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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 4 (1883 - 1886) - Contents
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    Lt 52a, 1886

    White, W. C.

    Lausanne, Switzerland

    November 20, 1886

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Willie:

    Received letters this morning; ere this you have received mine, I suppose. It is evening after the Sabbath. I spoke this morning, interpreted into German and French. We had a good social meeting. Several came in from about twenty miles, intelligent, nice-looking people. We had social meeting, and excellent testimonies were borne. Elder Ings spoke in afternoon. I was to speak this evening, but I spoke last evening and walked back and forth from the hall, and today Sister Ings thinks that as I have to speak tomorrow evening I should rest tonight. Brother Ings will speak tonight and will have a meeting tomorrow afternoon also, giving instruction on missionary work.4LtMs, Lt 52a, 1886, par. 1

    Monday we leave here for Bienne.4LtMs, Lt 52a, 1886, par. 2

    I spoke of the carriage coming down; but as neither Brother nor Sister Ings seem to think it best, it need not come.4LtMs, Lt 52a, 1886, par. 3

    I send you, as Daniel says, “My Best Effort” to help Elder A. C. Bourdeau. Please set this in order, for I shall use it for general matters and shall get out another testimony some time. Send a copy as soon as possible to A. C. Bourdeau. I have written it today, besides speaking. I hope you will get it to him as soon as possible, for he needs it. I am surprised at his condition spiritually. My soul is distressed with his ways and manners. Will you please send Gilly the Great Controversy, vols. 2 and 3, and Life of Paul to the minister in connection with him? Brother Ertzenberger will tell you his name—and send to him the sketch of travels in Europe. I want to be in their good favor if I can consistently, and it will help matters with the church in Nimes.4LtMs, Lt 52a, 1886, par. 4

    I think I shall have got through with A. C. Bourdeau this time and forever.4LtMs, Lt 52a, 1886, par. 5

    Love to all.4LtMs, Lt 52a, 1886, par. 6

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