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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 14 (1899) - Contents
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    Lt 243, 1899

    White, J. E.; White, Emma

    Sunnyside, New South Wales, Australia

    June 5, 1899

    Portions of this letter are published in 14MR 281; 4Bio 417, 449.

    Dear Children:

    I will write to you early for this next mail. I had two letters written—one for Sister Henry and one for yourself—and was expecting every moment that they would come to take the letters, but when too late I learned they could not go. I received your letters. Thank you for writing.14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 1

    Brother Ballenger has written me a letter which I fear I cannot properly answer. I have written some things but it does not, I fear, cover the grounds fully. I will send you a copy of the letter I have written him, and I wish your comment upon it.14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 2

    Brother Irwin is entertained at my home. I have not had any opportunity to ask him about the Southern Field. I am answering written down questions which have been sent for me to answer.14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 3

    Edson, please answer my question: Had I ought to dispose of my property in Battle Creek for thirty-two hundred dollars? Dr. Kellogg offered me thirty-five hundred. I agreed to take it, they purchasing it subject to the mortgage; but since then they have had it appraised and have sent me a note for only thirty-two hundred, subject to the mortgage. Very little is coming to me.14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 4

    The very next time you go to Battle Creek I want all my belongings there considered. I want to know how much I have. I had that wagon you had Henry make stowed away. What became of the springs of that secondhand carriage you purchased—a four-wheeled, one-seat carriage, with top? Those were the best springs I ever had, and if you know anything about them will you tell me, for I would have those springs taken care of, and sometime they can come to me in a box of goods. I can find nothing like them here. If you go to Battle Creek in the hot spell of weather—which you should do, or go somewhere else, and wherever you go you will first go to Battle Creek—I want you to see if that piece of furniture in my room could have the drawers removed and sent to me, and if it could all be taken apart and sent, packed up close without costing a large sum. I thought much of that piece of goods.14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 5

    I have books—I think four or five volumes of Barnes’ Notes, large books. I want them. They can be packed in a box of books coming to Australia. There are other books. I would appreciate Horace Mann, but you look over my books and tell me in regard to them. What property have I in Battle Creek? Will you just ascertain? I do not know as you can read this scribbling. If you can, I shall be pleased.14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 6

    All the money we have received from Battle Creek is three thousand dollars. It is a strange thing that occurred in reference to Captain Norman. I understand all that business of his liberal donations is a fraud. He has not the means he so liberally donated. What do you make of this man, that he should deceive the whole conference as he has done? And Brother Corliss has moved, in preparation to get ready to go on his boat or vessel, and has expended for preparations four hundred dollars. What does it all mean?14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 7

    Well, we did hope for donations to help us out of our difficulties but if we cannot obtain means in that way, the Lord can open up some other way to help us.14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 8

    I would be greatly pleased could you unite with us in Australia in our work. You would understand [the work] better that anyone we could get to help me in getting out my testimonies which the people need so much. If I had more help, I would now begin to write, and finish up the New Testament history and then take up the Old Testament history. Which do you think would be the best—the revision of the Life of Paul and the Apostles from Acts through to Revelation, or the Old Testament from Solomon down to Malachi? I would be so pleased if I could have your help. Willie is called off on so many business matters that I cannot hope to have much of his time and careful planning.14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 9

    The book Christ Our Saviour is not yet completed. The artist is slow, but he is doing good work. I will send them to you as soon as he has done the work, which will, I hope, be soon.14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 10

    I am enjoying good health at present. I send you copies of matter which I have been writing and I would like to know what you think of these things. I am much exercised in regard to them, and I have written out these matters.14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 11

    Brother Irwin came to our place last week. He is with us still and will go, I expect, to visit Melbourne after this week.14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 12

    I hope you will be of good courage and will not expose yourself or Emma when hot weather comes. Go to some healthy place and may God give you courage in the Lord. I can write no more. I could not sleep after two o’clock, and I have written I cannot count how many pages, but I am just now compelled to stop.14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 13

    In love,14LtMs, Lt 243, 1899, par. 14


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