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The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress - Contents
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    C. Points Not Addressed or Developed [with questions from a 1992 perspective]:

    In general, Brother Loughborough portrays a “positive”-only picture of our church. There is much positive to recount. The Lord wants this done, and has explicitly called for it. But the Lord also is very pointed in recording the failings of His people. We must confess our failings in a full telling of His leading. Our position in 1992 constrains us to consider the following:—GSAM 570.5

    (1) The Minneapolis Experience:GSAM 570.6

    Brother Loughborough makes no reference to it at all. Note what the messenger of the Lord wrote about 1888 (see The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials) in comparison and contrast to what is in the following references:—GSAM 570.7

    —p. 93: have come to the generation which shall not pass off the stage of action until Christ Himself shall have come [What happened to that generation?]GSAM 570.8

    —pp. 274, 279, 280: sealing begun, winds held, war soon [Why are the winds still being held?]GSAM 571.1

    —p. 441: almost every part of the world, a very short time [Why has the time been extended?]GSAM 571.2

    —p. 530: preparing a people for Christ, Oh the joy of those who obtained that light [Why didn’t those in the Minneapolis experience have that same joy when the Lord brought more light?]GSAM 571.3

    —pp. 518, 555: I wished many times they would tell me how to be good [Have we yet learned how to be good, how to gain the victory over sin?]GSAM 571.4

    (2) Evidences for the accuracy of Revelation 3 diagnosis of poor, miserable, blind, naked:GSAM 571.5

    —Contrast that assessment with the following:—pp. 278, 285: prosperity; p. 331: gaining; p. 376: advancement; p. 391: large; p. 463: seventy-four years, rise and progress, advanced and accelerated, force and power (similar sentiments pp. 465; 466; 473; 566)GSAM 571.6

    (3) Full reasons for the need to reorganize [more than extension of work]:GSAM 571.7

    —p. 356: (1897) reorganize and (1901-05) rearrange [Were there reasons other than the extension of the work that necessitated reorganization? (see Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 347-363)]GSAM 571.8

    (4) Violations of the counsel regarding rebuilding in Battle Creek after the Sanitarium fire:GSAM 572.1

    —p. 374: another building, larger and more substantial, “it is solid” [Why did the sanitarium burn?]GSAM 572.2

    —p. 374: light that the Lord would have many sanitariums rather than a few mammothGSAM 572.3

    (5) Reasons for the move of the college to Berrien Springs:GSAM 572.4

    —p. 396: Battle Creek College: sold, new college, a farm [Why was the educational program moved and changed?]GSAM 572.5

    —p. 402: schools conducted in harmony with the plan the Lord has outlined [only allusion to contrast]GSAM 572.6

    (6) Reasons for the General Conference move to DC:GSAM 572.7

    —p. 458: out of Battle Creek [Why had the Lord for years instructed His people to leave Battle Creek?]GSAM 572.8

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