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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 4 (1883 - 1886) - Contents
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    Lt 38b, 1886

    White, Mary

    Orebro, Sweden

    June 27, 1886

    Portions of this letter are published in 3Bio 346; 5MR 190.

    Dear Daughter Mary:

    I was sorry indeed to hear of Ella’s affliction. While I am sorry for her, I am sorry for you because these things are trying, and I want to charge you particularly to be careful. I know that you may think now that all danger is past, but I am not so sure of this. I think that by you especially, great care should be exercised. Do not forget yourself in lifting any weights, in bending over, ironing, or anything of this kind. I know what I am talking about, and I do not want you should have care and taxation of any kind. This period must be one to you of comparative rest and freedom from mental taxation and overexertion of the physical. Take just the very best care of yourself that you can. Do not you lift Ella once. Let her walk on her two feet. She can do this much better than you can carry her. If you get through this critical period all right, I think your health will be better than it has been for years in the past; but you must have plenty of rest and sleep and be in the open air when it is pleasant. Do not think that Mother does not know, for she does know, by painful experience.4LtMs, Lt 38b, 1886, par. 1

    I am praying for you, and I have trusted your case in the hands of the Lord. I cannot endure the thought of the possibility of harm coming to you, and your being a lifelong sufferer, or your life extinguished when it can be devoted to useful service in the cause of God. I hope and pray and worry some. This morning I was able to lay your case in the hands of the Lord and say, “I will not carry the burden. The Lord will do all things well. He will not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men.” [Lamentations 3:33.] I hope to be able to hold you upon the altar, but sometimes my faith trembles. I have you so much interwoven in my life and heart that I have a dread of your being exposed to any risks. Well now, we will trust in the Lord.4LtMs, Lt 38b, 1886, par. 2

    Before rising, which was half-past four this morning, I had a precious season of prayer for you, and I felt much more peace and rest afterward. I think sometimes I am shrinking from the least approach of trial because I have been so many times so severely tried that I do not have all that confidence in God I should have, but I am feeling better. My conflict is over, and I trust Jesus with you with everything, and I feel that whatever the Lord sees is for our good He will do for us. God ever has and ever will have an interest in the work of His hands, and nothing can happen to us but our heavenly Father has some object for our good. But I believe that you will be carried through this critical period in safety.4LtMs, Lt 38b, 1886, par. 3

    I desire that you should take the journey W. C. White has proposed, if you will have a good driver and be entirely free from care. Make your position in the carriage that of as perfect ease and rest as possible. I believe this journey will do you great good if you take time enough to rest as you go and do not become too weary in journeying. Now just take all the happiness you possibly can, and may the peace of Christ be with you is the prayer of4LtMs, Lt 38b, 1886, par. 4


    I think that the work here is going well, and I have felt much better healthwise than for months in the past. I have already spoken four times at length and ten times in all. The brethren are much encouraged. It is a good meeting, and everything moves harmoniously. Brother Matteson, I think, had some fears that we were going to place Brother Olsen in here in his place, but we told them plainly Elder Matteson had done a good work and we could not spare him. We wanted Elders Matteson and Olsen and many others, if we could get them, to work in these kingdoms, and I think Elder Matteson appears well at this meeting. I think the letters I have sent him have not been without influence. Yesterday we had an excellent meeting; quite a number of outsiders were in, and we had a good congregation of attentive listeners. Well, I am sure the Lord has given me health and strength and the light of His countenance.4LtMs, Lt 38b, 1886, par. 5

    W. C. White’s testimony is received by all. I tell you, things look much different than when we were here last fall. There is a good hall, good seats to accommodate the people; and if Jesus will work with our efforts, we will be encouraged indeed, and He will be. Well, He has promised it, and His Word will not fail. There are beautiful parks close at hand here, and nicely laid out roads, and seats plentifully supplied. All this is in groves of trees. W. C. W. and I walk out between eight and nine o’clock. The sun sets forty minutes after nine, rises before three. I think it is daylight at two.4LtMs, Lt 38b, 1886, par. 6

    I wish you and Ella were here this moment and could accompany us to Norway. They have made arrangements for us to occupy the old part of the printing office. This will be agreeable to us. And we can do more than if we were in any house, to be entertained as guests. I hope Marian and you will arrange the seats in the carriage where you can both have a restful, enjoyable time. I speak once more today at six o’clock, and then my labor here ends.4LtMs, Lt 38b, 1886, par. 7

    Brethren Matteson and Olsen go to Denmark, and then they come to Norway. We stay here until Thursday, then take the cars for Norway, spend two weeks there, return to Copenhagen, spend nearly two weeks there when we will have a similar effort to that we have had here—to educate the young men and encourage the believers to all take hold and work with energy. Then we make our way back home again to Basel.4LtMs, Lt 38b, 1886, par. 8

    Ella May White, Grandma would be very much pleased could she see you this morning. I was very sorry to hear that you fell down the stairs. Was it the long back stairs or the short stairs? I think one of the good angels of the Lord was close by you to prevent your falling and breaking your limbs or killing you. These good angels are watching over you, else you might get into many difficulties.4LtMs, Lt 38b, 1886, par. 9

    Remember that the Lord loves you, and you please the dear Saviour when you are gentle and kind and obedient; and if you are pleasant and have a beautiful character, Jesus will, when He comes, give you a beautiful harp that you can play upon. He will give you a crown of gold, and you will be very happy always. You will never fall downstairs, never be sick, but be happy. Try hard every day to be a good, sweet-dispositioned little girl.4LtMs, Lt 38b, 1886, par. 10


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