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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 14 (1899) - Contents
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    Lt 118, 1899

    Jones, C. H.

    “Sunnyside,” Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia

    August 10, 1899

    Previously unpublished. +NoteOne or more typed copies of this document contain additional Ellen White handwritten interlineations which may be viewed at the main office of the Ellen G. White Estate.

    Dear Brother:

    Will you explain to me why the president of the California Conference made the statement at the General Conference that the California Conference had sent Sister White fourteen hundred dollars, and that he had ordered one thousand dollars more to be sent? What does this mean? You should have set this matter in an altogether different light, for the impression has been left on minds that this money was sent as a donation.14LtMs, Lt 118, 1899, par. 1

    I acceded to your proposition to make a settlement with Mrs. Scott by taking shares in the Healdsburg College, to the amount of both principal and interest, because you said she might make trouble for the institution which would involve it in difficulties. When you inquired if I would settle the business in this way, you said you thought the brethren in California would be willing to take these shares. I understood you were going to present this at the next annual gathering of the conference, and then publish the particulars in a circular, and send them to the churches. I was in need of means, but nothing was done. Thirty dollars, I think, were raised, and then the matter was dropped, with the explanation that it was not thought best to present it in this way.14LtMs, Lt 118, 1899, par. 2

    The letter is not before me now, but I feel distressed. Why should I, away in this destitute field, give that amount to the Healdsburg College? When I invested my means, I thought I might not receive more than a thousand dollars, but this amount would help me very much. I desired to settle the affair, and consented to take the shares, supposing that decided measures would be taken to present the matter to the next assembly, just as Brother C. H. Jones had said would be done. I know if justice were done, and the brethren in California understood the matter, they would not let this amount be disposed of so readily. That money was my own, and as a steward of the Lord’s goods I was to see that it was appropriated in fields where it was most needed.14LtMs, Lt 118, 1899, par. 3

    In this field the pressure for means was so great that I urged the matter, and finally presented it before Elder Loughborough and the president of the General Conference. Elder Haskell was writing to me from Queensland in regard to their meetinghouse. He was distressed, but it seemed impossible to advance. Dr. Caro, Elder Starr, Elder Daniells and other ministers, presented the condition of things before me, and asked me if I had any light for them. I said what I could to encourage them. That night the check came. Before this I had not been able to sleep for sorrow and perplexity, and that night I could not sleep for joy. I had no thought but that the providence of God had sent the money, and it was soon put to use. One hundred pounds was sent to the union conference, to be forwarded to Elder Haskell for the meetinghouse in Brisbane. But Elder Haskell, knowing that a house of worship must be built in Newcastle, returned half the amount for this purpose.14LtMs, Lt 118, 1899, par. 4

    One hundred pounds was loaned to the union conference to erect better bathrooms for the sanitarium, and at our recent conference at Cooranbong, I donated this amount for the sanitarium which we shall establish. This left me with four hundred dollars. A portion of this was invested in a new tent, which had to be used as a meeting place. Every dollar of the fourteen hundred was appropriated to meet the demands of missionary fields.14LtMs, Lt 118, 1899, par. 5

    I do not want to hear the statement repeated that the California Conference donated to me fourteen hundred dollars. The president of the conference has stated that he has given orders for one thousand dollars to be sent to Sister White. Will you tell why it has not come? Again a letter from Battle Creek states that three thousand dollars have been sent to Sister White. Sister White has received only the fourteen hundred dollars, and how these statements can be made in righteousness, while you do not know certainly what you are talking about, I do not know.14LtMs, Lt 118, 1899, par. 6

    Neither you nor the president of the conference have any right to make these statements when they are not really as you present them, and you know it. Where are the three thousand dollars you say you have sent? Where are the one thousand dollars which Brother Gowell or some other brother is said to have sent? Have they been lost by the way? I wish you would explain; for I am in the dark, and would be pleased to be enlightened.14LtMs, Lt 118, 1899, par. 7

    Sara just tells me that five hundred dollars has come, <sent by Brother Grovel.>14LtMs, Lt 118, 1899, par. 8

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