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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 4 (1883 - 1886) - Contents
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    Lt 44, 1884


    Healdsburg, California

    March 27, 1884

    Portions of this letter are published in 3Bio 242.

    Dear Children:

    After we had arrived at Brother Chapman’s, we saw prospects of rain and decided to come home. Started at one o’clock and arrived here at seven p.m. We found everything moving on as usual. Nothing new except letters—one, from St. John, I will send you. I think these people better be secured at once. I fear if they go to Battle Creek, Dr. [J. H.] Kellogg will secure them there. I think we must have them.4LtMs, Lt 44, 1884, par. 1

    I do not think Bro. Driver wants my place. He does not say much. I was out with him nearly all day yesterday—although it rained some. There were no cheap places—everything is high, very high.4LtMs, Lt 44, 1884, par. 2

    I think much of Brother Driver. He is a substantial man, a man of worth. I have told him not to be in a hurry, but to be perfectly at home until he shall look around the country. He seems to be pleased with Healdsburg.4LtMs, Lt 44, 1884, par. 3

    I spoke to the college students yesterday in the parlor and shall speak to them occasionally while school lasts.4LtMs, Lt 44, 1884, par. 4

    I see by appointments there are only three weeks left for me to close up my book. Dr. [E. J.] Waggoner is fearful I will not get through but I mean to by that time, if possible. I told Brother B. to send the five hundred to you.4LtMs, Lt 44, 1884, par. 5


    P.S. I send this little note for you to add what you will and send to Brother St. John. I do not think it will amount to much, the doctor spending much time at the sanitarium; but it seems to me that there is needed now the very men to take hold and do something with Chamberlain’s help. I think they can do good service.4LtMs, Lt 44, 1884, par. 6


    Bring me another good fountain pen.4LtMs, Lt 44, 1884, par. 7

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