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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 4 (1883 - 1886) - Contents
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    Ms 34, 1885

    Regarding Ministers’ Families

    Healdsburg, California

    February 15, 1885

    See variant Ms 34a, 1885. Previously unpublished.

    [This manuscript consists of unverified extracts copied from a document that is not known to be extant. The ellipses are found in the extracts. See also variant Ms 34a, 1885 and Ms 34b, 1885.]4LtMs, Ms 34, 1885, par. 1

    [To Elder and Mrs. C. L. Boyd:] I have some matters I wish to present before you. I thought you were acquainted with the testimony born to Elder [Van Horn] and his wife. If I did not think you knew in regard to this testimony, I would send it to you; but this was the burden of the message: that in accordance with our faith we are required to make any and every sacrifice for the truth’s sake; that at this time, when amid the perils of the last days, it was not in accordance with our faith or God’s will that our missionaries should fill their hands with cares and burdens which were not essential to the work, but which would eventually greatly lessen the ability to work. The message we have to bear requires much sacrifice; and if they make no change in their habits and in their practices than worldlings in general, they are not letting their works correspond with their faith.4LtMs, Ms 34, 1885, par. 2

    I was shown that Brother and Sister [Van Horn] have departed from God’s counsel in bringing into the world children. God required all there was of them in His work, and both could have done a good work for the Master; but the enemy came in and his counsels were followed and the cause of God was robbed of the attention it should have; and instead of raising up many sons and daughters to God, they were doing a work which would bring upon them cares and burdens and retard the work God had given them to do. God will say to them, “Who required this at your hands?” [Isaiah 1:12.] ...4LtMs, Ms 34, 1885, par. 3

    You are following the very same course as Elder ______. Had you both done that which God would have been pleased to have had you do, giving all your thoughts, all your interests to the work, you both unitedly might have done a good work; but when I learned that you are soon to have an addition to your family, I know that you are not doing the will of God, but following your own inclinations to please yourselves. I have special light in regard to these things, but hardly know how to present it before our people. The missionaries had better set an example to the people in these things that correspond with our faith.4LtMs, Ms 34, 1885, par. 4

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