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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 4 (1883 - 1886) - Contents
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    Lt 55, 1884

    White, W. C.; White, Mary

    Syracuse, New York

    August 24, 1884

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear children, Willie and Mary:

    Our important meeting is now over. They estimate we have had from five to eight thousand people out, and the very best part of community. I never addressed a more noble appearing people. They listened, many with tears, while I spoke one hour and three quarters upon temperance. Then at the close of the meeting they came to my tent to speak to me and bid me Godspeed. One lady spoke to Emma [White] and said I was too tired, she knew, to be troubled with visitors, but could Mrs. White be prevailed upon to stay one more week and speak to the people. I could do so much good, that the congregation was composed of the very best class in the city, and if Mrs, White would only stay! Several have come and spoken with me, kissed me, and expressed their gratitude to God that they heard me—noble-looking, richly dressed ladies.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 1

    Brother Whitney says just this one meeting alone would pay for all the efforts and expenses of the whole meeting. I bless the Lord that He gave me strength today.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 2

    I am, of course, weary, but of good courage. Many say, “I hope this meeting will be reported in the papers, for we want it. It is too good to be lost, and we want to ever remember the ideas presented before us.” I feel now that my work is about done.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 3

    Tomorrow there will be twenty or thirty baptized. Oh, I am so grateful to the Lord that He can use me, a poor frail instrument to do His work. I am unworthy of this great honor.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 4

    Several of the first-class ladies have urged me to go with them to their homes, but I have told them this was simply impossible because of other appointments. I leave for Worcester, Mass. tomorrow night.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 5

    Elder [Uriah] Smith spoke on the Sabbath question to a large congregation this morning, and this evening he speaks on the Eastern question. I feel so grateful that Brother Smith is not lost to the cause. He seems fully and thoroughly united with us; seems like Brother Smith of old. Oh, thank the Lord! Praise His Holy Name, that His love, His wondrous love has been exercised toward the children of men. It is so dark, I must stop. Will write you tomorrow.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 6

    Aug. 25, 11:00 a.m

    The first two pages were written Sunday after I had spoken to the crowd. The evening meeting was largely attended. Elder Smith spoke with great clearness, and many listened with open eyes, ears, and mouths. The outsiders seemed to be intensely interested in the Eastern question. He closed with a very solemn address to those who had not been preparing for these great events in the near future.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 7

    This morning in [the] half-past-five meeting, many precious testimonies were borne. I spoke about twenty minutes. We then had a meeting of the ministers, licentiates, colporteurs, canvassers, and I talked with them about one hour in regard to the preparation essential to prepare them for the solemn work in which they were engaged.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 8

    The ministers said these remarks were right to the point, good words of highest value. They begged me to come into the tract and missionary meeting, but I declined.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 9

    Dr. Gibbs had been waiting to talk with me. He has cases of fever he must see through. We have just had a talk with him, and I am pleased with him. He is about thirty-three years old, black hair, dark eyes, rather young looking, of good address. I think he is just the man for us. He carries the highest recommendations. Studied in this very city. Has the first-class diploma. He graduated with the highest honors.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 10

    He has believed the truth for six years, but his wife is the bitterest kind of an opposer. Says she will leave him if he goes with this people, but he has decided to obey the truth. He seems to be conscientious and his highest aims are to glorify God. He wants to do good. He seems to think it would be the highest blessing to be connected with the work of God where he could be a blessing to others. He is compassionate, tender, pitiful, and I think he will serve us well.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 11

    He will, as soon as he can, settle his business, go to the sanitarium, and there learn something of the manner of treating the sick upon hygienic principles. Thinks if he can settle his business, he can do this in a few weeks and can be prepared to go back with us when I return to California. I asked him in regard to his wages. He will come for eight hundred dollars the first year, and his fare paid over; and he says if he sees the Health Retreat embarrassed, he will feel it a privilege to take hold and put his means into it, for he is not proposing to work for money. He wants to learn the ways of the Lord more perfectly. He wants to be fitting for heaven. He has an offer of three thousand dollars a year at Philadelphia, but in the light of this truth it would be at the loss of his soul.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 12

    He says he was called away from his medical studies two years. His father died. He could not leave his mother in her bereavement. He took the farm and worked on it for two years and then, when the farm was sold, he returned to College [and] completed his course. He said, “I am a successful physician. I do not [say] this to praise myself but you want to know facts. I have mementos now awarded me for skillful practice in broken limbs and arms, shattered limbs, and removals of tumors. I can get large wages if I go to Philadelphia, but my soul is of more value than three thousand dollars multiplied.” I will say I like his appearance much. He says you need not think I fear hard work or that I am not willing to be taught. He is [an] allopath. He says he has practiced eight years. His mother is a noble appearing woman. She was so anxious for her son that we should find a position for him among us, that I told her to telegraph for him. He has here, listened to the truth. He had tried to keep the Sabbath, but he says not as he should. Now he has enjoyed these meetings, every one of them. He took his stand publicly. He came forward Sabbath afternoon and bore his testimony. Seems to be firm and decided for the right and to appear to be a man of noble qualities of mind.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 13

    Well, I have been called away to converse or advise with Isador Green, who wants to study for a physician, who, I think would make a failure. I do not think she has the qualifications for a physician. Well, I speak once more and then I am done, I hope. You see how faithful I am to you. Will you do as well among you all for me? May the Lord bless you. I have just bid Lucinda [Hall] and Emma White goodbye to go to the Abbey farm.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 14

    I, [be] on to my work. Love to all in the household.4LtMs, Lt 55, 1884, par. 15


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