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    Elisha's Message Reached the Honest in Heart

    Thus the man of God labored from year to year, drawing close to the people, and in times of crisis standing by the side of kings as a wise counselor. The dark shadow of apostasy was still everywhere apparent, yet here and there were those who had steadfastly refused to bow to Baal. As Elisha continued his work, many learned to rejoice in the service of the true God. The prophet was cheered by these miracles of divine grace, and he was inspired with a great longing to reach all who were honest in heart.SS 140.2

    From a human point of view the outlook for the spiritual regeneration of the nation was as hopeless as is the outlook today. But the church of Christ is empowered by Him to do a special work, and if she is loyal to God, obedient to His commandments, no power can stand against her. There is before her the dawn of a bright, glorious day, if she will put on the robe of Christ's righteousness, withdrawing from all allegiance to the world.SS 140.3

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