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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 4 (1883 - 1886) - Contents
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    Lt 29, 1885

    White, W. C.

    [St. Helena,] California

    February 15, 1885

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Willie:

    Your letter was received evening after the Sabbath. I spoke to the fifty assembled with great freedom. D. Ely was present. We had a social meeting. There very much needs work to be done.4LtMs, Lt 29, 1885, par. 1

    Willie, Brother Staines had better come to Oakland. His cough is a dry, congestive cough. He says he feels relieved as soon as he gets down to the valley; can breathe much better. Had he better try it at Healdsburg or Oakland at once? He wants me to say to you that he cannot be depended on to do any work, and much needs to be done just now. I asked him if it were too much to take care of the horses. He thinks he could just feed them and hitch them up if it were not for cleaning them off. The dust is injurious to his lungs. His cough is hard and dry.4LtMs, Lt 29, 1885, par. 2

    Today I will go to Healdsburg. Think I may come down to Oakland before I return. I think in about a week I will go on that tour you mentioned, to Fresno. Received a letter from Elder Ings. He says that you have written for him to go to Nevada. I fear that it is too cold and windy for him there, and he has rheumatism. But if I go to Fresno, then there is work he can do in connection with Elder Daniels and self. Had I better visit Woodland before going to Fresno? I half decided to go to Oakland today, but will write instead.4LtMs, Lt 29, 1885, par. 3

    I am sleeping better; am improving in health I think.4LtMs, Lt 29, 1885, par. 4

    Brother Staines cannot live in this high altitude. His heart and lungs are congested. He is exhausted. Sanford and Jenny are very clever. He does not appear to think of going to Oakland. All his plans about his place is to stay. He is improving all the time. You did not say one word about whether he was to go to Oakland or not.4LtMs, Lt 29, 1885, par. 5

    There ought to be one sound man on this place—no more sick, debilitated ones. It needs a full man and needs him now. Brother Staines told me last night that Brethren Pratt and Atwood say they have received letters from two or three parties who wish to come. We cannot depend upon Sister Staines to do much. Her little girl is a pet—noisy, ill-mannered, unrestrained—and if Brother Staines is so feeble that he can do nothing here, the sooner a good man can come the better. This is no place for any half men, broken down by overwork. He says he felt strong in Oakland, but like a wilted rag here. He goes to drive the team for us today to Healdsburg. He seems very desirous to go, or I would not admit it. Love to all.4LtMs, Lt 29, 1885, par. 6


    There is an earnest desire for me to speak Sunday and circulate the appointment. Many outsiders desire to come in and hear me. I think where our institutions are located, missionary work should be done and circulars distributed.4LtMs, Lt 29, 1885, par. 7

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