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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 56, 1880

    White, Edson

    Battle Creek, Michigan

    January 29, 1880

    Portions of this letter are published in 3Bio 150-151.

    Dear son Edson:

    I am too sick to write but a line now. I have been sick since Monday last with inflammation of the lungs. How it will turn with me I cannot determine. I suffer much pain day and night. I take treatment every day but do not seem to break it.3LtMs, Lt 56, 1880, par. 1

    I write just a word now. Appeal to Youth has run out. We shall get new edition as soon as possible. I have a request to make that all the letters I have written to you shall be sent by express to me. I can then make selections from them which will be for the interest of the book. Will you do this without delay as I wish to commence to work upon them at once?3LtMs, Lt 56, 1880, par. 2

    Have you the old photograph of Henry [White]? If you have not, ask Sister [Lucinda] Hall if it cannot be found among some of my papers or belongings. We are now going to get up a nice picture if we can, from the pictures we have. I am quite sure these pictures are in California. Speak to Lucinda at once about them. I am so afraid you will forget it.3LtMs, Lt 56, 1880, par. 3

    I will enclose this in an envelope to her and she can then look for the picture. I want letters, all letters, as soon as you can conveniently send them. I shall put nothing in the book but that which you would have no objections to.3LtMs, Lt 56, 1880, par. 4

    Love to you both,3LtMs, Lt 56, 1880, par. 5


    (We decided to have the letters sent in a registered package as manuscripts. I hope there will be earnestness on the part of Edson and Emma [White] to send all. Of course we shall be as anxious as they to have nothing in print of an unpleasant nature. Send without delay.)—James White.3LtMs, Lt 56, 1880, par. 6

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