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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Ms 3, 1876

    Diary, June 1876


    June 14 - June 21, 1876

    Previously unpublished.

    June 14, 1876

    Tarried over night at hotel in Dubuque, Iowa. Rested well. Arose at half-past four. Wrote seven pages for Review. Took breakfast and found my sack missing. Was taken to the depot and stepped on board the cars about nine o’clock. About three o’clock changed from car to boat. The heat was very debilitating. Rode twelve miles on boat. Waited for cars about one hour. We suffered with heat. Rode on cars three miles, and changed cars for Sparta, Wisconsin. Arrived on the ground about seven o’clock. The tent was soon pitched, and we were furnished with comfortable beds, bedding, chairs. Mosquitoes troubled us considerably. Made a smudge to drive them away. Slept well after a while.3LtMs, Ms 3, 1876, par. 1

    June 15, 1876

    It is raining this morning. A stove is set up and we are very comfortable. There are 43 tents on the ground. This is a beautiful encampment. I spoke from Peter.3LtMs, Ms 3, 1876, par. 2

    June 20, 1876

    We were awakened at four o’clock by prayers mingled with weeping. The delegates in the conference were assembled in a tent near ours. Mr. White was urged to attend to consider the case of Elder Downing, whose course was censurable. Mr. White pleaded with his brother and entreated him. These solemn entreaties, bearing the unmistakable evidences of the power of God, reached us under our tent. This was indeed a remarkable meeting. Elder Downing confessed his wrong and promised to heed the advice of his brethren. We next had our parting meeting. This was a good meeting. We bade our brethren farewell. We repaired to our tent to take a meager breakfast and pack our trunks to get to depot. We have had no sunshine for four days, and still the clouds give mist and rain. We were detained nearly two hours by a break in the engine. We arrived on the ground at half-past eight o’clock. At nine o’clock preparations were made to erect our tent. At half-past ten we were prepared to retire.3LtMs, Ms 3, 1876, par. 3

    June 21, 1876

    We were awakened with singing of birds. The grove was made vocal with the happy songsters pouring out their grateful, joyous notes of praise to their Creator. This awakened gratitude in our hearts for the sweet, glad sunshine—the first morning in five days that we have enjoyed the glad sunshine. At this moment Elder White is talking to the people assembled at the stand under the shade of the grove. Elder Matteson preached the morning discourse.3LtMs, Ms 3, 1876, par. 4

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