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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 19, 1878

    White, W. C.

    Oakland, California

    March 31, 1878

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Willie:

    We received a large package of letters last night; several from you. I have but a few moments to write. Yesterday we called Brother Glenn, Brother Gillet, Edson, Lucinda, and Elder Loughborough, anointed Father, and followed the directions given in James. [James 5:14.] We had a spirit of prayer. The Lord did reveal Himself to us, and we have comfort and hope in the mighty Healer. God alone can reach this case. I am devoted to Father; his case comes before any other.3LtMs, Lt 19, 1878, par. 1

    I wrote the enclosed on the boat. We hope that a meeting will be set apart once each week to pray for Father especially. If it could be about six o’clock Sabbath, at the close of the Sabbath, it would be gratefully appreciated. This is my request: Have only those assemble who have faith, and pray for God to heal him. We will meet at six; you have your meeting at a corresponding time there, and we will plead with God to restore him to health. I can write no more now.3LtMs, Lt 19, 1878, par. 2

    I was sent for to attend the State quarterly meeting.3LtMs, Lt 19, 1878, par. 3

    I am quite well for me, but am much burdened with care.3LtMs, Lt 19, 1878, par. 4


    Father will furnish the copy Bible Adventism. He sent it, but lost through the mail.3LtMs, Lt 19, 1878, par. 5

    I am making a little progress on my writing.3LtMs, Lt 19, 1878, par. 6


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