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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 41, 1878

    White, W. C.

    Oakland, California

    July 22, 1878

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Son Willie:

    I see I am elected for the General Conference, if I follow my own teachers to submit or obey the voice of the church. If I go to the General Conference, I desire to do more than merely attend one camp meeting. I shall attend Massachusetts, Maine, and Vermont camp meetings. I shall not attend the California camp meeting, although I should be glad so to do. But if I do, I am shut off from attending many others as the camp meeting here will be held in September.3LtMs, Lt 41, 1878, par. 1

    I shall with my lady friend (a girl 16 years old placed in my charge at Oregon to be placed in Battle Creek College) leave here next Thursday unless some new light comes to me. Shall go to Placerville, where Bro. Stephens is holding meetings, spend a little time there, then go to Reno, where Brother Loughborough is holding meetings and spend a few days there. Then go to Colorado and meet father and the company; spend a few weeks there, and then go to Michigan and on to Massachusetts.3LtMs, Lt 41, 1878, par. 2

    I wish we knew just when you will be in Cheyenne. We would meet there. If you were one day ahead of me, you could wait for me, and you could go with me to Denver. If you get this in one week, telegraph at once when you will be at Cheyenne.3LtMs, Lt 41, 1878, par. 3

    I have spoken here under the tent three times. Last Wednesday evening had near five hundred. I had great freedom in speaking—“Consider the lilies of the field.” [Matthew 6:28.] Sabbath the churches met from San Francisco and Oakland. There were no less than three hundred present. I spoke from 1 John, “Behold what manner of love.” [Chapter 3:1.] We had a most precious meeting. The Lord spoke through me, unworthy me. I was greatly blessed and the truth stirred the people mightily. We had conference meeting. Many precious testimonies were borne. I have felt that straight and pointed testimonies would be the only means of arousing our people to see and feel their necessity of arousing to a sense of the times in which we live. I was greatly blessed and could not refrain from praising the Lord aloud.3LtMs, Lt 41, 1878, par. 4

    Last night, Sunday evening, I spoke again under the tent to about five hundred people. I spoke upon Christ’s weeping over Jerusalem. They all listened as if spellbound. About thirty have taken their stand, and the interest has not abated.3LtMs, Lt 41, 1878, par. 5

    Write to me. Why don’t you write?3LtMs, Lt 41, 1878, par. 6


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