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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 4 (1883 - 1886) - Contents
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    Lt 108a, 1886



    October 1886

    Three fragments. See Lt 108, 1886 and Lt 109, 1886. Portions of these letters are published in 3MR 64.

    Fragments of letters

    [To W. C. White?]

    I have decided to write a few lines more. Elder Bourdeau had to pay out all the money that was sent him except ten francs to live on. They have two men boarders, and during the summer three, which made their expenses large, for milk is high and provisions are high. Now Brother Bourdeau must have more money. I think these men will have to engage in labor in other towns and cities. I should judge they are good workers.4LtMs, Lt 108a, 1886, par. 1

    Do not fail to send Elder Bourdeau money, for ten francs will not last long with a large family to feed. He charges only eight francs per week for all the boarders, provides them bedding and food, and does the washing of Brother Albert. All they charge the conference is just what the bare material comes to. I think this is not just the way it should be. I think two dollars per week for each one of the boarders who is devoting his time to the interests of the cause is little enough. They would be glad to have their family to themselves, but cannot do so very well. If the men cook for themselves, it will take much of their time.4LtMs, Lt 108a, 1886, par. 2

    The meetings here have been sometimes small and sometimes quite a good number out to hear.4LtMs, Lt 108a, 1886, par. 3


    [October 1886]

    ... for me to obtain a knowledge of what they were doing when we parted, himself and wife shook hands heartily, and he said he hoped the Lord would spare my life to long continue to do good. In the evening he came with his wife and the directress and about fifty of his scholars. I had much freedom in speaking, and he came and thanked me for the words spoken. Today we have had quite a congregation, and I had much freedom in speaking. But, Willie, Nimes is a dark place. The people are far behind—wicked and corrupt, and wise to do evil. It seems like Sodom and Gomorrah.4LtMs, Lt 108a, 1886, par. 4

    Two have embraced the Sabbath since we came. One is a man who will be of real value. He decided today to obey the truth. The work moves slowly, but the church is being formed and will, we hope, reflect light in this place. They had an excellent social meeting Sabbath afternoon. Sixteen spoke, and Minister Cruze remained through it all and seemed to enjoy it. Now if my coming here has done no more, it has, through becoming acquainted with these men, spiked their guns so they will not make a raid on me. They profess to esteem me highly.4LtMs, Lt 108a, 1886, par. 5

    Brother Ings has done great good here in instructing the people. They have enjoyed listening to him, for they say he makes everything so clear and easy to be understood. He has been very active in working. He has employed his time fully and is much liked. We are of good courage. We leave here tomorrow morning.4LtMs, Lt 108a, 1886, par. 6

    The Catholic friend and his wife visited us last Sabbath and attended meeting all day. They have just come to go to meeting tonight. He brought me his picture because he had ours, which was given him at Basel. I should not wonder if they might take hold of the truth. He is disgusted with confessing to the priest, who is only a man, not God. He wants a Bible and says he means to read it, that the Catholics are kept ignorant of the Bible because the Catholics do not live its teachings. Well, I like them. They are so kind and sociable.4LtMs, Lt 108a, 1886, par. 7

    We read that the late rains have submerged one village near here, and the people had to find quarters in a graveyard. The prefects went to carry them relief last week. There has not been such a rain for forty years. A. C. Bourdeau writes it has rained five days in Italy. Good night. I am real tired.4LtMs, Lt 108a, 1886, par. 8



    Mr. Gilley has been very sociable. He sent me a line soliciting we not leave until I had called upon Mr. Cruze, their minister, and also some of their institutions for orphans and fallen women. We felt the work was not fully completed, so consented to stay. Last Thursday we went to Mr. Gilley’s [institution]. He accompanied us all through the establishment. Then we called upon Minister Cruze who received us cordially, and we had a social chat and he came out evening after the Sabbath afternoon with the directress of the institution, and his wife, to hear me, but I had just closed my remarks. I was not well and returned home, and who should come to visit me but the minister, his wife, and the directress of the institution. We had a good visit, and he brought me books and papers.4LtMs, Lt 108a, 1886, par. 9

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