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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 14 (1899) - Contents
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    Lt 155, 1899

    Wilson, Elsie

    “Sunnyside,” Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia

    October 6, 1899

    Portions of this letter are published in 4Bio 441.

    My little Sister Elsie Wilson:

    I thank you for your precious offering. It is a small sum, but it is more precious in the sight of God than a large sum given grudgingly. If all the little children would present their dime to the Lord as you have done, little rivulets would be set flowing which would swell into a large river. The Lord looks with pleasure upon the little children who deny themselves, that they may make an offering to Him. The Lord was pleased with the poor widow who put her two mites into the treasury, because she gave all that she had, and gave it with a willing heart. The Saviour thought it of more value than all the large gifts of the rich men who made no sacrifice in order to give.14LtMs, Lt 155, 1899, par. 1

    Sister White appreciates your words: “This is all I have; but I want to help Sister White,” and the Lord is pleased. God is made glad when the little ones become laborers together with Jesus who loved the little children and took them in His arms and blessed them. He will bless your gift to Him.14LtMs, Lt 155, 1899, par. 2

    In love.14LtMs, Lt 155, 1899, par. 3

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