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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 4 (1883 - 1886) - Contents
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    Lt 23a, 1886

    White, Mary

    Great Grimsby, England

    September 23, 1886

    Portions of this letter are published in EGWE 224.

    Dear Mary:

    We met Willie when we came home from meeting last night. Was glad to see him. He seems well. I have now spoken twice in the tent, once in the mission, and three times in the morning. I do not like this air, but I am thankful I am as well as I am. Will you please get for Marian three bottles of malt, and have her take it as by direction. This is considered good for such as are troubled as she is. I feel worried about her, and I want something should be done to help her if possible.4LtMs, Lt 23a, 1886, par. 1

    I feel some overworked and will have to hold up a little. I spoke twice Sabbath, twice on Sunday, and twice Tuesday. I am now trying to rest.4LtMs, Lt 23a, 1886, par. 2

    I have had a great liberty in speaking. Sunday night the tent was crowded full, and they said about half as many were upon the outside. Last night the tent was not full, but I had an interested audience and spoke with freedom. I speak again Thursday and Sunday evenings. I believe I can do something in the name and strength of Jesus, in England.4LtMs, Lt 23a, 1886, par. 3

    I will send you samples of flannel I have bought and am making up. This flannel cost me seventy-five cents for three yards and three quarters. The pink cotton and wool cost one English shilling. This red oil goods—I can get remnants like this, two yards for thirty cents. There is quite a pile of remnants. Prints are eight cents per yard, good twilled calico like this sample.4LtMs, Lt 23a, 1886, par. 4

    Shall I get any for Ella or any other purposes? I saw in the great hotels white curtains trimmed with this cloth. Write your wishes about the matter. Love to Ella and all the family.4LtMs, Lt 23a, 1886, par. 5

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