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    רִצְפָּה — רְתֵת


    † I. רִצְפָּה n.f. glowing stone (or coal) (WeIsr. u. Jüd. Gesch.(3) 83);—ר׳ abs. Is 6:6; pl. עֻגַת רְצָפִים 1 K 19:6 (cf. Syriac supr.).BDB רִצְפָּה.2


    † II. רִצְפָּה n.pr.f. concubine of Saul, 2 S 3:7; 21:8, 10, 11, Ρεσφα.BDB רִצְפָּה².2


    רְצָפִים v. I. רִצְפָּה.BDB רְצָפִים.2


    [רָצַץ] vb. crush (NH = BH; Arabic رَضَّ bruise, bray, crush; Aramaic רְעַע, ܪܰܥ crush, shatter);—
    Qal Pf. 2 ms. sf. רַצּוֹתָנוּ 1 S 12:4; 1 s. רַצּוֹתִי v 3; Impf. 3 ms. יָרוּץ (Ges§ 67 q) Is 42:4 (Cod. Bab. יֵרוֹץ, Niph., so SS here and Ec 12:6 a), 3 fs. תָּרוּץ Ec 12: 6 a, 1 s. אָרֻץ ψ 18:30 = אָרוּץ 2 S 22:30 (v. רוּץ); Pt. act. fpl. רֹצְצוֹת Am 4:1; pass. רָצוּץ Is 42:3 +, cstr. רְצוּץ Ho 5:11; pl. רְצוּצִים Is 58:6;—crush: 1. lit., a. pt. pass. in (הַ)קָּנֶה (הַ)רָצוּץ 2 K 18:21; = Is 36:6, Is 42:3 (all metaph. of weak pers.). b. impf. intrans.get crushed (read תֵּרוֹץ?), of bowl Ec 12:6 a (in metaph.). 2. fig. crush, oppress, acc. pers. 1 S 12:3, 4; Am 4:1; pt. pass. Dt 28:33, as subst. the oppressed Is 58:6; רְצוּץ מִשְׁפָּט Ho 5:11 (We Now רֹצֵץ, i.e. suppressing judgment, but dub.); intrans. get crushed (read יֵרוֹץ?), of servant of י׳, under fig. of wick, Is 42:4 (+ יִכְהֶה) he shall not grow dim or be crushed out.
    Niph. be crushed, broken: Pf. 3 ms. consec. וְנָרֹץ (Ges§ 67 t) Ec 12:6 b (of wheel at cistern); Impf. 2 ms. תֵּרוֹץ Ez 29:7 (of Pharaoh as reed, cf. Qal 1 a); Jb 20:10 read perhaps יֵרֹצּוּ (for יְרַצּוּ, v. רצה Pi.), are crushed (as) poor men, Bu, cf. Hoffm SS Gerber.—Is 42:4 Ec 12:6 a v. Qal. Pi. crush in pieces: 1. lit. (in metaph.) Pf. 2 ms. רִצַּצְתָּ ψ 74:14 c. acc. rei 2. fig. = grievously oppress, 3 ms. רִצַּץ Jb 20:19; Impf. 3 ms. וַיְרַצֵּץ מִן הָעָם 2 Ch 16:10. Pōʿēl Impf. 3 mpl. וַיְרֹצְצוּ Ju 10:8, acc. pers. (= Pi. 2; ‖ רעץ; רצץ here perhaps doublet, so GFMHpt, cf. Bu Now).
    Hiph. Impf. 3 fs. וַתָּ֫רִץ (Köi. 352; BaZMG xliii (1889), 181 thinks Qal) Ju 9:53 she crushed his skull. Hithpōʿ. recipr., Impf. 3 mpl. וַיִּתְרֹצֲצוּ הַבָּנִים בְּקִרְבָּהּ (ץְ Gi) Gn 25:22 (J) the children crushed one another within her.
    BDB רָצַץ.2


    רֵק v. רֵיק;BDB רֵק.2


    רַק v. I. רקק;BDB רַק.2


    רֹק v. II. רקק.BDB רֹק.2


    רַק1. adj. thin;—fpl. רַקּוֹת, of kine, Gn 41:19, 20, 27 (‖ v 3, 4 דַּקּוֹת).
    2. 109 adv. with restrictive force, only, altogether, surely (syn. אַךְ);— a. only, Gn 14:24; 41:40 רַק הַכִּסֵּא אֶגְדַּל מִמֶּךָּ only as regards the throne, etc., 47:22 רַק אַדְמַת הַכֹּהֲנִים לֹא קָנָה, 50:8; Ex 8:5 רַק בַּיְאֹר תִּשָּׁאַרְנָח, 10:17 וְיָסֵר מֵעָלַי רַק הַמָּוֶת הַזֶּה only this death, Dt 2:35 (cf. 20:14; Jos 8:2, 27), 3:11; Ju 6:39 (cf. אַךְ ib. Gn 18:32; Ex 10:17), 11:34 (circ. cl.) רַק הִיא יְחִידָה (there being) only she, an only one, 1 S 1:13; Am 3:2 רק אתכם ידעתי only you have I known, etc., Jb 1:15, 16, 17, 19 וָאִמָּֽלְטָה רַק אֲנִי לְבַדִּי I only, ψ 91:8 + often. Once strengthening אַךְ, †Nu 12:2 הֲרַק אַךְ־בְּמשֶׁה דִּבֶּר י׳. And separated (as sometimes in English) from the word actually emphasized, Pr 13:10 רַק בְּזָדוֹן יִתֵּן מַצָּה by pride there only cometh [נָתַן 1 z] contention. b. prefixed to sentences, to add a limitation on sthg. previously expressed (or implied), Gn 19:8 only to these men do nothing, 24:8 רַק אֶת־בְּנִי לֹא־תָשֵׁב הֵ֫נָּה, Ex 8:24 I will let you go …, only go not far, v 25 Nu 20:19 only—it is nothing—let me pass through on my feet (cf. Dt 2:28); especially in Deut. writers, as Dt 10:15; 12:15; 20:16; 1 K 3:2, 3 (cf. 2 K 12:4; 14:4; 15:4, 35), 8:19; 11:13; 15:14, 23; 2 K 3:2 (cf. 14:3; 17:2), etc., Is 4:1; emphasizing a command, Dt 4:9; 12:16, 23 Jos 1:7, 18; 6:18; 13:6; 22:5 (all D2). c. emphasizing single words, especially adjj., only = nought but, altogether, Gn 6:5 יֵצֶר מַחְשְׁבוֹת לִבּוֹ רַק רַע is only evil, i.e. exclusively evil, nought but evil, Gn 26:29 עָשִׂינוּ עִמְּךָ רַק טוֹב nothing but good, Dt 28:33 וְהָיִיתָ רַק עָשׁוּק, Is 28:19 רַק זְוָעָה it shall be nought but terror to, etc., 1 K 14:8 (cf. אַךְ 2 b β); sq. an adv. Dt 28:13 וְהָיִיתָ רַק לְמַ֫עְלָה above only; sq. a vb., Ju 14:16 thou dost but hate me. †d. after a neg., save, except (syn. כִּי אִם 2 a), 1 K 8:9 (= 2 Ch 5:10) אֵין בָּאָרוֹן רַק שְׁנֵי לֻחוֹת הָאֲבָנִים, 15:5; 22:16 (= 2 Ch 18:15), 2 K 17:18. †e. with an affirmative, asseverative force, only, altogether = surely, Gn 20:11 רַק אֵין יִרְאַת אלהים במקום הזה, Dt 4:6 (so EV; but Ges populus mere sapiens, so Di), 1 K 21:25 2 Ch 28:10 ψ 32:6 רַק לְשֶׁטֶף מים רבים אליו לא יַגִּ֑יעוּ. †f. רַק אִם (רַק prefixed for emph.) if only, provided only, Dt 15:5 רַק אִם שׁמוע תשׁמע וג׳, 1 K 8:25 (= 2 Ch 6:16) רַק אִם ישׁמרו בניך דרכם ללכת וג׳, 2 K 21:8 (= 2 Ch 33:8).
    BDB רַק².2


    רֹק n.[m.] spittle;—abs. ר׳ Is 50:6; Jb 30:10 (both of contemptuous spitting); sf. רֻקִּי 7:19 while I swallow (בָּלַע) my spittle, i.e. for the briefest time.BDB רֹק².2


    [רָקֵב] vb. rot (NH id.; Aramaic רקב in deriv.);—
    Qal Impf. 3 ms. יִרְקַב Is 40:20 (of tree); fig. שֵׁם רְשָׁעִים יִרְקָ֑ב Pr 10:7 (Krochm al. יוּקָ֑ב be cursed, √ קבב, cf. Toy).
    BDB רָקֵב.2


    רָקָב n.[m.] rottenness, decay (always fig.);—ר׳ abs.; appar. of ravages of worm, in בֵּית יְהוּדָה, in fig. Ho 5:12 (‖ עָשׁ), cf. Jb 13:28 (‖ id.); elsewhere of decay of bones, caries (in fig.), ר׳ בְּעַצְמ׳ Hb 3:16; Pr 12:4, cstr. רְקַב עַצְמ׳ 14:30.BDB רָקָב.2


    רִקָּבוֹן n.[m.] id.;—עֵץ ר׳ Jb 41:19 wood of rottenness, = rotten wood (in fig.).BDB רִקָּבוֹן.2


    רָקַד vb. skip about (NH Pi. Hiph. = BH; so Aramaic רְקַד Pa., ܪܩܰܕ Pa.; Assyrian raḳâdu, skip, dance; Arabic رَقَدَ ix. run with leaps and bounds, رَقَدَانٌ leaping up briskly);—
    Qal skip about, Pf. 3 mpl. רָֽקְדוּ ψ 114:4 (of mts., כְּאֵילִים); Impf. 2 mpl. תִּרְקְדוּ v 6 (id.; both of Sinai quaking at law-giving); Inf. cstr. עֵת רְקוֹד Ec 3:4 a time to mourn (סְפֹד), and a time to skip about (gaily).
    Pi. dance, leap: Impf. 3 mpl. יְרַקְּדוּ Is 13:21 (of שְׂעִירִים); יְרַקֵּד֑וּן Jb 21:11 (of children; merrily), Jo 2:5 (of locusts); Pt. מְרַקֵּד 1 Ch 15:29 (of David; = מְכַרְכֵּר, מְפַזֵּז, in ‖ 2 S 6:14, 16); fs. מְרַקֵּדָה Na 3:2 (of jolting chariots); in 2 S 6:21a ins. אֲרַקֵּד I will dance, after לִפְנֵי י׳, 𝔊 Th We Dr Bu HPS (מְרַקֵּד).
    Hiph. Impf. 3 ms. sf. וַיַּרְקִידֵם ψ 29:6 he (י׳) made them skip like calves (trees, by lightning).
    BDB רָקַד.2


    רַקָּה v. I. רקק.BDB רַקָּה.2


    רַקָּה n.f. the temple (of the head): Ju 4:21 וַתִּתְקַע הַיָּתֵד בְרַקָּתוֹ, v 22 5:26 וּמָֽחְצָה וְחָֽלְפָה רַקָּתוֹ, Ct 4:3 = 6:7 כְּפֶלַח הָרִמּוֹן רַקָּתֵךְ.BDB רַקָּה².2


    [רִקּוּחַ] n.[m.] perfumery;—pl. sf. רִקֻּחָ֑יִךְ Is 57:9 thy perfumeries, unguents.BDB רִקּוּחַ.2


    רַקּוֹן v. II. רקק.BDB רַקּוֹן.2


    רַקּוֹן n.pr.loc. in Dan, הָר׳ Jos 19:46, prob. doublet of הַיַּרְקוֹן, om. 𝔊 Benn Steuern, cf. Di.BDB רַקּוֹן².2


    [רִקּוּעַ] n.[m.] expansion;—pl. cstr. וְעָשׂוּ אֹתָם רִקֻּעֵי פַחִים Nu 17:3 expansions of plates, i.e. they shall be beaten into broad plates.BDB רִקּוּעַ.2


    רֶ֫קַח n.[m.] spice;—יַיִן הָר׳ Ct 8:2 wine, (that is) spice (i.e. spiced wine).BDB רֶ֫קַח.2


    [רַקָּח] n.m. ointment-maker, perfumer;—only in phr. בֶּן־הָרַקָּחִים Ne 3:8, i.e. one of the perfumers, i.e. of that guild.BDB רַקָּח.2


    [רָקַח] vb. mix, or compound oil, ointment (perhaps denom.; in this case √ meaning unknown; NH has מִרְקַחַת ointment; Ph. רקח either spice-mixer (Bloch) or spice-dealer (Lzb); perhaps akin to Assyrian riḳḳu, spice, MeissnSuppl. 90, cf. rikkê, DlHWB 620);—
    Qal Impf. 3 ms. יִרְקַח Ex 30:33; Pt. רֹקֵחַ v 25, 35, רוֹ׳ 37:29 Ec 10:1; pl. cstr. רֹקְחֵי 1 Ch 9:30;—mix, compound, Ex 30:33 (P; כָּמֹהוּ, i.e. anything like the holy oil); pt. as subst. רֹקְחֵי הַמִּרְקַחַת 1 Ch 9:30 compounders of the ointment; as a professional name, mixer, perfumer, Ex 30:25, 35; 37:29; Ec 10:1.
    Pu. Pt. mpl. מְרֻקָּחִים 2 Ch 16:14 mixed as ointment.
    Hiph. Inf. abs. הַרְקַח הַמֶּרְקָחָה Ez 24:10 (‖ הָתֵם), as Imv., spice the spicing (?), i.e. spice (the meat) well, but very dub., Krae proposes הָרֵק הַמָּרָק empty out the broth.
    BDB רָקַח.2


    רֹ֫קַח n.[m.] spice-mixture, perfume;—of holy oil, ר׳ מִרְקַחַת מַעֲשֵׂה רֹקֵחַ Ex 30:25; of incense, ר׳ מַעֲשֵׂה רוֹקֵחַ v 35.BDB רֹ֫קַח.2


    [רַקָּחָה] n.f. (female) ointment-maker, perfumer;—pl. רַקָּחוֹת 1 S 8:13 (+ טַבָּחוֹת, אֹפוֹת).BDB רַקָּחָה.2


    רָקִיעַ n.m. Gn 1:6 extended surface, (solid) expanse (as if beaten out; cf. Jb 37:18);—abs. ר׳ Ez 1:22 +, cstr. רְ׳ Gn 1:14 +;—𝔊 στερέωμα, 𝔙 firmamentum, cf. Syriac sub √ supr.;—
    1. (flat) expanse (as if of ice, cf. כְּעֵין הַקֶרַח), as base, support (WklAltor. Forsch. iv. 347) Ez 1:22, 23, 25 (gloss? cf. Co Toy), v 26 (supporting י׳’sthrone) 10:1. Hence (Co Ez 1:22)
    2. the vault of heaven, or ‘firmament,’ regarded by Hebrews as solid, and supporting ‘waters’ above it, Gn 1:6, 7(×3), 8 (called שָׁמַיִם; all P), ψ 19:2 (‖ הַשָּׁמַיִם), זֹהַר הָר׳ Dn 12:3; also הַשָּׁמַיִם ר׳ Gn 1:14, 15, 17, עַל־פְּנֵי ר׳ הַשּׁ׳ v 20 (all P).*
    BDB רָקִיעַ.2


    רָקִיק n.m. a thin cake, (RV) wafer (cf. Arabic رُقَاقَةٌ a thin round cake of bread), always of unleavened bread: Ex 29:23 = Lv 8:26 ר׳ אֶחָד, רְקִיק מַצָּה אֶחָד Nu 6:19, רְקִיקֵי מַצּוֹת Ex 29:2 Lv 2:4; 7:12; Nu 6:15 (all P), 1 Ch 23:29.—𝔊 λάγανον.BDB רָקִיק.2


    רֶ֫קֶם n.pr.
    1. m. a. a king of Midian Nu 31:8 (Ροκομ), Jos 13:21 (Ροβοκ, A Ροκομ, 𝔊 Οροκομ). b. a ‘son’ of Hebron 1 Ch 2:43, 44, Ρεκομ, Ροκομ, Ρωκημ. c. name in Gilead 1 Ch 7:16, 𝔊L Ρακαμ.
    2. loc. in Benj., Jos 18:27, Νακαν, A 𝔊L Ρεκεμ[ν].
    BDB רֶ֫קֶם.2


    [רָקַם] vb. variegate (NH id.; so Arabic رَقَمَ, Ethiopic ረቀመ:, cf. 𝔗 רְקָם, רִקְמָתָא variegated cloth or skin, Syriac ܬܰܪܩܡܳܬܳܐ freckles);—
    Qal Pt. act. רֹקֵם, as subst. variegator, worker (weaver) in colours, c. ב mater. Ex 38:23, מְלֶאכֶת חָרָשׁ וְחשֵׁב זְר׳ 35:35; especially מַעֲשֵׂה ר׳ variegator’s work 26:36; 27:16; 28:39 = 36:37; 38:18; 39:29 (all P; all c. mater. except 28:39).
    Pu. Pf. 1 s. רֻקַּמְתִּי ψ 139:15 I was skilfully wrought (woven, ‖ סכך v 13).
    BDB רָקַם.2


    רִקְמָה n.f. variegated stuff (woven or embroidered);—abs. ר׳ Ju 5:30 +; sf. רִקְמָתֵךְ Ez 16:18, -תָם 26:16; du. רִקְמָתַיִם Ju 5:30; pl. רְקָמוֹת ψ 45:15;—(piece of) variegated stuff, Ju 5:30(×2), for garments Ez 16:10, 13; 27:16, 24 ψ 45:15; explicitly, בִּגְדֵי ר׳ Ez 16:18; 26:16; ר׳ appar. = variegated work 27:7; fig. of variegated plumage 17:3; of variegated stone 1 Ch 29:2.BDB רִקְמָה.2


    [רָקַע] vb. beat, stamp, beat out, spread out (NH id.; Hiph., Aramaic רְקַע Aph., both spread out, and deriv.; Syriac ܪܩܰܥ press down (Lk 6:38 𝔊), spread out, also consolidate; Arabic رَقَعَ patch, put on a patch, repair, cf. Chr-Pal. ܡܪܩܥܐ patch, ܡܪܘܩܥܢܝܬܐ swaddling-bands, SchwallyIdiot. 90; Ph. מרקע platter, or bowl, of gold CISi. 90, 1);—
    Qal Impf. 1 s. sf. אֶרְקָעֵם 2 S 22:43 I will stamp them down (prob. gloss to אֲדִקֵּם preceding, cf. Bae ψ 18:43); Imv. רְקַע בְּרַגְלְךָ Ez 6:11 beat (stamp) with thy foot, in token of contemptuous pleasure, cf. Da (‖ הַכֵּה בְכַפְּךָ); so Inf. cstr. sf. רַקְעֲךָ בְּרָ֑גֶל 25:6 (‖ מַחְאֲךָ יָד); Pt. act. as subst. cstr. (Ges§ 65d) רֹקַע הָאָרֶץ (i.e. י׳) he that (beateth out) spreadeth out the earth Is 42:5, רֹקַע הָא׳ 44:24, רוֹקַע הָא׳ ψ 136:6.
    Pi. Impf. 3 ms. sf. בַּזָּהָב יְרַקְּעֶנּוּ Is 40:19 a goldsmith with gold over-layeth it (lit. beateth it out); 3 mpl. וַיְרַקְּעוּ אֶת־ פַּחֵי הַזָּהָב Ex 39:3 they beat out the plates of gold; sf. וַיְרַקְּעוּם צִפּוּי Nu 17:4 they beat them out as plating.
    Pu. Pt. כֶּסֶף מְרֻקָּ֑ע Je 10:9 silver beaten out.
    Hiph. Impf. 2 ms. תַּרְקִיעַ עִמּוֹ לִשְׁחָקִים Jb 37:18 canst thou make with (= like) him a spreading for clouds (spread out clouds; cf. רָקִיעַ)?
    BDB רָקַע.2


    I. רקק (√ of foll.; Arabic رَقَّ be thin, also fig. be weak, slender, scanty, etc.; Ethiopic ረቀቀ: be thin, ረቂቅ: thin; Syriac ܪܰܩ Pa. Aph. make thin, ܪܰܩܺܝܩ thin.)BDB רקק.2


    II. [רָקַק] vb. spit (NH, Aramaic רְקַק, ܪܰܩ, all = BH);—
    Qal Impf. 3 ms. יָרֹק Lv 15:8, c. ב of pers. spit upon.—cf. יָרַק.
    BDB רָקַק.2


    רַקַּת n.pr.loc. in Naphtali, Jos 19:35; 𝔊 (ομαθα) δακεθ, A Ρεκκαθ, 𝔊L Ρακκαθ; a Jewish trad. identified with Tiberias, TalmJer. Megilla 2b NbrGeogr. 208 f. BuhlGeogr. 225 GASmGeogr. 447.BDB רַקַּת.2


    רָשׁ v. רושׁ.BDB רָשׁ.2


    רשׁה (√ of foll.; cf. NH Hiph. permit, Hoph. Ecclus 3:22; J Aram. רְשָׁא have power, Aph. permit; Old Aramaic רשי cause, occasion, Lzb370, Nab. allowed, Id.ib.; Syriac ܪܫܳܐ is usually blame; Assyrian rašû, possess, râšû, creditor; Arabic (و) رَسَا be firm, iv. make firm; Ethiopic ረሰየ: set, put in, place over, prepare, etc.; Sab. רשו servant of deity JHMordtmZMG xxx (1876), 31 f.).BDB רשׁה.2


    רִשְׁיוֹן n.[m.] permission;—cstr. ר׳ Ezr 3:7.BDB רִשְׁיוֹן.2


    רֵשִׁית v. רֵאשִׁית sub ראשׁ.BDB רֵשִׁית.2


    [רָשַׁם] vb. inscribe, note (NH id.; so Aramaic רְשַׁם, ܪܫܰܡ; Arabic رشم is loan-word NöZMG xxix (1875), 327 Frä137. 250);—
    Qal Pt. pass. c. art. as subst. הָרָשׁוּם בִּכְתָב אֱמֶת Dn 10:21 that which is inscribed in the writing of truth.
    BDB רָשַׁם.2


    רשׁע (√ of foll.; opp. צדק; cf. Arabic رَسَعَ be loose (of limbs) Kam Frey; whence perhaps be (disjointed), ill regulated, abnormal, wicked; NH רָשָׁע criminal, רִשְׁעָה crime, vb. Hiph. (denom.) declare guilty; Aramaic רְשַׁע be wicked, ܪܫܰܥ Aph. do wickedly, and deriv.; Ethiopic ረስዐ: usually forget, less often err, be wicked, ረሲዕ: wicked (loan-word from Syriac ܪܰܫܺܝܥ SchwallyZMG lii (1898), 135)).BDB רשׁע.2


    רֶ֫שַׁע n.m. 1 S 24:14 wickedness;—abs. ר׳ Mi 6:10 +, רָ֑שַׁע Ec 3:16; cstr. (perhaps) רֶ֫שַׁע 7:25; sf. רִשְׁעוֹ Dt 9:27 +, etc.;—
    1. wickedness, as violence and crime against civil law Ec 3:16(×2); אֶגְרֹף ר׳ Is 58:4 fist of wickedness; חַרְצֻבּוֹת ר׳ v 6; לֶחֶם ר׳ Pr 4:17; מַטֵּה ר׳ Ez 7:11; מֹאזְנֵי ר׳ Mi 6:11; אֹצְרוֹת ר׳ v 10, cf. Pr 10:2; בְּרֶשַׁע ψ 141:4; Pr 12:3; עשׂות ר׳ 16:12; מִרְשָׁעִים יֵצֵא ר׳ 1 S 24:14 (proverb).
    2. wickedness of enemies: of Egypt Ez 31:11 (dub. Co; gloss Toy); שֵׁבֶט הר׳ ψ 125:3 (𝔊 SS רָשָׁע).
    3. wickedness, in ethical relations: ‖ חטאת Dt 9:27 (D2); ‖ עון Je 14:20; ‖ עולה Ho 10:13; opp. צֶדֶק ψ 45:8, אֱמֶת Pr 8:7; v. also ψ 5:5; 10:15; Jb 34:10; 35:8; Ec 7:25; 8:8; אַנְשֵׁי ר׳ Jb 34:8; אָהֳלֵי ר׳ ψ 84:11; שׁוּב מֵרִשְׁעוֹ Ez 3:19; 33:12 (v. רִשְׁעָה 3).
    BDB רֶ֫שַׁע.2


    [רָשַׁע] vb. denom. be wicked, act wickedly;—
    Qal Pf. 1 s. רָשַׁעְתִּי 2 S 22:22 +, רָשָׁ֑עְנוּ 1 K 8:47 +; Impf. 2 ms. תִּרְשַׁע Ec 7:17; 1 s. אֶרְשָׁ֑ע Jb 9:29; 10:7;— 1. be wicked, act wickedly, 1 K 8:47 = 2 Ch 6:37; Dn 9:15; Ec 7:17; + מֵאֱלֹהָי 2 S 22:22 (in departing) from my God = ψ 18:22. 2. be guilty, Jb 9:29; 10:7, 15.
    Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. הִרְשִׁיעַ 2 Ch 20:35; 3 mpl. הִרְשִׁיעוּ Dt 25:1; Dn 12:10; 1 pl. הִרְשַׁעְנוּ 9:5, etc.: Impf. 3 ms. יַרְשִׁיעַ Pr 12:2 +; יַרְשִׁעַ Jb 34:29; 3 mpl. יַרְשִׁיעֻן Ex 22:8, etc.; Inf. cstr. הַרְשִׁיעַ 1 K 8:32; 2 Ch 22:3; Pt. מַרְשִׁיעַ Pr 17:15; pl. cstr. מַרְשִׁיעֵי Dn 11:32;— 1. condemn as guilty, in civil relations, c. acc. Ex 22:8 (E) Dt 25:1 ψ 94:21; Jb 34:17; Pr 17:15. 2. condemn as guilty, in ethical and religious relations, c. acc. 1 K 8:32; Jb 9:20; 10:2; 15:6; 32:3; 40:8 ψ 37:33; Pr 12:2; Is 50:9; 54:17, abs. Jb 34:29. 3. act wickedly (late), in ethics and religion: Jb 34:12 (denied of י׳), Ne 9:33; Dn 12:10; 2 Ch 22:3; ‖ חטא ψ 106:6 Dn 9:5; הרשׁיע לעשׂות 2 Ch 20:35; מַרְשִׁיעֵי בְרִית Dn 11:32.—יַרְשִׁיעַ 1 S 14:47 read יִוָּשֵׁעַ 𝔊 Capp We Dr Bu HPS.
    BDB רָשַׁע.2


    רָשָׁע263 adj. wicked, criminal;—abs. ר׳ Gn 18:23 +; pl. רְשָׁעִים Is 13:11 +; cstr. רִשְׁעֵי ψ 75:9 + 3 times; fs. רְשָׁעָה Ez 3:18 (del. Co), v 19 (רָשָׁע Co);—
    1. usually as subst., one guilty of crime, deserving punishment; sometimes also wicked; opp. צַדִּיק; רָשָׁע Ex 2:13; 23:1 (E), Dt 25:2; Pr 17:23; 18:5; 25:5; Jb 9:22, 24; coll. Gn 18:23, 25(×2) (J) Mi 6:10; Pr 3:33; 28:4, רשׁעים 1 S 24:14; Je 5:26; Pr 19:28; 20:26; 29:12, אנשׁים רשׁעים 2 S 4:11 (murderers), רָשָׁע לָמוּת Nu 35:31 (P) guilty of death, מוֹשֵׁל ר׳ Pr 28:15, cf. 29:2, הִצְדִּיק ר׳ Ex 23:7 (E) Is 5:23; Pr 17:15; הִרְשִׁעַ ר׳ Dt 25:1 1 K 8:32 = השׁיב לְרָשָׁע 2 Ch 6:23; אמר לר׳ צַדִּיק Pr 24:24.
    2. guilty of hostility to God or his people, wicked enemies: רשׁע sg. ψ 17:13 + 6 times ψψ, Is 26:10; coll. ψ 9:6, 17; 10:2 + 6 times ψψ, Is 11:4 Hb 3:13; רשׁעים ψ 3:8; 7:10; 9:18 + 5 times ψψ, Is 48:22; 57:20, 21 Je 25:31 Ez 21:34 Mal 3:21 (+ (poss.) other cases; often hard to decide); specif. of Pharaoh Ex 9:27 (J), Babylon Is 13:11; 14:5, Chaldeans Hb 1:4, 13; ‖ שׂנְאֵי יהוה 2 Ch 19:2.
    3. guilty of sin, against either God or man, wicked: האנשׁים הרשׁעים Nu 16:26 (J, rebellious Korahites), Mal 3:18 (not serving י׳), opp. צַדִּיק; sg. indiv. Ez 3:18(×2); 21:30; 33:8(×2) ψ 11:5; 32:10 Pr 9:7 +; coll. Is 3:11 Jb 34:18; 36:6, 17; pl. רשׁעים Is 53:9 Je 23:19 = 30:23, Zp 1:3 ψ 26:5; Pr 10:3; Ec 8:10 +; ‖ חסידים 1 S 2:9 (poem), ψ 12:9; 50:16; 97:10; 145:20; ‖ עֹזְבֵי תוֹרָתֶ֑ךָ 119:53, cf. v 61, +; †אדם ר׳ Pr 11:7; Jb 20:29; 27:13; אִישׁ ר׳ Pr 21:29; מלאך ר׳ 13:17; זֶרַע רשׁעים ψ 37:28; †עֲצַת רשׁעים 1:1; Jb 10:3; 21:16; 22:18; †דֶּרֶךְ רשׁעים Je 12:1 ψ 1:6; 146:9; Pr 4:19; 12:26; דֶּרֶךְ רשׁע 15:9; מִדַּרְכּוֹ הָֽרְשָׁעָה Ez 3:18, 19 (but v. Co, supr.); †רִשְׁעֵי (ה)ארץ ψ 75:9; 101:8; 119:119 Ez 7:21 (𝔊 Co עריצי).—רָשָׁע is rare before exile; chiefly Ez ψψ WisdLit.
    BDB רָשָׁע.2


    רִשְׁעָה n.f. wickedness;—abs. ר׳ Is 9:17 +; cstr. רִשְׁעַת Dt 9:4 +; sf. רִשְׁעָתוֹ Dt 25:2 +;—
    1. wickedness in civil relations, Dt 25:2; Pr 13:6; Is 9:17; בְּרִשְׁעָתוֹ יפּל רָשָׁע Pr 11:5.
    2. wickedness of enemies, גְּבוּל ר׳ Mal 1:4 (Edom); זאת הר׳ Zc 5:8 (personif.); לְרִשְׁעָה Ez 5:6 (del. Co); רִשְׁעַת הגוים Dt 9:4, 5.
    3. wickedness, ethical and religious, עשׂה ר׳ Mal 3:15, 19, שׁוּב מֵרִשְׁעָתוֹ Ez 18:27; 33:19; רִשְׁעַת (הָ)רָשָׁע 18:20; 33:12.
    BDB רִשְׁעָה.2


    רִשְׁעָתַיִם v. כּוּשַׁן ר׳ p. 469.BDB רִשְׁעָתַיִם.2


    רשׁף (√ of foll.; Sam. ࠓࠔࠐ irritavit, incendit; NH רֶשֶׁף flame, Ecclus 43:17c רשׁף lightning-flame (? si vera l.); J Aram. רשְׁפָּא flame; רשף as n.pr.div. in Old Aramaic and Ph. Lzb154, 370 PietschmPhön. 150 ff. EMeyZMG xxxi (1877), 719ib. xlii (1888), 473 SpiegelbergZA xiii (1898), 121 Lzbib. 328 WMMAs. u. Eur. 311 ff. GACookeInscr. 56 f.).BDB רשׁף.2


    † I. רֶ֫שֶׁף n.m. Hb 3:5 flame, fire-bolt;—abs. ר׳ Dt 32:24 +; pl. רְשָׁפִים ψ 78:48, cstr. רִשְׁפֵי 76:4, רִשְׁפֵּי Ct 8:6; sf. רְשָׁפֶיהָ v 6;—
    1. flame: ר׳ ר׳ אֵשׁ Ct 8:6 its flames (sc. of אַהֲבָה, קִנְאָה) are flames of fire; בְּנֵי ר׳ Jb 5:7 = sparks; ר׳ = pointed flame of lightning ψ 78:48 (‖ בָּרָד); ר׳ קָ֑שֶׁת 76:4 sharp flames of the bow, fig. for arrows.
    2. fire-bolt of י׳, bringing pestilence and death, Dt 32:24 (cf. Dr; ‖ קֶטֶב מְרִירִי), Hb 3:5 (‖ דֶּבֶר).
    BDB רֶ֫שֶׁף.2


    † II. רֶ֫שֶׁף n.pr.m. in Ephr., 1 Ch 7:25; Σαραφ, A Ρασεφ, 𝔊L Ρασηφ.BDB רֶ֫שֶׁף².2


    [רָשַׁשׁ] vb. Pōʿēl beat down, shatter (Syriac ܪܰܫ bruise, grind);—Impf. 3 ms. יְרשֵׁשׁ Je 5:17 one shall beat down thy fortified cities.
    Pu. Pf. 1 pl. רֻשַּׁשְׁנוּ Mal 1:4 we are beaten down.
    BDB רָשַׁשׁ.2


    רֶ֫שֶׁת n.f. Ex 27:5 net;—abs. רֶשֶׁת Ho 5:1 + 11 times; רָ֑שֶׁת Pr 1:17; cstr. רֶשֶׁת Ex 27:4; 38:4; sf. רִשְׁתִּי Ho 7:12 + 2 times; רִשְׁתּוֹ ψ 10:9; 35:8; רִשְׁתָּם Ez 19:8 ψ 35:7;—
    1. net: a. for catching (birds, etc.) חִנָּם מְזֹרָה הָרָ֑שֶׁת Pr 1:17 to no purpose is the net spread in the eyes of any bird; elsewhere fig. (1) of judgment of י׳, all c. פרשׂ: Ho 7:12 (‖ כְּעוֹף הַשָּׁמַיִם אוֹרִידֵם), Ez 12:13; 17:20 (both ‖ מְצוּדָתִי), 32:3 (of י׳ catching Pharaoh, under fig. of sea-monster; ‖ ii. חֵרֶם); (2) of nations capturing king of Israel under fig. of lion 19:8 (c. פרשׂ; ‖ שַׁחְתָּם); (3) of priests and rulers (as entangling people in sin) Ho 5:1 (‖ פַּח). b. spread for feet of man (fig.): (1) by י׳ La 1:13 (c. פָּרַשׂ); (2) by wicked (= plot) Pr 29:5 (c. פרשׂ), ψ 140:6 (c. id.;טָמַן פַּח), 10:9; 25:15, שֻׁלַּח בְּרֶשֶׁת בְּרַגְלָיו Jb 18:8 (‖ שְׂבָכָה); elsewhere c. טמן ψ 9:16 (‖ שַׁחַת), 31:5; 35:7 (שַׁחַת רִשְׁתָּם), v 8; c. הֵכִין 57:7 (‖ שִׁיחָה).
    2. brazen network for altar of tabern. הָרֶשֶׁת Ex 27:4, 5; מִכְבָּר מַעֲשֵׂה ר׳ נְחשֶׁת 27:4 = 38:4 (all P).—On Inf. רֶשֶׁת, v. ירשׁ supr.
    BDB רֶ֫שֶׁת.2


    רֶ֫שֶׁת net, v. ירשׁ.BDB רֶ֫שֶׁת².2


    רַתּוֹק n.[m.] chain (on form LagBN 89);—abs. עֲשֵׂה הָר׳ Ez 7:23, i.e. for captives, but very dub.; Co עָרֹה וּבָקוֹק, Krae עֹשֵׂי הַבַּתּוֹק (ב׳ = Assyrian butâḳu, obstruction); hence perhaps also pl. cstr. רַתּוּקוֹת זָהָב 1 K 6:21 Qr (Kt רתיקות), chains of gold before the דְּבִיר in temple.BDB רַתּוֹק.2


    רַתּוּקוֹת, רתיקות v. foregoing.BDB רַתּוּקוֹת.2


    [רֶ֫תַח] n.[m.] boiling;—pl. sf. רְתָחֶיהָ Ez 24:5, as acc. cogn. cause its boilings to boil, make it boil vigorously; but read נְתָחֶיהָ Hi-Sm Co Da (poss.) and all mod. (cf. v 4, 6; ‖ עצמים).BDB רֶ֫תַח.2


    [רָתַח] vb. boil (NH id.; Ecclus 43:3 Hiph. make hot; Aramaic רְתַח, ܪܬܰܚ boil);—
    Pi. Imv. ms. רַתַּח causat. Ez 24:5 cause to boil, bring to boiling, c. acc. rei.
    Pu. Pf. 3 pl. רֻתְּחוּ Jb 30:27 my bowels have been made to boil without quiet (fig. of violent emotion).
    Hiph. Impf. 3 ms. יַרְתִּיחַ כַּסִּיר מְצוּלָה Jb 41:23 he (the crocod.) maketh the depth boil like the pot.
    BDB רָתַח.2


    [רָתַם] vb. bind, attach (cf. Arabic رَتِيمَةٌ thread bound to finger as reminder);—
    Qal Imv. ms. רְתֹם הַמֶּרְכָּבָה לָרֶכֶשׁ Mi 1:13.
    BDB רָתַם.2


    רֹ֫תֶם n.m. 1 K 19:5 a kind of broom-shrub, broom-plant, retem (NH id.; Arabic رَتَمٌ (on form LagBN 152); 𝔗 רִיתְמָא, all = BH);—abs. ר׳ אֶחָד 1 K 19:5, ר׳ אחת v 4 Kt (אֶחָד Qr); pl. שֹׁרֶשׁ רְתָמִים לַחְמָם Jb 30:4 (on text v. Bu Cheinfr.); גַּחֲלֵי רְתָמִים ψ 120:4, RobBR i. 84, 203, 205, 500 LöwNo. 313 PostHastings, DB, ‘Juniper’ CheEncy. Bib. ‘Juniper’.BDB רֹ֫תֶם.2


    רִתְמָה n.pr.loc. station in wilderness, Nu 33:18, 19; Ραθαμα, 𝔊L Ραμαθα.BDB רִתְמָה.2


    [רָתַק] vb. bind (Arabic رَتَقَ close up and repair, sew up; Talm. רִיתְקָא fenced enclosure);—
    Pu. Pf. 3 pl. רֻתְּקוּ בַזִּקִּים Na 3:10 her great ones were bound with fetters.
    Niph. Impf. 3 ms. יֵרָתֵק Ec 12:6 Qr (ירחק Kt), from context = be snapped, broken; read prob. יִנָּתֵק (Pfannkuche Thes and mod.).
    BDB רָתַק.2


    [רְתֻקָה] n.[f.] chain (?);—pl. cstr. רְתֻקוֹת כֶּסֶף Is 40:19.BDB רְתֻקָה.2


    רתת (√ of foll.; NH רָתַת, Aramaic רְתַת, ܪܰܬ, all tremble; cf. רטט).BDB רתת.2


    רְתֵת n.[m.] trembling (on form LagBN 176 Ba§ 7b);—ר׳ Ho 13:1 (si vera l.) when Ephr. spoke trembling (AV Che al.); Ew al. spoke terror; Hi Ke RV spoke, there was trembling; text dub. (v. Now).BDB רְתֵת.2

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