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    Ms 26, 1885

    Diary, October 15 to October 30, 1885


    October 15-30, 1885

    Portions of this manuscript are published in TDG 299; 3SM 313-316; 2MR 153; 3MR 373, 383-389; 6MR 94; 9MR 99-100; 3Bio 320; EGWE 100, 105, 108-109.

    First Visit to Sweden

    October 15, 1885 On the steamer which takes us to Malmo, which means “island.”4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 1

    We take the cars for Stockholm where we remain over the Sabbath. It is a beautiful morning. The sun is shining in its glory. We have just visited the dentist, who filled my tooth that I have suffered with for the last three weeks. It was improperly treated. Yesterday was a day of great pain to me. I am much reduced. I have labored steadily in writing and in speaking every day for five days in succession.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 2

    Last night a lady visited us at six o’clock to have an interview with us. She has recently professed religion, and Brother Brorson became acquainted with her. She heard him speak and embraced the Sabbath, but she had no experience; and when all went to the conference at Basel, the priests had many talks with her and told her the Sabbath was not the day, that Sunday was the Sabbath. Her friends are all worldly, and they lead her to the world to concerts, theaters, and into parties of pleasure. She went to a pleasure resort while Brorson was in Basel and became confused, and the truth had but a feeble hold on her.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 3

    Since we came, and she hears me speak, her conscience is again aroused. She feels she is very wicked, has been a sinner so long, she did not feel that she was worthy to sit by my side or converse with me. She says she has an engagement with the family of a duke, with good wages, to instruct their children in the German language. She will have to go for a time, she says, because of her engagement.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 4

    I presented before her the engagement or claim of God upon her which she should respect. She says her life has been one of pleasure, living in gay company, and she has been with those whose only thoughts are in eating, drinking, frolicking, and amusement. I asked her if her past life in this respect had satisfied her mind. She said, “No.” I asked her if she was really happy. She said she was not; and since she had heard the discourses upon the Bible Sabbath, she felt a great want inwardly. Her inner life was very miserable.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 5

    The mother was a worldly-enjoying woman, loving pleasure parties and theaters. She has spent very much money upon her own pleasure; and should she become one of us, they would call her a fool and crazy. I told her that Paul said the preaching of the cross of Christ is to them that perish foolishness, but to them which are saved it is the wisdom of God and the power of God. [1 Corinthians 1:18, 24.] She said she could take no pleasure now in hearing the high church preach. It was all form and display, but no living godliness. They mingled pleasure and amusement, card playing, drinking, dancing all up together. All was right and blameless in their eyes. The doctrines of the Bible and the character of the life of the Christian there described were entirely unlike these pleasure-loving, theater-going, dancing professors.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 6

    I talked with her very earnestly, telling her that the Lord Jesus expected her to use her talents to His glory. She said she had so little talent. “And that little talent,” I said, “you will wrap in a napkin and hide it in the world. If you can be acceptable with your education and influence to become a member of the titled of earth, could you not take that talent and employ it in the service of Jesus Christ? Could you not use all the ability God has given you to do work in connection with His cause? Your talents, your health, your strength, your intellect, your time belong to God. He has bought you with an infinite price. If you use what talents you have to the glory of God, you will have more and increased talents to use, and thus your sphere of influence will widen and increase. If you do all you can on your part, the Lord will do abundantly on His part and bring divine power to combine with human effort so that you may be a victor day by day and obtain increased ability to use to His name’s glory.”4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 7

    I was thankful for the privilege of this interview, and I have great desire that special labor shall be given to this unsatisfied, perplexed soul. This soul in darkness must have the Light of life. I felt so thankful that in my home life an altogether higher standard had been given me, that I had not so many discouragements and erroneous theories and continual examples of erroneous, dangerous, cheap religious instruction to overcome.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 8

    October 16, 1885


    We rode all night in the cars. Made us beds as best we could on the seats. Slept considerable in this little compartment. Brother Matteson and Willie went into another compartment. At eight o’clock we reached Stockholm. Found Brother Norlin was waiting for us at the cars. We took a hack to his house. Went up four long pairs of stairs. This was a new house. Only a few rooms were finished. This brother occupied one good-sized room, and the kitchen, which was used as well by another family. His wife is doing any kind of work she can get, and he is doing missionary or colporteur work. They are poor, but very excellent people. We passed through the halls up four pair of stone stairs, past many workmen who were carrying on their plastering and carpentering. We felt that we were surrounded by ice; and when we reached the room designed for us learned it had been plastered only two weeks, and that directly on the brick walls, as is the fashion in this country. It was chilly and damp. We feared we should have to go to a hotel and secure a room, and then neither of us could talk Swedish and we could not make our wants known.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 9

    While we were contemplating the situation, Sister Johanson came in. We made her acquaintance. She said she had come to invite us to her home. She had made all provision for us and wished Sarah and me to be guests at her house. She is a very excellent Swedish sister. Can speak some English, whereas the brother and his wife we were then with could not speak English at all. We left our good brother and sister and came quite a distance in a new part of the city. Their house is four-story, built on a hill on a rock. We can look over one part of the city. Her husband has not accepted the truth. Says it is truth but his business stands in the way. He is a salesman. He is very kind and attentive to us. We are up in the world. We climb three long flights of stairs. This climbing stairs so much is not good for me. We have their parlor. A very nice bed lounge is prepared for us. We slept very well last night.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 10

    I spoke to the people—a hall full—Friday night [October 16] from John 15. “I am the true vine, and My Father is the husbandman.” [Verse 1.] The people listened with good interest. After meeting closed a young man introduced himself as an interpreter and offered to interpret for me. Brother Matteson is much better interpreting English into Danish than into Swedish. This young man is not of our faith; says he was converted two years ago in Australia. Has studied the English language in America. There are many who wish he would interpret, for he has so much better knowledge of the Swedish language than Brother Matteson; but I shall say nothing to bring this about, for it might not make the best impression of Brother Matteson. We rode to our temporary home in a hack. We could come in street cars, but we have to change cars to make the journey.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 11

    October 17, 1885


    I feel nearly sick. The hall and stairway reeking with water we passed through to reach our first stopping place were so damp and cold I became chilled through, and I could not get warm for several hours. My lungs and spine were cold, as if cold water were poured upon them. This family are willing to do all they can for us, but I am not in a condition of health to be traveling this time of year where there is fog and cold, chilling atmosphere nearly the whole time. I pray for the Lord to help me, to strengthen and relieve me of my infirmities, that I may magnify His name in bearing the message He gives me to the people.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 12

    Brother Matteson suggests that it would please the people if I speak less about duty and more in regard to the love of Jesus. But I wish to speak as the Spirit of the Lord shall impress me. The Lord knows best what this people needs. I spoke in the forenoon [Sabbath, October 17] from Isaiah 58. I did not round the corners at all. If this is Brother Matteson’s work, let him do it; but it is not my work. My work is to elevate the standard of piety and true Christian life and urge the people to put away their sins and be sanctified through the truth. I tried to impress them with the necessity of strictly observing the Sabbath according to the commandment.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 13

    We had a precious social meeting. Many intelligent testimonies were borne, which Brother Matteson interpreted. These testimonies expressed their thankfulness that the Lord sent them help from America and expressed their gratitude to God for the truth and for the increased light Sister White had given them. They could see, they said, as they had not done before, the necessity of greater strictness in keeping the Sabbath and could sense the offensive character of sin, and they would make earnest efforts to put sin away. Some expressed with tears their regret that they could not communicate with us, but were thankful that when we reach heaven we can all have one language and enjoy each other’s society. They spoke of receiving great light from the writings of God’s servant, but they never expected she would visit them. The testimonies were all given in a tender, melting spirit, and it was evident that these precious souls had indeed a love for the truth, and the very similar experience to all our brethren in America.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 14

    We call this a good day. The Lord strengthened me to speak to His people with clearness and power. Some can understand English well, and they will be more benefited than those who cannot understand English.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 15

    There is a spurious experience that is prevailing now everywhere in regard to the love of Jesus—that we must dwell on the love of Jesus, that faith in Jesus is all we need—but these souls must be instructed that the love of Jesus in the heart will lead to humility of life and obedience to all His commandments. He that saith, I know Him and keepeth not His commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him. The love of Jesus that goes no further than the lips will not save any soul, but be a great delusion.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 16

    Those who reject the truth of the Bible do it under a pretense of loving Jesus. Those who love Jesus will reveal that love by being obedient children. They will be doers of the Word and not hearers only. They will not be continually pleading, “All that we have to do is to believe in Jesus.” This is true in the fullest sense, but they do not comprehend, they do not take it in its fullest sense. To believe in Jesus is to take Him as your Redeemer, as your Pattern. All who love Jesus must follow His example. They must connect themselves with Jesus as closely as the branch is connected with the living vine. They are abiding in Jesus, and Jesus is abiding in them, and they are doers of His Word, partakers of His divine nature.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 17

    Some who claim to love Jesus are deceivers, and all their religion is lip service. It does not transform the character. It does not reveal the inward working of grace. They do not show that they have ever learned in Christ’s school the lessons of meekness and lowliness of heart. They do not show by life or character that they are wearing Christ’s yoke or lifting Christ’s burdens. They are not reaching the standard given them in God’s Word, but a human standard. Their life is not pure like Christ’s life. They are not being refined and ennobled by His Spirit. The way of truth they have not known, and they are of that number who will say, “Lord, Lord, open unto us. We have taught in the streets. We have done many wonderful works.” [Matthew 7:21, 22; Luke 13:25, 26.] But Christ will say of them, “I never knew you. Depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity. You were on the side of My great adversary, who transgressed My law. You worked with him to make void the law of God. While you professed to love Me you practiced this deception and led souls away from obedience into the path of transgression. Your claims to love Me were the putting on of the livery of heaven to serve My worst enemy. You identified yourself as among those who were making void My law, and your portion is with the hypocrites and unbelievers.” [Matthew 7:23; Luke 13:27.]4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 18

    October 18, 1885


    I rested well during the night. Have written twelve pages to be sent to Sister Ings and Reuben Tapley [?]. Wrote six pages to my twin sister Lizzie.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 19

    I attended meeting. Spoke from Jeremiah: “Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches; but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the Lord which exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.” Jeremiah 9:23, 24.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 20

    The hall was crowded to the fullest extent. There could not be found standing room for all who would come in. The ladies were most of them seated, but a crowd filled the aisle and around the door. They listened with the deepest interest. The hall was so densely packed one woman fainted. If the seed sown fell into goodly soil then we are satisfied. But accommodations for places of meetings are not healthy or safe for me. I have fears of permanent lung difficulty. My prayer day by day is, Keep me, my Saviour, and permit not that I shall leave this country before my work is done.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 21

    October 19, 1885


    Sent letter, four pages, to Brother Lockwood. We rested well last night and feel very thankful to God for His mercy and kindness to us. We praise the Lord that we have been able to speak to the people in such freedom and power. The Lord has helped me, for I have suffered much pain and feebleness. I praise the Lord for His goodness. I will not fail or be discouraged. We attended evening meeting. I spoke to the congregation upon the coming of the Lord. “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man shall be revealed.” [Luke 17:26, 30.] I think it will prove a benefit to me to have to speak through an interpreter. I rest my lungs, but my mind has to keep a close connection with my subject.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 22

    October 20, 1885


    We are having a snowstorm. The children and getting out their sleds and are full of joy at the prospect. Snowed throughout the day, with considerable wind. We have had about two inches of snow. We designed to look about the city; but this cannot be, for it is very bad out of the house. Wrote twenty-two pages of important matter.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 23

    I explained some things to Sister Johanson. She inquired why [Dr. Charles] Lee left us. I told her he went away from us himself. When he embraced the truth he was a spiritualist, and he said he healed many sick by spiritualism and he stated that he had a terrible battle all the time. He could not come in where any one was sick and converse with them, but his arms would begin to jerk and he would be compelled by a power he could not control to lay his hands upon him. He had some very singular ideas which are contrary to our faith. We could not sanction his teaching. He always maintained great independence and great self-confidence. He would not harmonize with anyone, but made himself very disagreeable. He stated in his book that he was discarded because he would not bow down and worship Mrs. White, but this is all false for we believe in worshiping no living man nor praising human beings. This statement is without the semblance of truth.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 24

    October 21, 1885


    We left Stockholm at eight o’clock. Brother and Sister Johanson rode with us in the hack to the depot, and there were quite a number of brethren and sisters who came to the depot to speak a parting word with us as we stepped on the cars. I felt my heart knit with these dear friends in love, and I was so very sorry that most of them could not understand me; neither could I understand them, except through an interpreter.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 25

    We rode in the cars until two o’clock. At one we spread out our lunch and ate heartily of our simple fare. I read over and corrected an important article while the train was in motion. We changed cars at two, remained two hours in depot. W. C. White and I took a long walk. The air was cool and bracing and it is doing me good. We stepped on board the train and rode until seven o’clock. We came to the station called Kopparberg, meaning copper mines. The train went no farther, and we found rooms in a hotel. We had good rooms and good beds. The sky tonight is without a cloud. The stars are shining. The moon is bright, and everything out of doors looks lovely.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 26

    The people are now preparing for cold weather—double windows are in all the rooms. The cracks are papered. Between the two sashes there are from four to six inches. In this space is laid a roll of cotton or batting, prepared for just such a purpose, to keep out the cold air. One pane of glass in both sashes is left to open on hinges, and thus have unobstructed ventilation. There are large copper mines and iron mines in this place and towns near by. The dwelling houses are small and painted red. Many of the small dwelling houses are green as the grass in the fields. They prepare them by putting birch bark on the roof and then turf over that, which makes the house warm and free from dampness. The grass grows on this turf, keeping it fresh and alive, and sometimes flowers are planted in the turf. The appearance is rather nice, but very singular to say the least.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 27

    October 22, 1885

    Kopparberg, Sweden

    It is a beautiful day. Clear and cold. We learned we could not leave this place until twelve o’clock P.M. Thursday. We called for breakfast. The custom in Sweden is to keep in houses and good-sized hotels a table whereon is placed bread, butter, cold meat, canned fish, and several other articles of food. It is the custom for all who are entertained to go to this table and help themselves, always cutting the bread and butter first at this large table. There are several smaller tables. If you call for food and specify the articles you want, they are brought to you; and when anything on the large table is desired, the guests arise, walk to the table and help themselves, and take it to the small table; but at the large general table, you remain standing to cut bread and butter. It looked so odd to see men, one after another, come in, go to the long table, eat their bread and butter—walking about, talking and eating—then sit at the small tables for a special dish, but eat and walk and talk from the long table until the dish they called for is brought in, and they take it to the small table and eat it, but always first eat the “butter goose”—which is bread and butter—at the large table. There is no stinginess manifested. There is a most liberal supply placed before you, and you can eat plentifully of any and every dish for 40 cents each.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 28

    From this place I wrote six pages and sent a letter of this written matter yesterday and today to Brother E. P. Daniels at Healdsburg, California. Wrote three pages concerning our travels. I had some conversation with Elder Matteson in regard to whether children of unbelieving parents would be saved. I related that a sister had with great anxiety asked me this question, stating that some had told her that the little children of unbelieving parents would not be saved. This we should consider as one of the questions we are not at liberty to express a position or an opinion upon, for the simple reason that God has not told us definitely about this matter in His Word. If He thought it were essential for us to know, He would have told us plainly. The things He has revealed are for us and for our children. There are things we do not now understand. We are ignorant of many things that are plainly revealed. When these subjects which have close relation to our eternal welfare are exhausted, then it will be ample time to consider some of these points that some are unnecessarily perplexing their minds about.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 29

    I know that some questioned whether the little children of even believing parents would be saved, because they have had no test of character and all must be tested and their character determined by trial. The question is asked, “How can little children have this test and trial?” I answer that the faith of the believing parents covers the children, as when God sent His judgments upon the first-born of the Egyptians.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 30

    The word of God came to the Israelites in bondage to gather their children into their houses and to mark the doorposts of their houses with blood from lamb, slain. This prefigured the slaying of the Son of God and the efficacy of His blood, which was shed for the salvation of the sinner. It was a sign that the household accepted Christ as the promised Redeemer. It was shielded from the destroyer’s power. The parents evidenced their faith in implicitly obeying the directions given them, and the faith of the parents covered themselves and their children. They showed their faith in Jesus, the great Sacrifice, whose blood was prefigured in the slain lamb. The destroying angel passed over every house that had this mark upon it. This is a symbol to show that the faith of the parents extends to their children and covers them from the destroying angel.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 31

    God sent a word of comfort to the bereaved mothers of Bethlehem that the weeping Rachels should see their children coming from the land of the enemy. Christ took little children in His arms and blessed them and rebuked the disciples who would send away the mothers, saying, “Suffer little children and forbid them not, to come unto Me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 16:14. Christ blessed the children brought to Him by the faithful mothers. He will do this now, if mothers will do their duty to their children and teach their children and educate them in obedience and submission. Then they will bear the test and will be obedient to the will of God, for parents stand in the place of God to their children.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 32

    Some parents allow Satan to control their children, and their children are not restrained, but are allowed to have wicked tempers, to be passionate, selfish, and disobedient. Should they die, these children would not be taken to heaven. The parents’ course of action is determining the future welfare of their children. If they allow them to be disobedient and passionate, they are allowing Satan to take them in charge and work through them as shall please his satanic majesty; and these children, never educated to obedience and to lovely traits of character, will not be taken to heaven, for the same temper and disposition would be revealed in them.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 33

    I said to Brother Matteson. Whether all the children of unbelieving parents will be saved we cannot tell, because God has not made known His purpose in regard to this matter, and we had better leave it where God has left it and dwell upon subjects made plain in His Word. This is a most delicate subject. Many unbelieving parents manage their children with greater wisdom than many of those who claim to be children of God. They take much pains with their children, to make them kind, courteous, unselfish, and to teach them to obey; and in this the unbelieving show greater wisdom than those parents who have the great light of truth, but whose works do not in any wise correspond with their faith.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 34

    Another question upon which we had some conversation was in regard to the elect of God—that the Lord would have a certain number, and when that number was made up, then probation would cease. These are questions you or I have no right to talk about. The Lord Jesus will receive all who come unto Him. He died for the ungodly, and every man who will come may come. Certain conditions are to be complied with on the part of man, and if he refuses to comply with the conditions he cannot become the elect of God. If he will comply, he is a child of God; and Christ says if he will continue in faithfulness, steadfast and immovable in his obedience, He will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but will confess his name before His Father and before His angels. [Revelation 3:5.] God would have us think and talk and present to others those truths which are plainly revealed; and all have naught to do with these subjects of speculation, for they have no special reference to the salvation of our souls.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 35

    At twelve A.M. we stepped on board the train to make one more change before we reached Grythyttehed. We rode about thirty minutes, then changed cars. After one hour’s delay we again took the cars. There was no second-class, so we decided to take third-class, although we might be subjected to tobacco smoke. We could save two dollars and seventy-five cents by doing this, riding on uncushioned seats. We were favored in having the compartment to ourselves.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 36

    October 23, 1885

    Grythyttehed, Sweden

    We reached this place about four o’clock. At the depot we met Brother Hedin and wife who led the way to their house. We were welcomed heartily by these dear friends. We regretted we could not speak to them in their own tongue. We were accommodated with two good rooms, well warmed, and good beds. The sky is cloudless. Stars and moon are shining in the heavens. I was unable to sleep for some hours after retiring.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 37

    In the morning a fire is kindled in the stove, which is built in the house of manufactured material. The surface looks like porcelain, white as milk and highly polished. These reach to the top of the room, and a fire is made in them as in a fire place. The draft at the top is opened. The doors are opened and we have a bright, cheerful fire which throws out its heat into the room. When the wood is burned down to a coal, then the draft is closed, the doors are closed, and this whole structure becomes warm and remains warm all through the day. At seven o’clock we were brought a cup of hot water and milk and bread.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 38

    At eight o’clock we were called to breakfast. There was a round table with a cloth upon it and a flower pot in the center, and bread, a quarter of uncut cheese, hot milk, and fried cakes, which constituted our breakfast. There were no plates at first, two knives and two forks. We were invited to come to the table, all standing. A blessing was asked and then we stood around the table, took something in our hands, and walked about, talking and eating. Plates were then brought in, and we put our food upon the plates, and I was offered a chair. Some seated themselves on the lounge, others walked about, eating with the plate in their hands. All the while when we wished anything, we would take it from any part of the table. This was a new style to us, but we shall get used to it, I think. After the meal is finished, the guests shake hands with the landlord and landlady, thanking them for the food.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 39

    We walked out through the town and had the opportunity of looking into the old State Church. The first room we entered was the priest’s study. There was rather of a priestly chair by a table, two small libraries of the priest’s books, two windows. A more miserable, dismal place I would not want to be in. We then entered the auditorium. There was a circular altar with a cushioned seat for the communicants to kneel upon when taking the holy wafer and a place within the circle for the priest, for him to wait upon the people. Then in another corner of the house was an hourglass to measure the hours, and there were many steps which led up to the pulpit. It was very high. The seats were most uncomfortable—torturing to occupy. The backs had a piece of wood running the whole length of the seats, pressing you forward. The seats were very narrow, the backs high, and everything was cold and uncomfortable and seemed like a product of the Dark Ages. Everything looked as though it had been asleep for many hundreds of years—at least since Luther’s day.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 40

    As I looked at this building, very large and roomy, constructed with logs and shingled upon the outside with tile-like shingles, I thought of the worshipers. They had been standing in positions generations back without making any advance. Old arbitrary laws made long ago, the most cruel and heartless, they had not life or light enough to change. They were retaining barbaric practices in their laws, not discerning the unreasonableness of their proceedings in this enlightened age. God had said to His people, “Go forward” [Exodus 14:15]; but this old State Church said, “No, I will stand still; I will do as my fathers have done before me.” If they had only lived up to the light and been as conscientious as their fathers were, then they would have been better men. But they did not even have the piety their fathers had, and they will not walk in the increased light which shines from God’s Word upon their pathway. They do not do as their fathers would have done had they been in their place.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 41

    The order of God in relation to His people is progress or continual advancement heavenward in the way of truth and righteousness. The necessary result of continuance in well-doing is increased knowledge and love of God till the warfare is over. But the worshipers in this church have the same spirit that the popes and priests had against those who embrace and walk in the light. The claims of the gospel are far in advance of their faith or obedience. They do not feel inclined to comply with the conditions on which hang the fulfilment of the promise. They jealously claim honor from men and the world, but they are unacquainted with the wisdom and power from above. They cannot reckon themselves dead unto sin or alive unto God.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 42

    This church cannot present the divine credentials that her doctrines and authority are of God. She does not say, “The works that I do bear witness of me” (John 5:36); and “If I do not the works of My Father, believe Me not.” John 10:37. Taking the name of Lutheran, she refers back to Luther, his works, his testimony; and while she has not cherished his spirit as a reformer, she reckons herself as the only lawful inheritor of the blessings God has promised to His church, as did the Jews. But she has turned away from the holy commandment, refused to walk in the brighter path of truth that would have renewed her knowledge and true holiness and given her the victory over the world. She is sitting in darkness, and her condemnation is great in proportion as the grace and truth proffered her were abundant and powerful.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 43

    October 24, 1885

    Grythyttehed, Sweden

    It is a beautiful morning. I rode to the meeting hall, a distance of one mile. The house was crowded. Many could scarcely find standing room. I spoke from Colossians 1:9-11. I had some freedom in speaking to the people.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 44

    Walked about one mile to the meeting. Found a house full and spoke to them from Philippians 4:4-7. The Lord gave me freedom in speaking. He strengthened me, for in the morning I felt considerable weakness and trembling. Many were affected to tears and manifested eager attention as I addressed them. After I had ceased speaking we had a social meeting, and Elder Matteson interpreted the testimonies borne into English. There were many good, intelligent testimonies, showing genuine experience in the truth of God. I then shook hands with all and walked back to my home.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 45

    October 25, 1885

    Grythyttehed, Sweden

    We rise at six. Passed many hours restless and feverish. We had good ventilation. It is snowing this morning. Shall attend meeting in a snow storm in Sweden. Brother Matteson is in meeting this morning for the benefit of those who have taken great pains to come from all the region round about to this meeting. I am weak this morning and feel unable to speak to the people.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 46

    I attended meeting, and the house where they were assembled was full to overflowing. They listened with the deepest attention while I spoke from Daniel 12, first verse. I felt unable to speak, but the Lord gave me strength and lifted me up above my infirmities, and I felt that I could speak at much greater length than one hour and ten minutes; but when I returned to our home, I was not able to sit up and could not take refreshments. I continued to be feeble through the day. Sister Ekman sent me a plate of apples and kind greetings with regret for my sickness. I am sorry to cause any one anxiety.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 47

    October 26, 1885

    Grythyttehed, Sweden

    We rise this morning weak, but feeling better than yesterday. I have no appetite for food. Took a cup of milk and a couple of toasted crackers. We cannot leave this place before past three this afternoon. I feel deeply grateful that the Lord has sustained me in speaking to this dear people who have taken their position on the commandments of God. I feel so anxious for them that they may be overcomers and saved with the redeemed at last.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 48

    We had an interview with a Swedish sister who can speak English. She spent two years in Chicago. She was keeping the Sabbath when she went there. The family she worked for was kind to her and permitted her to keep the Sabbath. She says she had a place when she first went to Chicago where there was but little work; but the mistress for whom she worked scolded her for everything, and she was sad all the time; but her mistress was not willing she should leave her, but she felt so full of sorrow she could not stay. She found a place where the work was much harder, but everything was pleasant. Her heart was light all the time, because she was not fretted at and scolded. This seems to be a woman of good judgment. She came back from America with the purpose of taking care of her father; but if the work had not been as hard, she would have remained longer. The dresses to wash and the ruffles and white shirts to do up in warm weather, with all the rest of the work for a family of seven, was hard for her.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 49

    We had an invitation to take dinner with a merchant’s wife. He does not keep the Sabbath. She is fully with us in the faith. Her name is Ekman. They have a large, commodious house, but built on the same plan as all houses are here, of logs. After the logs have settled, they then board them up on the outside and have a very respectable looking building. We were taken first into a room where we laid off our outer garments; then she gave me her arm and waited upon me, taking me into a large dining hall which was very nicely and thoroughly furnished. Here I was seated on a sofa, and the next thing in order was the dinner.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 50

    A round table stood in the center of the room, with bread, butter, cheese, and cold sliced meat. We all stood around this table while Elder Matteson asked a blessing in Swedish. We then took bread and butter—if we eat the articles—and either stood and walked about and ate, or sat in chairs or sofas, of which there were several. Before these sofas and chairs were small tables covered with linen cloths. Next came the plates of plum soup and meat soup. The first soup was made of prunes, raisins, apples, and I know not how many kinds [of fruit]. These [plates of soup] were placed on the small tables. After this dish was brought wild meat and fish prepared in a very nice manner. After this was the dessert of cooked, peeled pears with cream. Then all stand and ask a silent blessing; then each guest shakes hands with the host and hostess and thanks them for the dinner, and the ceremony is ended.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 51

    The lady of the house gave me her arm and conducted me into a room precisely like the one we first entered. Here we conversed through an interpreter. Elder Matteson read and explained the Scriptures. We had a season of prayer, and now a table is placed before us with hot water and cream and white biscuit and two kinds of cakes. The custom is to have tea or coffee, but they knew it was not our practice to take either tea or coffee. We only drank the hot drink out of their tiny china cups. We had no occasion to eat anything. We bade them farewell. They took the horse and carriage and drove to where we had made our home, and the parting with these dear friends was more ceremonious than our arrival. Thus it is in Sweden.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 52

    October 27, 1885

    Kopparberg, Sweden

    I am feeling somewhat relieved of congestion of the lungs. Awake quarter before five. Was refreshed by a cool sponge bath. We took the cars for Kopparberg. There was no second class, only first and third. We were seated in third, for by so doing we could save nearly three dollars while riding about three hours; but we saw that this arrangement was partitioned only half way, and three compartments were thus arranged. The smoking of those who rode in this third class would be dangerous to us all. Brother Matteson found one compartment enclosed for ladies.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 53

    This cheap-rate car was furnished with bare seats, with no conveniences. One lamp served us and the next compartment, but soon we found that where the lamp hung the tobacco fumes penetrated, filling our compartment. We finally arranged this by taking a shawl and wedging it into the opening, so we were relieved in this respect and very thankful for freedom from tobacco.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 54

    It was a very disagreeable day. The air was raw and damp, and my lungs were congested. I coughed hard most of the way. We changed cars, and then it was arranged we should take the first class, which cost just double the third, but there was no protection against the tobacco in any other way. Brother Matteson and Willie, to save a little expense, rode in with the smokers.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 55

    We were glad when Kopparberg was reached. We were given the same rooms we occupied October 22 on our way from Stockholm to Grythyttehed. We have had a good night’s rest; and if it were not for this congestion of the lungs which afflicts me, I should think I was enduring the journey well. We had a breakfast, not very acceptable, but I have no appetite and only eat because I must. We arrived at about three o’clock. Found Brother Johnson waiting for us. It was raining and no carriage was waiting for us and we walked in the rain three quarters of a mile to our stopping place. I should have been left to walk one mile to the meeting had I not told Brother Matteson I could not and should not dare to attempt it. After walking from the depot my heart beat violently. My pulse increased to one hundred, and I felt quite ill. I would not venture this experience again. A carriage was obtained to take me to and from the meeting. The small hall was crowded to its utmost capacity. I spoke from (Mark 8:31) to close of chapter. I had freedom in speaking. Was depressed as I saw the narrow calculations made to obtain a suitable hall to accommodate the people. I will do my part; and if my brethren fail to do their part, then it will be their error, not mine. In Copenhagen and Stockholm I am convinced I could have had a good hearing if our brethren had planned for it, but they did not expect much and did not get much.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 56

    October 28, 1885

    Orebro, Sweden

    Spoke from Luke 21:31-36. The house was filled with earnest listeners, but the seats were only benches without backs and not half enough of this kind. We cannot expect people to come out to hear unpopular truth when the meetings are advertised to be in a small hall, that cannot hold over one hundred people, or in a cellar. The importance and character of our work are judged by the preparations the people make to get it before the people. I spoke twice in this large city to a small company.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 57

    At night I dreamed that we asked Brother Matteson, “How far would a light reflect its rays under a bushel?” He answered, “No farther than the compass of the bushel.” The question was asked, “How far would the light shine forth placed under a bed?” He thought its rays could not lighten the room. It would be a low and inexpressive light. Then said the questioner, “Place your light on a candlestick, and it will give light to all that are in the house. Your ideas need to be enlarged and elevated. The people have lost an opportunity that God wanted they should have, to obtain light and impressions of the truth that they had not yet received.” We have to make the same labor and effort to speak to one hundred that we do to speak to twenty hundred. And if there are not special arrangements made more than there have been on this journey, the people whom God wills should be enlightened will not be, for our own planers and workers are so limited in their faith and in their calculations that the people receive the impression that the message of warning that the Lord sends to the world is not worth their notice. They make the work very hard for themselves. When the Lord sends help, they do not show that they value it.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 58

    October 29, 1885

    Orebro, Sweden

    It is raining, and the weather is very disagreeable. We have comfortable lodgings, but the meals and manner of eating are not at all like our American style; but they try to make it as pleasant for us as they can. We try to talk and cannot be understood. Then we laugh at one another for our blunders and make the best of the situation.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 59

    I do not ask notoriety; but if God sees fit to send a message to the people, He wants those to whom it is sent to make suitable preparations, that the object may be attained. I am sorry and sad to see that no greater exertions were made to obtain a suitable place to accommodate the people. Oh, that the Lord would elevate and broaden the minds of those who are standing at the head of the work in these countries, that they shall not belittle the work and leave a mold upon the work that is no honor to the most solemn, important message that God has ever entrusted to man! How much we, the workers, need less of self and more of Jesus, that we may seize every God-given privilege and opportunity and show in every place where the truth has found an entrance that the work is a sacred, holy, exalted work. Just as we treat the work and the message of truth, so will be the impression that will be left on the minds of the ones left to keep up the interest. I hope the Lord will teach His people that they do not make enough of the sacred truth that He has entrusted to them. They are in need of power and grace that they will not place the work so low in their management that only the cheaper, poorer classes will be reached.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 60

    We saw in this place the old castle, nearly a thousand years old. There are interesting facts connected with this old building with its four towers that history has handed down to us.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 61

    October 30, 1885

    We left Orebro. On our way to the depot, the hack driver took us around by the jail. Here is where Brother Rosquist was imprisoned because he preached the truth in Grythyttehed. The priest of the State Church made complaints against him.4LtMs, Ms 26, 1885, par. 62

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