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Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith - Contents
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    The Clouds

    How beautiful the clouds,
    The morning’s purple clouds;
    How sweet they calm reposing lie
    In yonder deep blue azure sky,
    Streaked with crimson pale and red,
    Fair as violets in their bed;
    Gliding, floating, moving ever
    Onward, onward, stopping never.
    PSAS 117.3

    How beautiful the clouds,
    The noontide’s burning clouds;
    Mountains of pure white driven snow,
    In upper regions on they go;
    Pillars of ever living light,
    Piles of crystal gems as bright, Gliding, moving, hurrying ever
    Onward, onward, stopping never.
    PSAS 117.4

    How beautiful the clouds,
    The dark and rolling clouds;
    With tempest, storm, and fury crowned,
    Where lightnings fiercely play around;
    Terrific, grand, sublime, they rise
    When pealing thunders rend the skies;
    Whirling, heaving, rolling ever
    Onward, onward, stopping never.
    PSAS 118.1

    How beautiful the clouds,
    The golden sunset clouds;
    Tinged with yellow, mellow light,
    Warm, rich hues that gladden sight;
    As sinks the wave in ocean’s breast,
    So fades the many-colored west;
    Fading, passing, gliding ever
    Onward, onward, stopping never.
    PSAS 118.2

    How beautiful the clouds,
    The evening, moonlit clouds;
    On tireless wings of snowy hue
    They move through heaven’s ethereal blue;
    Like fairy forms of crystal light,
    Arrayed in robes of silver white;
    Gliding, floating, moving ever
    Onward, onward, stopping never.
    PSAS 118.3

    And in our weary march,
    The whirling, passing clouds
    Are emblems of life’s hurried way,
    Swift passing down its fleeting day;
    In smiles and tears the restless mind
    Is ever seeking-ne’er to find-
    A resting place-but hurrying ever
    Onward, onward, stopping never.
    PSAS 118.4

    Youth’s hopes, oh! what are they,
    But clouds of changing hue;
    Sometimes they’re tinged with golden light,
    Beaming with softening beauty bright;
    Like clouds they fade, they pass, they die,
    And leave no trace upon the sky;
    Fleeting, fading, passing ever
    Onward, onward, stopping never.
    PSAS 119.1

    I’d be, when life shall wane,
    Like white-winged clouds of even;
    Through fields of endless day I’d roam,
    And find me there a starry home;
    Beyond this world, far, far, away,
    To Heaven’s own light I’d wing my way;
    Through realms of bliss there roaming ever
    Onward, onward, stopping never.
    PSAS 119.2

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