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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress - Contents
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    Evidence of Divine Deliverance

    As we viewed the wreck, and then the car in which Elder White and his wife were riding at the time of the accident, standing quietly by itself, some fifteen rods away from the wreck, we felt to say in our hearts that God heard prayer, and who knows but he sent his angel to uncouple that car, that his servants might escape unharmed? More especially did this thought impress our minds when the brakeman said that he did not uncouple it, and furthermore, that no one was on the platform when it occurred, and that it was a mystery to himself and to all the train-men how it was done; and what was still more mysterious to them, the link and bolt were both unbroken, and the bolt with its chain was lying on the platform of the wrecked car as though placed there by a careful hand.GSAM 330.1

    By the evening of the 24th the track was so far cleared of the rubbish that the trains ran as usual, and Elder and Mrs. White again entered the cars and made a safe passage to their appointment in Wisconsin.GSAM 330.2

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