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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress - Contents
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    Prophecy versus Worldly Wisdom

    There was a word of prophecy given in connection with the work in the European field, which is being so literally fulfilled that it merits notice at this point. It was affirmed by laborers and people that the work could not be carried on there, especially in Scandinavia, as it is in America. Mrs. White, to their surprise, said it not only could be carried on successfully, but could be sustained in the same way it was in America, and that the Lord had shown her that if they took hold to pay their tithe, even of the small earnings they received, God would prosper them far beyond their anticipations. She also told them that canvassers could sell books by subscription in Scandinavia, and it would be a success. Managers of publishing houses in those countries said, “It cannot be done;” they ” never sold books in that way.” The sequel has shown that what the angel of the Lord presented to her in this matter was far superior to the wisdom of the worldly booksellers and publishers. Success has attended the canvassing work there from its very beginning. Some of those who moved out to pay to the cause a tenth of their scanty income have become canvassers, and not only sustain themselves, but earn more means than ever before, and consequently are enabled to pay a much greater tithe.GSAM 445.2

    More than $40,000 worth of books were sold by the canvassers in the year 1895 of works printed in our publishing house in Christiana, Norway. Mark this as another prophecy fulfilled, and that, too, in the face of protestations on every hand, both in the church and out of it, that it could not be done.GSAM 445.3

    In reference to the work of the tract societies which were instituted in 1871 and onward, it is safe to say that almost as many persons have been brought to the truth by the efforts of such workers as through the personal efforts of the ministry. Through this agency the message is being published to all nations and tongues of the earth.GSAM 445.4

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