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    March 15, 1843

    Vol. V.—No. 2. Boston, Whole No. 98

    Joshua V. Himes


    Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston.HST March 15, 1843, page 9.1



    J. V. Himes, Josiah Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors

    BOSTON, MARCH 15, 1843.

    Effects of studying the Bible.—From the Christian Watchman of the 24th ult. we clip the following paragraph:—HST March 15, 1843, page 9.2

    “The Rev. D. Bernard and the Rev. N. N. Whiting, who have been gaining, for a few years last past, considerable notoriety as being, the former as publisher, and the latter the editor of a new version of the Bible, are said to have embraced the views of Mr. Miller, and to be at present engaged in advocating them. It is a pity that this new light had not been shed on their path before the commencement of their late undertaking.”HST March 15, 1843, page 9.3

    It is well known that our friends of the Baptist order have, for several years past, been strenuously contending for an unadulterated translation of the whole Bible. They have complained that, in our common English version, the terms signifying baptism had merely been transferred from the original, without being rendered into English, by which a capital error, respecting the true mode of administering the ordinance, has been entailed on the church from King James’ time to the present. Being scrupulously jealous for the purity of God’s word, with commendatory zeal they set “honest men and true” about the work of rectifying this evil, by furnishing a pure English translation of the whole word of God. The Rev. D. Bernard and the Rev. N. N. Whiting were employed to perform this important labor, in prosecuting which it could not be otherwise than that their minds would become stored with a vast fund of Biblical truth—a result naturally and unavoidably following a thorough research into the Sacred word. Consequently, when these two Bible students came to hear the doctrine of the Second Advent, they remembered that they had seen the outline of the same blessed truths in their explorations of the living Oracles. They recognized the likeness, and pronounced it a true portrait of the original. Here is a happy illustration of what a thorough study of the Scriptures will do; and we doubt not, if even the editor of the Watchman himself, were he to do as these two brethren have done, and enter into a patient and careful examination of what the Bible really does teach on this great point, determined to know the truth for himself, and to bow to it when known, that the same light would be shed on his path which now illumines the footsteps of Bernard and Whiting, and then he, with them, would be able to rejoice in the glory of its beams.HST March 15, 1843, page 9.4

    Forsaking All for Christ


    Thus saith the Lord, “Except a man forsake all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.” To for sake all for Christ, then, is the badge and the test of true discipleship. Whatever talent I may have received from the Giver of every good and perfect gift, has been merely loaned me as a steward, to be employed exclusively in honoring the name and promoting the glory of the Giver; and unless all the gifts that I have received, are cheerfully and unreservedly laid upon the altar, a willing sacrifice to the cause of my Redeemer, I can have no share in the glory to be revealed at his appearing.HST March 15, 1843, page 9.5

    The momentous importance of the above truth has often led me to inquire, Have I given all for Christ? I am deeply conscious that the dread day when every man’s work will be “tried as by fire,” is but a very short remove in the future. I can almost, by an eye of faith, at times, look through the thin veil of fleeting days which intervenes between the present and the “glorious appearing,” and contemplate the awful grandeur of that final scene. And these reflections are not, as some will say, the feverish imaginings of a disordered brain; but they are calm and sober conclusions, drawn from a careful and thorough investigation of the testimony of God himself, as revealed to my understanding through the writings of His holy prophets, who acted under the immediate inspiration and direction of the Holy Ghost. Let who will, then, brand my faith as fanaticism, I know the source from whence I received it, to be the unfailing source of every living truth; and hence the scoffs and sneers of the world can never unsettle the solid foundation on which my faith is based—God’s eternal truth.HST March 15, 1843, page 9.6

    But, says one, what good results from a belief like yours? Does it tend to make men better? Or does it drive reason from her throne; honest, industrious people from their quiet and lawful avocations; and set them to wandering about the country be-crazing others like themselves, and thus unhinge the principles of social order, and sow the seeds of confusion broad cast through the land? Is not the tendency of Millerism evil?HST March 15, 1843, page 9.7

    The above objections are repeated over and over day after day, from the pulpit, press, and grog-shop. But all candid minds will have noticed one fact connected with these objections, and that is, the bare assertion is thrown out, that Millerism tends to evil, and to make men dissolute and idle, but never, has an instance been pointed out to prove the charge. I now propose to show, not by assertion, but by a simple statement of the effects of the Second Advent faith upon my own heart and life, that the tendency of the glorious doctrine is directly the reverse of that alleged in the above objections. I can say, and say it with all my heart, that I desire to “forsake all for Christ,” and as far as I know my own heart, can truly testify that I have forsaken all for Christ, and chosen him as the only portion of my cup.HST March 15, 1843, page 9.8

    Some persons who have known me while wading through the muddy waters of sin, may say, “I would believe there might be truth in the second advent doctrine did I not see such a vile fellow among its adherents as that Orlando Squires. But he, the villain, he owes me borrowed money which I never expect to get, and which he might have paid me if so disposed; and now he is a Second Advent believer, and thinks of getting into the kingdom of heaven, with his cloak of dishonesty wrapped around him. This is a serious charge, but it is true; all but the wearing of the cloak. That is thrown off. Now to all such and to every other living man, who in any manner may have received injury at my hands, directly or indirectly, I submit the following heartfelt.HST March 15, 1843, page 9.9



    My Dear Fellow Men:—In the fear of that God before whose bar you and I must shortly stand, I, Orlando Squires, beg leave to acknowledge and confess, that I feel in my heart that I have wronged you, dishonored God, and brought reproach upon the way of truth. In nearly every place where I have resided for the last fifteen years, I have contracted many debts, when a moment’s reflection, or a single grain of prudence would have told me that I could not pay even the one half. I do not know that I ever actually contracted a debt designing never to pay; but after contracting them, I have often I felt that I did not care whether they were ever paid or not, which is just as bad. I have always been too eager in the pursuit of self-gratification, and in following greedily every foolish and hurtful lust, to begin to be an honest man or a good citizen, much less to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.HST March 15, 1843, page 9.10

    Through my connection with the press for several years past, I have been obliged to have intercourse and dealings with a multitude of my fellow citizens, many of whom have suffered through my dishonesty. Now, to each neighborhood where I have lived, I send copies of this confession, petitioning for pardon for all injuries given, and frankly avowing full forgiveness for all injuries received.HST March 15, 1843, page 9.11

    Citizens of St. Lawrence co. N. Y. and especially all who received injury from the publisher of the “Canton Democrat,” are humbly besought to forgive such injuries. I believe that Christ is at the door, and I desire to be at peace with all men. My solemn convictions of the fact that the end of all things is at hand, lead me to feel willing to turn my heart inside out to the gaze of God and man, for it is written “Whoso covereth his sin shall not prosper.”HST March 15, 1843, page 9.12

    The citizens of Bennington county, Vt. are also requested to consider the foregoing paragraph as addressed to them; and especially all who suffered by the folly and recklessness of the editor of the “Bennington County Whig.” I wish them also to consider this act on my part, as one of the legitimate tendencies of Second Advent faith. Nothing save the power of God could induce me to a step like this.HST March 15, 1843, page 9.13

    The people of Utica, N. Y. will remember the “Uticanian” and its editor; and some of them, without doubt, will remember with feelings of hardness both paper and editor. My dear Utica friends, forgive me the wrong I have done you. I was among you poor and destitute; and most of the time in the midst of distress, through sickness in my family. From a want of consideration—a lack of willingness to live according to my means—a want of proper diligence in business—I became indebted to many of you for the articles necessary for my comfort and subsistence; and not content with this, I lived beyond my means, not knowing in what manner I was to meet your just claims upon me. I have at this moment, however, a heart and a spirit that would restore unto you and to all others that I have wronged in any way, fourfold, were the means in my power. But as it is otherwise, and as I am fully persuaded that time is just closing up, and eternal scenes about to burst upon the world, what can I do more than to ask you to forgive the past, and turn your eyes and thoughts with me to that Savior who died to redeem us all from sin, and seek his gracious pardon for all our offences, while mercy’s door is yet unclosed. “If we confess our sins, He is just and faithful to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” I do therefore hereby confess my sins and declare myself willing to forsake all for Christ. I am willing to relinquish all claim to a good name among men—and suffer the whole truth to be told respecting me, and will endorse with my own hand all charges against me that are true, let me suffer whatever I may in consequence of it. If any one should ask if I pretend to have detailed in the above, all my sins, I answer, no! nor could I do it, if I should labor day and night to the end of time. I merely give this as a confession to those I have injured. My secret sins which have been as the sands upon the sea shore innumerable, I have confessed to my Savior, who has redeemed me from all iniquity, and saves me every moment from sin.HST March 15, 1843, page 9.14

    The above is the tendency of the Second Advent faith upon my heart. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen.HST March 15, 1843, page 9.15

    Orlando Squires.
    Boston, Feb. 25, 1843.

    St. Paul’s Dissuasive from Consternation—considered and applied:”

    No Authorcode

    By Rev. Asa Cummings.



    His 4th argument is that the Gospel must be preached in all nations. He has however not shown a single nation in the world where the gospel has not been preached more or less extensively since the day of Pentecost. Neither can he show a single field where it has not been preached in this last age of the world.HST March 15, 1843, page 10.1

    We quote the following from a late publication entitled “The Present Crisis: or, a correspondence between the signs of the times in which we live, and the prophetic declarations of Holy Scripture.”—By Rev. John Hooper, an Episcopal clergyman of Westbury, England, whose knowledge on these points is not to be questioned.HST March 15, 1843, page 10.2

    “Our blessed Lord declares, Matthew 24:14, “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.” The glorious gospel is here a witness to all nations of the grace and mercy of God to man. It appears, however, from this prophecy of our Lord’s, that the preaching of the gospel “in all the world” is to be a witness, or sign to all nations, of the near approach of the end of the present dispensation. Has the gospel then been published to the world, or has it not? If we look over a map of the world, and the reports of the different Missionary and Bible Societies, we shall find it difficult to place our finger on one spot of the globe where the glorious gospel of the blessed God has not been sent! The rapidity with which the gospel has been published, is not less surprising than its universality. The efforts made of late years, for the spread of the gospel to the world, are unparalleled in the page of history. More has been effected in this way during the last five and thirty years, than since the introduction of the Christian era. It was not till the great political earthquake, in the year 1792, that the church was roused from her slumbers, and commenced with any degree of earnestness, to fulfil the long neglected command of Christ, to preach the gospel to every creature. Since that period, what mighty efforts have been made! How numerous the missionaries to the heathen, who have left the shores of England! In this great work, surrounding nations have united. Even France, who a few years since, declared the Bible a fable, and death an eternal sleep, has sent forth her sons to declare the truth as it is in Jesus! How numerous the religious societies in this country,—how many millions of copies of the Scriptures have been sent forth,—how numerous are the languages into which the gospel has been translated! Now, nearly all the nations of the earth can read in their own tongues the wonderful works of God! Who can behold this, and not exclaim, with gratitude and praise, “What hath God wrought!” and rejoice in it as one sign of the coming of the Lord? Who cannot perceive in all this the fulfilment of the apocalyptic vision,—“the angel flying through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell upon the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people? Revelation 14:6. And what follows? Another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen! A third calls upon the nations to separate from her fornications,—the Son of man is seen sitting on a white cloud,—the harvest of the earth is reaped,—and the great wine-press of the wrath of God is trodden without the papal city, and blood comes out of the wine-press, even unto the horses’ bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. Thus did God deal with his people in former times. The old world, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Jerusalem, were not destroyed till the word of God had been declared to the people; so now the Lord Jesus is coming to take vengeance on the guilty nations of the Roman earth, he hath caused the gospel to be freely preached. The fact of the wide, rapid, and almost universal spread of the gospel, is one of the signs of the present times, which is “a witness to the nations” of the approaching downfall of Babylon, and of the glorious coming of the Son of man. Reader, hast thou embraced the great salvation revealed in the gospel? If not, delay no longer to seek this one thing needful; rest not till thou hast found peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ,—till this gospel, which is travelling over the world as the messenger of mercy, prove the power of God to the salvation of thy soul.”HST March 15, 1843, page 10.3

    His 5th and last argument is, that “There is a promise of still greater extent, embracing far richer good, and expressed in every variety of form, which has not yet been fulfilled. Not only shall all be taught of God, have the gospel preached unto them, but all shall embrace it, all shall know the Lord, from the least to the greatest.”HST March 15, 1843, page 10.4

    In support of this part of his argument are adduced the same old views which have been repeatedly shown to the fallacious. For instance, the very first text he has quoted is, “I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.”HST March 15, 1843, page 10.5

    If he had been familiar with the context, he would have seen that not the conversion, but the destruction of the wicked is predicted on its fulfillment, Psalm 2:8-12. “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shall break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that their trust in him.”HST March 15, 1843, page 10.6

    The second passage he quotes is, “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ.” Here again a little knowledge of the context would have prevented his exposure by his question, “Where was this promise fulfilled?” for he would have seen that it could never be fulfilled till the kingdoms of this world are destroyed. Revelation 10:5---7 “And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven. And sware by him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” Revelation 11:15---18. “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces and worshipped God, Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52. “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”HST March 15, 1843, page 10.7

    After quoting those two solitary texts in proof of the conversion of the world, he breaks forth with “When were realized those glowing descriptions of the coming glory of Zion, which were drawn by the enraptured Isaiah? When did that spirit of universal consecration pervade mankind, which led them to write on the common utensils of labor, and on the bells of their horses, Holiness to the Lord? When did that period occur in the history of the world, in which there was to be no more a grieving briar or pricking thorn—when Judah was no more to vex Ephriam, and Ephriam was no more to envy Judah—when the earth was to be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters fill the seas—when there should be nothing to hurt or destroy in all God’s holy mountain—when the glory of God was revealed, and all flesh beheld it together? When did the wolf lie down with the lamb, and the leopard with the kid, and the calf and young lion and fatling together, and a little child lead them? When did the smiling infant “take in his hand the gilded basalisk,” and seek and find harmless amusement in the cocatrice’s den? Ye historians and chronologists, whose knowledge is so comprehensive, and at the same time so minute, that you can compute to a year, a month, and even a day, the time of the last conflagration! tell us, oh tell us! at what period of the world these joyous scenes were witnessed, these glorious predictions fulfilled! If they are among the things that have been, we know of no record which has preserved their memorial. And if they have not been, they are among the things yet to be; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. And the world must stand long enough for their full exhibition.”HST March 15, 1843, page 10.8

    If he had turned to various portions of scripture with which he should have been familiar, he might have been spared this exordium, for he would have seen that those predictions can never be accomplished only in the “new earth” wherein, according to St. Peter, “dwelleth righteousness.”HST March 15, 1843, page 10.9

    Our Savior assures us, Matthew 13. that the righteous and wicked shall grow together till the harvest, which is the end of the world. His context would also have shown him that as that Wicked one was to be destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming, there could never be a time previous to that event when holiness should abound. As the “little horn” of Daniel 7. is to make war against the saints until the Ancient of days come and the judgment sits, and the saints possess the kingdom; consequently this reign of holiness must succeed the Second Advent.HST March 15, 1843, page 10.10

    He however caps the climax of absurdity, after quoting those texts as proof, that because they have not been fulfilled, the end cannot come, by saying that he “does not suppose all of them are to be literally fulfilled.”HST March 15, 1843, page 11.1

    That is logic, truly! First, the end cannot come, because certain events must previously take place! Second. He does not expect those events will take place!! In other words, he believes some portion of God’s word will prove false!!! If the word of God is not to be literally fulfilled, no mortal can tell how it can ever be fulfilled at all.HST March 15, 1843, page 11.2

    He next attempts to show that although there is a LARGE NUMBER in the aggregate who will be saved, yet this proportion to the lost will be small; and then says, “How does it sink the Savior’s redeeming work, and rob him of his promised reward, and restrict the agency of the Almighty, the convincing, converting, sanctifying and comforting Spirit! This were giving to Christ such a victory, that—to borrow the quaint language of some old divine—“the devil goes off with the prize.” On such a victor’s return from his conquest to heaven, would the angelic escort have exultingly exclaimed—“Lift up your heads, O ye gates! and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King ol Glory shall come in!”—Or would they have responded to the inquiry, “Who is this King of Glory?” raised by waiting seraphs within the portals—“THE LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY! THE LORD MIGHTS IN BATTLE!”HST March 15, 1843, page 11.3

    The blasphemy of the above we will leave him to settle with his God; and will merely remark that our Savior has assured us that the road to hell is broad, and MANY go down thereat, while few find the straight and narrow path to heaven. If this was to be reversed our Savior’s words would not be fulfilled. And yet this Rev. dares to accuse the Savior of being disgraced, because his word is likely to prove true.HST March 15, 1843, page 11.4

    The next great discovery that he makes is “no man knoweth” “no not the angels” nor “even his own” Son. Here again he might have called the context to his aid when Christ told them that although they did not then know, yet when ye see these things know that it is near, even at the doors. It was then in the Father’s own power, but we find by Revelation 1. that it was afterwards revealed to Christ, and recorded by John, Revelation 1:1-3. “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto him servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein, for the time is at hand.”HST March 15, 1843, page 11.5

    We have touched upon the most prominent points dwelt upon in this conclusive discourse. It will be seen that its author needs but little to dissuade him from consternation. And those who wish to be deceived may make it answer a temporary purpose; but in the end they will find that their bed is shorter than that they can stretch themselves on it, and their covering narrower than that they can wrap themselves in it. We however have but little hope of the few who may be deceived by such reasoning.HST March 15, 1843, page 11.6

    Retreat for the Insane


    Dr. Crary’s Answer to our request

    Dear Bro. Bliss.—In compliance with your request of last week, I have to day made inquiry of Br. Hunt, who has charge of the retreat for the Insane, respecting the number now under his care whose derangement has been caused by the doctrine of the speedy coming of Christ, and he informed me that of the ninety one patients now in the retreat, there were none whose insanity could be ascribed in any way to this doctrine; and furthermore, he had never known an instance where this was the cause of derangement.HST March 15, 1843, page 11.7

    As to there being any crazy ones among the second Advent believers in this city, or in the region round about, I know of none, unless you may call those crazy who are doing their utmost to arouse a sleeping church, and a guilty world to a sense of their situation, that they may prepare to meet their Judge.HST March 15, 1843, page 11.8

    The world, and also the church, as many of our religious papers testify, seem to be looking with astonishment upon the movements of the second advent believers; and when they view their soul in the cause of Christ, they can only exclaim, as Festus did to Paul, “thou art beside thyself.” But it is not in the power of pulpit or press to stop the cry that is now going through the length and breadth of the earth. God is in it—he has commanded the trumpet to be blown—and the alarm to be sounded—and the inhabitants of the earth to tremble—for the day of the Lord cometh, it is nigh at hand.—HST March 15, 1843, page 11.9

    D. Crary.
    Hartford, Conn. Feb. 27th, 1843.

    “Prepare to meet your God.”


    Dear Reader, Are you prepared to meet your God? are you in readiness? Have you on the whole “Christian armor”? Have you “fought the good fight of faith”? Are your lamps trimmed and burning, with oil enough in your vessels? Do you feel assured that, should our “blessed Savior appear the second time without sin unto salvation,” ere another year has rolled into eternity, that you will be caught up to meet him in the air? Is your hope founded upon a rock? have you lived according to the requirements of the Gospel, obeyed the commands of God, and kept yourselves unspoted from the world? Indeed, it is a solemn thought, a solemn admonition, and one that is worthy of all candid consideration, and how important it is that we should examine ourselves, and see if we do not harbor unholy thoughts, unholy desires, and affections; and if we discover that we through ignorance have suffered anything unholy, or unlike a child of God, to have place in our breasts, try to correct the error we have fallen into, and thereby better our course of life, and take new courage to persevere. And O, “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom,” and your daily walk and conversation “hold forth the word of life.” Although dark clouds may arise, and brood over the horizon of your minds, and you may have trials and disappointments, which serve to impede your progress, and destroy your enjoyment on your heavenly journey, yet remember the promise, that these work together for good to them that love God, and keep his commandmends, and will only (if encountered with Christian fortitude) tend to give you a furtherance in the cause of Christ, and open a way that will lead to a fountain from which flows new joys, new hopes, new consolations, and present greater encouragements to the Christian to follow the path that will lead to glory, to happiness, and to heaven. C.HST March 15, 1843, page 11.10

    An Appeal to All


    “Hear ye! hear ye! O, ye inhabitants of the earth: For behold! I bring you glad tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people, (who love the appearing of the Lord.)HST March 15, 1843, page 11.11

    The great Jehovah has looked down from heaven, upon the dark and benighted generation who now stand upon the earth; he has beheld the confusion, the wickedness, and distress, which prevails in the land, and, in great mercy and long suffering, has given to the watchmen a manifestation of his will, and is now sending the midnight cry, in order that mankind may prepare for the great day of the Lord, which draweth near. I have at last been brought to understand the righteous are forever to inherit this same planet upon which we now live; it being redeemed, sanctified, renewed, and purified, and prepared as an eternal inheritance of immortality and eternal life, with the Holy City for its capital, the throne of God in the midst for its seat of government, and watered with a stream clear as crystal, called the Waters of Life, issuing from the throne of Jehovah; while either side is adorned with trees of never fading beauty. “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” We shall reign on the earth; bless the Lord for the prospect of a speedy release.HST March 15, 1843, page 11.12

    Yes, the year or release is here, the glorious day will be ushered in by the personal coming of Christ, and the resurrection of all the saints, the wicked will be destroyed from the earth by the overwhelming judgments of God, and by fire at the time of his coming, insomuch that the earth will be cleansed by fire from its wicked inhabitants, as it once was by water. Repent, ye nations of the earth, and hear the word of God. O, ye nations of the earth, how often would I have gathered you together as a hen gathered her chickens under her wings, but ye would not. How often have I called upon you by the mouth of my servants, and by the ministering of angels, by the voice of tempests, by the voice of earthquakes, and great falling of stars, by famines and pestilences, by the voice of judgment, and by the voice of mercy, and by the voice of glory and honor, and the riches of eternal life; and would have saved with an everlasting salvation, but you would not. “Behold the day has come, when the cup of the wrath of mine indignation is full.”HST March 15, 1843, page 11.13

    East Rumford, Feb. 1843. C C M.HST March 15, 1843, page 11.14

    Second Advent.—Our readers are aware that we have little confidence, (perhaps we should say none at all) in the views adopted by Bro Miller, and Fitch, and others, in regard to the coming of Christ this year. We think they have utterly mistaken the meaning of many prophecies, and that they refer to another state, that is yet to be fulfilled in this world, in its present (physical) form. Nevertheless we are greatly pained at the course pursued towards these brethren, by a large portion of he religious press. The most absurd stories are put and kept in circulation, such as, that a man broke up a camp meeting by preaching that Christ might come in 1842—that Mr. Miller was building a brick wall around his farm—that Mr. Fitch waned to rent a house with a large garden, for occupancy this year, etc., etc. It is strange that professedly good men should be so unjust—should so trifle with solemn things. Bros. Miller and Fiteh may be wrong, but they are not knaves, or dunces. They may err, but they have a right not to be misrepresented. And the course pursued towards them seems little less than solemn mockery. It may be, though we do not believe it, that they are right If so, their mockers will be left much as were the mockers of Noah, in the old world. And if they are wrong, lying about them has no tendency to convince them. The subject is altogether too serious to be treated with such solemn trifling. To very many Christ will come this year, if not to all. And all should watch.—Oberlin Evan.HST March 15, 1843, page 11.15



    J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors

    BOSTON, MARCH 15, 1843.

    Lectures in Boston. Bro. Stores has been lecturing, for a week past, in the Marlboro’ Chapel to large and attentive congregations. The brethren in the city are united, and, as far as we know, firm in the faith of Christ’s coming this year. Many are filled with great joy in view of their redemption being at hand.HST March 15, 1843, page 12.1

    Lectures will be continued in the city for the present, by brethren Storrs, Whiting, Miller, and others. They will be given at the Marlboro’, or some other commodious place. We hope to have a general meeting in the city before long, of the friends in this vicinity, to comfort one another with the words of divine promise. As many of our friends made dependence upon a meeting at the opening of what was to have been the Second Advent Tabernacle, the above meeting will supply its place.HST March 15, 1843, page 12.2

    Rev. F. G. Brown.—We give two interesting letters from this brother, this week. They will be read with great interest. We have but little acquaintance with Bro. Brown, but learn from the best authority that he has been held in the highest estimation by the Baptist denomination. We bid him welcome to the sufferings, sacrifices, and reproaches which fall to the lot of all who “will live godly in Christ Jesus.”HST March 15, 1843, page 12.3

    Important Letters


    Entire consecration—second advent

    Portsmouth, N. H., Feb. 17, 1843.HST March 15, 1843, page 12.4

    My Dear Bro. Hervey,—Your letter has been like cold water to my thirsty soul. I have just read it again, and tears of gratitude and joy have gushed forth from my eyes, and fervent prayer has burst forth from my inmost soul, that God would give all his ministers wisdom and perfect love. O for a few hours’ conversation with you. Just at this moment I am somewhat tried, having been engaged in defending some of the most precious doctrines of the Bible from the scepticism and unbelief of some of my dear ministering brethren. Being, or feeling like a young convert. The contest has diminished a little from that sweet peace and joy to which of late I have been so familiar. I judge from your letter that you have been brought into the liberty of the gospel—you can be “calm,” etc.—“have unusual faith, patience, hope, and love.” O, brother, bless the Lord, that he has done so much for me too. I have always stoutly opposed the baptism of the Holy Ghost,—entire consecration, perfect love, etc. etc. But that Almighty Arm which arrested a persecuting Saul, has arrested me, and in one moment taught me my folly. I now know what all these glorious, glorious terms mean, by a blissful, blissful experience. How vastly different is experience from theory! Do you, my beloved brother, do you know about these heavenly things?—then are you a brother indeed, and my soul says give me your hand. I have a new Bible, a new Savior, a new heart. What glory has flowed into my soul for the last few weeks, none but God can know. Not for ten thousand worlds, nay, rather, would I suffer a thousand deaths than to fall back and live where I have been living for the past years of my Christian life. What a sense of condemnation and guilt, how terrible God, how hard to bear the yoke of Christ, how anxious and distressed about that which should have all been left with God. Once this was my condition; but bless God it is now so no longer. How my heart bleeds for my poor ministering brethren, and the churches! Oh, where, where is the life and soul of our holy religion! My views and feelings have undergone an entire revolution. What idols I have made of my denomination, my church, my books, my fine sermons, my reputation—what a god of my own little contemptible self! I can now not only reckon but feel that I am “dead indeed unto the world, and alive unto God.” I could not have given the Spirit’s interpretation of that text two months ago. I am willing, if not deceived, to be accounted a fool for Christ’s sake. I am surprised, as well as are others, to find myself where God’s grace brought me in one moment’s time! Angels might have reasoned with me on these things a few weeks ago, and I should have doubted: but grace has triumphed over reason, and I am what I am. And now I want sympathy from my ministering brethren, and pray tell me where I shall get it. How is it that God should bestow such a blessing upon one so weak and unworthy as myself! Although my experience has been remarkable, yet how few will believe it. Most have, however, pronounced it the work of God. I was in one of our vestry meetings when the Holy Ghost was let down upon me, so that many were convinced, and many wondered, and a few have since that time found the same blessing. I am not prepared as yet to speculate or theorize on the doctrine of the Holy Ghost, holiness, etc, but this much, the experiences of those Christians who profess to enjoy the blessing of perfect love harmonize with my own. No one can tell how much comfort and instruction I have received from reading the “Guide to Christian Perfection,” nor how much sympathy and encouragement my new and precious Savior has vouchsafed to me! What, my brother, does it mean that God should visit us! This “blessing” has heretofore been confined for the most part to our Methodist friends—but now it is coming upon the Baptists. Well, let it go on, until all the foolish and the wise shall know it! Does not God indicate a great deal by it? is it not truly a sealing of his children? The “wise” will laugh at my presumption: well, I care not, if Jesus approves.HST March 15, 1843, page 12.5

    As to “the Second Advent, near,” I have sneered at that too; but my re-conversion makes me look at it very soberly and solemnly: this much God’s Spirit has impressed upon my heart—something of unspeakable moment is at hand! When I have got very near the throne in agonizing prayer, impressions have been made on my mind of overwhelming interest, and of which I hardly dare to speak. I feel that the doctrine of the temporal or spiritual reign of Christ must very shortly begin, and I am perfectly wretched when my faith wavers on this point. I cannot join in the hue and cry as once,—that Millerism is all a delusion. To my mind the arguments used by the friends of the doctrine in its defence, are most adroit, and powerful. And there at present appears, to my understanding, more in its favor than in opposition to it. But why, why, why do not our great men, and little men too, see it as you do! Truly, these are strange times; I am confused and perplexed as I look on. “You may be deluded, I dare not judge; but if you are, your theory is one of the most ingeniously fabricated things that was ever known. Time must prove.HST March 15, 1843, page 12.6

    Do write me again. The Lord is pouring out his spirit here; I gave the hand of fellowship to 18 last communion day. Pray for us. Stick to the old fashioned Bible. Yours, most cordially,HST March 15, 1843, page 12.7

    F. G. Brown.
    Portsmouth, N. H., March 9th, 1843.

    My Dear Brother Hervey.—In my last communication, I informed you of God’s very wonderful dealings to my poor soul, some two months since,—that he had baptized me with the Holy Ghost, so that I could fully sympathize with those dear primitive christians, while under the same heavenly influence spoken of in the book of the Acts. I informed you that from the moments of being thus visited from on high, my pride, and honor, and love of reputation had all been taken away, and I had felt myself as weak, as helpless, and as much in need of spiritual guidance as the youngest convert. Since that time, the word of God has had a charm, a beauty, a glory that is indescribable. I seem to sympathize with all the inspired penmen in the emotions of soul under which they penned the precious treasure. I have had new and golden views of the character of God, of the office of Christ, and the province of the Spirit. Such nearness have I had in prayer to God as I never before conceived of: such entire confidence in him for all that both body and soul need: such a reliance on his promises: such a rich appropriation have I been able to make of the blood of his Son to me as a sinner: such a submission to the guidance of the spirit to lead me into all truth: such peace, and joy, and glory, as have flowed into my soul no mortal tongue can express. My books and old authors all immediately and involuntarily ceased to afford food either to my intellect or my soul, and the good old Bible alone, was my pocket companion, my commentary and my all.HST March 15, 1843, page 12.8

    One week since, this day, after having read a few numbers of the “Midnight Cry,” and being strongly convicted that the preponderance of evidence was fairly on the side of the Advent near, I sat myself down to a careful and honest study of the book of Daniel, and when I had finished this task, which I had never before undertaken, what was my astonishment to find that if I was still unwilling to take the Bible for my chart, I must believe that the book of Daniel contains a full description of the kingdoms of this world down to the present hour—that introduces the kingdom of the Messiah, which is just ready to be set up, the consummation of all things, the coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven to receive his dear disciples home to everlasting habitations, the burning the earth and the destruction of the wicked.HST March 15, 1843, page 12.9

    When I found it admitted on all hands that the seventy weeks were weeks of years, and that at the expiration of 490 years, Messiah the Prince was cut off according to the vision; the inference appeared both natural and necessary, that the days should be considered as prophetical days or solars years: and finding that events corresponding exactly to these referred to in the vision, were engraved on the broad page of history, and harmonised perfectly with those in the vision: and seeing that if the last chapter of Daniel did not teach the final resurrection and judgment, no chapter of the New Testament did; and that the days in the last verse of that chapter included the occurrence of those great events which Daniel himself was to witness: and that if it were allowed that this chapter does refer to the final Judgment (and opinions to the contrary it has always been supposed to,) then it seemed to me, to be a very strange appendage to affix to the vision which included events that had transpired centuries ago—a wonderful leaping from 164 B. C., when Antiochus died, or 68 A. D., when Nero died, to the time of the Judgment, etc:—I accordingly felt that I must give way to the clear and solar convictions not only of my understanding, but to the more solemn convictions of my soul, to which the truth was now applied with unspeakable power. Still I sought for additional evidence, by comparing the contents of the book of Daniel with other portions of God’s word, by the signs of the times in the natural, political, the commercial, the moral and religious world; And I thought that if we had not, and were not witnessing these signs at the present moment, then my imagination could not conceive of what those signs spoken of by our Savior could possibly be, and it would relieve my mind much to see an individual sit down, and with pencil and brush delineate them any better than they had already been exhibitedHST March 15, 1843, page 12.10

    Humbling and mortifying as it would have been to me six months ago to have taken my seat at the feet of brother Miller, brother Harvey, and brother Himes, I could do it now without a struggle. Light began to break in upon my mind by degrees, until on Saturday of last week, when the conflict of old and long cherished prejudices and errors with pure truth ended forever, and was succeeded with indescribable peace and glory, and yet with dreadful solemnity of mind: and whereas for the past two months, although I had received great light on the doctrine of Holiness, yet I had felt as though some undiscovered truth was yet to be perceived, not even supposing that it was the doctrine of the Advent near, and whereas I had felt as though the firmament of my mind was yet bedotted with a few remaining clouds, on Saturday last I could look up to the natural heavens which were then as clear as crystal, and feel that my mind was now just like those heavens: all was like the blazing sun in yon azure blue. I now found that I stood where I could run and read: that I had obtained the mystical key by which I could open at pleasure and lay my hand on each and all the sparkling gems, and precious pearls of the holy treasury: that I had had conferred upon me by the Spirit of truth, the white stone with the new name written thereon, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. I seemed to stand on a rock which hell could not shake, and to be armed with ten thousand weapons with which to meet all the hosts of darkness. On Sunday I preached the blessed doctrine of Christ at the door; and O the power of God which came down upon me: I was amazed and confounded at the words which God poured from my lips! The awful solemnity of that day, of that place, and of that audience, can never be forgotten. I did not dare, after the expiration of the afternoon services, to open even the lids of the Bible, for the truth came almost independant of the Bible, rushing and streaming, and blazing into my mind like waves of light: and God’s Holy Spirit still continued to increase upon me, until my body was entirely prostrated, my strength was gone, and I was compelled to cry out after the example of my Master,—“Father if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done:”HST March 15, 1843, page 13.1

    Yes, singular, and almost blasphemous as it might appear to some, I could but pray the light might be in a measure withdrawn from my mind and glory from my soul, if agreeable to God’s will; nevertheless, without the Divine will, I felt ready to die under it. Before retiring to rest, God heard, and my soul that had been like the destructive tempest of the ocean, settled down into the calm and quiet of the rivulet of the valley, and I gave myself to slumber as though nothing had happened, and slept sweetly until morning.HST March 15, 1843, page 13.2

    And now, my dear brother, I feel so confident that the judgment is just at hand, that the great moral drama of earth is just over, and that in a very few more months at least, I shall see Jesus descending from the skies, that I feel as though I could stand up alone in the face of all Christendom in defence of these things. God has wrought it into my very soul: he has given me too the evidence of it there Ah! that is significant language truly!—O that I had seen these things years ago! How, have I been in such a dungeon all my life! What a Babylon, what a Babylon I have been inhabiting; like the feet and the toes of the image which was part of clay and part of iron, so the world, our country philosophy, religion, is a perfect compound. Religious truth has become curiously complicated and distributed and divided around among all the different sects of professing Christians. The Swedenborgean has some of it in his scriptural view of heaven, the Quaker has the doctrine of the Spirit, the Unitarian has in part the doctrine of God’s unity, the Baptists have the doctrine of baptism: while Christians, in general, have the sacred truth of Christ as our only ground of hope and salvation; but what denomination has most of the love of Jesus—the most vital godliness, I know not: this seems to be like the blood which is not confined to any one portion, but spreads and diffuses its vital power throughout the whole body. I must say that the religion of Protestants, is, to use the weakest language, tinctured with a little atheism, and deism and unitarianism, and universalism, and philosophy, and mysticism, etc. etc. I am grieved to say it, but it is even so. Many of our dear brethren almost deny the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead,—the body is to rise, if at all, in some etherial invisible form, and heaven, and Jesus, and all, will be of the same subtle nature: with many, the judgment, to a great extent, was at the destruction of Jerusalem. And then, too, Christ comes the second time, as he comes to every man the second time, when he dies. Whereas Paul says that he shall appear the second time when he comes, “without sin unto salvation.” Oh, I am confounded at our past ignorance of the word of God, and at our awful abuse of its doctrines. We have spiritualized them all away, until our holy religion has neither life nor tangibility, and there is hardly a solitary motive left to use in inspiring to a life of holiness, and in drawing the poor soul up to heaven! Where is the Christian’s God, the Christian’s Savior, the Christian’s comforter, the Christian’s Bible? Oh to weep tears of blood! The Bible, the Bible! The Old Testament we have all, long since thrown over to the carnal Jew: and as to the New Testament, we have given him a good proportion of that too, and the rest is distributed among Christians, philosophers, and scoffers. Oh, what a pity, how it has pained my very soul for the past two months! Where is the Christian’s Bible?HST March 15, 1843, page 13.3

    And now, where are the watchmen upon the walls, that have dared to speak the truth FEARLESSLY, without any regard to the popular opinion, to station, and at the peril of their idol, reputation and influence? Come down into the streets of this blazing Babylon, enter the houses of merchandize, and the gorgeous palaces of the professed disciples of my dear Master, who had not where to lay his head: and then look abroad and see a heathen world plunging down to hell! Oh, is this, is this primitive Christianity? and yet we are told that Christians are going to convert the world! Why the energies of the Christian church are all paralyzed, and there are hardly the least signs of life in the spiritual body as a whole, and yet some tell us that the temporal millennium is to commence this very year, or hereabouts: and perhaps in the next breath, that the Treasury is exhausted, that candidates for the field have withdrawn their names, that the missionary has settled down in utter despair, finding it worse than useless to cry out, “Come over and help us!” while it is confessed boldly that we need “a History of Moral Stagnation.” And it is verily so.HST March 15, 1843, page 13.4

    Oh, why dont the dear disciples see, that Jehovah is reining in the chariot steeds of earth, and shouting, “Thus far and no farther.” Where are the means, but above all, where is the disposition to convert the world to Christ!HST March 15, 1843, page 13.5

    But, my brother, I must conclude; I sat down merely to tell you what God of his infinite mercy has again done for my soul. Oh, how he has honored and exalted the most unworthy of all his servants. Well may we ask, “where is the wise? where is the scribe?”HST March 15, 1843, page 13.6

    What a perfect analogy between the circumstances which existed when Christ made his first advent, and the advent which is now expected, exclusive from the Christian world and our dear advent brethren, and then tell me where have we at the present day a practical illustration of the sentiment contained in 1 Corinthians 1:26-29? and is not Christianity the same in nature as it ever was? My brother, let us go on: God is on our side, and he will bless us: and the blessed Savior will receive us with marked expressions of pleasure, if we are faithful. I know that scoffs await us: but what are they? not death, nor all the kingdoms of the world could shut my mouth from proclaiming the midnight cry—“Behold, the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.” Let us pray for grace and for patience. It not in my heart to harbor one hard feeling against those who do not see the vision: I can sympathize with them in their blindness—just so I once was, and should be now but for the sovereign power, and unmerited grace of God. I can truly say that I never loved them so well: and I feel strong convictions that they will soon be startled from their slumbers. If ever there was a time when every minister of Christ should prayerfully think, and solemnly study, and independently act, now is that moment. They hazzard souls more than we do: for if Christ should come suddenly, how many poor souls will they be the innocent occasions of destroying! Yours in hope of a speedy immortality.HST March 15, 1843, page 13.7

    F. G. Brown.

    Brother Litch at Washington


    Dear Brethren Himes and Bliss:—Supposing our readers will be anxious to hear something of our Southern expedition, I seize a leisure moment which I have this evening, to say that we are now at the Capitol of the “new world,” but not of “the new earth,” for did I believe that this city presented a sample of the state of “the city of the great King,” and the Christian government of this capitol, a sample of the reign of our glorious king, I should be as unwilling to believe it near, as most of the clergy and professors of religion appear to be. But thanks be to God, we look for a city of purity, harmony, and peace; a city which hath foundations; the holy Jerusalem; the great tabernacle of God, which shall come down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.HST March 15, 1843, page 13.8

    “O glorious hour, O blessed abode, I shall be near and like my God.”HST March 15, 1843, page 13.9

    But a few words in regard to the state and prospects of the cause in this section. I suppose you have already learned by brother Pratt, the success of himself and brother Hale. After he left Philadelphia, on his return home, brother H. returned to this city (Washington) to endeavor to get a place open for a course of lectures in the city. I followed him, in company with brothers Drake and Porter, from Philadelphia, on Monday last, Feb. 24.HST March 15, 1843, page 13.10

    One of the Methodist Protestant churches has been opened for us, where we have been engaged, day and evening, since Wednesday evening, in giving the Midnight Cry in this city. The word has taken effect, and several strong brethren have come out on the subject, and are looking for the coming of the Lord in 1843; while others believe it near even at the door. Brother Collier, the pastor of the church, is a believer in the doctrine, and preaches it, all but’ 43, but we hope he will yet get courage to speak that word. Sinners are waking up and inquiring what they must do to be saved.HST March 15, 1843, page 13.11

    We have also given several more lectures at Alexandria, but find the door pretty much closed up, in that city. The light which was in them, is become darkness. Some seed, however, has fallen on good ground. In Georgetown, we met a very rough reception, and were very greatly annoyed during the lecture.HST March 15, 1843, page 13.12

    We now feel as if our work was done here, and no door opens to go on, to the South of this, and we are now about leaving for Pittsburg, Pa. that we may sound the Midnight Cry in that city also. Brother Porter will stop here a few days longer, and continue his lectures.HST March 15, 1843, page 13.13

    The glad tidings of the coming of the Lord, is received with the greatest joy by the poor colored people, as being the only hope they have of deliverance. Whenever the subject of the Lord’s coming is named to them their eyes sparkle with joy; it is, you may be assured, a far more welcome sound to them, than to their rich lords. O what an hour of interest to them, when the trump of Jubilee shall sound, and the servant be free from his master. All efforts at emancipation before that hour are perfectly vain and futile. As long as human nature is what it is, and the love of power which is now inherent in the human breast, exists, slavery will exist. But, “The year of Jubilee is come.” Thanks be to God. “Be patient, brethren, for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh,” is the only comfort I can give the slave.HST March 15, 1843, page 13.14

    Brother E. Hale goes with me to-morrow to Pittsburgh, where, if the Lord will, you will perhaps hear from us again. Let the South be flooded with publications by mail, it is all that can be done for it, except the Lord raises up laborers among them to give the cry. Yours as ever.HST March 15, 1843, page 13.15

    Washington, D. C. March 5, 1843.HST March 15, 1843, page 13.16

    Letter from Illinois


    Dear Brother Himes.—It is with much pleasure that I address you through the medium of ink and paper, especially when I consider the interesting cause in which you are engaged, viz. the speedy coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The cause is a good, a glorious one: go on, and God speed you and your fellow laborers in sending the midnight cry through the world. It is now about six months since my mind was turned to examine the subject of Christ’s second coming. When first anounced, I felt a strong desire to know the truth concerning it. I obtained a small pamphlet, published by Bro. Miller in 1836, that directed me to the Bible, the best of all books, in the examination of which I have abandoned all my old views of a spiritual or temporal millennium, and fully believe in the Advent near. Furthermore, I can see no good reason why it may not transpire in 1843. I am still examining the subject candidly, and I hope prayerfully. I have felt it my duty, as a watchman, to give the light as fast as I receive it; consequently, I have commenced a course of lectures on the subject. Already much interest exists. I have now Miller’s lectures in full. There is a great want of information relative to the coming of Christ in this region. Some here, as elsewhere, are opposed. The same lying spirit is here as in other parts. There are mockers here who say, “where is the promise of his coming,” and Millerism is nothing but whigism, and Henry Clay will be a Millerite before the next election. So you see sinners will mock, until God shall mock when their fear cometh. The ministers belonging to the denomination of which I am a member, in this region, are believeng in the Advent of Christ near; and there seems to be, throughout this section of country, a mighty waking up under the sound of the midnight cry. Can you not send some good lecturer into this region to sound the note of alarm? he would be sustained. There is a vast population here, but few ministers. I am fully persuaded that what I do I must do quickly. May the Lord wake up his people everywhere, that they may be looking for the glorious appearing of the great Redeemer.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.1

    Joshua E. Ambrose.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.2

    Elgin, Ill. Jan. 31st, 1843.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.3

    We are so occupied, and the lecturers on the Second Advent are all so engaged, that we see not how we can go, or send any aid to this brother. But who will go? Is there no one who will go to that distant field?HST March 15, 1843, page 14.4

    Letter from J. Spaulding


    Dear Brother Himes.—I have taken a tour of nearly four weeks, in giving the “Midnight Cry” in Jerusalem, Salem, Temple, Phillips, etc.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.5

    The result has been good. Scores of anxious souls requested prayers. I baptized nine. Having returned home on the 17th inst. I baptized sixteen since, in Mount Vernon, making seventy two baptized there this winter, since Bro. Frost commenced lecturing with them. Since the first of last May I have had the privilege of baptizing one hundred and sixty two; and other administrators, in all, have immersed more, where I have lectured. To God, be all the glory. I commenced last evening in this town, expecting to lecture in both Meeting houses, and hope, through God, to awaken a slumbering church, and scores of sinners. After ten days I shall commence in New-Portland, if the Lord will.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.6

    Yours in hope of seeing our blessed Savior this year, and being made like him.
    Starks, Me. Feb. 22, 1843.

    Letter from Columbus Greene


    Dear Brother Himes—I am happy to inform you that since I parted from you and Bro. Miller at Vergennes, the Lord has been with me, and much good I trust has been effected in the name of the holy child Jesus. I have held meetings at Waterbury, Waitsfield, Moretown, Cambridge, Woolcott, Johnson, and Underhill. In all these meetings the blessing of God attended his own truth; and in some of them many souls were convened to God. During these meetings the ministering brethren who are laboring with the churches where the meeting were held, without a single exception, professed their belief in the speedy coming of Christ; and some of them have made up their minds to leave all and exert themselves to the utmost to wake up a drowsy church and world, that they may be prepared for the coming of Christ this year. There are others, who I expect will soon enter the field, I find some who for years have acted the part of Jonah; they have refused to obey the Savior when he has bid them preach the word. Some of them are in trade, some of them are advocates for human tribunals, while others are in the varied callings of life. They see that the coming of our dear Savior draweth nigh, and feel determined to spend the remnant of their days in his service. May the Lord help them.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.7

    The spirit of opposition (as we have always expected it would) increases with rapidity as the time draws nigh. For a few months past it seemingly has increased an hundred fold; and those who are the most active (as a general thing) are that class of professors of religion, who on account of their love of this world, are a curse to the church; and as far as their Christian character is concerned, to the place where they dwell. This class, with an evil servant at their head crying “My Lord delayeth his coming” do more, in my opinion, to fill the world of despair with lost spirits, than all the efforts of Voltaire and his associates. But with these things we must contend—endure hardships like good soldiers, until he who is our life shall appear; then will come our release. O blessed hope! May the Lord help us to wait with patience till our change comes. Since I left you at Vergennes I have preached almost every day; so that at the present time my health is poor; my spirit is willing, but the clay tenement in which it dwells is cast down with excessive labor; and while such is the case, I look around me and over our land, and behold thousands unprepared to meet Christ. I hear cries from various parts of this state, New Hampshire, and New York, and the Canadas, saying unto me “come and tell us about the second coming of Christ.” When I hear these cries coming from hearts burning with love to the Savior, and cannot comply with but a few of them, my heart is pained within me; “the harvest truly is great but the laborers are few.” O where are Zion’s watchmen? What are they doing? Ans.—The majority of them have no interest in this soul-stirring truth, other than to oppose it. They are preaching smooth things—they are taking heed to fables and teaching them to others.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.8

    I have received invitations from many ministers to come and lecture in their houses, who ought to be preaching it themselves. They inform me that they beleive in the speedy coming of Christ, but say so little in their pulpits about it, that the worldly minded professor, and every nonprofessor, is ready to say that they do not believe it.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.9

    These are days in which the servants of God are watched with a vulture’s eye, and every word for or against this present truth, exerts an overwhelming influence.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.10

    Who of the professed ministers of Christ will suffer themselves to be governed by a time-serring spirit, and strive to please the world? Whose garments will be stained by the blood of souls? Who of them will cry after the door is shut, “Lord, Lord, open unto us, etc”? The scenes of the last great day will soon make known.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.11

    “He comes! he comes, the Judge severe;
    The seventh trumpet speaks him near.”
    Yours in the hope of the speedy coming of Israel’s King.
    Colchester, Feb. 7th, 1843.
    HST March 15, 1843, page 14.12

    Letter from J. Weston—explanation


    Dear Brother Bliss.—I am more and more convinced that there is but little Bible religion in the world, and that much that goes under the garb of the religion of Jesus Christ is only the religion of the ancient Scribes and Pharisees. Among the great majority of ministers and professors of religion now I find the same mistaken notions concerning Christ’s kingdom, the same blindness to Bible truth, the same enmity of heart against the Saviour that was displayed at the first Advent of Jesus Christ.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.13

    A few weeks ago I learned that a much esteemed friend of mine, Rev. N. Colver had been lecturing against the second advent, and I immediately wrote him that I exceedingly regretted the course he had taken. He wrote me in reply that he very much wanted to see me; he desired that I would come to the city, and his ears and heart should be open. I went to Boston, but Mr. Colver was absent from the city, and I did not see him. The evening after I returned to New Ipswich, I wrote a hasty letter to him again, begging him to re-examine the subject of the second advent doctrine, and informed him that I should write him more particularly on my return from my appointment to lecture. The week after this I saw, to my astonishment, my private correspondence published in the Christian Reflector, and Mr.Colver’s reply, calling on me to answer through the collums of the Reflector. The unchristian, ungentlemanly act of Mr. Colver, and the Editor of the Reflector, in publishing a private letter, written in haste, I care nothing about, so far as I am concerned; but I look at the effect on never dying souls, in reading my letter and Mr. Colver’s reply. My letter, being written in such haste, was liable to be misunderstood, expecially after it was disputed and mangled by Mr. Colver and the Editor. I wrote an explanatory letter to the Editor of the Reflector, not doubling, as I was acquainted with him, and was a subscriber to the paper, but he would allow me to exculpate myself from the charge brought by himself and Mr Colver, of believing in a new revelation, I wish to say though the columns of his pages, to those who read my private correspondence, that instead of a new revelation, I fully believed the old to be the word of God, and therefore true; strange as it may appear, the Editor, after having my communication two weeks, just notices that it was received, copies some half a dozen words, and finishes with a sneer.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.14

    The Lord have mercy on such ministers.
    Yours etc Jacob Weston.
    New Ipswich, N. H. Feb. 24th, 1843.

    From Bro. Stone


    Br. Himes,—I send you a brief report of the conference held in this town a few weeks since. We commenced on the 23rd ult., in the Baptist meeting house. We had the Lord with us in power from the beginning, which caused the saints to shout and which was annoying to some, who have the form without the appearance of the power; in consequence of this annoyance we received a communication in the evening meeting of Thursday, from the committee of the house, saying that “after mature deliberation, the committee had concluded that the house was not intended for such a purpose, and they could not permit it so to be used after that evening.” Our Methodist friends were present, and immediately offered their chapel to the conference; accordingly we met next morning in their house. The conference proved a blessing to many, especially to the friends from out of town, who came to the meeting in consequence of carrying the ark into the Methodist house. The Lord blessed them abundantly. They gladly received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures prayerfully, to see whether those things were so. Many believed, and the rest do not mean to steady the ark, but to let it move on. They are praising God that he ever sent the Second Advent believers among them. The meetings have been kept up, and the Lord meets with us in power, to the wonder even of believers, notwithstanding the opposition. Glory to God for his goodness to the children of men!HST March 15, 1843, page 14.15

    We are now looking for the Lord Jesus to come in the clouds of heaven in a few days, to change the saints, to raise those that sleep in the dust of the earth, and take them home to glory.HST March 15, 1843, page 14.16

    Yours in the hope of the glorious appearing.
    Watertown, Feb. 22. 1849.



    On the Sabbath evening of the re-opening of his new church, the Rev. Baron Stow preached a sermon upon these words: “And there were great voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord,” etc. etc. He undertook to prove from this and some other portions of the Bible, that the whole world is to be converted to God; and said there was as much reason to believe this, as there was the resurrection or judgment. If the Bible teaches the world’s conversion, I should think its advocates were very injudicious in selecting texts with such a connexion as the above. How a man of Mr. Stow’s honesty, could explain a text to prove this doctrine, which is said to take place after “time shall be no longer, and the mystery of God finished,” I am utterly unable to comprehend.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.1

    At the time God gave this revelation to Jesus Christ, and signified it to John by his angel, the fourth or Roman empire was in the zenith of its glory; it had “devoured, broke in pieces, and stamped upon, the whole earth;” but its cup of iniquity was fast filling up. In the sounding of the four first, is pointed out to us in dreadful imagery, the gradual fall of the Western empire. The angel is here seen flying through the midst of heaven, saying, “Wo, wo, wo, to the inhabiters of the earth, by reason of the other trumpets which are yet to sound.” The fifth and sixth proved to be woes indeed to the Eastern world; and if the last should bring about the conversion of the world, it would be strange indeed, passing strange, that the last wo should be turned into one of the greatest blessings “to the inhabiters of the earth” that ever took place.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.2

    The first began to sound A. D. 395, and its effects were seen in the ravages of the Goths, under Alaric and Rhodogast, the first of which burned Rome in 410.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.3

    The second in 429, and its effects were seen in the terrible Vandal, Genseric, becoming master of the sea, and destroying the maritime power of Rome.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.4

    The third in 441, and its effects were seen in the ravages of Attila, surnamed the scourge of God.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.5

    The fourth in 493, and its effects were seen in Theodoric, the Ostrogoth, conquering Italy, and overturning the throne of the Cesars.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.6

    The fifth, or first wo, in 629, brought up from the bottomless pit, Mahomet, that scourge of the eastern world, with its “smoke and locusts;” but they were “to hurt only those men who have not the seal of God in their foreheads;” which they were to “torment five months,” beginning July 27, 1299, when they had a king over them.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.7

    The sixth, or second wo, let the “two hundred thousand thousand” Turkish horsemen loose, which were permitted “to slay the third part of men, an hour, a day, a month, and a year,” making in all, for these two specific periods, five hundred and forty-one years and fifteen days, which was completely fulfilled the 11th of August, 1840.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.8

    Here we ought to inquire the reason why the time is given for these two last trumps, and none else. Can it be for anything else, than that God intended his people should know by its fulfilment, about the period “that time should be no longer, the mystery of God finished, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged?” I think not. The regular gradation in the three woes should not be overlooked; the first was to torment and hurt men five months; the second was to slay and kill the third part of men for an hour, a day, a month, and a year; the third was to make the nations angry, bring in the wrath of God, and destroy them which destroy the earth.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.9

    In the terrible train of the two woes we have considered, we behold the Holy Land and classic Greece overrun with hordes of barbarous Mohammedans, carrying death and the Koran wherever they went; and all along the northern shores of Africa, the Algerines, Tripolitans and Moors, even to the pillars of Hercules, were let loose upon the commerce and seamen of all the professed Christian nations, not excepting even our own countrymen. But their dominion is ended, and they are now awaiting their share, in common with all the kingdoms of this world, in the final catastrophe of the third wo. And now, with the vast importance of the subject impressed upon our hearts, let us look at it, with all our own notions and prepossessions laid aside, determined to be governed by the Spirit and word of the living God.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.10

    THE ANNOUNCEMENT, Revelation 10


    “And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud; and a rainbow upon his head, and his face as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire; and he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and left on the earth:—and the angel which I saw stand upon the sea, and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven, and sware by him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be TIME NO LONGER: but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall BEGIN to sound, the mystery of God should be FINISHED, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.”HST March 15, 1843, page 15.11

    Imagination could hardly picture a more glorious personage. Who can help identifying him with the man that Daniel saw and described, in his 12th chapter, who was clothed in linen, upon the running waters of the river? Then the stream of time was flowing towards the ocean of eternity; but now he is standing upon the still sea, and the firm earth; time is now to be no longer. Could he be any other than Michael, the great Prince? I think not. Important truth he then communicated to Daniel; but after a lapse of six hundred years, and at the very closing up of God’s revelation to man, he appears to John, to inform him what shall take place when the seventh trumpet begins to sound. Why such a glorious person? why clothed in such a glorious dress? why such a commanding attitude? why such an awful oath? The tremendous importance of the theme and the occasion demanded it; and what is it? The cessation of time, and the finishing of the mystery of God. Hold! mighty angel, says Baron Stow; time is yet to last enough longer for all the world to be converted; the mystery of God cannot be finished until all shall know the Lord, from the least unto the greatest. Who shall we believe? the “wonderful numberer,” or the frail mortal? O mighty Jesus, we will doubt THEE not.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.12

    ITS SOUNDING, Chap. 11


    “And the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever. And the four and twenty elders which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned; and the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to thy saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.”HST March 15, 1843, page 15.13

    Firstly. “The kingdoms are become.” Here I wish to ask brother Stow, if the words, are become, can be construed to mean something that is TO BE?HST March 15, 1843, page 15.14

    Secondly. “He shall reign forever and ever.” This looks like some words of Daniel: “There was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.” This cannot apply to a millennial church; for its advocates believe, that at the end of the 1000 years, the devil again gets the mastery.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.15

    Thirdly. “Has taken 10 himself his great power.” God has now forsaken his covert like the lion, and come out of his place; bound the strong man, and is now going to spoil his goods.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.16

    Fourthly. “The nations were angry.” How this sets forth the state of things after the saints are caught up; when the salt is all gone, when every kind of restraint is taken off; husbands and wives tearing one another to pieces; children beating their parents; men and women striping their unfaithful pastor; subscribers cutting in pieces their dough-faced editor; a menagerie of the most ferocious beasts let loose upon one another; will but faintly set forth the awful scenes which will occur between the time that Isaiah 26:20, is fulfilled, and the violent death of the last wicked man and woman.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.17

    Fifthly. “Thy wrath is come.” Edward Beecher and Baron Stow! how dare you contradict the twenty-four elders on their faces before God, and say, the seventh trumpet is a signal for the conversion of the world?HST March 15, 1843, page 15.18

    Sixthly. “The time of the dead, that they should be judged.” Who can doubt that this is the DAY OF JUDGMENT?HST March 15, 1843, page 15.19

    Seventhly. “Reward the prophets, the saints and them that fear thy name.” Yes, Job shall see his Redeemer in his flesh; Daniel shall stand in his lot; Abraham shall enter the city which hath foundations; Moses shall not be cut short of Canaan; Eli’s neck shall be restored; David’s sin shall be forgotten; Paul’s thorn is exchanged for a crown; Stephen’s wounds are all healed; John has entered upon what he saw in vision; Fisk and Parsons have returned from the old, to inhabit the new, holy land; Coleman has come up from Chittagong; and the dear, humble Wheelock from the bottom of the ocean; Boardman and Mrs. Judson have come from Burmah; the Isle of France has given up Harriet Newell; Whitefield has, come up from Newburyport; Stillman has renewed his strength; Baldwin is as young as ever; the benignant smile again plays on the lips of Knowles, for the rough boards at Newton have given him up; the much-loved Winchell is crowned; and my own two babes, Judson and Anna, with all the rest, have returned and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy!HST March 15, 1843, page 15.20

    Glory! Glory!! GLORY!!! Br. Stow, you did not expect the seventh trumpet would introduce you to all these, and millions more; but we did.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.21

    But where is Brownlee, Dimmick, Dowling, Stuart, Sharp, Colver, Crowell, Cooke, Norris, Thrasher. Hazen?HST March 15, 1843, page 15.22

    “Did not think he would come so soon.”HST March 15, 1843, page 15.23

    Eighthly. “Destroy them which destroy or corrupt the earth.” Now, oh my soul, what a change is come on the scene of thy contemplation! Instead of the glory and inexpressible joy we last considered; here, “all the beasts and birds are gathered to eat the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.” [Revelation 19. and Ezekiel 39.] Now, “the Lord will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth;” “he will plead with all flesh;” “evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth, and the slain of the Lord shall be from one end of the earth to the other; they shall not be lamented, neither gathered nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground.” [Jeremiah 25.] Here, “the Lord maketh the earth empty, and waste;” it is “clean dissolved,” and “utterly spoiled,” and turned “upside down;” and “the inhabitants are burned;” now, “he will punish the host of high ones, and kings of the earth upon the earth.” [Isaiah 24.] Now is, “the day of the Lord’s vengeance;” “the streams of the earth are turned into pitch, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land burning pitch.” [Isaiah 34.] Now “the Lord will bring this plague upon all people;” viz., “their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet; their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongues shall consume away in their mouth.” [Zechariah 14.] The day has now come, “that shall burn as an oven, when all the proud, yea, all that do wickedly,” “shall be burned up, root and branch,” and shall be “ashes under the soles” of the feet of those that fear my name, saith the Lord of hosts. [Malachi 4.]HST March 15, 1843, page 15.24

    Reader, “it is the last time” I expect to address you. Sixteen months ago, I wrote a letter to a distant brother, out of which came “The Clue to the Time;’ God has greatly blessed that, in preparing men for the judgment; conversions have often followed the introduction of a single copy into a place. When we consider the weakness of the instrument, how is the power and approbation of God upon this doctrine manifest. As the “Clue” began, “the seventh trumpet” will end my writings. If that failed in awaking you, may the sound of this startle you from your slumbers before “the mystery of God is finished.” There is not a moment to be lost; recollect, President Beecher, as well as many other learned opponents, admit that this trumpet is just upon us; but if we have not seen that it introduces the Day of Judgment instead of the conversion of the world, I know not how that day can be proved from the Bible. “And what I say unto you I say unto all, WATCH.” LEWIS HERSEYHST March 15, 1843, page 15.25

    Boston, Feb. 8, 1843.HST March 15, 1843, page 15.26



    BOSTON, MARCH 15, 1842.

    Bro. MILLER will give a course of lectures in the Circus, at Albany, N. Y. He hopes to commence on the 17th inst. He will next visit Boston, and lecture at the Marlboro’ Chapel. Br. Whiting is expected to follow.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.1

    New York Sun and the Second Advent Belieyer


    Sun.—Crucify him! Crucify him!HST March 15, 1843, page 16.2

    Believer.—Crucify who?HST March 15, 1843, page 16.3

    S.—Miller the prophet.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.4

    B.—Why, what evil hath he done?HST March 15, 1843, page 16.5

    S.—Done! Ask that poor man at Newark, N. J., whose wife poisoned herself and two children a few days since.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.6

    B.—Well, I have made diligent inquiry into this matter, and learn from a person employed in the same establishment with the “poor man” to whom you allude, and have it from the man’s own lips, that Millerism, as you term it, had no connection at all with the melancholy fate of his wife and children.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.7

    S.—Go to our insane hospitals, and witness the direful effects of this monstrous delusion. As the Knickerbocker says, “the strong arm of the law ought to interfere” in the matter, and put a veto upon the operations of this fatal deceiver.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.8

    B.—But you are mistaken. Our insane hospitals do not furnish an instance of any one being in them, from the effects of preaching Christ at hand. Don’t hang a man upon the evidence of rumor alone. Ought not his crime to be substantiated fairly before sentence is passed?HST March 15, 1843, page 16.9

    S.—No! there’s no doubt of his guilt. An innocent man would never dream that God was going to burn the world up. Crucify him! Crucify him!!HST March 15, 1843, page 16.10

    Reader, the above is not all a fancy sketch. The New York Sun recently stated that a woman in Newark had poisoned herself and two children from the effects of Millerism; and it was afterwards ascertained from the husband of said woman, the doctrines of Miller had no connection at all with the death of his wife and children. It was also stated in the Knickerbocker that the strong arm of the law ought to interfere, and put a stop to Miller’s preaching; and the press universally, religious and secular, are rife with the stale falsehood of our insane hospitals being filled with Miller maniacs, when not a solitary instance of the kind can be pointed at. Who is deceiving the people?HST March 15, 1843, page 16.11

    Rev. John Dowling.—It will be seen by the following letter that Mr. Dowling is again in the field, reiterating the old falsehood, got up for effect by our enemies in New York, in November last. It is in vain to ask men, who are determined to misrepresent us, and to persist in charging us with what they certainly must know to be untrue, it is in vain, we say, to ask such men to do us justice, or to correct false representations about us. We stated through the Midnignt Cry, in connexion with Mr. Dowling’s letter to the Baptist Advocate, last fall, that no report had ever been put in circulation by Mr. Miller’s friends that Dowling had ever made a recantation of the views he had published upon the subject of the Second Advent; and in connection with this public denial of the charge, we expressed a hope that if Dowling published a second edition of his work, he would have the honesty to correct his mis-statement, or give the names of “Mr. Miller’s friends” who had circulated the alledged report. But it seems, from the letter below, which appears in a late No. of the Christian Watchman, that the reverend gentleman is not disposed to make any corrections, but insists upon charging upon our brethren the old exploded falsehood. His letter bears evident marks of a desire to seek notoriety, either for himself or his book, which, it seems he is republishing. He says, “I have authorized the publication of about 10,000 copies of my work, for the purpose, if possible, of arresting the progress of one of the most stupid and mischievous delusions that ever existed.” We would only remark upon this clause of our friend’s letter, that he is exceedingly wide of the mark, if he hopes to arrest the progress of this “stupid and mischievous delusion” by the stinted emission of “about 10,000 copies.”—Why, dear man, in the propagation of this stupid delusion, we act on a different plan altogether. We are circulating far and wide, not merely tens, but hundreds of thousands of publications, the influence of which is calculated to operate upon your views in just the same way that light operates upon darkness; and you will make but a sorry figure in attempting to arrest the progress of light by such feeble efforts, as “stupid” as it may seem; for we rejoice to assure our Rev. friend, that, what is better than millions of publications in carrying forward our delusion, “Jesus has been with us, and he still is with us, and he has promised to be with us to the end.” But to the letter.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.12

    Providence, Feb. 20th, 1843,HST March 15, 1843, page 16.13

    Dear Br. Thresher.—I find that the Millerites are still propagating the story where there is any likelihood of its being believed that I have changed my opinion of Mr. Miller’s theory. I have received quite a number of letters to this effect from various parts of the country. This false report has been met in an article which I sent to the New York Baptist Advocate, and also in the notice to the pamphlet edition of my “reply to Miller.” There are many, however, in New England, and probably some of your readers, who have heard this false report, and yet have not seen this contradiction. Only two days ago, I received another letter from a postmaster in New England, from which the following is an extract. “While I was in New York, last fall, I bought your reply to Win. Miller, and after reading it, I was satisfied that Mr. Miller had erred; but lately while combating with my opponents they have told me that you had withdrawn your calculation, and concluded that Mr. Miller was right, and this is why I take the liberty to address you, etc. Our pastor fully believes in Miller, and I know not what to believe now.”HST March 15, 1843, page 16.14

    So far is the above from being true, that since the starting of this report, I have authorized the publication of about 10,000 copies of my work, for the; purpose, if possible, of arresting the progress of one of the most stupid and mischievous delusions that ever existed.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.15

    I have certainly altered my opinion in one respect. From the intelligence that prevails in New England, I was of the opinion that but very few could be found simpletons enough to believe a system so fraught with utter absurdity as is the system of Millerism, and therefore, at first, published but a small number of my work. The only question which was raised in my mind, was whether it would not be regarded as an insult to the understandings of the people to attempt the refutation of doctrines like those of Wm. Miller—something like a mighty effort to prove the falsehood of Gulliver’s Travels. Since witnessing, however, the whirlwind of fanaticism, that has swept over the land—the signs and wonders, and visions and revelations: and dreams and ascension robes, etc. etc, I have altered my mind so far as to withdraw my apology for supposing a reply to Miller necessary, found in pages 20, 21 of the bound edition, and page 4 of the pamphlet edition of my book I have now come to the conclusion that probably in most countries there is a class of people prepared for any absurdity; people who are generally of the opinion of the last speaker, if he have only enough dogmatism and positiveness, and who will drink down doctrines the more greedily in proportion to the degree of absurdity by which they are characterized. I know not how those who are “set for the defence of the gospel,” can discharge their duty to their consciences and their God, without doing their utmost to oppose this mischievous and disorganizing heresy.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.16

    J. Dowling.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.17

    Since the above letter came to hand, we have had the pleasure of conversing with Rev.F.G.Brown, of the Middle Street Baptist Church, Portsmouth, N. H., who assures us, and indeed he has stated publicly at the Marlboro chapel, that this very letter of Mr. Dowling’s, was the finishing stroke of his conversion to the Second Advent faith. He stated that his mind, for several days prior to the appearance of Dowling’s letter in the Watchman, had been fluctuating in the balance of uncertainty, and trembling as to the final decision, but on reading the above letter all doubts were dispelled from his mind, and the truth flashed upon him like blazing sunbeams. He felt convinced that men uttering and publishing sentiments like those of Dowling, could not be praying men. They could not be following the simple teachings of the Holy Ghost; and consequently he could not hope for any light respecting the truth from such sources.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.18

    Subscribers who wish to discontinue this paper, will please write on the margin, discontinue, with the name of the town and Post office, and direct to “Signs of the Times, Boston, Mass.”HST March 15, 1843, page 16.19

    Br. Wm. H. Peyton has established a Second Advent Depot for the sale of publications on the second coming of Christ in 1843, at New Salem, Mass. The friends in that place and the neighboring towns can be supplied accordingly.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.20



    from post masters

    Rec’d up to March 10th 1843. Easton, Mass $ 1; N Scituate, Ms; Orington, Me; Lowell, Mass; Ware, Mass; Bunker Hill, Ia; Perry’s Mills, N Y papers sent; Huntington, Ct; W Springfield, Ms; Brownstown, Mich; White Hall, N Y; N Scituate, R I; Natick, Williamatic; Union, Me $ 5; Gardner, Me; Mt Desert, $ 5, papers sent; Chaplain, Ct, $ 1; North Prospect, Me; Gilmanton, N H; Starkville, N Y; Hoosick falls; Mechanicsville, Vt; Barre, Vt, $ 1; Cottage Grove, $ 5; Franklin, N H; Natick, R I; Farmington, Me; Shrewsbury, Ms; Montpelier, Vt; Cambridge, Ala; Candia, N H; Hunter, Ia; S Orange, Me; E Medway; Winthrop, Me; Braintree, Vt; Union Bridge, Md, papers sent; N Market, NH; Milford, NH; W Braintree, Vt; Antioch, O; N Eaton, Ms; Colchester, Vt; Charlotte, Vt; Lockport, N Y; Northfield, Ms; Grafton, Vt; Troy, N Y; N Sprinfield; Groton, Mass; Kensington, N H; Milford, Mass; Belfast, Me; Dixmont, Me, $ 1; West Thompson, Ct; Braintree, Vt; Burlington, Vt; Holmes Hole, Ms; Ware, Ms; Sugar Hill, N H; Gilford, N H.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.21



    S Bliss, 2; T L Tullock, 3 checks; A Hale, Albany, N Y; Thos Henry; Dr Lee; E Cass; Isaac Bliss, $ 1; D Plumb $10; G S Miles, $15; Levi Wiswell, $8; G T Stacy, $ 5; Nancy H Crane; G T Stacy; B F Carter; E Swift $ due; H Searles; J White; Daniel Ames; J Marsh; S L Tullock; R Woodward; J P Jewell; B D Stanley; E Andrews; Patten & Dutton, checks; C Houghton, (can’t come;) S Stowe; J W Dean; lengthy Com. from Rollusville, O; D Smith; Polly Lee; A J Williamson; J H Hall; C Benns J D Marsh $ 5; J Maxim; B H; J Weston; M F Mantel $ 1; G T Stacy; E Mack, ring;HST March 15, 1843, page 16.22

    Bundles Sent


    J G Mc Murry, Lansingburgh, N Y; B H Albee, Northfield, Me; Dr Lee, Meltonsville, N C; 2 boxes 36 Park Row, NY; A Miss Bristol, Hartford, Ct; H Patten & Co, Utica, N Y; A Layman, Braintree, Vt; C S Brown, Exeter, NH;J D Marsh, Proctersville, Vt; J Weston, Athol, Mass.HST March 15, 1843, page 16.23

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