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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 14 (1899) - Contents
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    Lt 121, 1899

    Jones, A. T.

    “Sunnyside,” Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia

    August 14, 1899

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Brother:

    I received your letter. I thank you for writing. The Lord would have your words a power of influence for good wherever you may be. When you have the treasures of the Word to present to the people, let the golden oil from the two golden pipes be emptied into the vessel prepared for its reception, and the truth spoken in love will be a power for good. But, my brother, you have too much of the spirit to drive. Soften and subdue your own spirit. Let the peace of God rule in your heart. Those who bear the sacred truth to the people must in word and spirit and action pursue the course the great Teacher pursued. They must be meek and lowly in heart. Your words are a talent, and these words are to be wisely improved, that they may have the very best influence.14LtMs, Lt 121, 1899, par. 1

    I have a great desire that everything shall be cleansed away that in any way hinders the Spirit’s influence circulating through the office. Light came to me regarding the condition of things that would be created in that many who had no right to anything more in royalties than they had already received, would demand more, because they placed so high an estimate on their own productions. This spirit of selfishness would bring great confusion. I was shown that the maneuverings with the Gospel Primer, and all the transactions that took place regarding this little book, were unjust and selfish. A covetous spirit came in, or I might say, developed itself; for it was already in.14LtMs, Lt 121, 1899, par. 2

    Decided measures were taken to press those who possessed the book to make terms in regard to it. Not one of the actors in this transaction will be pleased to meet the record of it in that great day when every action will proclaim itself to the ones who acted the scheming part. Every wrong deed is written against their names. Such things as this are robbery and will testify against the wrongdoer. Everything was done that could be done. Those who owned the book were helpless because of a lack of means. Those in positions of trust knew this, and pressed them unfairly, unmercifully, and unjustly to accept any terms that would relieve them from the pressure brought to bear upon them. Thus it was made exceeding hard for those who had prepared the book to appreciate its value, for it was discounted. Man [determined] that it would amount to little when handled.14LtMs, Lt 121, 1899, par. 3

    When Elder Olsen was president of the conference, letters were sent by me to him in reference to these matters, saying that these things must be made right. Elder Littlejohn, a blind man, was not properly dealt with. This case calls for consideration and restitution. Frank Belden was not justly dealt with, either by the Review & Herald or the Pacific Press. Unfairness and injustice were practiced. This was plainly specified to Elder Olsen. But his perceptive faculties were confused because he himself was enticed to do many things that were not straightforward. The managers of the publishing institutions had these men in a net. They were in debt, and struggle as they would, they could not extricate themselves from the meshes which were being drawn closer and closer about them. These cases have been specified. It was expressly stated that there are matters to be rectified in the place of being sponged out.14LtMs, Lt 121, 1899, par. 4

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