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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 14 (1899) - Contents
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    Ms 160, 1899

    God’s Design in Establishing Sanitariums


    December 15, 1899 [typed]

    Previously unpublished. +NoteOne or more typed copies of this document contain additional Ellen White handwritten interlineations which may be viewed at the main office of the Ellen G. White Estate.

    At the burning bush Moses received from God the message for the king of Egypt, “Let my people go, that they may serve me.” [Exodus 8:1.] By a mighty hand and a stretched out arm God brought out the Hebrew host from the land of bondage. Wonderful was the deliverance He wrought for them, punishing their enemies, who refused to listen to His word, with total destruction. God would take His people apart from the world, and prepare them to receive His Word. From Egypt He led them to mount Sinai, where He revealed to them His glory. Here there was nothing to attract their senses, or divert their minds from God, and as the vast multitude looked at the mountains towering above them, they could realize their own nothingness in the sight of God.14LtMs, Ms 160, 1899, par. 1

    Beside these rocks, immovable except by the power of the divine will, God would communicate with men. And that His Word might ever be clear and distinct in their minds, He proclaimed amid thunder, and lightning and terrible majesty the law which He had given in Eden, and which was the transcript of His character. And the words were written on tables of stone with the finger of God. Thus the mind of the infinite God was revealed to a people whom He designed should make known to every nation and kindred and tongue and people the principles of God’s government in heaven and in earth.14LtMs, Ms 160, 1899, par. 2

    In the last days of this earth’s history, the voice that spoke from Sinai is still saying to men, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” [Exodus 20:3.] What man, however much he may set his will against the will of God to hush this word of command, can separate himself from the consciousness of his past life? The human mind can never fully comprehend its obligations to the higher power. Profound theories and speculations may be abundant, but God is true. You may set science in opposition to revelation, and try to do away with the law of God, but stronger and still stronger will the Holy Spirit bring before you the command, “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” [Matthew 4:10.]14LtMs, Ms 160, 1899, par. 3

    Look at our world. Can you take in the situation? Men are working against the law of God. The churches throughout our land are taking sides with the great apostate. Do you not see that it means? Our world is becoming a pest house of iniquity.14LtMs, Ms 160, 1899, par. 4

    A great work is to be accomplished, and that this work may be done in correct lines, God has laid plans for the establishment of schools, sanitariums, and institutions where the teachings of the truth can be carried out after the gospel plan. Medical missionary work is to be conducted in such a way as to connect men and women with the truth for this time. Our sanitariums are to be a blessing to high and low, rich and poor. They are not to be made wholly charitable in character. They are to be symbols of God’s great working for His people. Men and women of all classes are brought together in these institutions, and they become acquainted with one another. They learn to sympathize with their fellow beings in their sufferings, and thus the partition wall which separates man from his fellow man is broken down. Those who visit the sanitarium are to be taught the power of God in the restoration of the sick. This will leave the impression on human minds that God is in this place.14LtMs, Ms 160, 1899, par. 5

    God’s purpose for the human race is to be fulfilled through these institutions. But if the workers take up lines of work which crowd out that which should be done in communicating light to the world, God cannot be glorified in them. When God calls a man to do a certain work in His cause, He does not lay upon him burdens which others can and should bear. The Lord does not want the minds of His responsible men strained to the utmost point of endurance by taking up many lines of work. All these lines may be essential; but God gives to every man his work.14LtMs, Ms 160, 1899, par. 6

    If the worker does not take up his appointed work, and which the Lord knows is the very work he is fitted to do, he neglects his higher duties, which, if properly executed, would result in the promulgation of the truth and would prepare men for the great crisis before them. When men reach out to take upon themselves responsibilities which God has not appointed them to bear, however good the work may be, their minds become confused, and they cannot be successful in it.14LtMs, Ms 160, 1899, par. 7

    The time has come when Satan will show openly on which side of the controversy he stands. Those who act a part in God’s great cause are not to follow the example of worldlings. The voice of God is to be heeded. Every talent is a gift from God to be used in blessing others. When men work in Christ’s lines, they will be living epistles, known and read of all men.14LtMs, Ms 160, 1899, par. 8

    There must be no failure in God’s work. Every thought, every plan, must be in harmony with God’s expressed will. He is our Creator, our Redeemer, our Counsellor, the first and last and best in everything. Life in Christ is a power anywhere, for we have made a covenant with God by sacrifice. In obedience to the commandments of god, the soul will receive the best of everything. Every blessing may be enjoyed with the favor of God when heart, mind, and life are consecrated to His service.14LtMs, Ms 160, 1899, par. 9

    If men would accept Christ, and see the binding claims of the law of God, they would not take a neutral position, but would stand out in full confidence and say, The Lord is my Helper. He is the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent is the supreme and everlasting Good. They would secure to themselves the grand promise of God. This is an individual work. “No man liveth unto himself.” [Romans 14:7.] Every worker in God’s cause should strive to become more and more efficient. There must be no careless disregard of God’s expressed will. The laborer together with God must live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Let us individually draw nigh to the mount, that we may understand what the Lord means, and then obey.14LtMs, Ms 160, 1899, par. 10

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