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    Chapter 44—Daniel in the Lions’ Den

    This chapter is based on Daniel 6.

    Darius the Median at once proceeded to reorganize the government. He “set over the kingdom an hundred and twenty princes, ... and over these three presidents; of whom Daniel was first: that the princes should give accounts unto them, and the king should have no damage. Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.”SS 280.1

    The honors bestowed on Daniel excited the jealousy of the leading men of the kingdom. But they could find no occasion of complaint against him, because “he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.”SS 280.2

    “We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel,” they acknowledged, “except we find it against him concerning the law of his God.”SS 280.3

    Thereupon the presidents and princes asked the king to sign a decree forbidding any person to ask anything of God or man, except of Darius the king, for thirty days. Violation of this decree should be punished by casting the offender into a den of lions.SS 280.4

    Appealing to Darius's vanity, they persuaded him that carrying out this edict would add greatly to his authority. Ignorant of the subtle purpose of the princes, the king signed it.SS 280.5

    Satanic agencies had stirred the princes to envy. They had inspired the plan for Daniel's destruction; and the princes, yielding themselves as instruments of evil, carried it into effect.SS 280.6

    The prophet's enemies counted on Daniel's firm adherence to principle for the success of their plan. He quickly read their malignant purpose but did not change his course. Why should he cease to pray now, when he most needed to pray? He performed his duties as chief of the princes and at the hour of prayer went to his chamber to offer his petition to the God of heaven. He did not try to conceal his act. Before those plotting his ruin he would not allow it even to appear that his connection with Heaven was severed. Thus the prophet boldly yet humbly declared that no earthly power has a right to interpose between the soul and God. His adherence to right was a bright light in the moral darkness of that heathen court.SS 281.1

    For an entire day the princes watched Daniel. Three times they saw him go to his chamber and heard his voice lifted in prayer. The next morning they laid their complaint before the king. Daniel had set the royal decree at defiance! “Hast thou not signed a decree,” they reminded him, “that every man that shall ask a petition of any god or man within thirty days, save of thee, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions?”SS 281.2

    “The thing is true,” the king answered, “according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not.” Exultantly they now informed Darius: “That Daniel, which is of the children of the captivity of Judah, regardeth not thee, O king, nor the decree that thou hast signed, but maketh his petition three times a day.”SS 281.3

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