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    God Sends a Comforting Message

    Less than a month after work on the temple was resumed, the builders received a comforting message: “Take courage, O Zerubbabel, ... take courage, O Joshua, ... take courage all you people of the land, says the Lord; work, for I am with you, says the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:4, RSV.SS 296.5

    To His children today the Lord declares, “Take courage, ... work, for I am with you.” The earnest pleadings and encouragement given through Haggai were added to by Zechariah, whom God raised up to stand by his side. Zechariah's first message was an assurance that God's word never fails and a promise of blessing to those who would hearken to the sure word of prophecy.SS 296.6

    With their scant store of provisions rapidly failing and surrounded by unfriendly peoples, the Israelites moved forward by faith and labored diligently to restore the ruined temple. Message after message was given through Haggai and Zechariah, with assurances that their faith would be rewarded and that the future glory of the temple whose walls they were rearing would not fail. In this very building would appear in the fullness of time, the Desire of all nations as the Saviour of mankind.SS 297.1

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