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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 4 (1883 - 1886) - Contents
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    Lt 62, 1884

    White, W. C.

    Healdsburg, California

    December 18, 1884

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Willie:

    We found our team waiting for us at the depot. Brother Cole from Oregon had just hitched the horses when the cars stopped. We went to Brother Chapman’s. How rejoiced they were to see us, especially to meet Brother and Sister Lockwood. Bro. Lockwood and his wife are very happy. I came up in the cars Wednesday morning but have been so head tired have done nothing at writing.4LtMs, Lt 62, 1884, par. 1

    I had a visit with Brother [Sidney] Brownsberger [and] tried to ply him with questions about the school. All is moving in harmony. Bro. Granger [is] doing nicely, just a fit. I talked about Bro. Pierce. They need an experienced gardener, one who understands how to raise vegetables and garden produce. Can Brother Pierce do this? Brother Mills thought it would pay well to have a man who could take charge and work in this direction. If Brother Jones comes, there will be no need of another teacher. If he does not come, they will have to employ a teacher. Just now, Brother and Sister Lockwood rode up. They said it rained some but they had a cover to the wagon. They feel delighted with California.4LtMs, Lt 62, 1884, par. 2

    When you can, will you see Sister Mills and talk with her about Chicago? I am feeling tired, and the weather is so bad now it makes me feel worse. I think Mary [White] ought to come up here, and Willie, this winter. We will have a screen about the fireplace so Ella [White] shall be in no danger. We found the girls glad to see me. All were pleased to have me come home again.4LtMs, Lt 62, 1884, par. 3

    I think you had better send Brother Lockwood’s trunks up here on the tickets you have, and then we can send them to St. Helena by the wagon that moves Brother Cramer’s goods down. Send by the ones who shall come to Healdsburg, the luggage, hand luggage of Brother and Sister Lockwood. Pack things in a trunk and send my things as you see fit.4LtMs, Lt 62, 1884, par. 4

    Well, I must stop, for I am good for not much.4LtMs, Lt 62, 1884, par. 5


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