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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 72, 1878

    White, J. S.

    Battle Creek, Michigan

    September 20, 1878

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Husband:

    I rested until four o’clock this morning, which is the very best I have done since I left Colorado, with the exception of one night in the sleeping car from Rochester to Detroit. Then we did not get our berths till 11 o’clock. I am of good courage, trusting in God, the Rock that is higher than I.3LtMs, Lt 72, 1878, par. 1

    I send you today an article Willie Cornell copied, intending to have it ready for Brother Farnsworth to take with him, but could not get it ready. I thought if it were read it might suggest some thoughts and deepen the impression you would try to make.3LtMs, Lt 72, 1878, par. 2

    I am not able to attend the camp meeting in this state. At Reno I thought perhaps I could do so, but dare not venture. I am too much worn to do this.3LtMs, Lt 72, 1878, par. 3

    In the light given me of God in Oregon, I was shown that there must be greater care in selecting ministers. This was a solemn matter in the days of the apostles. Much prayer was offered. Men chosen of God did not dare to risk their imperfect judgment, but made the matter a solemn subject of prayer. The minister may be capable of presenting an argument, but not fitted to mold his converts after the divine Pattern because he has not himself felt the necessity of daily communion with God in secret prayer and of living faith and love exercised and characterizing all his works. Lacking these essential qualifications, those who should accept the truth from his lips would follow an inferior standard, and his influence would not be a savor of life unto life. The right example must be given by the ministers of today for the new converts, the essentials of true godliness be impressed upon them every day, and the words and character of the minister make the correct impression on the minds of the young converts. He needs to be Christlike and so closely connected with God that the beauty of holiness will shine forth in his words and deportment. There are too many rushed recklessly into the ministry, unfitted for the work. Their standard is too low. They will never elevate others unless they have a deeper experience. Much prayer should be offered to God for Him to indicate by His Spirit His evangelists. It is not the gift of talk, of words, men want, but the wisdom from God to deal with human minds and the adaptability to build up a church.3LtMs, Lt 72, 1878, par. 4

    I was shown that the father’s first duty is at home. A man who has growing children who are inclined to be stubborn and wayward, who need a father’s watchful eye, must not deprive his family of his society too much. I saw that Brother Woods of Boston had mistaken his calling. He could do more in earning means to send out a minister unincumbered with an increasing family than to go himself. This is the case with several. And young men may mistake their duty. This is the case with John Tealy [?]. He can do more good in a more limited sphere than in attempting to preach. I write this to help you in decisions you may be called to make. I must send this now.3LtMs, Lt 72, 1878, par. 5


    May the Lord help you in your important meeting is my prayer. But I have been shown we are as a people becoming more conformed to the world than to the image of Jesus Christ. The faces of many are toward Egypt rather than toward Canaan. There needs to be heard the voice of command from above, Go forward, not backward to Egypt. There is a fearful backsliding from God. I did want so much to bear my testimony among you, but the Lord will not now suffer me. But I appeal to the people to humble their hearts before God and repent of their lukewarmness, or the dear Savior will spue them out of His mouth.3LtMs, Lt 72, 1878, par. 6

    If they continue to be fruitless trees while making a pretension to godliness, He will pronounce His curse upon them as He did upon the fig tree upon whose branches He found nothing but leaves. There is no excuse for us to be inactive and worldly, no excuse for us to be barren and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The rich promises of God, I have been shown, are abundant. God has given us as a people every spiritual advantage, and He has told us we may have what we will, if we ask Him for it in faith. The rich blessings of heaven will come upon us if we will only believe and will show our faith by our works. Our souls must cry after God. Wrestle with Him as did Jacob in prayer, with all that earnestness and agony that Jacob possessed. We need to come in close connection with heaven and reach the people through God. Self must die, and Jesus, precious Savior, be the tower of our strength. I must close now. God bless you.3LtMs, Lt 72, 1878, par. 7


    I have not time to read all this article and see if it is correct. Mary may do that, but I am desirous that you shall get it as soon as possible.3LtMs, Lt 72, 1878, par. 8

    Your wife.

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