great surprise, I could not help feeling for this pragmatic couple. It prompted him to address me.HST July 26, 1843, page 164.1
“Sir,” inquired he, with a sad, yet mild and kindly voice, “do you call yourself a pilgrim?”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.2
“Yes,” I replied, “my right to that appellation is indubitable. I am merely a sojourner here in Vanity Fair, being bound to the Celestial City by the new railroad.”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.3
“Alas, friend,” rejoined Mr. Stick-to-the-right, “I do assure you, and beseech you to receive the truth of my words, that that whole concern is a bubble. You may travel on it all your life time were you to live thousands of years, and yet never get beyond the limits of Vanity Fair! Yea; though you should deem yourself entering the gates of the Blessed City, it will be nothing but a miserable delusion.”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.4
“The Lord of the Celestial City,” began the other pilgrim, whose name was Mr. Go-the-old-way, “has refused, and will ever refuse, to grant an act of incorporation for this railroad; and unless that be obtained, no passenger can ever hope to enter his dominions. Wherefore, every man who buys a ticket, must lay his account with losing the purchase money—which is the value of his own soul.”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.5
“Poh, nonsense!” said Mr. Smooth-it-away, taking my arm and leading me off, “these fellows ought to be indicted for a libel. If the law stood as it once did in Vanity Fair, we should see them grinning through the iron bars of the prison window.”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.6
This incident made a considerable impression on my mind, and contributed with other circumstances to indispose me to a permanent residence in the city of Vanity; although, of course, I was not simple enough to give up my original plan of gliding along easily and commodiously by railroad. Still, 1 grew anxious to be gone. There was one strange thing that troubled me; amid the occupations or amusements of the fair, nothing was more common than for a person—whether at a feast, theatre, or church, or trafficing for wealth and honors, or whatever he might be doing, and however unscasonable the interruption—suddenly to vanish like a soap bubble, and be never more seen of his fellows; and so accustomed were the latter to such little accidents, that they went on with their business, as quietly as if nothing had happened. But it was otherwise with me.HST July 26, 1843, page 164.7
Finally, after a pretty long residence at the Fair, I resumed my journey towards the Celestial City, still with Mr. Smooth-it-away at my side. At a short distance beyond the suburbs of Vanity we passed the ancient silver-mine, of which Demas was the first discoverer, and which is now wrought to great advantage, supplying nearly all the coined currency of the world. A little further onward was the spot where Lot’s wife had stood for ages, under the semblance of a pillar of salt. Curious travellers have carried it away piecemeal. Had all regrets been punished as rigorously as this poor dame’s were, my yearning for the relinquished delights of Vanity Fair might have produced a similar change in my own corporeal substance, and left me a warning to future pilgrims.HST July 26, 1843, page 164.8
The next remarkable object was a large edifice, constructed of moss-grown stone, but in a modern and airy style of architecture. The engine came to a pause in its vicinity with the usual tremendous shriek.HST July 26, 1843, page 164.9
“This was formerly the castle of the redoupted giant Despair,” observed Mr. Smooth-it-away; “but, since his death, Mr. Flimsy-faith has repaired it, and now keeps an excellent house of entertainment here. It is one of our stopping places.”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.10
“It seems but slightly put together,” remarked I, looking at the frail, yet ponderous walls “I do not envy Mr. Flimsy-faith his habitation. Some day it will thunder down upon the heads of the occupants.”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.11
“We shall escape, at all events,” said Mr. Smooth-it-away; for Apollyon is putting on the steam again.”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.12
The road now plunged into a gorge of the Delectable Mountains, and traversed the field where, in former ages, the blind men wandered and stumbled among the tombs. One of these ancient tomb-stones had been thrust across the track, by some malicious person, and gave the train of cars a terrible jolt. Far up the rugged side of a mountain, I perceived a rusty iron door, half overgrown with bushes and creeping plants, but with smoke issuing from its crevices.HST July 26, 1843, page 164.13
“Is that,” inquired I “the very door in the hill-side, which the shepherds assured Christian was a by-way to Hell?”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.14
“That was a joke on the part of the shepherds,” said Mr. Smooth-it-away, with a smile. “It is neither more nor less than the door of a cavern, which they use as a smoke-house for the preparation of mutton hams.”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.15
My recollections of the journey are now, for a little space, dim and confused, inasmuch as a singular drowsiness here overcame me, owing to the fact that we were passing over the enchanted ground, the air of which encourages a disposition to sleep. I awoke, however, as soon as we crossed the borders of the pleasant land of Beulah. All the passengers were rubbing their eyes, comparing watches, and congratulating one another on the prospect of arriving so seasonably at the journey’s end. The sweet breezes of this happy clime came; refreshingly to our nostrils; we beheld the glimmering gush of silver fountains, overhung by trees of beautiful foliage and delicious fruit, which were propagated by grafts from the celestial gardens. Once, as we dashed onward like a hurricane, there was a flutter of wings, and the bright appearance of an angel in the air, speeding forth on some heavenly mission. The engine now announced the close vicinity of the final Station House, by one last and horrible scream, in which there seemed to be distinguishable every kind of wailing and wo, and bitter fierceness of wrath, all mixed up with the wild laughter of a devil or a madman. All through our journey, at every stopping-place, Apollyon had exercised his ingenuity in screwing the most abominable sounds out of the whistle of the steam-engine; but, in this closing effort he outdid himself, and created an infernal uproar, which, besides disturbing the peaceful inhabitants of Beulah, must have sent its discord even through the celestial gates.HST July 26, 1843, page 164.16
While the horrid clamor was still ringing in our ears, we heard an exulting strain, as if a thousand instruments of music, with height and depth, and sweetness, in their tones, at once tender and triumphant, were struck in unison, to greet the approach of some illustrious hero, who had fought the good fight and won a glorious victory, and was come to lay aside his battered arms forever. Looking to ascertain what might be the occasion of this glad harmony, I perceived, on alighting from the cars, that a multitude of shining ones had assembled on the river, to welcome two poor pilgrims, who were just emerging from its depths. They were the same whom Apollyon and ourselves had persecuted with taunts and gibes, and scalding steam, at the commencement of our journey—the same whose unworldly aspect and impressive words had stirred my conscience, amid the wild revellers of Vanity Fair.HST July 26, 1843, page 164.17
“How amazingly well those men have got on!” cried I to Mr. Smooth-it-away. “I wish we were secure of so good a reception.”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.18
“Never fear—never fear!” answered my friend. “Come—make haste; the ferry-boat will be off directly; and in three minntes you will be on the other side of the river. No doubt you will find coaches to carry you up to the city gates.”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.19
A steam ferry-boat, the last improvement on this important route, lay at the river side, puffing, snorting, and emitting all those other disagreeable utterances, which betoken the departure to be immediate. I hurried on board with the rest of the passengers, most of whom were in great perturbation; some bawling out for their baggage; some tearing their hair and exclaiming that the boat would explode or sink; some already pale with the heaving of the stream; some gazing affrighted at the ugly aspect of the steersman; and some still dizzy with the slumbering influences of the Enchanted Ground. Looking back to the shore, I was amazed to discern Mr. Smooth-it-away waving his hand in token of farewell!HST July 26, 1843, page 164.20
“Don’t you go over to the Celestial City?” exclaimed I.HST July 26, 1843, page 164.21
“Oh, no!” answered he, with a queer smile, and that same disagreeable contortion of visage which I had remarked in the inhabitants of the Dark Valley. “Oh, no! I have come thus far only for the sake of your pleasant company. Good bye! We shall meet again.”HST July 26, 1843, page 164.22
And then did my excellent friend, Mr. Smooth-it-away, laugh outright; in the midst of which cachination, a smoke wreath issued from his mouth and nostrils, while a twinkle of livid flame darted out of either eye, proving indubitably, that his heart was all of a red blaze. The impudent fiend! to deny the existence of Tophet, when he felt its fiery tortures raging within his breast! I rushed to the side of the boat, intending to fling myself on shore: But the wheels, as they began their revolutions, threw a dash of spray over me, so cold—so deadly cold, with the chill that will never leave those waters, until Death be drowned in his own river; that, with a shiver and a heartquake, I awoke. Thank Heaven, it was a Dream!HST July 26, 1843, page 164.23
“The Lord is at Hand.”
BOSTON, JULY 26, 1843.
The following is the view of brother Litch respecting the end of Rome. As yet we have been unable to see the evidence so as to subscribe to this view of the question.HST July 26, 1843, page 165.1
With regard to the minute detail of unfulfilled prophecy, while each have their own view, we feel that it becomes us to be modest; and liberal towards the views of others.HST July 26, 1843, page 165.2
We have not had time to examine our brother’s view as much as we would wish. Our view of the sanctuary is, as yet, different from his. And when the 2300 days end, we expect probation will end.HST July 26, 1843, page 165.3
Babylon’s Fall—the Sanctuary Cleansed
My Dear Brother Bliss,—The crisis we have reached calls upon us to double our diligence in endeavoring to strengthen the hands and faith of the people of God, and in endeavoring to pluck sinners out of the fire. The Judge standeth before the door, and will speedily come in all his glory, to take vengeance on his foes, and to be glorified all them that believe. That we have reached the year of the termination of the prophetic periods, is clear; and it becomes us all to walk carefully before the Lord, to watch and be sober.HST July 26, 1843, page 165.4
It is a question which we as observers and recorders of the “signs of the times,” and as “expositors of prophecy,” ought to be able to answer. “Where are we?” In what period of the prophetic visions of Scripture? It appears to me we may answer this question, at least with a degree of satisfaction.HST July 26, 1843, page 165.5
What then was to mark the termination of the 2300 years of Daniel 8:14? Ans. The sanctuary shall be justified; for so I prefer to read it, with the margin, unless we adopt Professor Bush’s definition, then shall the sanctuary be vindicated. You know I have long dissented from the idea that the cleansing of the sanctuary is the purification of the earth by fire. I have no faith in that view. But I have believed it was the pardon of Jerusalem’s crimes, preparatory to her restoring to glory and triumph over her foes.HST July 26, 1843, page 165.6
However, I like the term “vindicated,” still better. I think the true import is, that Jerusalem will be vindicated, or proved innocent, or justified, by the punishment of her destroyer. Gabriel, when sent to make Daniel understand the vision, in chapter 8, said, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation.” What did he tell him would cone? Verse 25. “He shall be broken without hand.” Who? The little horn which waxed exceedingly great. That was the power which destroyed the Jews. Rome. God will vindicate Jesusalem. by the destruction of Rome.HST July 26, 1843, page 165.7
Take the type of the long desolation of the sanctuary, I mean the seventy years captivity in Babylon. God threatened, Jeremiah 25:11, that those nations should serve the king of Babylon seventy years. In verse 12, he said, “And it shall come to pass when seventy years are accomplished I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation and the land of the Chaldeans.”HST July 26, 1843, page 165.8
This threatening was executed that night in which Belshazzar was slain. See Dan. chap. 5th. So when the 2300 years run out, that persecuting power which destroyed the people of God, and Jerusalem will be broken without hand. Hear Isaiah 10:12. “It shall come to pass, when the Lord shall have accomplished his whole work upon Mount Zion and Jerusalem, I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks.”HST July 26, 1843, page 165.9
Likewise Gabriel, when in the 9th of Daniel he came to give the prophet skill and understanding. He told him that after Messiah is “cut off,” “the people of the Prince that shall come shall destroy the city and sanctuary,” then “for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the dessolator.”HST July 26, 1843, page 165.10
The question now comes up, 1. Who is the desolator of Jerusalem? Rome. 2. What has God determined to pour on her? Daniel answers, chap. 7th, verse 11th, “I saw until the beast was slain and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame.” John answers, Revelation 18:8, “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine, and she shall be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.” But who is it that shall be thus judged. Revelation 17:4, 5, 6, 18, answers. “And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: and upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”HST July 26, 1843, page 165.11
What city reigned over the kings of the earth in John’s day? or what city has done it since but Rome? Then “her plagues shall come in one day.” But what are her plagues? “Death, and mourning, and famine.” These begin the train of evils. Finally “she shall be utterly burned with fire.”HST July 26, 1843, page 165.12
Babylon’s fall precedes Christ’s coming
Daniel, in the 7th chapter as already quoted, teaches us that the beast, (not the horn, Popery) but the beast, Rome, the body of the beast, the city which existed before the horn with eyes came up, will be slain and destroyed and given to the burning flame. Then he saw in the night visions, “and behold one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven.”HST July 26, 1843, page 165.13
Thus also the Revelator, 14:6, 7, he saw the missionary angel of our age, fly, and the conclusion of his message was, “the hour of his judgment is come.” He was followed, verse 8th, by another angel, saying, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen.” And a third angel followed them, saying, “if any man worship the beast, etc.” so that probation continues after Babylon falls.HST July 26, 1843, page 165.14
John then hears it announced that the dead who have died in the Lord are thenceforward blessed. And he looked to see why they were so; and it was found to be for the same reason that those are blessed who wait and come to the 1335 days. For it is the harvest of the earth, and he saw the Son of man on a white cloud, and he reaped the harvest. The harvest is followed by the vintage. So also when in Revelation 18th it is announced that Babylon is fallen, it is also added, come out of her my people, clearly showing that probation continues. Then in chapter 19th it is said, “The marriage of the Lamb is come.” Thus Christ’s coming speedily follows Babylon’s fall.HST July 26, 1843, page 165.15
Babylon’s fall will be at a time of great pride and anticipated triumph
Daniel heard, chapter 7. “because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake,” he beheld “until the beast was slain, his body destroyed and given to the burning flame.”HST July 26, 1843, page 165.16
The Revelator says, chapter 18:7, “How much she hath glorified herself and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.” “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day; death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire.”HST July 26, 1843, page 165.17
Does Rome at present bear these characteristics?
Let the speeches of the repeal associations answer. Let the reports of the propaganda, and its boasts of the speedy and universal triumph, answer. Do you ever get hold of a catholic paper? Every page will teem with boasts of anticipated triumph over the world.HST July 26, 1843, page 165.18
Look at the following language, taken from an article in the Catholic Herald of June 29th; headed, Rome and Russia. After speaking of the difficulties between Rome and Russia, and the prospect of an attempt at reconciliation, the writer says,—HST July 26, 1843, page 165.19
“And lastly, to re-establish these pacific relations, with an eye of course to this propagandism, the minister who has outwitted Metternich and Wellington, is to be despatched from Rome to try his infernal craft and subtlety upon the ministers of His Holiness, who alone have in effect, if not in words, boldly held up M. Boutenieffs master to the eyes of Europe and the world as a perjured and dishonored ruffian. The rest of Europe quails before Nicholas. They utter lies for him. They dishonestly avow their confidence in his moderation. They wilfully cover their own despicable timidity with a veil of falsehood, to hide their own shame from the world. Wellington does so. Metternich does so. France and Prussia does so. The Pope alone, urged on by considerations which are not of this world, does not do so; but publishes a state document, which not only charges the Emperor with, but proves him guilty of,—individually and personally—the most unblushing impudence and the most profligate deceit. The Pope alone speaks the truth. The Pope alone proves that the cabinet of Nicholas, including Nicholas as his own prime minister, are a gang of perfidious wretches, as destitute of even the external semblance of common honesty as the murderer who pleads “not guilty” to save his forfeited neck from the gallows; and placed out of the pale of civilized society, and common public law by their murderous atrocities, and no less by their revolting perjuries. All this the Pope has done. And now Servia and the North of Turkey, with their Catholic missions being brought by M. Boutenieff under Russian domination, it is found that the blood-stained Nicholas must be on better terms with the Pope, and must turn his attention once again to a more effectual, crafty, and unremitting prosecution of his infernal designs for “propagating the Greek schismatic religion.” Accordingly M. Boutenieff, with the soil of his successes yet fresh upon him, is to be sent off from Constantinople to contaminate Rome. We trust in God he will not be received, and that there may be no intercourse between Rome and the Russian Cabinet until the lying Nicholas has exhibited some sorrow for endeavoring to uphold his throne by the low artifices of the forger and the swindler, and has given proofs of his repentance by allowing an interchange of ambassadors; that is, by permitting a Papal Nuncio to reside and transact business at St. Petersburg. Indeed we believe this last condition is held so indespensable, that the absence of any mention of a Nuncio confirms our doubts as to the truth of M. Boutenieff’s supposed mission.HST July 26, 1843, page 165.20
But, however this may be, it is not less true and certain that these Eastern questions in which Rome appears to have least interest, are precisely the questions in which the highest permanent interests of the Church are most clearly involved. In one third of Europe, at the present moment—and, in prospect, in other large districts of this continent, together with nearly a third of Asia, a struggle is being and is to be maintained between the powers of light and the powers of darkness—very significant and very fearful.”HST July 26, 1843, page 166.1
I ask, If Daniel heard those words, would he not be very likely to call them the voice of the great words which the horn spake? If John heard him talk thus of the tameness of the mightiest powers of Europe, in contrast with the pope’s valor in copeing with that giant power, Russia, would he not be very likely to say, “she saith in her heart, I sit a queen and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow?” And yet this is but a small part of her boasts:—it is an item only.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.2
Have the foretold Judgments begun to come on Rome
Those judgments are, “Death, mourning and famine.”HST July 26, 1843, page 166.3
Take the following extract from an English paper of June 19.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.4
The Augsburg Gazette quotes a letter from Rome, stating that swarms of grasshoppers had suddenly made their appearance in the country adjoining Palo, and on the western coast, and laid the fields completely waste. Thence they extended their ravages to the plains of Campania. The means adopted for their destruction having proved unavailable, the pope ordered processions and prayers in all the churches to implore Divine protection against the scourge.”HST July 26, 1843, page 166.5
How much like what Joel prophecied as the effect of the locusts. Joel 1st chapter, “sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders,” etc. Prayers and processions in all the churches, ordered by the pope! And for what? Why “an army is come up upon his land strong and without number.” The locusts cannot be destroyed, and prayers and processions are the last resort.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.6
The following from the Catholic Herald of June 29th, shows a state of great distress in the pope’s dominions.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.7
“Intelligence from Rome, dated the 28th ult, (May) states that his Holiness intended shortly to visit in person several portions of his dominions, in order to ascertain their most pressing wants. He will be accompanied by some Cardinals and his Treasurer.”HST July 26, 1843, page 166.8
Must not that be great distress which would render it necessary for the pope, his Cardinals and Treasurer, to go through his dominions, to ascertain their most pressing wants?HST July 26, 1843, page 166.9
This came suddenly upon them
All was prosperity, “the land, like the garden of Eden,” all bidding fair to reward the toil of the husbandman, when suddenly, in one province, on the western side of Italy, a swarm of locusts appear, spreading desolation in all their train. “Behind them is a desolste wilderness.” They spread through the land, and all efforts to destroy them are vain. Death, mourning and famine, are the result.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.10
How could these effects be produced more suddenly than by these very means? Were such a scourge sent on this land of plenty, the same effects must immediately follow: but how much more in Italy, where they depend entirely on vegitation for a subsistence, as soon as it comes forward. That cut off, an immediate famine ensues. And it is there already.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.11
One judgment more is to come. “She shall be utterly burned with fire.” How soon that will be time will tell. I believe it will be this year, however, and that Daniel will stand in his lot at the send of the 1335 days. But I do not believe that will be in the new earth; but in the resurrection of the just.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.12
That there will be a time of trouble when Babylon falls, such as never was, is clear; persecution may rage; but it is added “at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one which shall be found written in the Book.” Allelujah, fob the Lord God Ommipotent reigneth.” Have the 2300 days expired? Have we a new message, “the hour of his judgment is come?” “Or Babylon is fallen?”HST July 26, 1843, page 166.13
The cause progresses here; sinners are seeking mercy, and God’s children looking for that blessed hope. Yours affectionately. J, Litch.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.14
Philadelphia July 17th, 1843.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.15
Dr. Jarvis—A Goliath in the Field
No. I
It has often been remarked by the believers in the advent, that if we are in error, with all the assistance of our opponents, we cannot discover where it is. Our strong points have been assailed by men of every variety of talent; and though they may at first have seemed beclouded like our own monument in a fog, yet the light of truth has in every instance again shone upon these truths, so that they have presented themselves clearer and more enduring, ever erect, like the same monument, when the morning sun disipates the mists of night. They may for a time seem obscured, but eternal truth must stand forever. The torch of truth has thus far enabled us to unravel all the sophistries of our opponents.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.16
We have now a new champion with which to cope.—Dr. Jarvis of Middletown, Ct. He has attempted to demolish this blessed hope, in a work of 182 pages, entitled “Two Discourses on Prophecy, with an Appendix, in which Mr. Miller’s scheme, concerning our Lord’s Second Advent, is considered and refuted by Samuel Farmer Jarvis, D. D. LL. D.”HST July 26, 1843, page 166.17
These discourses appear from his preface to have been written to “contradict the calumny,” that he “agreed with Mr. Miller, that the visions of Daniel ran out in 1843,” as he says he learned by letters, with much surprise, that “Mr. Miller’s preachers had asserted.” We would reply to this that we have never published any such assertion, and if there was any such gossip in Ct. it was unheard of in this section. These discourses were first preached at Middletown and Portland, Ct. and afterwards in New York. He has now published them after taking time “to prepare an Appendix on the Chronological difficulties to which reference is made.”HST July 26, 1843, page 166.18
We are glad to see this work, and glad to be assailed by such a champion. He is truly a Goliath in the field. We wish to speak of him only with respect, for we have long been an admirer of the man, and wished that he would examine the subject. For if any man exists who can overturn the pillars on which this doctrine rests, Dr. Jarvis is that man. If he cannot do it, it cannot be done. It may not be improper here to state, that the Rev-Samuel Farmer Jarvis, D. D., LL.D. is a man of the most extensive research, and intellectual ability and industry. He possesses the most extensive and best selected private library in the country,—containing the best original, ancient and modern writers; and he has travelled extensively in the eastern world, to obtain those stores of knowledge which can only be thus acquired. He is also the Historiographer of the Episcopal church, and an able ready writer. With the fairness that Episcopal writers are noted for in controversial writings, such a man, with such means, will do all that can be done in overturning the cause we advocate. If it stands now, it will stand forever.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.19
We therefore propose in future numbers to show how easily, with “five smooth stones from the brook,” the truth of God may be vindicated, and this reasoning entirely demolished. We also intend to show how, trusting in his great and acknowledged attainments, he has rushed on to the victory, apparently despising the ignorant old farmer “whose short-lived theory” he “regretted” to be obliged to notice, as David was despised by the giant of the Philistines; how he has censured Mr. Miller for ignorance in assuming some of his positions, and yet upon farther examination, after his sermons had been preached; is obliged in his preface to acknowledge that on some of those very points, Mr. Miller is right, and he himself is wrong; leaving us to infer that if he would examine his whole work, he would find also on other points, that he is in error and Mr. Miller right. May God be praised for raising up Mr. Miller and Dr. Jarvis, to show us how much more easy it is to be made wise in Biblical truths from the simple word of God, than by human wisdom.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.20
The Sons of the Prophets at Bangor. A brother has sent us a letter written by William B. Sewall, one of the lads at the Bangor school, and wishes us to publish it as a specimen of what is continually being sent from that school to neutralize the effects of the advent doctrine. We are, however, only able to give a few extracts.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.21
He first attempts to show that this is no new doctrine; and then he condemns it because it is new. As a reason why any embrace it, he says,HST July 26, 1843, page 166.22
“So far as I am acquainted, those who most easily fall in with the present doctrine of the second advent, are those who have been the least instructed and indoctrinated in evangelical truths. I know there are honorable exceptions, and I trust you are one, for you have been trained up, under good, stable preaching. But I speak of the body of the Millerites (technically so called.) One instance on Deer Isle, the opposite side of the bay from you, where they have always enjoyed stable Orthodox preaching, very few embrace that theory. But on the smaller Islands about, where almost no such preaching is enjoyed, they are ready to drink in any thing that is new and exciting; whether it be the doctrine of the Second Advent or Mormonism, or any such thing. This is not a solitary instance. The reason is this; where they have enjoyed good gospel preaching, the mind is rendered stable by it; and it is thereby satisfied; but where the mind is left to float about without any substantial food, it is prepared for any thing that is airy, flighty, or exciting. So it is not only in different places, but also in different portions of the same community, as they have enjoyed a greater or less degree of stable preaching. Of this volatile cast, is the character of the people who embrace your doctrine. They have not been accustomed to think for themselves, but receive a new doctrine because it is strange and exciting. I would give more for one sober, candid man, in matters of religion, than a host of such persons.HST July 26, 1843, page 166.23
Then he turns and speaks of the doctrine.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.1
“Of what use will it be for a man to pray, when the storm is ready to engulf his frail bark among the raging waves; of what use, I ask, is it for him to pray then, if he has never prayed before? He fears, he trembles, he shrinks from a watery grave; but the next day when the danger is past, he curses the hand that rescued him. Now this is just the condition in which the second advent advocates are placed. They are looking at a present overwhelming catastrophe; and by that they are affected. Would they be so affected if they thought it one thousand years hence? not one. Would you or would Mr. Start be so carried away with that doctine, if you supposed the end a hundred years hence? Would you think of preaching as you now do, if it was to come ten years hence? Then you are not, (I speak candidly and with consideration) then you are not consistent. You do not act upon the principle that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. If you did you would act with the same candor and forethought, whether it was one day, or one year, or one hundred years, or one thousand years.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.2
After making an allusion to the example of his mother, which all Adventists would highly approve, he proceeds to say.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.3
I once began to think the Millerites very consistent; but by careful examination, I see they are not. You may call me a scoffer, speaking against the truth. But I scoff not, but speak with the scenes of the judgment, and the blessedness of the righteous in view; not as a present reality, but beheld with an eye of faith. I believe they will come, not because I see them, or have had any assurance of them granted to me personally, but because God has said so. And I as really believe they will come, tho’ many years hence, as I should if it was promised to-morrow. Then I scoff not, but speak soberly. For that time will come, it will not tarry, though thousands of years intervene. Come, then, brother, and let us reason together, for I can say but little more.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.4
And that is to speak of the tendency of your doctrine. The advocates of the second advent doctrine, so far as I am acquainted, make it their principal object to prove and persuade people to believe that doctrine. And what is more, they make that the principal test of conversions under them. Then you have another gospel than that which Paul preached, for he preached repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as the one thing needful. You preach a belief in 1843, and so give up the idea of a temporal millennium. Now these two cannot agree together, for either a belief in 1843 is not essential, or faith in Christ is not. They cannot both be the one essential thing.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.5
We would say to our young friend, that he is under a slight mistake in supposing that any new test is made of religious character. Those only who love the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ are promised by St. Paul a crown of righteousness. We hope that some of his intelligent companions will show what St. Paul says respecting the crown he is looking for in that day; also what James and Peter say of the second coming of Christ; and the glorious view John gives of his coming quickly—not a great while hence; even so, come Lord Jesus.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.6
“Such fellows as Himes,” etc
The following article is from the pen of the Reverend Thomas F. Norris, editor and proprietor of the Olive Branch; publisher of novels and popular tales for the corruption of American youth.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.7
Millerism.—This humbug has well nigh burst in this city and the country. People have found that Father Miller and Parson Himes are either fools or deceivers, therefore the Siroco has spent its utmost fury, and has become comparatively innoxious. True it has brought poverty and disease in its train; it has strengthened the hands of the infidel and mocker, but God has undoubtedly shielded his elect from being largely contaminated by it.—The Miller Tabernacle, the money to build which was extorted from honest credulity, by such fellows as Himes, is now being desecrated by any idle show that will pay something to Himes. That prince of the mesmeric delusion, Dr. Collyer, has been permitted to occupy it for one of his silly lectures in which to reveal some queer things. He would have done better honestly to lecture oh the science of human gullibility; particularly to have explained how himself and Parson Himes could come the paddy over men’s pockets, and transfer their contents to their coffers. This would really have been a good deed. However, some people love to he gulled, and such fellows as Himes and Collyer, each at his own trade, like to do it for them. So the world will wag on for centuries, until true Christianity being universally diffused will leave no field of action for such mawworms as Himes, or nuisances as Collyer.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.8
Note. One word only to our friends abroad, in relation to the Tabernacle. It has been paid for by the committee, except about $300 which was given by various individuals. The committee are responsible for the ground rent of $1000, and have made arrangements to let it for public purposes to aid in paying the rent when it is not needed for Lectures on the Advent. In this they are justified by all who are interested in the matter.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.9
The “fellow Himes,” therefore, has no personal interest in the matter.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.10
Brother J. W. Atkins writes us that his health is improved; and he is still strong in the faith off the Lord’s coming in 1843. He says the reports that have been current for a few months past, respecting a change in his views, are utterly false. We are rejoiced to find our dear brother so strong in the faith. The devil, through his agents, is very busy in endeavoring to persuade those who do not love the Lord’s appearing, that some are giving up their hopes. As far as we have been able to learn in every instance, such reports are false. We know of none who were full and understandingly Adventists, and had the confidence of the brethren, who are not still strong in the faith.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.11
The Cause:—In visiting New York, Brooklyn, Williamsburg and Philidelphia, last week, we found the cause in a state of prosperity and advancement In these places the brethren have had a time of trial, as elsewhere, but it has tended to the increase of faith, and confidence in the truth of our expositions of the nature, and time of the coming of the kingdom of God. So far as we have been advised from different parts of the country, the same results have followed the recent season of trial. In this city, we are enjoying a refreshing. The Tabernacle is well filled, the meetings of prayer are also well attended, and deeply interesting.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.12
Troy, N. Y.—We are to meet brother Storrs, deo volente, in this place for an Advent meeting on the 26th inst. It will continue several days. We shall also visit Rochester, N. Y., and commence lectures on the 6th of August; and at Buffalo, N. Y. on the 12th of August.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.13
We are anxious to visit Cleaveland, O. Detroit, Mich. and Cincinnati, O; but cannot now make further appointments, till after the meeting at Rochester. We shall be glad to hear from the friends in either of the above places. Direct to J. V. Himes, Rochester, N. Y.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.14
The Millennium.—Some of our contemporaries see Signs of the millennium approaching. To such we would reccommend the article in another column, headed “The Fellow Himes.” Such a millennium as will be ushered in, when the Christianity of the world will harmonize with the spirit of the article from the Olive Branch, must be most desirable to the novel reading portion of the community.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.15
Another sign. The Tremont Theatre was purchased for 55,000 dollars, for the purpose of rescuing it from theatrical uses. Since then we learn that a petition has been presented, asking permission to build another theatre by the side of the old one, on a more economical plan. Another theatre is also about being erected in another part of the city.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.16
Bro. Miller, by the last accounts, (July 19.) was not so well. We hope, however, that he will not be seriously affected, and that he will soon be out to aid us in the work.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.17
Tabernacle.—The meetings in this place are full, and interesting. The Adventists are united, well engaged in the work of God, and looking for the speedy coming of the bridegroom. The reports abroad about divisions, etc. among us, has no foundation in fact. We have had our trials, but they have wrought purification—consolidation.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.18
Brother Jacobs, from New York, has been with us two weeks past; his labors were acceptable and profitable. Saints were comforted, and sinners were converted.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.19
Camp Meetings.—We are glad the committee on Camp Meetings are making arrangements for two efficient and full meetings of the Adventists of this vicinity. Let all things be done in unity and order.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.20
Committee Meeting,—To make arrangements for the Camp Meeting in the vicinity of Groton, will be held at the house of B. Hall, Groton, Ms July 26,at 10 o’clock. The object will be to select the ground, and appoint the time. Friends interested will I please attend.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.21
Honesty is a Jewel
Lemuel Austin, who had been attending the Miller meetings in this city, was found in the woods in Genessee county, a few days since, a maniac. Rochester Daily Democrat.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.22
Why did not the Democrat give its readers to understand that said Austin might have been “found” “a maniac” long before the “Miller meetings”!! were commenced in Rochester? Although the Democrat did not say that the man was made a maniac by attending the Advent Lectures, yet such would be the inference, and such an impression was designed to be made. When will the press deserve the confidence of the people? Perhaps the Democrat would be profited by reading Revelation 21:8, and 22:15.—Rochester Glad Tidings.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.23
“Ought Christians to attend meetings on lectures, where they have reason to suspect false theories will be advanced?”HST July 26, 1843, page 167.24
The “Morning Star” has a long article to prove that Christians have no right to visit such places. If such a position is correct, it follows that Christians have no right to attend church where they know the coming of Christ will be ridiculed and denied.HST July 26, 1843, page 167.25
Our Meetings in Rochester. Last Lord’s day was a glorious day with us in Rochester. Brother Barry lectured twice, and baptized in the Genesee river. Brother Mansfield lectured once. The congregations were large and attentive. Brother C. Berrisford lectured twice at Monroe Hall. The interest has been steadily increasing from the commencement of our meetings, and multitudes are saying “good is the word of the Lord.”HST July 26, 1843, page 168.1
Our brethren have engaged Talman Hall for three months, where meetings will be regularly held every Lord’s day, and every afternoon and evening for the present. Various lecturers will be expected to address the people from time to time.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.2
Calls are coming in from all parts of the country, for lecturers to come and give the word of warning to the people.—Clad Tidings July 20.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.3
New York Office and Midnight Cry
The original design of this enterprise was, to scatter for a time our publications broadcast over the land; not thinking of its continuance for any length of time. But the interest has been so great, and the demand so imperative for its continuance, that we have thought it best to sustain it so long as our means would permit.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.4
The business department has been conducted in my absence, by brother T. L. Tullock. He has acquitted himself in the most faithful manner in this entire work. He is a firm believer in the speedy advent, and has demonstrated his sincerity by his unremitting toils the last year with me in the advent cause, in the tent and the office. Thus far he has refused to receive any compensation for his valuable services. The amount of his wages has all gone to scatter the light. He is still in the office, and our friends may rely upon his faithfulness in all that pertains to the cause in my absence.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.5
It should be remembered that to prevent confusion, that all letters and communications for papers or publications, should be addressed to J. V. Himes, 9 Spruce St. New York.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.6
Of the editorial department, I need not speak. It is in the hands of our much esteemed and indefaticable brother Southard. We shall sustain him so long as we have the means to do it.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.7
The following statement was published in the “Midnight Cry” of last week, in relation to our future course.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.8
STATEMENT, to all the friends of the. second advent cause
Dear Brethren, Those of you who have read the “Midnight Cry,” will remember that we proposed to unite it with the “Signs of the Times,” at Boston, in case there was not sufficient encouragement to support both papers without embarrassment. On seeing this statement, brother Fitch voluntarily published an appeal for its support. From the interest shown in various quarters, we feel assured that we shall get through with the present volume without much difficulty.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.9
The question will then arise (if time continues) whether we can publish another volume without embarrassment. This I wish to settle; for I do not think it right to assume responsibilities which I cannot meet. The brethren, so far as I know, are anxious to have both papers sustained. If this is done, it will require an increase of paying subscribers—or liberal donations.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.10
We propose, then, under all the circumstances, to commence the next volume the “Cry” in this city, and go on as in time past, so long as we have the means. When we come short, or find we are not sustained, let all understand that the “Midnight Cry” will be removed to Boston, and united with the “Signs of the Times,” and published under this head:HST July 26, 1843, page 168.11
THE MIDNIGHT CRY, and signs of the times
Brother Southard will be continued in the editorial department.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.12
Let all remember that the “Signs of the Times,” at Boston, was the first paper we published, and that it holds a very important place in the work it hardly sustains itself now; as we have established several other papers, in different parts of the country, it was to be expected that the patronage of the “Signs,” would be diminished. But it cannot be given up while we have need of such publications.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.13
We ask, then, that the friends will consider the whole matter, and do what they think will best subserve the cause. Joshua V. Himes.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.14
New York, July 18, 1843.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.15
Thanks to our Agents and Subscribers, for the prompt manner in which they have responded to our call. Next week we shall send bills to our delinquent subscribers. If any mistake should be made in sending to those who have paid, we shall be happy to correct it.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.16
The Caledonia arrived at this port the 17th inst. with news from Liverpool to July 4th.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.17
Ireland.—Mr. O’Connell continues his triumphant course of agitation in the sister kingdom, in which he is powerfully assisted by the priests. The rent comes pouring in by thousands weekly, and he is almost daily engaged in addressing hundreds of thousands of his countrymen in various parts of the kingdom.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.18
The Repeal rent for the week, announced at the Monday meeting of the Association at the Dublin Corn Exchange, was L1,258.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.19
France.—The Republican party in France hold the same language on the subject of Ireland to which expression has been given in the United States.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.20
The French police have been actively engaged in endeavoring to discover who are the Frenchmen said to have passed over to Ireland to foment discontent, and to stir up the people to resistance.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.21
Wales,—The riots in Thebes bid fair to be a source of great embarrassment to the government.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.22
Spain.—The insurrection in Spain has some what spread, yet without materially altering its character.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.23
Greece.—Letters from Athens of the 10th ult. announce that the affairs of Greece had arrived at a crisis, and that nothing but a complete change of system could prevent the kingdom from falling a prey to anarchy.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.24
We gather nothing definite or decisive as to prospects in future from this arrival; every indication, however, is that the nations of the eastern world are fast approaching a crisis, the result of which man cannot predict. Events thicken, and we are evidently gradually approaching nearer and nearer great and momentous occurrences.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.25
Camp Meeting.—By the leave of Providence, a Second Advent Campmeeting will be held at Plainville, Connecticut, to commence on Wednesday, Aug. 9th. and continue one week or more. It is most earnestly hoped that the friends of the cause, as far as practicable, will generally rally to this feast of Tabernacles. Able lecturers from abroad have been invited, and are expected to attend.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.26
Plainville is situated about thirteen miles southwest of Hartford, in the town of Farmington. Teams are engaged to carry the friends, from Hartford, on to the ground for 25 cents each. Let all that can, come with their tents and provisions for the meeting; for those who cannot, accommodations will be made.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.27
Wm. Rogers,
Dr. D. Crary,
T. B. House,
S. Hall,
Asahel Mix. Com.
The Midnight Cry will please copy.
Is to be holden at Liberty, Me. commencing on Monday the 14th of August, to continue until the Sabbath, and over the Sabbath if thought advisable. Our Second Advent brethren and sisters throughout the region are requested to attend the holy convocation. Second Advent lecturers from abroad are requested to attend. Board may be obtained on the ground at a reasonable rate.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.28
Thomas J. Ayer,
Benjamin Copp,
Joseph Woodman,
Wm. R. Hunt,
Wilder B. Start.
Camp Meeting, in the vicinity of Tuftonborough. The committee will meet the friends in that place the first Wednesday in August, at the Christian chapel, to fix upon the time and place for the meeting.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.29
A Second Advent Camp-Meeting will be holden (by leave of Providence) in the Oake Grove, north of the Potter meeting-house, in Meredith, N. H. on the land of brother Simon Pease, commencing on Tuesday, the 8th day of August next, at 4 o’clock P. M. to continue over the Sabbath. Brethren are requested to attend with their tents, a general invitation given; those who do not bring tents can be furnished at a reasonable price on the ground. For lecturers, brothers H. Plumer or T. Cole, Jones, Churchill and Burnham, are expected, and others invited.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.30
Committee of Arrangements.—N. Cawis, J. Smith, Jr., J. M. Smith, A. Batchelder, L. G. Morgan, D. Wiggin, S. Bowman, J. Clark.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.31
Letters from post masters to july 22
N. Troy, Vt; Three Rivers, Ms; N. Market, N H, $1; Grafton, Vt. $1; W. Bristol, Ct. $1; Landaff, N H $1, paid to end of vol. 5; W. Randolph, Vt. $1—do $5; Montpeher, Vt. $1; Shaker Village, $1; Ware, Ms. $2; Albany, N Y; Centre Lebanon, Me; Essex, Ct. $1; Sardinia, N. Y. $1; Rochester, N Y; Contoocookville, 50; Cornish Flat, N H; Plymouth, Ct. $3; Brattleboro, Vt. $1; Three Rivers, L C; N. Springfield, Vt; Hartford, Ct. $2; N. Bedford, Ms; Newton Upper Falls, Ms; Bigelows Mills, Ia. $3; Chimney Pt. Vt. $1; Tunbridge, Vt. 1$; W. Granville, Sherburne, N Y; Bennington. Vt. $1; Corinth, Vt; Mc. Granville, N Y; Hartford, Ct, $2; Burrillville. R I $1; Braintree, Vt. $1; So. Strafford, Vt. $1; Warehouse Point, Ct. $1; Derby Line, Vt. $2; Georgia, Vt. $1; N. Bedford, Ms. $1; Bristol, Ct. $1; Dover, Vt. $1; So Glastenbury, $2; Kingston, N.Y. S. New Durham, $1; S. N. Durham; Haverhill, N. H. $2; Burlington, Vt; Princeton; Ms. $1; Canton, Ct. $1; Meriden, Ct; Palmyra, Me. 1; So. Sandwich, $1; Low Hampton, $3; No. Troy, Vt. $1; Middletown, Ct; Mason N. H. $1; Gardner, Ms; Lempster, N. H. 1$; Gardner, Ms. $2; St. Albans, Vt. $1; Lannsburg, Vt; Bloomingvalley; Proctorsville, Vt $1.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.32
President Nott; W. D. Tuller, $5; Charles Fitch: P. White, $1, paid to vol. 5; J. V. Himes; D. Burgess; Acdanus Taylor, $1; L. F. Billings; Jo Bates; J. H. Lonsdale, $31; H. Plummer; Wm. H. Peyton; J, Marsh; J. W. Atkins; L. W. Burlingame, $2; David Tenney, $3; C. French; L. C. Collins; Wm. Rogers, $1; Phineas White; W. Dickson; Susan Byrne; F. A. Johnson; T. Cole; J. Marsh; E. D. Barry;HST July 26, 1843, page 168.33
Bundles Sent
N. Y. Chaut. Co. for elder J. Wilson, in care of Elijah Fay, for distribution; J. V. Himes, 9 Spruce St. N. Y; Elder Plumer, Haverhill, Mass.HST July 26, 1843, page 168.34