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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress - Contents
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    Alexander Campbell’s Position

    In the same number of the paper it is stated of Alexander Campbell that, “in 1829 he had his celebrated debate with Robert Owen, the infidel, in which he contended that Daniel’s visions extend to the end of time, that the twenty-three hundred days are years, and will end about 1847 years from the birth of Christ, which, according to his own showing, was four years before the common account.” So his reckoning would actually end the twenty-three hundred days at the close of 1843 full Jewish year from the A.D. period—really 1844.GSAM 87.3

    In the Midnight Cry of Sept. 21, 1843, is a statement concerning a book received with this title, “A Voice to Britain and America, in a Scriptural statement of the second advent of our Lord and Saviour, which we daily pray for, saying, ‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven,’ 25Matthew 6:10. by Captain A. Landers, of Liverpool, published by S. Kent and Co., 1839.”GSAM 88.1

    “He, like the others, gives a calculation of the time, giving the end of the twenty-three hundred days as 1847 years from the actual birth of Christ.” That would be our 1844, as he was born four years before the common account. 26Marginal date of Matthew 2:1.GSAM 88.2

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