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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress - Contents
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    The Disappointment Explained

    “But the time—the year 1843, the Jewish year—passed, and we were disappointed in not beholding the King in his beauty. And all who opposed us honestly supposed that every distinctive characteristic of our belief had been demonstrated to be false; and that we should, as honest men, abandon our whole position. And therefore it was with surprise that they saw us still clinging to our hope, and still expecting our King.GSAM 156.1

    “We, however, in our disappointment, saw no reason for discouragement. We saw that the Scriptures indicated that there must be a tarrying time, and that while the vision tarried we must wait for it. We saw also that with the end of the year the period could not be fully terminated, even upon the supposition that our chronology was correct; and that they could only be fulfilled some time in the present year; and yet we frankly and fully admitted to the world that we were mistaken in the definite point to which we had looked with so much confidence; but while we were thus mistaken, we can see the hand of God in that matter. We can see that he has made use of that proclamation as an alarm to the world, and a test to the church. It placed his people in an attitude of expectation. It called out those who were willing to suffer for his name’s sake. It demonstrated to whom the cry of the Lord’s coming was tidings of great joy, and to whom it was an unwelcome sound in their ears. It has shown the universe who would welcome the Lord’s return, and who would reject him at his second, as the Jews did at his first advent. And we regard it as a step in the accomplishment of God’s purpose, in this ‘day of his preparation,’ that he might lead forth a people who should only seek the will of the Lord, that they might be prepared for his coming.”GSAM 156.2

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