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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 14 (1899) - Contents
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    Lt 239, 1899

    White, J. E.; White, Emma

    Sunnyside, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia

    July 4, 1899

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Children:

    We received your letters in the last mail. That which I feared has come. But, my children, the Lord has been gracious to you. If they had attacked you, we know not what would have been the result. As I had written you quite a lengthy letter I will only say, the Lord be praised.14LtMs, Lt 239, 1899, par. 1

    I have felt deeply grieved in regard to the Southern Field, but do not blame anyone. Leave the Lord to reprove. I do not want to send reproofs but dare not withhold them. Let all these deliverances you have had lift you nearer to God. The funds now are so limited; do not now expect much. It might have been otherwise, but now let us not dishonor God by talking unbelief.14LtMs, Lt 239, 1899, par. 2

    The Lord would not be pleased to have your life imperiled or your life lost through malaria. Talk hopefully; talk faith. The Lord knows all the difficulties, and He will bring help in His own way and glorify His own name.14LtMs, Lt 239, 1899, par. 3

    Let those who cannot work in one field, if excluded, go to another. But let the most extreme care be exercised in regard to words and presumptuous actions. The Lord would have every pen dipped in holy oil before tracing lines in the papers that shall help the enemy who, with intense earnestness, is stirring up human minds to action against the Lord’s commandment-keeping people.14LtMs, Lt 239, 1899, par. 4

    It will come, and the Southern element will be the ones who, through jealousy and determined hatred against the truth, will do the devil’s work. God’s people must be on guard. The Lord would have every teacher with pen and with voice honor God and the truth, and give no occasion for the enemy to take advantage.14LtMs, Lt 239, 1899, par. 5

    Oh that the converting power of God may come to everyone who teaches the truth to others! Oh that the people of God would work in Christ’s lines! His commands, His lessons practiced, unite the human brotherhood with one another in Christ Jesus, in God. Holding fast to God, we can lay hold on souls ready to perish and set their feet on the ladder which is planted firmly on the earth and reaches upward to heaven. Looking unto Jesus we will not become easily provoked. We are seeing Him who is invisible. Our hearts need every moment an abiding Christ. Then we shall have peace and joy. The Lord would have all disunion cease, and all love one another as He has loved us.14LtMs, Lt 239, 1899, par. 6

    I must close this letter. I wish you to receive the money essential to bring you across the broad waters, on my account.14LtMs, Lt 239, 1899, par. 7

    In much love,14LtMs, Lt 239, 1899, par. 8


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