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    Chapter 30—An Angel Slays the Assyrian Army

    When the hosts of Assyria were invading Judah and it seemed as if nothing could save Jerusalem, Hezekiah rallied the forces of his realm to resist their oppressors and to trust in the power of Jehovah to deliver: “Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: with him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God to help us, and to fight our battles.” 2 Chronicles 32:7, 8.SS 185.1

    The boastful Assyrian, while used by God for a season for the punishment of the nations, was not always to prevail. See Isaiah 10:5, 24-27. In a prophetic message given “in the year that King Ahaz died,” Isaiah had declared: “The Lord of hosts hath sworn, ... I will break the Assyrian in My land, and upon My mountains tread him underfoot ... . For the Lord of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it?” Isaiah 14:28, 24-27.SS 185.2

    Hezekiah, in the earlier years of his reign, had continued to pay tribute to Assyria, in harmony with the agreement entered into by Ahaz. Meanwhile the king had done everything possible for the defense of his kingdom. He had made sure of a bountiful supply of water within Jerusalem. “He also made weapons and shields in abundance. And he set combat commanders over the people.” 2 Chronicles 32:5, 6, RSV. Nothing had been left undone in preparation for a siege.SS 185.3

    At the time of Hezekiah's accession to the throne of Judah, the Assyrians had already carried captive a large number from the northern kingdom; and while he was strengthening the defenses of Jerusalem, the Assyrians captured Samaria and scattered the ten tribes among the Assyrian provinces. Jerusalem was less than fifty miles away; and the rich spoils in the temple would tempt the enemy to return.SS 185.4

    The king of Judah had determined to resist, and having accomplished all that human ingenuity and energy could do, he had exhorted his forces to be of good courage. The king with unwavering faith declared, “With us is the Lord our God to help us, and to fight our battles.” 2 Chronicles 32:8.SS 186.1

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