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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 4 (1883 - 1886) - Contents
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    Lt 94, 1886



    January 31, 1886

    Portions of this letter are published in 3Bio 339.

    I spoke Jan. 23 to a good congregation. Two interpreters followed me, one in German and one in French. The German has his hearers separated from the congregation as far as he can get them. He stands by them while the French interpreter stands by my side and interprets to the French portion of the congregation.4LtMs, Lt 94, 1886, par. 1

    I had a most important subject on redemption and the rebellion of Satan. I had great freedom. I know the Lord blessed me in bringing out the subject. All were intensely interested. Sister Whitney took it down in shorthand, and it was very straight. It is not an easy matter to stand and talk and have two interpreters both talking at the same time to the hearers.4LtMs, Lt 94, 1886, par. 2

    Last Sabbath, I spoke again upon the test brought upon Cain and Abel, showing who was the one who bore the test and who refused to bear it. I had freedom, and the congregation was intensely interested.4LtMs, Lt 94, 1886, par. 3

    Well, we are in every discourse getting subject matter to be used. I have been unable to write except by dictation for above one week. I have been afflicted with congestion of the head and eyes. My eyes have been very painful. I have sought the Lord most earnestly, and in faith, and His blessing has certainly come upon me. I am improving, but have to hold myself in check continually. I think these sun-gas lights are bad for the eyes. I shall be so thankful when it will come daylight at six o’clock. I arise every morning at four or at the latest at five with an occasional exception.4LtMs, Lt 94, 1886, par. 4

    Yesterday, Sabbath, a telegram came from W. C. White that they were at Queenstown, had a pleasant passage. This was good news to us indeed. They reached Liverpool today at ten A.M. They will probably be in London, Tuesday. We shall see them the last of this week.4LtMs, Lt 94, 1886, par. 5

    Brother and Sister Conradi came with him, [and] Jenny Harns, Mary, Richard Cogswell, Marian [Davis] came with W. C. White. This settles the question that we shall remain in Europe during the best portion of the year 1886.4LtMs, Lt 94, 1886, par. 6

    We shall prepare books here and have them published here.4LtMs, Lt 94, 1886, par. 7

    Well, my child, I feel much disappointed in not hearing from you. What does it mean? I hope such a mistake will not occur again.4LtMs, Lt 94, 1886, par. 8

    Tell Byron and Sarah I have not forgotten them. If my eyes had been right, would have written them. Tell Sarah I appreciated her letter and will soon try to answer it.4LtMs, Lt 94, 1886, par. 9

    With much love to you and Eliza and all dear friends,4LtMs, Lt 94, 1886, par. 10

    Aunt Ellen.

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