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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 4 (1883 - 1886) - Contents
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    Lt 18, 1885

    Burgess, J. A.

    Healdsburg, California

    January 20, 1885

    Previously unpublished.

    Brother Burgess:

    I am troubled to find bills unsettled against me. Myers says there is about thirty dollars charged against me. What does this mean? Have you everything you have received in money, and how it was expended? We find not a scratch of anything of the kind here. Now will you please send in the accounts? Will you state definitely how you used the money sent from Oakland? Did you leave unsettled bill at Myers or in any other place? It would be a satisfaction to me to know about these things. Have you any of my money in your hands?4LtMs, Lt 18, 1885, par. 1

    I was dunned for a debt you left unpaid at Goldenstone. I told him you were an honest man and would settle the debt, but I should pay no such debts. Why have you not made to me a statement of matters that I might know just how they stood? I am pressed for money as never before, and then to have a bill of thirty dollars presented to me troubles me. Will you tell me, Is this a just debt or Myers’ meanness? Let me know at once.4LtMs, Lt 18, 1885, par. 2

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