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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 14 (1899) - Contents
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    Lt 144, 1899

    Wessels, Henry


    September 24, 1899

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Brother:

    I shall continue to write to you until I see you standing on the Lord’s side. You are not safe in your present surroundings. You are wasting the opportunities and privileges which you should improve.14LtMs, Lt 144, 1899, par. 1

    I wish for the sake of your brother Andrew you would refrain from making crooked paths for your feet. If you were left to manage your barque alone, you would certainly be shipwrecked. You have not the physical and mental vigor which rightfully belongs to young men, if educated and trained, and which ought to be yours. Your energies have not been wisely improved. By using the oars steadily, in the fear of god, with fresh, unwasted energies, you could manage your barque. You have good ability, and if you cultivate the weak points of your character, they will become your strong points. Plan courageously, and work harmoniously.14LtMs, Lt 144, 1899, par. 2

    I am entrusted with a message to you. Adhere to the strictest principles of temperance. Make the most of the capabilities and powers entrusted to you. Cultivate now, in this your day of opportunity and privilege, that habit of looking in simple trust to God, and then say, I am making my own record for this life and for eternity, and I will do my best.14LtMs, Lt 144, 1899, par. 3

    Cultivate the habit of lifting your soul to God for strength to employ your talents to His name’s glory. Remember that you must give an account of every talent lent you by God. You are in no way pleasing Him when you dwarf your manhood and become a weakling. Put your highest energies to the task. You are altogether too superficial, but you need not be so. And above all things you need to have your sensibilities quickened to appreciate eternal realities. There are heights and depths that you have never reached.14LtMs, Lt 144, 1899, par. 4

    I would advise you to come to Australia. Ask the Lord in regard to this. He will teach you if you want to do His will. You have not yet lost the power to develop a good character, but you must behold Christ and imitate His example. For Christ’s sake wake up and be in earnest. Your selfish love of indulgence is robbing you of the richest experience. You need an earnest, intellectual experience. Your mind must rally its best and highest powers. If you are inspired with a sense of your responsibilities to God, which should be above every other consideration to you, you will win in the battle of life.14LtMs, Lt 144, 1899, par. 5

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