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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 1a, 1876

    White, J. S.

    Oakland, California

    March 24, 1876

    Portions of this letter are published in 3Bio 23; 8MR 76.

    Dear Husband:

    We received yours which contained the number of pictures to be sent. They are slow in getting them out. We send from Ingelson’s seven each. We sent from Lathrop’s and Dunham’s, six each. You will see that Lathrop has the preference. I thought that mine from Ingelson’s was perfect, but I did not think yours was good. I have just received half dozen from Lathrop’s and Dunham’s of mine. It is the judgment of all that this last is far better than Ingelson’s. What do you think? We have a few of the small size of yours but none yet of mine.3LtMs, Lt 1a, 1876, par. 1

    I send three of Edson’s and three of Emma’s. This is all that is ready except one or two odd ones. We will send more Monday or evening after the Sabbath, if we can. We are all well as usual.3LtMs, Lt 1a, 1876, par. 2

    It takes a little time to get settled down from the excitement of your going. You may be assured we miss you. Especially do we feel the loss of your society when we gather about the fireside evenings. We feel your absence when we sit around the social board. But we shall get more used to this after a while. We have been writing today.3LtMs, Lt 1a, 1876, par. 3

    Mrs. Wright called upon us this afternoon. We had a very pleasant visit of one hour.3LtMs, Lt 1a, 1876, par. 4

    Mary and China John have been cooking today for the Sabbath. It has taken Mary’s time almost entirely today. John flies round quick and cheerful.3LtMs, Lt 1a, 1876, par. 5

    Last night [we] had a meeting to consider the plan of [a] meetinghouse. All moved off well. I was going to give you what was reported to me, for Elder Waggoner said he sent you a letter containing the news of the meeting.3LtMs, Lt 1a, 1876, par. 6

    Willie has his hedge all set today. It looks very nice. He visited several nurseries. He paid, I think, thirty cents each. They are good size.3LtMs, Lt 1a, 1876, par. 7

    The Sabbath is drawing on. I must close this letter now. Write often. We will write again soon.3LtMs, Lt 1a, 1876, par. 8

    In much love.3LtMs, Lt 1a, 1876, par. 9

    Lathrop is as pleased a man as you ever saw with the pictures, especially of you. He says he will sell your negative for five hundred dollars. Beside what we take, it will bring him that much custom. He thinks Ingelson’s a flat affair. He has your picture in the window for show.3LtMs, Lt 1a, 1876, par. 10

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