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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 3 (1876 - 1882) - Contents
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    Lt 17, 1880

    White, W. C.; White, Mary

    Woodland, California

    March 29, 1880

    Portions of this letter are published in 3MR 404; 11MR 63.

    Dear Willie and Mary [White]:

    We have had a very pleasant season of labor here. We took a train two hours too early and had to wait at Davisville in a cold, disagreeable depot two hours. As there was no fire in [the] depot, I much desired to sit in the sun.3LtMs, Lt 17, 1880, par. 1

    Elder [S. N.] Haskell tried to borrow a chair for me from the office connected with [the] depot, but officials were not gentlemanly or courteous and refused me a chair, although they were not occupying one, at least. I explained the matter in my mind as I saw these men continually smoking in this little office. They were enveloped in a cloud of smoke. Tobacco using benumbs the fine sensibilities and debases and degrades the user, we have marked in very many cases.3LtMs, Lt 17, 1880, par. 2

    When we arrived at Woodland, we found Brother Sanders and Libby waiting for us [with] horse and phaeton. We have had interesting meetings. I have made my home with Brother Lane and his family. They have made my stay as pleasant as possible. We expect to be home Wednesday or Thursday. Have had strength to speak twice.3LtMs, Lt 17, 1880, par. 3

    I wish you would see that [the] house at Healdsburg is insured. Talk with Lucinda [Hall] about it. I feel anxious in regard to it. We had a good representation from Dixonville and Arbuckle. We go thirty miles by private carriage today to Arbuckle to strengthen the church there. They need help very much.3LtMs, Lt 17, 1880, par. 4

    We are urged and entreated to go to Dixon and Vacaville. We shall have to crowd in appointments there, if possible.3LtMs, Lt 17, 1880, par. 5


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