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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 14 (1899) - Contents
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    Ms 101, 1899

    The Avondale School and Its Work


    July 24, 1899

    This manuscript is published in entirety in AUCR 07/28/1899. +NoteOne or more typed copies of this document contain additional Ellen White handwritten interlineations which may be viewed at the main office of the Ellen G. White Estate.

    God designs that this place shall be a center, an object lesson. Our school is not to pattern after any school that has been established in America or after any school that has been established in this country. We are looking to the Sun of Righteousness, trying to catch every beam of light that we can. Why? Because we want that light in our school. Why have we gone to such an expense in putting up buildings here, if we are not to be separate from the world? We are to stand in Christ, learning of Him, the greatest Teacher the world has ever known. His Word is to be the foundation of all the education given.14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 1

    Our greatest need is converted families, parents and children who are under obedience to God. From the light given me by God, I know that if the students in this school will learn of Jesus Christ, teachers can be sent from here to take charge of schools for smaller children; teachers who have learned the greatest of all lessons, who understand the Word of the Lord; teachers who will help the children to obtain a knowledge of the Scriptures.14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 2

    From this center we are to send forth missionaries. Here they are to be educated and trained, and sent to the islands of the sea and other countries. The Lord wants us to be preparing for missionary work. But if while here the students show no aptitude for missionary work, how can we know that they are fitted to go to other countries? They are to be tested and proved here, and that it may be seen what their adaptability is, and whether they have a right hold from above. If they have a firm hold on Christ, they will have a right hold on all with whom they come in contact.14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 3

    In this place students are to be prepared to enter the work of God in different places. Why were workers sent to this country? Were there no fields to be worked in America? There was much work to be done there; but God designed that here an institution should be established from which workers should go forth to the islands of the sea. Persons of other languages are to be brought here and taught the English language. These will go back to their different countries to educate others.14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 4

    This work will take money. Then let none of us go into any extravagance, for we cannot afford it. We must bind about our wants, because the Master tells us to. We must be laborers together with Him who left the royal courts and for our sakes became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich. He says to us, “Follow me.” I have been instructed that we need to wake up and cut off every needless expense. Come right down to self-denial and self-sacrifice, that the work of God may be advanced, and places entered where people know nothing about the truth. The souls of those in darkness are just as precious as our souls, and they are to be won to God.14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 5

    We are to work in these lines. This is why light was given me that there should be a center here, that we should have a school where men and women can be prepared to go as missionaries to different countries. One missionary is not to stay in the same place for years. He is to work as a laborer together with God, and when he has served for a time in one place, let him leave that field. He is then better prepared to tell those in the home field what is needed in the field he has left, and to educate workers for that field.14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 6

    We are to have at this school an office of publication. A printing press is to be established here, not one so fully equipped, perhaps, as the one in Melbourne. An education in printing is to be given here to those who shall come from the islands and other places. They are to learn to print in their own languages, and to translate from the English into these languages. Then they are prepared to give valuable help. At the same time they can give instruction in the island languages to those who are fitting themselves to go to the islands.14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 7

    These things can be done, and they can be done right on this ground. God designs that they shall be done. He wants us to realize that we are under responsibility to reach the very highest standard in spirituality and usefulness. There is a world to be warned. This field has been presented to me, in every case, as a world by itself. We cannot always send to Battle Creek for our publications, or even to the Echo office, for we cannot get them soon enough. We must have a printing press here, where pamphlets and leaflets can be printed, and more especially that students may be educated in the art of printing. If there are two or three presses, it would not be too many. I am talking of what I know. We need to wake up. The third angel’s message is to prepare a people to stand in the day of the Lord.14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 8

    In this school workers are to be educated to enter families after a camp meeting is over, and give Bible readings. As these workers learn the meekness and lowliness of Christ, they can enter families, and give a right impression. It is the after-work of camp meetings, the house to house work, that gathers sheaves for the Master. It is then that opposing ministers come in with their objections; and workers need to be on the ground to meet these objections, for the truth is new to the people, and they must be taught line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. In this work there is need of a great deal of prayer. There must be a taking hold of God.14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 9

    Students are to be trained for this work. But if those here show foolishness, if they are not solid and sound when here on the ground, where the influence tends to press them right ahead, what good will it be to send them into new fields to work for unbelievers?14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 10

    God designs that every soul shall be tested, tried, and proved, to see if he is prepared to join the heavenly family, to see if he can endure temptation so that he will not do Satan’s work. There is a great and grand work to be done for God. Some who are here may feel that they must go to China or other places to proclaim the message. These should place themselves in the position of learners. Above everything else, God wants us to have a right hold on Him.14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 11

    Every teacher and student is to be linked together, and be determined to press the battle to the gates, refusing to allow the enemy to come on to this ground. This is holy ground. God’s Spirit moves upon persons to come here, to make something of them. Those who have no appreciation of this work might better be one thousand miles away than to be in the school. We want students who will be subordinate to rule, who will learn in the school of Christ, who can be prepared for the higher school, so that God can say to them, “Come up higher. I have lessons to teach you. In my school you shall learn throughout all eternity.”14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 12

    God wants to do something for each one of us. This work is an individual work, a personal work. Students, do not depend on your teachers to form your character. For Christ’s sake make your characters for yourselves. Take hold of God, and do not think that you have to be always with your teachers in order to be solid workers. We are to represent God to the world, to show what the truth has done for us right on this ground. We want to see the moving of the Holy Spirit. You will remember that the Spirit so worked in the schools of the prophets that when Saul, when hunting for David, came in connection with one of these schools, the Spirit came upon him, and he prophesied. But we need something more lasting than Saul had. Take hold of God. You have little enough time in which to form characters fit for the future immortal life.14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 13

    To those who tie up their money in worldly enterprises, I would say, We want that money, that we may set the work of God in operation in places where the people are still in darkness. The towns from here to Queensland are to be worked, and yet there are regions beyond. There are those who, when the Spirit of God comes upon them, can go to western Australia, where a great work is to be done. Get hold of God, and God will get hold of you. Reach the people through Christ; you cannot reach them through yourself. Reach them through the Spirit of God. God calls upon us to put on the armor. We do not want Saul’s armor, but the whole armor of God. Then we can go forth to the work with hearts full of Christlike tenderness, compassion, and love.14LtMs, Ms 101, 1899, par. 14

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