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    Many Today Have Not Bowed to Baal

    Yet this widespread apostasy is not universal. Not all are lawless and sinful. God has many who long to understand more fully in regard to Christ and the law, many who are hoping that Jesus will come soon to end the reign of sin and death, many with whom the Spirit of God is still striving.SS 90.1

    These need the personal help of those who know God and His Word. As those who understand Bible truth seek out the men and women who are longing for light, angels will attend them. As a result, many will cease to pay homage to man-made institutions and will take their stand fearlessly on the side of God and His law.SS 90.2

    Satan puts forth every possible effort to cause the obedient to lose sight of their mission and become satisfied with the pleasures of this life. He leads them to settle down at ease, or, for the sake of worldly advantages, to move from places where they might be a power for good. Others he causes to flee in discouragement from duty, because of persecution. To every child of God whose voice the enemy of souls has succeeded in silencing, the question is addressed, “What doest thou here?” I commissioned you to go into all the world and preach the gospel, to prepare a people for the day of God. Who sent you here?SS 90.3

    The joy that sustained Christ through sacrifice and suffering was the joy of seeing sinners saved. This should be the joy of every follower of His. Those who realize what redemption means will be moved to compassion as they see the moral and spiritual destitution of thousands who are under the shadow of a terrible doom, in comparison with which physical suffering fades into nothingness.SS 90.4

    In many churches there are families who might move to places in need of the ministry they are capable of giving. God calls for families to go to the dark places of earth and work wisely for those who are enshrouded in spiritual gloom. This requires self-sacrifice. While many wait to have every obstacle removed, souls are dying, without hope and without God. For worldly advantage, or to acquire scientific knowledge, men endure hardship and privation. Where are those willing to do as much for the sake of telling others of the Saviour?SS 91.1

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